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The Greek Millionaire's Mistress
The Greek Millionaire's Mistress
The Greek Millionaire's Mistress
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The Greek Millionaire's Mistress

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Gina Hudson is in Athens to settle an oldscore, not fall into bed with her enemy'sright-hand man. But she's underestimated thepower of Mikos Christopoulos.

No-strings sex is what Mikos expects. Butsoon his mission becomes more, and hewhisks Gina away to his island retreat. Hethinks she is a perfect part-time mistress—until he starts to want this woman for therest of his life—.
Release dateJul 1, 2007
The Greek Millionaire's Mistress

Catherine Spencer

In the past, Catherine Spencer has been an English teacher which was the springboard for her writing career. Heathcliff, Rochester, Romeo and Rhett were all responsible for her love of brooding heroes! Catherine has had the lucky honour of being a Romance Writers of America RITA finalist and has been a guest speaker at both international and local conferences and was the only Canadian chosen to appear on the television special, Harlequin goes Prime Time.

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    The Greek Millionaire's Mistress - Catherine Spencer


    FROM his position at one side of the orchestra rostrum, Mikos swung his gaze over the crowded ballroom and brought it to rest on the woman edging closer to the table where Angelo held court. Who was she? And how come he hadn’t spotted her before? The party had been in full swing for almost three hours, yet only now, with midnight approaching, had she come to his attention.

    She seemed to be alone and, like him, giving the impression she preferred to remain an observer, rather than a participant, of the festivities. The difference was, he was very good at what he did, and only a handful of those present knew that he was more than just Angelo’s executive vice president and most favored confidant.

    She, on the other hand, was trying too hard to be inconspicuous. If you wanted to disappear into the background, koritsi mou, he thought, taking in the daring cut of a dress the same shade of misty mauve as the Aegean at dawn, you should have worn something less eye-catching.

    Surveying the room one last time, he exchanged a nod with the security guards posted at the doors, then stepped down from the dais and casually made his way to where she stood half-concealed by the ornate drapery in a window alcove. Dark haired and dark eyed, she could have passed for Greek, but he’d been around the international social set long enough to recognize a European when he saw one, and this woman didn’t fit the mold. American, he decided, and addressed her mostly in English. "Kalispera. I don’t believe we’ve met."

    If she was startled at being accosted by a stranger, she didn’t let it show. I believe you’re right, she said, her gaze locking fearlessly with his. But then, I’ve met very few people here tonight.

    He couldn’t quite place her accent, and knew for a fact that he’d never seen her before. Hers was not a face a man would soon forget. Then allow me to remedy the situation. I’m Mikolas Christopoulos. And it’s my job to find out everything there is to know about you.

    Very nice to meet you, Mr. Christopoulos, she said composedly. I’m Gina Hudson.

    And you’re not American.

    No, she replied, with a laugh more melodic than anything the orchestra could hope to produce. I’m Canadian. Is that okay with you?

    He ran a mental check of the guest list, pretty sure no Canadians were on it. Of course it’s okay. Who did you come with?

    No one. I’m alone, and here on assignment.

    A working woman? Possibly. But one thing he knew for certain: she was not on the Tyros payroll. Apart from anything else, Angelo didn’t believe in hiring women, except as domestics, although he was happy enough, even at eighty, to occupy them in other ways. If this one happened to take his fancy…

    Mikos shuddered inwardly at the thought. To do what? he inquired, steering her out of Angelo’s line of vision.

    Write an article for a magazine published in Vancouver which, in case you’re not aware, lies on the West Coast of—

    I’m familiar with Vancouver, he said, stopping her dead in her attempt to sidetrack him. I work for Hesperus International which, as I’m sure you know, is owned by the man being honored here tonight. Two of our cruise ships sail to Alaska from Vancouver during the summer season. It’s a beautiful city.

    Yes. She smiled. Spectacular, in fact.

    As are you, he thought. If she’d appeared lovely from a distance, up close she was exquisite. A stunningly beautiful brunette with an hourglass figure, and skin the color of honey. And that smile!

    He couldn’t remember the last time a woman’s smile had hit him with such a shock of sexual awareness. Or if he’d ever felt such a compelling urge to run his hand over her skin to discover if its texture matched the satin silk of her dress. Forcing his attention back where it belonged, he remarked, I’m surprised the residents of Vancouver even know of this event, let alone care about it. How did it come to your notice?

    We might strike you as people living at the back end of beyond, Mr. Christopoulos, she said evenly, but we’re actually quite in touch with the rest of the planet. Angelo Tyros is a world-wide celebrity, and his birthday party has aroused quite a bit of international attention. Considering Vancouver’s large Greek community, plus the fact, as you already pointed out, that his cruise ships sail out of our harbor, it shouldn’t surprise you that we find him newsworthy.

