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Unnatural Temptation Vol. I: Unnatural Temptation, #1
Unnatural Temptation Vol. I: Unnatural Temptation, #1
Unnatural Temptation Vol. I: Unnatural Temptation, #1
Ebook54 pages49 minutes

Unnatural Temptation Vol. I: Unnatural Temptation, #1

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Tina West wanted to have an adventure. After her engagement to her fiancé fell apart three years ago, romance has been hard to find. But after her best friend Britney decided to go to a masked sex club for a night of romance, everything changes. When Tina goes along, she runs into two masked men going by Puck and Gaston. After going home with them, the next day she is then surprised by finding out that Puck is her Ex- Fiancé, Ronald. Angered by this, Gaston defuses the situation while revealing himself to be Carl Finnigan, a sexy traveling musician.

After the night the three of them had, Tina wanted more of this lustful fun. But while Tina only wanted Carl, he secretly developed an unusual attraction for Ronald who regrets losing Tina. Caught in this awkward situation, Tina is forced to face her past while finding love in her future.

In this lustful read, Tina is taken on a ride of Unnatural Temptation & must figure out how the three of them can find a balance in their relationship. Can Tina fight the temptation of falling back in love with Ronald while exploring her love for Carl? Can Ronald juggle Carl's attraction for him while fighting for Tina?

Find out where and how far this love affair goes in "Unnatural Temptation: Vol. I". I doubt you can fight the Temptation…

PublisherTara Rhodes
Release dateJan 24, 2020
Unnatural Temptation Vol. I: Unnatural Temptation, #1

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    Book preview

    Unnatural Temptation Vol. I - Tara Rhodes

    Unnatural Temptation

    Vol. 1

    A MMF Bi Ménage Romance


    Copyright © 2019 by Tara Rhodes

    All Rights Reserved.


    This book is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. No part of this book is to be reproduced without written permission from the author except a brief quote for the sole purpose of reviews or promotion.

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    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Sex Club

    Chapter Two


    Chapter Three

    Puck & Gaston

    Chapter Four


    Chapter Five


    Chapter Six


    Chapter Seven

    The Date

    Chapter Eight

    Ronald & Carl

    Chapter Nine

    The Dungeon

    Chapter One

    Sex Club

    I wanted to have a real relationship with a guy I could trust. Most people would say take the leap as if it were that easy. Romance was often shown as a lovely act between two or more people. Rarely was the dark side properly revealed for people to fully understand how hurtful betrayal could be. There wasn’t always a new love waiting in the wings. Sometimes you were left in the dust to pick yourself up and limp away after being made a fool of.

    I had taken a chance years ago. Three years later, I was still picking up the pieces. One botched wedding, lots of shame, and more trust issues than I could shake a vodka bottle at. Not the happily ever after I had been promised. My prince turned out to be the worst kind of pumpkin. If only I had wizened up sooner and saved myself plenty of heartache.

    Men were pigs. They rarely kept their word and were more interested in what could be taken than giving. I knew not all of them were like that. But those diamonds in the ruff completely eluded me in the worst way. Seeing my girlfriends with amazing guys filled me with envy. How did they bag that wonderful man and I didn’t? Needless to say, I don’t have that many friends in solid relationships left. Between my anger and their stupid love advice, no.

    But I still wanted that fairytale relationship little girls were promised and grown fools like myself hoped for. Even after all that transpired, my heart longed for the man who would whisk me off to a perfect life. Both of us deeply in love and never breaking up. There were couples who lived and died as soul mates. Some, meeting from a young age and staying together forever. I wanted it so bad, but life didn’t seem interested in granting me favors.

    Yet in public, I was jaded and hard-faced. You couldn’t get hurt if you attacked first. I focused on short term relationships and quickies. If the guy never got the chance to know me too well, then there was little hope of them hurting me and breaking my already stomped heart. There were no winners but better to be the one not left out in the dark once again.

    Tonight, my best friend and fellow serial dater, Britney Quinn, had a surprise waiting. It was supposed to be a special gift to distract me from the recent anniversary of the wedding that never happened. I usually occupied myself with days of drinking and staying in but not this time. I had to get over this loss once and for all. I wanted to find love again one day.

    I was ready to go on a real adventure. Whatever Britney had in mind, I was all in.


    Are you kidding me? Going to a place I’ve never been to before with a bunch of sex maniacs? Pass! I couldn’t believe what Britney had sprung on me. I didn’t even go to bars without finding out about their security and type of clientele they catered to.

    "I knew you would balk. But come on, Tina, I’ve been there several times. It’s a lot of fun with zero inhibitions. There’s nothing going on other than lots of sex.

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