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Breadcrumbs to Lead You Home … Follow the Trail: A True Story of a Woman Redeemed, Revived, and Healed
Breadcrumbs to Lead You Home … Follow the Trail: A True Story of a Woman Redeemed, Revived, and Healed
Breadcrumbs to Lead You Home … Follow the Trail: A True Story of a Woman Redeemed, Revived, and Healed
Ebook68 pages1 hour

Breadcrumbs to Lead You Home … Follow the Trail: A True Story of a Woman Redeemed, Revived, and Healed

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At a young age, Sara Jackly was already enduring an unthinkable existence. Neglected by her mother and with no consistent caregiver to take over, Sara was often hungry, infested with lice, and forced to wear soiled, boy’s clothing that was too big. Even worse yet, she was groped, fondled, and raped nearly every day of her childhood by multiple sexual abusers that included her mother’s boyfriend, her grandmother’s ex-husband, and her cousin.

In a raw and honest retelling of her personal experiences as a voiceless little girl, Jackly leads others through her horrifying childhood where she was bounced around from home-to-home, shamed by her mother, and repeatedly violated by family members and strangers. As she chronicles her journey into adulhood, she then reveals how she became addicted to drugs, transformed into a prostitute, and ultimately found hope, redemption, and forgiveness through her faith after she cried out to Jesus to remove her flashbacks, restore her innocence, and heal her broken soul and heart.

Breadcrumbs to Lead You Home … Follow the Trail is the autobiography of a sexually, mentally, and physically broken little girl and woman as she endured unthinkable circumstances to find hope in God’s unconditional love.
Release dateNov 28, 2022
Breadcrumbs to Lead You Home … Follow the Trail: A True Story of a Woman Redeemed, Revived, and Healed

Sara Jackly

Sara Jackly is a born-again Christian who identifies as LGBTQ. She is a mother with a checkered past who believes that Jesus saved her from her despair. Today, she lives a beautiful life defined by her intentions, heart, and God.

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    Breadcrumbs to Lead You Home … Follow the Trail - Sara Jackly

    Copyright © 2022 Sara Jackly.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6657-3179-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6657-3178-2 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6657-3180-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022919271

    Archway Publishing rev. date: 11/23/2022

    Dedicated to God, my mother and all the lost people just needing to come home. To God because he made this possible through giving me peace, freedom, and everlasting love. My mother for doing everything she could to love me unconditionally and rectifying the past in a way helping me heal. She paid with her money and perception of her, I will forever be thankful for my mother, I could not ask for a better one today. For the lost I know how it feels to be scared forsaken and alone. But all of those are not fact, I was always protected, I was never forsaken by God, and I was never alone every step we all take is accompanied.

    A special thanks to the person who helped me believe I could be loved; you are and always will be the most beautiful woman in the world. I loved you yesterday, I love you still, always have, always will.

    A Faith lift I woke up alive, for I had been dead. I looked in the

    mirror and saw my face for the first time. He had removed the worry from my forehead. He smoothed the curve in my cheek, which is why I thought I had been sexually attacked in my sleep. I blamed the face that was not mine. It was truly not mine, for God knew my true face, my true beauty all the times I said with conviction, This is not my face. I was denying the face I had seen in the mirror for so long. I knew that was truly not my face. Now I have the knowledge that like clay he had molded every cell in my body. He created every detail of my face. He knew who I was before I was born. He knew my struggle, my suffering and saved my soul and made me anew. Cellular rejuvenation.

    Mamas, as I was called, endured overwhelming neglect, abandonment, and abuse of all kinds. Her mother being twenty-four at her birth. Mamas being her fourth child. She was born into poverty and a sick family. Her mother and father ending their relationship during the pregnancy. Her mother was forced to work multiple jobs simultaneously. She admits to showing no affection. Her other caregivers were equally as emotionally distant. Her mother had to rely on family to help care for her children.

    Some were severely neglectful; they were also verbally and mentally abusive to all the children. Mamas and her siblings bounced around regularly. Mamas remembers one morning when she was approximately five years old of waking up to no one at home but one other cousin, who was less than a year older. She recalls staring at the cereal on top of the fridge with the other child, trying to figure out a way to get it. She recalls the hunger from lack of food in the home when she would stay with her Tia. Her Tia would be left to care for other children and her own. She would leave them to fend for themselves. Their ages ranged from newborn to twelve years old.

    Her son, Leo, was known to perpetrate sexual assaults against the neighborhood children, who were as young as four, Mamas was a victim of his. The neglect was so severe, Mamas would be infested with lice. She would often go hungry with some family who would keep her most weekends without any meals. She remembers wearing clothes that were too big and would fall off. She wore boy’s clothing. She would return to school in the same soiled clothes.

    I will tell you of my suffering as a small child, not to bring my mother shame for her actions, for I know just as my sins were cast from the east to the west, so are hers. But to emphasize my true emotions about my suffering before my salvation by God.

    There are few days of my childhood where I do not remember being groped, fondled, and raped. There were multiple sexual abusers, my mother’s boyfriend groped me every morning to awake me. My grandmother’s ex-husband would attack me at will, it was ignored due to his brain damage and dementia. My cousin raped me regularly, we will call him Chino.

    I can recall, this young girl, I would say I was four or five as children we would play house, I was told by Chino to be the mommy. He then draped a blanket to block view from the other children. I do remember him beginning to speak to me about my roll as mommy and him daddy then rolling towards me, I then blacked out after the next memory is standing staring at a wall pleading my case to a judge because I was told to be a lawyer. While Chino had another child playing mommy.

    I was assaulted by two other family members. I was the age of six, my older cousin, Leo, the age of twelve, weeded out all the children for whom he was babysitting. There were seven of us. He weeded out the weakest, which unfortunately was me. He forced me to perform oral sex, he raped me vaginally, and from behind, and then had his younger brother

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