    A beaded bag, dangling from her shoulder by a long silver chain and just large enough to hold a notepad or mini tape recorder, lent some credence to her story. Well, it’s true that he can make headlines just by blinking, Mikos allowed. But for you to travel so far, for so little…

    I quite agree, which is why, once I’m finished here, I plan to combine business with pleasure and spend a week or two discovering the Greek islands.

    She sounded so convincing, he almost believed her. But he didn’t get paid to be almost anything; he had to be one hundred percent sure. Angelo expected no less, and there’d been enough attempts on the old man’s life, as it was. No way was Mikos going to risk exposing him to another, even if the threat this time did come swathed in silk and sex appeal. That kind was the most dangerous of all.

    Ignoring the blinding dazzle of camera flashbulbs intent on recording every moment of the evening, Mikos indicated the mob of couples gyrating under the dim lights to the orchestra’s insistent beat, and adopted his most persuasive tone. But this is a party meant to be enjoyed by everyone, including those, like the two of us, not strictly here for pleasure. So I say, let’s put work aside for a moment, and dance.

    You’re sure your boss won’t mind?

    He shot a quick look at the head table where Angelo was ogling the cleavage of the woman draped over his shoulder. I doubt he’ll even notice.

    Following his glance, Gina compressed her lips, apparently not impressed by what she saw, and thereby heightening his suspicion of her. You’re right. He won’t.

    Then let’s not waste any more time.

    Just briefly, she hesitated, then, inclining her head, smiled again. All right. I’d love to.

    You can leave this here. It’ll be perfectly safe. He took her little beaded bag and secreted it behind the window drapery. Then, after trading significant glances with Theo Keramidis, a plainclothes security guard stationed a few meters away, he slid his arm around her waist, whisked her onto the dance floor and quickly maneuvered her into the middle of the crowd.

    The music pounded, its message one of throbbing, primitive urgency calculated to stir a man’s blood. The heat and press of the bodies surrounding them enforced an intimacy she’d probably have found offensive under any other circumstances. As it was, there was no avoiding physical contact—a fleeting touch here, a dangerously erotic brush there. Not that he minded. With business taken care of, he was more than ready to enjoy the moment for however long it might last, and honest enough to admit that, if he had any say in the matter, it would not end anytime soon.

    Plainly put, the second their eyes had met, a very elemental, male-female recognition had arced between him and her. He’d had his share of women. Was well acquainted with the mild exhilaration of a brief affair. But his visceral response to this particular woman was different and spoke of a deeper connection that went beyond the ordinary. Gina Hudson was different, too. So different that, in acknowledging her allure, he knew he ran the risk of compromising his professional integrity.

    Since that was something he never permitted himself, no matter how tempting the distraction, the smart thing would be to pass her off to a more impartial member of his team, and let them keep her occupied. Yet when the orchestra swung into a slower, more sultry tempo, he pulled her into his arms and held her close.

    She was so petite that his splayed fingers spanned an area from the slight swell of her hip, and past the indent of her waist to the upper edge of her gown. Spread them a centimeter farther apart, and his thumb could test the soft skin between her shoulder blades. Slide his arm more snugly around her, and he’d graze the outer curve of her right breast. The realization shot a surge of heat to his groin and cast a death blow to the caution that was his usual trademark.

    Blithely unaware of her effect on him, she glanced up from beneath long, silky eyelashes. Are you from Athens, Mr. Christopoulos?

    No, he said, making a valiant effort to rein in his overactive libido. I was born in a village in the northwest corner of the country. And I wish you’d call me Mikos.

    Is that Greek for Michael?

    A regional variation of the same. My full name is Mikolas. To avoid collision with a large elderly couple bent on cutting a wide swath through the crowd, he swung her into a sudden reverse turn. From the unhesitating way she followed his lead, they might have been dancing together for years. But the satin whisper of her gown flirting with his trousered thighs, the soft resilience of her breasts against his starched dress shirt, left him fighting to control his breathing.

    The music came to an end. So what else should I know about, Ms. Gina Hudson? he inquired, forcing himself to concentrate on his prime objective. How do you spend your time when you’re not covering high society events for your magazine?

    A fleeting uneasiness crossed her face before she was able to camouflage it with another breathless little laugh. Nothing very exciting, I’m afraid.

    But you are, he thought. Exciting…and more than a little evasive.

    Keeping his hand in the small of her back, he led her to where her bag lay exactly as he’d left it. She slipped the silver chain over her shoulder again and deftly steered the conversation away from herself. So how long have you lived in Athens?

