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Chosen By The Creator: Bible Stories
Chosen By The Creator: Bible Stories
Chosen By The Creator: Bible Stories
Ebook277 pages2 hours

Chosen By The Creator: Bible Stories

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CHOSEN BY THE CREATOR: BIBLE STORIES, written by multi-award-winning author Brenda Mohammed, seeks to enlighten you on God's plan for humankind.
These inspiring Bible stories of men and women called by God, to effect His purpose for the world, will change your perspective.
The book begins with stories in Genesis and ends with The Revelation.
As you read this book you will discover that the fullness of God's promise to Abraham became a reality when Jesus Christ shed his blood in atonement for our sins.
The promise to Abraham no longer extends only to the Israelites, but every tribe, tongue, people, and nation in the universe, can have eternal life and dwell in the kingdom of God.
Readers' Favorite International gave the book a five-star follows:
Chosen by the Creator: Bible Stories by Brenda Mohammed is aimed at helping the reader trace the line of descendants as far back as to the beginning of mankind, with the story of Adam and Eve.
Mohammed, who is a firm believer in the fact that "the Bible is God's biography written by his chosen ones," explains, with the help of quotations from the Bible, how the contents of each of its books relate to the whole.
Mohammed ends Chosen by the Creator: Bible Stories with additional material that provides true value for the reader, including the importance of having our names written down in the Book of Life; the text of her favorite two Psalms, 23 and 121 (which is my favorite, too) and a conclusion, confirming her desire (which she has successfully fulfilled) to write a story of God's chosen ones from each book in both the Old and the New Testament.
I love the way, Brenda Mohammed, in her work Chosen by the Creator: Bible Stories, affirms her desire that the stories she retells in an accessible and straightforward language will convince the reader of the genuineness and authenticity of their source in divine will.
For any newcomer to the Bible, Mohammed's clear and simple explanation of the primary focus of each book is illuminating.
Her earnest and heartfelt urging that "all God wants from us is obedience" is a resounding call to us to listen to the word of God and to obey. In short, Chosen by the Creator: Bible Stories is a wonderful supplement to the Bible, although, as Mohammed clearly states, it is certainly no replacement for it."

Release dateMay 16, 2022
Chosen By The Creator: Bible Stories

Brenda Mohammed

Brenda Mohammed, a former Bank Manager from Trinidad, is a renowned, multi-award winning, and bestselling author who has published 52 books. Her genres are memoirs, romance, science fiction, mysteries, psychological thriller, children’s books, Christian books, poetry, self-help, magazines, and anthologies. She is Founder of the How to Write for Success Literary Network and is President CIESART INTERCONTINENTAL - TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, a legally registered company in Spain. Her superb writing skills won her several literary awards in the USA, Peru, Kazakhstan, Seychelles, Nigeria, India, Romania, Argentina, Morocco, Philippines, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Spain, Italy, France, Switzerland, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, and the UK.

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    Chosen By The Creator - Brenda Mohammed


    Bible Stories
































































    "Reviewed by Lois Henderson for Readers' Favorite.

    CHOSEN BY THE CREATOR: BIBLE STORIES by Brenda Mohammed is aimed at helping the reader trace the line of descendants as far back as to the beginning of mankind, with the story of Adam and Eve.

    Mohammed, who is a firm believer in the fact that the Bible is God’s biography written by his chosen ones, explains, with the help of quotations from the Bible, how the contents of each of its books relate to the whole.

    Mohammed ends Chosen by the Creator: Bible Stories with additional material that provides true value for the reader, including the importance of having our names written down in the Book of Life; the text of her favorite two Psalms, 23 and 121 (which is my favorite, too) and a conclusion, confirming her desire (which she has successfully fulfilled) to write a story of God’s chosen ones from each book in both the Old and the New Testament.

    I love the way, Brenda Mohammed, in her work Chosen by the Creator: Bible Stories, affirms her desire that the stories she retells in accessible and straightforward language will convince the reader of the genuineness and authenticity of their source in divine will.

    For any newcomer to the Bible, Mohammed’s clear and simple explanation of the primary focus of each book is illuminating.

    Her earnest and heartfelt urging that all God wants from us is obedience is a resounding call to us to listen to the word of God and to obey.

