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The Shop Doll: The Rubber Temp, #1
The Shop Doll: The Rubber Temp, #1
The Shop Doll: The Rubber Temp, #1
Ebook70 pages57 minutes

The Shop Doll: The Rubber Temp, #1

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About this ebook

Sasha never imagined that a simple temp job could change the course of her life forever.

Sent by her temp agency to a new boutique called "Amanda's", Sasha opens the door on not just a new store in town, but a new way of life. 

The store only sells latex clothing and Sasha is required to dress the part. Covered from head to toe in gleaming black rubber, she is relagated to being the the 'shop doll'. The Doll is not only at the beck and call of not just Mistress Amanda, but of every customer that comes through the door.

It wouldn't be so bad if Sasha didn't know half the people who entered the store...

PublisherSasha Brooke
Release dateFeb 5, 2019
The Shop Doll: The Rubber Temp, #1

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    The Shop Doll - Sasha Brooke

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    Copyright © 2019 Sasha Brooke

    Edited by Mistress Anne

    Everything in this book is a work of fiction. Anything that may seem like it resembles real people or events is probably just the result of you fantasizing about it too much.

    Keep up the good work.








    HI, I’M SASHA…

    Okay, I won’t lie. I’m a bit of a kinky girl and I’ve always been interested in the fetish scene. Not simple things like getting spanked, or my arms tied to the headboard during sex—I mean seriously perverted stuff.

    I love the idea of actual bondage, of mind control, of forced servitude, and I like to think of myself as being on both sides of the whip.

    I’m a gamer girl, too. A sci-fi nerd. Stick me in Spartan Palmer’s armor (with a built-in pleasure kit, please), and I’d be in heaven…literally. On my off hours, you’d find me in Miranda’s catsuit, trying to tempt Commander Shepherd between the sheets.

    I’m into guys, girls, and maybe some fun things with tentacles…I mean, who doesn’t love a good tentacle?

    You’ll also see that this book bears my name. That’s because these are my fantasies, the things I go to sleep dreaming about, the things I wish I could do and experience (and maybe a few things I have).

    And a lot of the things I imagine involve tech, so they’re kinda sci-fi. Who knows, maybe I’ll write some straight-up sci-fi space books at some point, too. Something like a dominatrix space pirate.

    Now that would rock. I’d fuck my way across the stars.

    Okay, so that’s me. But what’s in these next pages is also me, so it’s time for you to learn what I want to get up to.

    Sasha Brooke


    Look, Sasha, do you want the work or not?

    The voice on the other end of the phone was strident, evidencing very little patience. Sasha knew that she had about five seconds to say yes, or the call would end and that would be that.

    Mrs. Darla ran her temp agency with an iron fist, and if one of her contractors didn’t take the work when it was offered, they were unlikely to get another call.

    Yes, of course, I was just surprised to hear from you so early this morning, that’s all. Sasha added a conciliatory tone to her voice. I’ll head out in just a few minutes.

    Good, the woman on the other end of the line replied. I’ll let Miss Amanda know that you’re on your way...should I tell her thirty minutes?

    Sasha glanced at her clock, trying to remember what the Saturday train schedule was off the top of her head.

    Umm, yes. Thirty minutes is just fine.

    Good. Thank you, Sasha. Oh, and wear something sexy.

    The call ended, and Sasha reflected for a moment on how the other woman’s voice had contained no thanks whatsoever.

    She drew a breath and rose from where she’d been sitting on the edge of her bed, walking quickly into her bathroom to brush her teeth and clean up. While performing her morning ablutions, she wondered what her friends Allie and Beth would say when she told them she had to cancel.

    They’re going to be pissed, she muttered around her toothbrush. Piiiiiissed.

    The three young women had planned on a day of shopping, interspersed with lattes at their favorite cafés. The girls’ day out had been on the calendar for a few weeks, and the three were quite excited about it, especially Beth. She loved to try on everything and anything that caught her eye, and loved to have an audience while she did it. Allie and Sasha usually just chatted while their friend paraded outfit after outfit past them.

    Which, of course, meant that Allie would be far more upset than Beth that Sasha had to bail on them. Beth would still insist that the two girls go out, but Allie would have no one to chat with while waiting for her friend to try on her next ensemble.

    Sasha finished brushing her teeth and quickly applied light makeup while considering her options for a ‘sexy’ outfit. From what Mrs. Darla had said, the job was at a boutique clothing shop, so that meant she probably needed to look attractive, but not too attractive.

    Makeup done and sandy-blonde hair brushed, Sasha walked out of the bathroom and into the main room (the only other room

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