    Ever since my teens, when I came here to work. He smiled bleakly at the memory of those grueling years. In other words, a very long, and different, lifetime ago.

    She looked out the window at the traffic streaming along Vassillissis Sofias, and grimaced. You don’t mind the frantic pace? The noise and pollution?

    Not as long as I can escape it once in a while. Am I right in thinking you’re not much for city life yourself?

    I was, once. Now, I live at my family’s home in the Gulf Islands.

    She surprised him with that. He judged her to be in her early to mid-twenties. A tad old, he’d have thought, still to be living at home, but definitely too young to shut herself away on an island. I have a small place a few kilometers offshore, too, he remarked conversationally, sparing Theo an inquiring glance and receiving a barely discernible nod in reply, as well as an apartment here, on Lycabettus Hill.

    To reply, she had to raise her voice over the sudden eruption of laughter from a nearby table. I’m afraid that doesn’t mean anything to me. I’m not at all familiar with the layout of the city.

    He hadn’t expected she would be. Bringing his mouth close enough to her ear to catch a faint whiff of her perfume, he said, Then what do you say to my ordering us something cold and refreshing to drink, and I’ll take you up to the hotel roof garden for a bird’s-eye tour of the area? Quite apart from anything else, it’ll be much quieter up there and we can talk without having to shout.

    Well… She tilted her head and pursed her lips thoughtfully. This ballroom is rather noisy.

    Wait here, then, and I’ll be right back.

    Theo joined him at the bar a few seconds later. So, what did you find in the bag? Mikos asked.

    Nothing untoward, the security guard replied. A valid Press pass, a little cash and the usual girly stuff—comb, lipstick, mirror, breath mints, that sort of thing. He patted his jacket pocket. Oh, and the key to her hotel room. The old-fashioned kind, with the room number engraved on it.

    Press pass, hmm? She did say she was here on assignment for a magazine.

    Looks as if she told the truth then, doesn’t it?

    Certainly does. His rush of elation was premature, to say the least, but telling himself so didn’t quell it one iota. Nice work, Theo. Think you can manage without me for a while?

    Theo made no attempt to hide his smirk. For as long as it takes, and whatever it takes, to find out which hotel she’s staying at.

    The view from the roof of the Grande Bretagne was no doubt impressive. The elegant old hotel, she quickly learned, occupied the most prestigious block in the city center, overlooked Syntagma Square, the House of Parliament and National Gardens, and lay within easy walking distance of such popular tourist spots as the Agora, Plaka, Monastiraki flea market, Acropolis and Presidential Palace.

    All very interesting, she was sure, and normally she’d have soaked up the information but, in this instance, she found it difficult to concentrate. Even the ancient, floodlit columns of the Parthenon failed to hold her attention for more than a second or two. And all because, much closer—and far too close for comfort—the sleeve of Mikos Christopoulos’s immaculate dinner jacket repeatedly brushed against her bare arm. His warm breath ruffled her hair. His voice, darker than midnight and more seductive than chocolate, mesmerized her with its foreign intonation. Most disturbing of all, his exceedingly masculine aura enveloped her in a web of sexual awareness that left her trapped like a hapless butterfly pinned to a collector’s mounting board.

    Oblivious to his effect on her, he directed her attention to a block of real estate just east of the hotel. Down there is Kolonaki, one of the most sought-after areas in Athens. Often referred to as Embassy territory, it’s also home to the business district, as well as some high-priced apartment buildings and many trendy coffee houses where the social set likes to hang out.

    But that’s not where you live, is it? she asked weakly, less because she really gave a hoot where he lived than because she felt she had to say something to indicate she still had a working brain. When we were downstairs, you mentioned an apartment in Lika-something Hill.

    Lycabettus, that’s right. He cupped her shoulders in his big, warm hands, and turned her slightly to the north. You can see it quite clearly from here. But I work in Kolonaki, in the Tyros office complex.

    Mention of Angelo Tyros’s name served as a stark reminder of why she was in Greece to begin with. Fighting to keep her tone neutral, she said, How long have you worked for him?

    Almost half my life, though not always in my present capacity.

    So you know him well?

    As well as anyone does, yes.

    What kind of man is he—besides rich and famous, that is?

    Mikos gave the question some thought before answering. Indestructible, he finally replied. As you know, he just turned eighty, but he’s still very much a hands-on chairman of the board, at his desk every morning by nine and expecting everyone else to be at theirs. He takes enormous pride in the fact that he’s never missed a day’s work in his life, not when his wife died, nor even when his son and only child was killed in an auto racing accident, some thirty years ago.

    That figures, Gina thought bitterly. What does family matter, compared to the amassing of more wealth? "And you admire

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