    In short, ‘Chosen by the Creator: Bible Stories’ is a wonderful supplement to the Bible, although, as Mohammed clearly states, it is certainly no replacement for it."


    Many people have always found the Bible difficult to understand. To some, it is a jig-saw puzzle, and to others, it’s a book of mystery.

    As a child, I attended Sunday School and intently listened to the Bible Stories taught by the Sunday School teacher. My father was a head teacher, and we lived in the house provided for him by the Canadian Missionaries.

    We were fortunate that the house, school, and church were in the same compound.

    Once, the church minister and members of the congregation enacted a play about the Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ. It was called The Passion Play, and the actors performed it in the church’s yard next to our home.

    We could have seen and heard the entire play from our porch. My eldest sister, Myrtle Cleghorn, acted as the Woman of Samaria and one of the church members, who later studied for the Ministry and became a vibrant church minister, acted as Jesus. That play was so powerful, it influenced my life completely.

    I studied Bible Knowledge in High School and received a distinction in the subject in the final examinations. The exam was on my sixteenth birthday, and I prayed to God for a distinction on my birthday. God answered my prayers.

    However, I did not choose to study theology.  I wanted to work in a bank and started as a bank clerk. I met my husband at the bank, and after marriage, we were blessed with two wonderful children.

    I moved up the ranks to senior managerial status, and so did my husband. I loved banking, and later I moved into insurance. My faith in God has always been strong, and I read the Bible regularly. I believe He guided my every step in life.

    Sometimes I wonder if my parents had given me up to the Canadian couple who were missionaries, and who asked to adopt me when I was born, if I would have become a missionary too. I was the eighth child in the family, and Dr. and Mrs. Kemp, who were friends of the family, had no children. Dr. Kemp was the church minister and he baptized me when I was a baby.

    He and his wife asked my parents to adopt me, but they loved their daughter and refused. I am very happy they did not give me away. My parents had two more children after me. They loved all of their children, educated all, and each one held an important position in society.

    At the age of seven, I almost drowned in the sea, and at nine I almost died of acute appendicitis. My father saved my life on both occasions, and I believe God spoke to him to take early action. I wrote about these incidents in my early childhood, in one of my other publications, ‘My Life as a Banker.’

    In 2005, I was struck with cancer, and my doctor in Trinidad gave up on me.

    I went abroad to Miami to a doctor my daughter recommended for treatment, and I miraculously recovered. During the seven months I was undergoing chemotherapy and surgery, I read the Bible many times and prayed fervently. I underlined many passages in the Bible until the pages began falling apart. My husband and I bought many new Bibles afterwards.

    I remembered the woman in the Bible who touched Jesus’ garment and was healed instantly. I could not physically touch Jesus’ garment, but I knew I touched his heart with my prayers. Other family members and friends prayed for my recovery. God answers prayers. I was healed completely after seven months.

    My family and I visited The Holy Land Theme Park in Orlando a few years ago. The Holy Land Theme Park is a living Biblical museum and park, that brings to life the world of the Bible. We saw real-life scenes of the serpent in the Garden of Eden, Herod’s Temple, Jonah in the Whale’s belly, a Jerusalem Model City, a Judean village, Bethlehem’s Manger, Calvary’s Garden Tomb, the wells of Samaria, and many other biblical sites. We were awestruck with the amazing park where we felt pure and holy.

    In 2013, I wrote a book about my cancer experience. I AM CANCER FREE became a bestseller, and later on, won an award in Readers Favorite International Awards in the category, Health and Fitness.

    That book was the start of my writing career. To date, I have published 53 books in many genres - memoirs, science fiction, romance, self-help, mystery, children’s books, psychological thrillers, Christian books, poetry, and poetry anthologies.

    The first Christian book I wrote was YOUR TIME IS NOW. It was more like a memoir and was well received by readers. It obtained excellent reviews and won a Recommended Reader’s award.

    My 46th book was HE IS THE ONE: A BOOK FOR END TIMES. I felt a driving force within me to write that book. It became a No 1 hot new release two days after I published it.

    I am once more motivated by that same force to write and publish CHOSEN BY THE CREATOR: BIBLE STORIES.

    As you read these stories, and confirm them with the Bible references, you will come to realise, as I did, that the Bible holds all answers to your burning questions.

