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Beautiful Calm: {Overcoming Overwhelmed}
Beautiful Calm: {Overcoming Overwhelmed}
Beautiful Calm: {Overcoming Overwhelmed}
Ebook68 pages42 minutes

Beautiful Calm: {Overcoming Overwhelmed}

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About this ebook

Beautiful Calm is a journey of healing from those freight-train-meets-brick-wall instances that forever change us in a split second. The moments when our lives spin out of control, survival instinct kicks in, and we can barely summon the strength to breathe in and out.

With the same unconventional and humorous writing style found in Beautiful You, Beautiful Calm takes you on a walk-through of Philippians and uses some unlikely friends from the Bible as case studies on overcoming feeling overwhelmed. You will understand on a deeper level what it means to pursue peace, have plentiful patience and gain the perfect perspective as you watch God take your life from “down in flames” to “beauty for ashes.”

Beautiful Calm is a breath of fresh air to those who are drowning in deep despair, for those who feel completely defeated and for those who want to be prepared for possible train-meets-wall moments ahead. When life hits hard - it’s all about survival. Here is your compass and trail mix - the fun kind loaded with candy, not the yucky kind filled with raisins.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateNov 28, 2022
Beautiful Calm: {Overcoming Overwhelmed}

Kristi Laskie

Kristi Laskie is a Christian counselor, author and public speaker. She is the founder of Back.2.Beautiful – which was born out of her own trauma recovery from the mental and emotional abuse of her twenty-three year “Christian” marriage, subsequent divorce and current single motherhood. For over twenty years, Kristi’s passion has been to help women reclaim their worth and live the life of victory that God desires for them. Whether it’s through her on-line courses, her “Beautiful” books, or speaking at women’s events – Kristi is on a mission to help women walk out of darkness and regain their confidence using faith-based recovery tools. Women must know how to win at the life God has given them and find their way…Back.2.Beautiful.

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    Beautiful Calm - Kristi Laskie







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    ISBN: 978-1-6642-8076-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-8077-9 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-8075-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022918966

    WestBow Press rev. date: 11/28/2022


    Down In Flames

    Train Meets Wall

    Passionate Praise

    Practical Prudence

    Plentiful Prayer

    Pursuing Peace

    Persistent Practice

    Peaceful Perspective

    Beauty for Ashes


    This book is for YOU!

    God says that throughout your

    lifetime – until your old age –

    He will be your God.

    He made you, He cares for you,

    He carries you and sustains you.

    Even now… when it feels impossible

    to take the next breath.

    And… to the men in my life –

    My dad, Jacob, Levi and my Huckleberry

    You keep my feet firmly

    planted during storms

    Down In Flames

    Think about the last time you were overwhelmed. Get it very fresh in your mind. Really remember…what was happening? What did you feel in your body? What was going through your mind? What was your first reaction? You might have felt like this:

    "buried or drowned,

    completely defeated, or


    Overwhelmed is one of those words like wow or bam or squash. The word sounds as bad as it is.

    There are at least three people in the Bible who have felt all the feelings of being overwhelmed: Joshua, King Jehoshaphat (J-phat) and Paul & Silas (Since they are like a dynamic duo, I’m counting them as one).

    Joshua truly began his calling when he was roughly between sixty-eight and seventy years old. This came about because his friend and mentor, for lack of a better word, had just died. He had been under Moses’ ministry for about forty years and now God was putting him in charge of the children of Israel. Truly a huge task!

    J-phat was the fourth King of Judah, the son of King Asa. He was thirty-five

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