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A is for Anonymous
A is for Anonymous
A is for Anonymous
Ebook53 pages33 minutes

A is for Anonymous

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About this ebook

Alice has played it safe so far, and her sex life has suffered unbearably for it. But when a handsome, nameless stranger opens her eyes to a world of anonymous sex—as well as her own empowered hedonistic side—she immediately craves more.  

There are plenty of reasons to stop. Fear. Doubt. Harm—to both body and soul.

But Alice knows exactly what to do.

Putting her plan in action, she will create a sex life designed by her deepest, most depraved fantasies…and nobody will stop her from getting what she wants…

PublisherKayar Chance
Release dateMar 4, 2016
A is for Anonymous

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    Book preview

    A is for Anonymous - Kayar Chance

    Alice has played it safe so far, and her sex life has suffered unbearably for it. But when a handsome, nameless stranger opens her eyes to a world of anonymous sex—as well as her own empowered hedonistic side—she immediately craves more. 

    There are plenty of reasons to stop. Fear. Doubt. Harm—to both body and soul.

    But Alice knows exactly what to do.

    Putting her plan in action, she will create a sex life designed by her deepest, most depraved fantasies...and nobody will stop her from getting what she wants...


    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1: Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Saw

    Chapter 2:Third Time’s the Charm

    Chapter 3:Elevator Shaft

    Chapter 4:The Rules of Anonymous Sex

    Chapter 5:There’s a Reason They Call it the Steam Room

    Chapter 6:Cumming and Becoming

    Chapter 1

    Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Saw.

    He wants to use my body, to take advantage, and I want to let him. I want to be someone’s one-night stand, some blithe slut... I want to allow myself to be like all those women I pretended to look down upon all my life, but whom I secretly envied for having the guts to have their legs spread by strange men in smoky bars.

    Valentine Glass—Finding the Best Man


    He smiles at me from across the club, one corner of his mouth lifted higher than the other into a cocky grin. It’s like he knows the control he’s about to have over me.

    Our eyes lock, and even though I can see a swarming mass of people dancing and grinding around us—easily over a hundred—the only thing that is even remotely worth staring at is him. His cocky grin brings a shy smile to my own face, and the sheer confidence in his body language is enough to be a little intimidating, yet for some reason reassuring. It’s as if here, in a sea of posers and attention whores, he’s the one thing that I can find that isn’t trying to be someone else. His body language says This is me, and I am looking at you, and that is because I’m interested by what I see.

    I don’t really know why. I hate clubs. The music sucks here, it’s too loud, and there are too many people crowded all around me—I’ve been uncomfortable and antsy all night. Goddamn bachelorette parties. I love my friends, but jeeze, Eve, why a club?

    He brings a large glass of some honey amber liquid up to his lips and drinks, never losing sight of me, but not moving forward.

    I need an invite. Something sexy. Something from the movies.

    Blindly, one of my hands scrambles through Cindy’s bag—she left it with me while she went to get her wiggle on—and it comes up with an unlit cigarette. Perfect. I press it to my lips, an open invitation for him to light me up, my mind flashing back to sultry vixens in smoky bars trying to get the attention of the local Private Eye.

    But he’s not a dick. He’s a mage.

    He walks straight towards me, never bumping into anyone, the crowd flowing around him like water. In no time at all he’s standing right in front of me, head cocked charmingly to the side, and a ball of flame ignites in his hand out of nowhere. Some kind of magic trick. He lights me up, I thank him, and he extinguishes the flame by tossing the ball of fire into the air and dropping it into his mouth, swallowing it.

    I can’t stop it—the smile on my face goes from shy to full-blown delight.

    He’s tall, a solid six feet overpowering my diminutive five

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