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The Farmboy's Hucow
The Farmboy's Hucow
The Farmboy's Hucow
Ebook30 pages30 minutes

The Farmboy's Hucow

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Jake has never minded being a farmboy growing crops in the middle of nowhere on his father's farm, but his life is about to get so much better. His father has hired a house hucow to come to their house every morning to deliver fresh hucow cream straight from the source.

Kayla is the most beautiful woman Jake has ever seen, and it's not long before he's absolutely in love. However, with his father there every morning to supervise them, Jake can't do anything to show his affections. However, with his father planning a 3 day trip away from home, Jake and Kayla will finally have the opportunity to do whatever they want - as long as Old Man Gus the hucow rancher doesn't catch them!

There's only one thing Jake wants to do with his highly fertile hucow - but will three days of ecstasy be enough?

Release dateOct 4, 2018
The Farmboy's Hucow

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    The Farmboy's Hucow - Shelby Houston

    Jake loved his life on a farm out in the middle of nowhere.  Despite what his friends might think, it wasn't at all boring, and there was almost nothing he wanted to change about it.  He could always see the stars at night - something he missed dearly anytime he visited a big city.  Every night he had no problem sleeping, as there wasn't any noisy traffic outside his house.  When he did have to do work, it usually involved big tractors and cool machines meant for harvesting the vegetables on his farm and getting them to nearby grocers.  And of course, nothing tasted as good as the home-grown food that he had his father produced.

    So when most of the neighbor kids and his schoolmates moved onto college or moved to the city, Jake stayed behind happily, ready to settle down on the farm and live the life that he had happily grown used to.

    Of course, hard times often came upon the happiest of people.  There had been a tough year for farming.  It happened from time to time, his father had assured him.  Something about the weather just didn't line up, and there wasn't enough rain.  The ground was dry no matter how much water they pumped in, and many of their crops didn't work out no matter what their best efforts were.  Still, they were able to salvage the situation with lots of hard work, and they hoped for a better year the following season.

    Their luck didn't come through, however.  For a second year, drought ravaged the land, and this time, many farms buckled under the pressure.  Mr. Tucker down the road, a man as ancient as the dirt he planted in, decided that he had had enough.  He sold off his land to the first person who would buy it, and he set off to enjoy retirement.  Jake heard of a few farmers who went bankrupt after not being able to make enough yield to pay their bills.  Farms went barren with no one to take care of them, and people moved out and moved on with their lives.

    Luckily, Jake

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