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Madam C.J. Walker: Self-Made Millionaire
Madam C.J. Walker: Self-Made Millionaire
Madam C.J. Walker: Self-Made Millionaire
Ebook40 pages23 minutes

Madam C.J. Walker: Self-Made Millionaire

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Madam C.J. Walker was one of the first Black woman millionaires in the US. While she was a laundry worker, she started having trouble with her scalp and decided to create a solution. She developed a line of haircare and skincare products. At first, Walker sold her products door-to-door in local areas. But with the help of hard work and good advertising, she soon made the brand popular far beyond her town. She was able to hire sales agents across the US, build a salon and a beauty school, and more.

Walker's work and products forever changed the world of haircare and skincare. But she impacted many other communities too. She helped build schools and funded scholarships, inspired more women to start their own businesses, and fought for equal rights for Black people. By the end of her life, Walker was known for her generosity and social justice work as much as her groundbreaking business. Discover more about her life, career, and long-lasting legacy.

Release dateJan 1, 2023
Madam C.J. Walker: Self-Made Millionaire

Ngeri Nnachi

Ngeri Nnachi is a designer and author based in Maryland. She has a J.D., M.P.P.L. and is obtaining her Ph.D. at the University of Maryland-Baltimore County.

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