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Ebook113 pages42 minutes


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About this ebook

TOIL—a collaboration of free-form and contemporary poetry, expressing the triumphant moments of a single mother at times of despair and confusion. 

It's a journey through mixed emotions, pain, determination, and other aspects of self reflection; showing the power of strength in self.

Reliance on one's inner self can be the biggest challenge, but each day, through the art of poetry, an introvert was born.
—Introverted Decisions

Release dateDec 9, 2022

Introverted Decisions

Introverted Decisions came from a place of brokenness and destruction. She was lost within herself and found her inner being in the identity of a lioness.    Introverted Decisions aide in connecting the inner being to a state of resilience and word enthusiastic individual. It incorporates poetry and self-recognition to grow empowerment and self worth. Love without boundaries and care without expectations.

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    Toil - Introverted Decisions


    Iam honored to advance , and enforce the essence spoken through the inspiration and beauty of Anna Huggins.

    Allow me to also speak more life affirming declarations. I am declaring that greatness is not afar of at this juncture in Anna's journey towards the quest in becoming the best version in her life story.

    I meet Anna at the point of a cross roads in her life. And, as I am convicted; we cross paths in life in ways that are mysterious and destined. Our journey, and work together in her higher aspirations for better answers to life's crucible experiences has led to acceptance of her ability to embrace, and appreciate the profound values of accountability leading to the discovery of re-definition, self-awareness, self-worthiness and authenticity.

    Today, I am proud to have worked with Anna as her life coach. Through which, upon pouring into herself has manifested, and reveals the tapes- try of beauty, adeptness, and deeper insights to life. Spoken and shared with much intent towards awakening others to their own truth, and greater purpose.

    Her noble accomplishments as being chosen to be featured in the New England Poetry Digest, impresses at the level of substantial, and enroute to mastery.

    Toil is the beginning of many masterpieces to look forward too. And, as your life coach, I continue to hold space for the brighter future ahead. Fly high, the world awaits YOU!

    –Heather Amoralis

    Life Coach/Speaker/Personal Development Trainer


    Idedicate this book in the loving transcendence of my grandmother, Huggins. Your words of love and encouragement forever in- Norma spire me to do better and persevere. I am living proof that perfection is a limitation, and progression is success. I did it. To my wonderful boys—gratitude, for placing belief and reassurance in me all the time. Thank you for motivating me. I love you Trent, Zachariah and Leeam.

    To everyone who spoke life into me, —gratitude from my highest self. I breathe in Love and Exhale peace. Ase’

    Heavy weight on her shoulder


    Today she feels the weight of the world on her shoulder; the essence of loss and loneliness is at its peak. Yes, tears shape her face as she sinks into the pain of her heart.

    As the flashes of lightning sprinkle, their way across her night sky, so were her memories, followed by the thunderous sounds as her screams complete the storm she is weathering inside.

    The boat is her heart, and the anchor to it has fallen but can't find depth,

    Her sail is her mind, and she doesn't know how to navigate it properly.

    In the middle of her storm She is hopeful, She is honest.

    She knows She can ride the waves

    OF PAIN AND COME OUT victorious. She is determined to persevere She is Introverted Decisions.


    At 31, someone has yet to love me truly,

    yet to sacrifice for me freely and choose me rightly. Some love isn't all-encompassing.

    Sometimes you separate, because you weren't good together to begin with.

    The hooded eyes you stared with are now clear.

    It's not always heartbreak that has us drowning in tears,

    but it's because we feel defeated, and the loss of or replaced time given. That's two different things.

    Betrayal of a Marriage

    EVERYTHING SEEMS LIKE it's going in circles,

    The grudge of the pain started as a sinful seed of lust, but that was mis- taken for love to whom this feeling was conceived and turned into a marriage of revenge.

    A broken relationship stuck unselfishly, lost in betrayal with denial

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