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The Mermaid Sirius Ⅰ: Magical Countries Of The Astral Realm
The Mermaid Sirius Ⅰ: Magical Countries Of The Astral Realm
The Mermaid Sirius Ⅰ: Magical Countries Of The Astral Realm
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The Mermaid Sirius Ⅰ: Magical Countries Of The Astral Realm

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The Purple Star, a beautiful star surrounded by purple, is where all our stories take place.

It all began on a summer breeze.

Princess Balmy, a maiden with the air of a water lily in a clear pond, whose beauty could easily captivate even her enemies. But one summer, five years ago, she disappeared from the shores of the shimmering Lake of the Fishes. Where exactly was she? Is she still alive? This is the question on the minds of thousands of people.

It was also a summer when a little mermaid, who lived in the Cheerful Lake, she was 120 years old, 120 years have passed, and she didn't want to be trapped in a very limited world anymore, she wanted to find new freedom, she about to explore her future with endless imagination.

That same summer, a melancholy and handsome boy and his best friend, with some ulterior motive, arrive at Sirius Mountain, the famous and dangerous mountain. Here, he meets the Little Mermaid and her companion, and by chance, they ally themselves together. But along the way, the boy always looks sad and preoccupied, he wants to clear the fog, but he doesn't want to get caught up in it ......

She was once a little Witch of Wizard Witch's Clan, she was born with great talent and skill, she is unrivaled in her Spiritual Power, Witchcraft and Martial Arts Skills. She is a daring perfectionist, also is a perfectionist, a model of youthful ambition. One day, in summer or winter, she fell in love with The Great King, to her surprise. She had no idea that a love as strong as wine would change her life. ......

The story begins on a summer breeze, singing with the sun, moon and stars, and danced with the fierce mountain wind, with the wolf's howl. When will the story end? Perhaps ...... will never end.

PublisherAlice Joliana
Release dateDec 5, 2022
The Mermaid Sirius Ⅰ: Magical Countries Of The Astral Realm

Alice Joliana

Alice Joliana cresceu na misteriosa região de Sanxingdui, também conhecida como o "Reino das Areias Douradas" e o "Reino dos Peixes e das Aves Aquáticas". O seu fascínio pela história, arqueologia e misticismo foi despertado pela rica história e tesouros arqueológicos deste local antigo. Com um talento natural para a escrita, Alice inspira-se nas descobertas arqueológicas para criar histórias imaginativas e fantásticas. Os seus romances são uma mistura cativante de história e fantasia, transportando os leitores numa viagem através do tempo para explorar culturas antigas e lendas míticas. A sua atenção ao pormenor e o seu estilo de escrita envolvente fazem com que os leitores sintam que estão a viver uma aventura de viagem no tempo em primeira mão. Alice Joliana não é apenas uma escritora talentosa, mas também uma exploradora entusiasta da história e da cultura, alimentada pela sua paixão pelo assunto.

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    The Mermaid Sirius Ⅰ - Alice Joliana

    About This Book

    Name of the book, ‘The Mermaid Sirius Ⅰ.’

    Book Series, ‘Magical Countries of The Astral Realm’

    Author, Alice Joliana

    Publisher, Alice Joliana

    Creative planner, Haiwen Ren

    Translator, Abraham Dai

    Date of first publication of this book in English, December 2022

    Category, Original Fantasy Series

    Book style elements, Ancient oriental fantasy, Parallel time and Space, Time travel, Fantasy Martial Arts, Romantic Love, Palace struggle

    Author's Note:

    1. This book is a translation from Chinese and was originally written in Chinese;

    2. This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people, places or events is purely coincidental;

    3. The magic, spells, psychic powers, and martial arts moves described in this book are fictional plots constructed for the creation of fantasy novels and should not be imitated.


    Preface, Ancient Shu Magnificent

    Initial Chapter, Acumen Ape

    Chapter 1,  The Crystal Island

    Chapter 2,  Under the Fish Tower Tree

    Chapter 3,  The White Crystal Pagoda (One)

    Chapter 4,  The White Crystal Pagoda (Two)

    Chapter 5,  The White Crystal Pagoda (Three)

    Chapter 6,  The White Crystal Pagoda (Four)

    Chapter 7,  The White Crystal Pagoda (Five)

    Chapter 8,  The White Crystal Pagoda (Six)

    Chapter 9,  The White Crystal Pagoda (Seven)

    Chapter 10,  The White Crystal Pagoda (Eight)