    Each story in this book can help you trace the line of the descendants from Adam and Eve, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, with whom God made his covenant promises, but the book is not a substitute for the Bible, which you should also read.

    In Genesis 12:1-3, God promised Abraham that He would multiply his descendants and make them a great nation. At that time, few people inhabited the world.

    God often said He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. In an encounter with Jacob, God changed Jacob’s name to Israel. Thereafter he referred to Jacob’s descendants as the Israelites.

    However, as history progressed, and the population grew, the appointed kings introduced worship of idols and false gods into their kingdoms.

    God sent many prophets to warn the people, but the rapid growth of evil in the kingdoms escalated.

    Foreign wars, national turmoil, political coups, backstabbing, and betrayal were rampant. The Book of Kings One and Two, document this unsettling and often violent three hundred and fifty years of Israel’s history.

    God enacted a new covenant with his people and this fulfilled the promises made to Adam, Abraham, and David (Jeremiah. 31:31–34).

    The new covenant found its fulfillment in Jesus Christ, who is the true son of Abraham, the true Son of God, the true Israel, the true David, the Son of Man, and the Servant of the Lord. The new covenant promises forgiveness of sins for all humankind, fulfilled in Jesus himself.

    All those who worship Jesus are his offspring. They are the children of Abraham and members of the Israel of God.

    The land promise [God’s kingdom) is also fulfilled in Jesus Christ. We can see the beginning of the promise in Jesus’s resurrection, which guarantees the resurrection of believers, and the new creation which is coming.

    In the new creation, the entire world is God’s temple, and the entire universe is the New Jerusalem where God and the Lamb will dwell. (Rev. 21 & 22)

    The universal blessing, a blessing for all nations and people, also comes to pass with Jesus.

    In the old covenant, God’s people consisted almost only of the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, whose name God changed to Israel.

    However, in the new covenant, Jesus Christ blesses every tribe, tongue, people, and nation if they trust in Him, for eternal life, and the fullness of God’s promise to Abraham has become a reality.

    The heavy curtain in the Temple at Jerusalem was torn when Jesus died.

    Matthew 27:51 says, "And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent."

    So, what is the significance of this torn veil?

    The tearing of the veil at the time of Jesus’ death dramatically symbolized that His sacrifice, the shedding of His own blood, was a sufficient atonement for our sins. It signified that the way into the Kingdom of God was open for all people, universally.

    In John 14: 6, Jesus summed it up in this verse, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the father but by me."

    This revelation is wonderful news for all.

    "Blessed are they that do his commandments that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city."  [Revelation 22: 14]

    I hope this book will be of benefit to all readers and will change your lives.


    God, the Creator of the world, and all-powerful being, is the unseen hero of the Bible.

    As you read the Bible stories that follow from this chapter, you will realise that the Bible is God’s biography written by his chosen ones.

    God revealed his intentions to his chosen ones by speaking to them directly or indirectly. God is a Spirit and appeared in many forms, to men and women in the Bible, as an angel, a star, a flaming bush, a heavenly light, or a quiet whisper.

    Physical manifestations of God are always indirect or symbolic.

    The first five books of the Bible are called The Pentateuch – Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

    In the Hebrew Scriptures, the Pentateuch is called ‘Torah’, which means teaching.

    The Book of Genesis begins with the Creation, and God’s first covenant was with Adam and Eve, who were stewards of all creation. However, because they disobeyed God, HE banished them to Earth.

    God’s second covenant was with Noah after the flood which destroyed the earth. God promised to never destroy the world by flood again.

    God’s third covenant was with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The promise was first made to Abraham (Genesis 15:18-21), then confirmed with his son Isaac (Genesis 26:3), and then to Isaac’s son, Jacob (Genesis 28:13). These stories are in the Book of Genesis.

    However, one of Jacob’s sons, Joseph, was sold to an Egyptian by his brothers, who were jealous of him. After facing many trials, Joseph won the heart of the king and was given a top position in the kingdom of Egypt.

    There was a great famine in Canaan and the brothers went to Egypt for food.

    Joseph tricked the brothers into taking their father, Jacob, and the rest of the family to Egypt. They continued to live there after the famine, and Jacob’s generations dwelt

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