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Naughty Housewife 11
Naughty Housewife 11
Naughty Housewife 11
Ebook32 pages25 minutes

Naughty Housewife 11

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A phone call from her daughter brought Samantha to a party to take her home then she would be out again to meet her friend, Adel. She was dressed to kill for her own benefit, for self confidence and to impress. Walking into the house the guys whistled and paid her compliments, which was a heady atmosphere and a good start to her evening. They thought she was an escort ordered for Brad, the birthday boy.

He grabbed her and someone grabbed her dress, ripping it and pulling it off. She was in the big oafs arms being snogged. He was in the high school football team just turned nineteen whereas she was a mother aged thirty-five. They were unmatched but he seemed to know what he was doing.

He was big and handsome exactly what she would have wanted as a boyfriend in high school. He held onto her taking a good look at his present. Over his shoulder she saw her daughter approaching and worriedly cringed. She made the dire mistake of asking him to take her upstairs. Panic wasn’t working in her favour.

Before she got her breath back she was on his bed being used. He thought she was an escort bought and paid for, so what was wrong with that. She enjoyed his company even though it had been unexpected. She dare not put him right by explaining she was there to give her daughter a ride home. From that moment the whole weekend got complicated.

PublisherGary Bingham
Release dateNov 25, 2022
Naughty Housewife 11

Gary Bingham

Reading is a passion, both fiction and non-fiction. Writing is a hobby I've enjoyed for many years, and write anything and everything, though recently I've concentrated on world war 2 stories, science fiction, and erotica. Erotica has been more of a challenge than I thought. First it was realised I didn't know as much as first thought. The range of human sexuality is so wide, and often very particular. The same word or phrase in a story can turn someone on, and someone else off. Some women like a story where the female character is humiliated, in fantasy only, and others think it is terrible. It is very true that you can't satisfy all the people all the of the time, and sometimes only one or two readers will like a theme.A common theme of these stories is where a main character is mistaken for someone else, and continues the error from not wanting to be embarrassed. They may suffer greater humiliation from not correcting the mistake right at the beginning, and letting it spiral out of control. But then, it wouldn't be a story if they did the right thing.It is usual for the main character to grow stronger, get what they really want, or fall in love, in the end. Up until then they blunder around, trying to avoid a confrontation, being silly, and treated as though they are stupid, until the truth is revealed or they find it wasn't an accident, they wanted the situation to develop. Some inner need is revealed, and they grow to endorse it.There are other themes in my writing, but they are for you to discover.Don't forget writing is difficult and painful at times, so buying a book is some small reward to encourage a writer to continue. It is a form of recognition for all the hard work. So, thank you for sponsoring for my art, Gary

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    Book preview

    Naughty Housewife 11 - Gary Bingham

    Naughty Housewife 11

    Copyright 2022 by Gary Bingham

    All characters and participants in this work of fiction are over the age of 18. Anyone who is easily offended by explicit sexual content, or anyone under the age of eighteen, should not read this story.

    The story is over 6,000 words and has taken a lot of effort to write, so please pay for your copy. Payment encourages authors to continue writing and ensures there are new works for you to read.

    Thank you to Pexels for the photo used on the book cover.

    Janice wondered where her mother was. She was standing outside the party house, waiting for mom to pick her up. It was Brad’s birthday party and the guys had organised an escort for him, which she only found out about when a commotion started when the dirty bitch arrived. She stormed out, leaving her boyfriend, Billy, at the party, not that she cared what he got up to anymore. She was hoping her mother would hurry up as it didn’t feel safe out there in the dark.

    Janice knew something was going on between her mother and Billy. At first she thought they were organising a surprise birthday party, but after her birthday they still seemed close, sometimes whispering together. She found out what they were up to by accident. Walking into the kitchen she found the two of them were intensely at it. Quietly backing out of the kitchen, she kept quiet outside while shaking with emotion.

    It was anger and fright. What in hell did this mean for her and Billy? If they broke up, what could she say to friends? She could hardly say he came over to fuck her mom and didn’t have the energy for her, so obviously they had broken up! Oh! God! If anyone found out, she would be a laughing stock in high school. Her prom would be ruined, non-existent, because

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