    Chapter 11,  The White Crystal Pagoda (Nine)

    Chapter 12,  The White Crystal Pagoda (Ten)

    Chapter 13,  Grey-eyed Tiger Wolf (One)

    Chapter 14,  Grey-eyed Tiger Wolf (Two)

    Chapter 15,  Grey-eyed Tiger Wolf (Three)

    Chapter 16,  Grey-Eyed Tiger Wolf (Four)

    Chapter 17,  The White Crystal Pagoda (Eleven)

    Chapter 18,  The White Crystal Pagoda (Twelve)

    Chapter 19,  The White Crystal Pagoda (Thirteen)

    Ending Chapter, Annotation


    Ancient Shu Magnificent

    I vaguely remember the magical lands of fantasy, with their different flavours and their different characteristics, the mountain ranges surrounded by clouds and mists, Those feather Knights flying through the ethereal, the golden palaces, the sacred trees that towered into the clouds and glittered with colourful colours, And the legends that will never be written... ...all of which seem to bear a resemblance to the world we once lived in.

    In this midst of a hidden fantasy, there is a mysterious star surrounded by layers of purple energy - the Purple Star. It is the sister star of the Earth Star, between the two with similar mountains, rivers and historical trajectories, but not all the same. 

    There is a time difference of 4800 years between the Purple Star and the Earth Star, that is, assuming that the Earth Star is currently in a modern society with high speed development, while the Purple Star ...... is in an ancient period 4800 years ago.

    The mind turns back to the question, is this all really a dream? What is the definition of reality and fantasy?

    In a flash, the famous lines of the Tang poet Li Bai from some 1280 years ago ring in my ears –

    ‘The silkworm and the fish eider, the founding of the kingdom was a mystery.

    Forty-eight thousand years have passed since then,yet no road linked it with the land of Qin.

    There is a bird's path in Tai Bai in the west, which can be crossed to the top of Emei.‘

    Initial Chapter:Acumen Ape

    Midsummer in July, Astral Calendar 2675.

    In today's Continent Shu of Quartet Celestial, Tranquil City, the capital of the Sacred Fish Kingdom, is the most elegant and prosperous city. If you look down on the whole city from the sky like an eagle, it will look like a lady wearing three shiny jasper collars. These three ‘jasper collars’ are the rivers around the city formed by the Nona sea, which is adjacent to Tranquil City. From the inwards to the outwards, the rivers are called, Inner Rare-River, Centre Rare-River, and Outer Rare-River.

    In particular, Outer Rare River on the banks of the Outer Rare Street  is the busiest and most bustling of all, with restaurants, tea houses, theatres, juggling houses, singing and dancing houses and juggling shops. Among them, Wonder Venue is the most popular place, because there are many storytellers (Telling Fairies) here, and as long as you enter the door of Wonder Venue  and pay enough money for the tickets, you can hear from their mouths many unbelievable and magical stories from the Star God Heaven, even the Eternity Heaven, down to the Obsidian Demon Realm. Whether it's true or not, what people care about most is whether the story is good, and that's the easiest way to get a hold of these strange stories.

    Every morning when they open, fans come from all over the city, and by late afternoon, when they are almost closed, the people are still not done listening to the books, and the most common sounds heard in these small and large Wonder Venue are the thunderous applause and joyful shouts of approval.

    Although Wonder Venues are so sought after, there is still a fierce competition between them, and the key to this is a name- 'Acumen Ape'.

    Acumen apes have some background. They all came from the Water Ape sovereign of the twenty-eight constellations, located in the Star-God Mountain of Continent Shu of Quartet Celestial, also known as Gibbon Mountain. The apes have shiny and soft long hair all over their bodies. They are about the size of a twelve- or thirteen-year-old boy, and their arms are long enough to touch their toes.

    There are two types of Acumen Ape, one with snowy white fur and a peachy heart-shaped face, also known as the silvery ape. The other type of ape is covered in peach hair and has a heart-shaped face that is the opposite of that of the silvery ape, which is known as the peach ape, but for the sake of memory they are mostly referred to as the Acumen ape.

    Whether the silver ape or the peach-blossom ape, they all have one thing in common, a pair of beautiful eyes that make them look incomparably smart. They are adorable and graceful in appearance, extraordinary in intelligence, and highly talented. They can speak human language and all languages of the Continent Shu of Quartet Celestial. Their voices are pleasant, and their singing skills are even more talented. The most peculiar thing is that they have excellent eloquence and tell many mysterious stories as if those bizarre stories are deeply engraved in their minds, especially about the strange stories of various star realms in Star Gods Heaven and Eternity Field, as well as the connections between the star gods and the worlds,the origins between them are all familiar.

    They have an innate talent for the art of storytelling. That's why they are so sought after in town, and if a Wonder Venue has even one of these clever, intelligent Acumen Ape's, it's a money-spinner and a huge money-spinner.

    It was midday, the July sun was scorching hot, there was not even a thin cloud, and the rows of tall green willow trees along the Outer Rare-River looked dulled by the heat, but still, the listeners could not stop themselves from going to Wonder Venue. Suddenly, there were cheers from a place called 'Wonder Venue'.

    ‘Little ape!Little peach blossom!Come out!!’

    ‘Can hardly wait! You stopped yesterday when you were talking about ' Month of Blue Flood ' and you really know how to whet your appetite! It's like tickling our hearts! ’

    ‘Hold your horses, gentlemen, don't be in a hurry. Little peach blossom is the number one star of our Wonder Venue for flying fish, so she only natural to put on a bit of a show, but she won't let you down!’

    After the words, the audience on stage shouted in unison, ‘Little peach blossom!’ In a moment, the shouting was overwhelming.

    At this time, two girls in the second-floor private room are wearing wide-brim hats with draped tulle.

    One of the female voices with sweet voice said,‘We've been here in Tranquil City for almost two months, but this is the first time we've come to listen to these Acumen Ape stories, I didn't expect that the Acumen Ape from Gibbon Mountain would be so popular in this world. It's so much more interesting here than they are at Gibbon Mountain, with so many people following them! And there's a lot of money to be made!‘

    Another girl's voice is charming, ‘To make money? The money will never belong to those apes; at most, they can be raised with food and drink, whereas they can be free in Gibbon Mountain, and besides... why would the Acumen Apes want that many golden shells? To them, even a hundred grams of golden shells is nothing compared to the Plump peaches that satisfy their cravings.’

    The sweet, sticky female voice asked, 'If you say so, then why did we go to all this trouble to get from Sirius Mountain with them to this Sacred Fish Kingdom?'

    The charming female voice smiled sweetly, 'We are also in pursuit of freedom and liberty! Aye! Little ape is about to make an appearance!

    ‘Little ape!Little ape!Little peach blossom......' was surrounded by a thunderous applause as 'Little peach blossom' took to the stage.

    Her real appearance is even more spiritually beautiful than imagined, with eyes like watery apricots shining with infinite resourcefulness and pride, a bright and slender coat of lush peach-red fur being her natural fancy dress, and even so, her slightly chubby neck is covered with huge peach-shaped gold necklaces, and at one time, it is impossible to count the number of them.

    The ape is speaking ,she really does speak human, with a clear, crisp voice, somewhat like a child's voice, and a somewhat strange child's voice at that, but such a strangeness does not cause a hint of revulsion, but rather makes one captivated at first hearing. The red lacquered plate on the mahogany table in front of her holds a few large, plump peaches to satisfy her thirst or her cravings, for, after all, although she is exceptionally intelligent, highly spiritual and fluent in all languages, her temperament is no different from that of an ordinary child, and no one can persuade her to be capricious when her temper arises.

    This mischievous Acumen Ape first popped two sentences out of his mouth,'Totoan! Pumijiya!' The audience at the bottom seemed to understand it and all responded excitedly in the same language, while not forgetting to shout her name.

    She shouts happily, 'Hello, everyone! Totoan! Pumigia!' Totoan and Pumigia are the Hersh tribe and Liang kingdom languages for 'hello everyone' respectively.

    She winked mischievously and grinned widely, suddenly spotting the peach in front of her and taking a bite out of it, the tantalising juice splashing out of her mouth and causing the audience to burst into laughter.

    In the private room on the second floor, the two girls wearing wide-brim hats with draped tulle were also amused by the cleverness and playfulness of Acumen Ape, and the sweet voice girl said, ‘Hahaha! It’s so interesting! It even made my stomach hurt while laughing! But...ha-ha-ha, it can do some juggling, but what kind of profound story can it tell? Ha-ha...’

    And the charming voice said , 'Sister, My eyes are tearing up with laughter! Don't speak too soon, look at the full house, he must be something else, look at his quick wit and cuteness, and he speaks a language that none of us do! I really fell in love with this Little ape at first sight!'

    The sweet, sticky female voice hurriedly lowered her voice, 'Come on, you can't shed tears easily!

    ‘Hush! Listen, it’s silent now! Stop talking. Just listen.’ The girl with a charming voice hushed hastily and whispered.

    In a flash, the small table in front of Acumen Ape had been replaced with a fresh plate of peach and a few bunches of fresh green grapes, but it looked as if his appetite had now passed and he was gently wiping his mouth with a white marshmallow handkerchief embroidered with peach blossoms, which he tossed backstage. With the expectant eyes of those on stage, the day's performance began in earnest –

    'Ladies and gentlemen, today Little peach blossom has a brand new story to tell you! The story of 'Month of Blue Flood' is inextricably linked to today's new story, which is that more than 500 years ago, our Sacred Fish Kingdom was not yet called Sacred Fish Kingdom, but a small tribe called the 'Tranquil Tribe'. One summer, hundreds of years ago, a blue rainstorm suddenly fell for a whole month! The rain did not stop there, and not only the Tranquil tribe, but also dozens of other tribes, large and small, had become the 'Land of the Waters'.

    As everyone was in a state of despair and panic, the star gods from the Sirius Star of the Mighty Well Constellations suddenly descended on the Tranquil tribe, today known as Tranquil City, and soon they miraculously saved the blue flood, and from then on, they built the Sacred Fish Kingdom around Tranquil City. The city was the centre of the Sacred Fish Kingdom. Do you know who they are? These star gods from Sirius Star are the ancestors of King Saint Vulture of the present-day Sacred Fish Kingdom. Aye! But not about the 'Month of Blue Flood' today!

    The audience looked on with disappointment as Little peach blossom grinned, her eyes glowing with a sly look, 'Today ...... is talking about something else, an anecdote about Princess Balmy!’

    There was a renewed glow of curiosity in the eyes of the audience and even the applause forgot to drum up.

    'The biggest news in Sacred Fish Kingdom today is the return of Princess Balmy to the palace, and why is that? As you know, five years ago, on an early summer's day, Princess Balmy, then just fifteen years old, had a sudden urge to go to Sirius Mountain for some fun, so she sneaked out of the Sea Watching Gate at Tranquil Palace with her lady-in-waiting, without her father's knowledge, and embarked on a small palace boat to Sirius Mountain for excursions.

    The scenery did not disappoint, with lovely views as far as the eye could see, especially when they passed Cheerful Lake, where they were captivated by the crystal-like surface of the lake. A few young girls were suddenly excited to play at the lake, but as the day wore on, a strange light came over them and they screamed, and then Princess Balmy disappeared into Cheerful Lake ....... Afterwards, everyone thought Princess Balmy had fallen into the lake because she was in shock.

    It was only a few days later that King Saint Vulture, who was at Jade Rhino Tower, was able to learn of the cruel news and sent out boats to salvage the wide Cheerful Lake, but to no avail, and the palace guards searched the entire Sirius Mountain, including the area around Cheerful Lake, for a whole month. Even so, nothing was found, and King Saint Vulture was so angered that he ordered all the ladies who had accompanied Princess Balmy to Sirius Mountain to be beaten to death.

    For five years, in the Tranquil Palace and on the streets, it was rumoured that Princess Balmy had not fallen into the lake, but had been eaten by the Monsters in the Water, and did you know how many Monsters in the Water were under that seemingly peaceful and beautiful Cheerful Lake? Do you know how many Monsters in the Water are under that seemingly peaceful and beautiful Cheerful Lake? There are Shrimp Men Clan, Clam Men Clan, Crab Men Clan, Turtle Men Clan, among which there are eight-clawed Crab Men, sixteen-clawed Crab Men, thirty-two-clawed Crab Men and, of course! There is also the Mermaid Clan! These Monsters in the Water Ah, it is easier to eat humans than I am to eat this grape!'

    Acumen Ape, whose long, peachy fingers were still painted with bright red nails, tossed a verdant grape upwards in her hand, and, with her head tilted motionless, waited in place, catching it with precision in her large mouth, whereupon she munched on it.

    There was a chorus of dumbfounded laughter from the audience, who were clearly engrossed in its story.

    There was some anger in the language of the sweet voiced young girl in the second floor room, 'You see! As I said, what good story can she tell? She's full of slick talk, not a word of truth, so let's go! Let's not listen!'

    Another young girl with a charming voice advised, 'Don't be in a hurry, listen again, I do think it's interesting, be patient! As she said this, she quickly passed a piece of delicate bean paste peach puff pastry in front of her into her companion's mouth, and the sweet girl turned her anger into a smile.

    Acumen Ape asked everyone in a loud voice, 'People are asking, if Princess Balmy was eaten by Monsters in the Water, why did she come back two months ago? Was she really eaten by Monsters in the Water five years ago? And if she wasn't eaten by Monsters in the Water, where did she go for those five long years? And why, of all the children of King Saint Vulture, did he favour our Princess Balmy the most and who was her mother?

    Listen to the story from me! Our Princess Balmy, known as Balmy Osier, was born in a pond of water lilies and was born with their fresh and pleasant scent, so on the day she was born, King Saint Vulture gave her a special title - Balmy State. On the same day, she was officially named Princess Balmy State, and everyone liked to call her Princess Balmy in daily life.

    Who her mother was has remained a mystery to this day, but judging by the way in which the unbeatable King Saint Vulture favoured her, it seems that Princess Balmy's mother must have been no ordinary person - perhaps a star god from the heavens!

    Oy! Those who have not seen her cannot see how beautiful she is; those who have not heard her singing voice cannot appreciate how gentle and ethereal it is; those who have not come into contact with her can never feel how gentle and affectionate she is; those who have not worked with her can never appreciate how intelligent and open-minded she is, and even the ambassadors from all the countries in all directions have praised her; I think ...... even if an enemy appeared, they would still be convinced by her gentle and charming temperament.

    Right! Her beauty is not only her delicate face which is as beautiful as the clear moon; her eyes, as clear as deep springs; her sweet smile. And her unique noble temperament. Such a noble temperament is by no means an arrogant superiority! When you see her open her heart and embrace the children living in the streets, you must be deeply affected by her kind and noble character and her fragrance of water lilies.

    Then again, where has she been for the past five years? Why did she suddenly come back not long ago? Actually, she wasn't eaten by Monsters in the Water. Yes, she's back, ay! But ...... isn't really back...... Where the hell has she been for those five strange years? Let me tell you the answer! Only I, Little peach blossom, know the answer!

    Princess Balmy ...... was actually gone the very moment ...... she disappeared! She wasn't eaten by Monsters in the Water at all, and she didn't fall into the lake, in fact she would have been safe even if she had accidentally fallen into it! Because she's a good swimmer! Just like a fish swimming in the sea, how could she have drowned in the lake, you say? Is it not a joke? She ...... went to another world! A place called Earthstar! There is a difference of four thousand eight hundred years between that star and us ......'

    'Everyone, run! Don't listen! If you don't run, it'll be too late!'

    Suddenly, a shout brutally shattered the 'legendary dream' that everyone was wandering through, and a thin, lean young man dressed as a boy burst through the doors of Wonder Venue in a frenzy.

    'Santo! What's wrong with you! You've ruined the whole thing, you madman! Get out of here now!

    Santo said sharply, 'Who's crazy? My brother works at Metropolitan City Hall, and I'm here to give you the news! Run! everyone, the Metropolitan City Hall officers and soldiers are coming, there's about a hundred of them! '

    'What the hell is going on, brother Santo!'

    'My brother says that the Metropolitan City Hall has received orders from the King's Court to come here and arrest the Acumen Ape, and that ...... they are demon spirits from some evil wind that have come to the Metropolis to spread rumours about the Palace. The King's Court has ordered that all Acumen Ape in the city be arrested and killed, and ...... if the officers and soldiers arrive later, all the listeners present, regardless of their family origin or rank, will be reduced to lowly slaves!

    At once, there were those who slammed their glasses in anger, 'How outrageous! What kind of nonsense is this? What's the big deal if we're just listening to a few stories for fun? And to reduce us to slaves! Shit!'

    There is also the cowardly persuasion, 'Oops! Have you ever seen an egg break a stone? Let's just run! A good man will not suffer before his eyes!'

    The entire Wonder Venue was in chaos, the Flying Fish Wonder Venue, which was packed to the rafters a moment ago, was empty in a flash, and at a glance, Little peach blossom, on stage, had disappeared without a trace.

    At the back door of the Wonder Venue is the 'jasper necklace', the Outer Rare-River, which is located in the outermost circle of the capital, and next to a huge and enchanting willow tree is a brocade palanquin. The palanquin is made of Colourful Clouds Brocade,and although it is not the most luxurious, the taste of its owner can be easily felt.


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