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The Nanny Diaries #3: Mindy Cummings: The Nanny Diaries, #3
The Nanny Diaries #3: Mindy Cummings: The Nanny Diaries, #3
The Nanny Diaries #3: Mindy Cummings: The Nanny Diaries, #3
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The Nanny Diaries #3: Mindy Cummings: The Nanny Diaries, #3

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Read only if you dare. The wonderful worlds of Darling Coxx are filled to the brim with scenes guaranteed to entice you and leave you lust hungry.

Mindy Cummings didn't expect anything from Mark Jacobs except a decent paying part time nanny job that worked well with her college schedule. The apartment over the garage for her own private affairs was an added bonus. She soon learned how little she knew about the man she'd been babysitting for since she was a teen. It wouldn't take long to realize that his touch was the one thing she needed more than anything. Fantasy after fantasy, he filled her thoughts. His face was who she envisioned no matter who she was with. The one thing she didn't expect was for fantasy to become reality.

PublisherJennifer Lush
Release dateDec 30, 2021
The Nanny Diaries #3: Mindy Cummings: The Nanny Diaries, #3

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    Book preview

    The Nanny Diaries #3 - Darling Coxx

    Chapter One

    The Break Up


    It’s been several years since I kept a journal, but I figured writing everything down like this might help me make sense of some things to figure out what to do. I’ve basically had the same job for six years now although it has changed quite a bit since I started. It’s beginning to look like it’s time to leave here and start a career, but who’s to say that’s the right choice.

    Mark and Cynthia Jacobs first hired me as a babysitter soon after their son was born. It was for an occasional evening here and there when I was in high school. As time went on, I watched him more and more. The summer after my freshman year of college Cynthia died in a car wreck. It was so unexpected and difficult for the family. She was an amazing person.

    There had never been a need for a nanny before because Cynthia didn’t work. Most wives who had husbands earning what Mark did would still hire a nanny to stay free for their social calendar. Not Cynthia. Their son was everything to her, and she wanted to be there for all of it.

    After she passed away, he needed someone while he was at work. It was supposed to be temporary. At first, it was only until the end of the summer. It would take time to interview and background check possible candidates for the job. It turned into continuing through the fall semester while I took evening and online classes. Then, I was needed more in the evenings as well. Before I knew it, I was graduating college after a senior year of online only classes because sometimes Mark needed me in the evenings.

    This is the time when I should be sending out a resume and trying to begin my life. Somehow, I’ve been suckered in to a live-in nanny position at the Jacob’s household. It’s temporary for the summer to see if I want to continue to stay on or not.

    There’s so much to consider. The house is gorgeous. The pay is well above what the average live-in nanny makes. But where is the time for me? I get Sunday’s off and the occasional Saturday. Basically, if Mark isn’t too busy, I can have the day off.

    Meanwhile, I already suspect Chad is cheating on me. I can’t pinpoint anything specific, but I feel it in my gut. We started off hot and heavy. We were in love and had a life together ahead of us. I kept pulling away from him by giving so much of myself to this family. He didn’t see me on campus anymore, and I wasn’t able to attend most of the parties like he did. Sometimes I wonder why he hasn’t dumped me yet. Maybe he’s hoping I’ll quit my job, or worse. I wonder if he’s hoping I’ll wind up dumping him, so he won’t have to be the bad guy. Instead I’m going to be telling him that I’m staying on at least for the next three months.

    I debated all day about whether to tell Chad first thing or to wait until nearer the end of our date. Part of me really wanted to do it, and get it over with already. It was going to cause a fight and possibly the official end of our relationship. To be honest, a phone call would be better if that’s the case.

    Instead, I drove over to his apartment thinking we were headed out to see a local band at one of our favorite bars. Chad had other plans. I definitely couldn’t break the bad news to him then. Not when I had a mouth full of cock.

    I gave the apartment door a quick knock then opened it and hollered out, Hello?

    Chad answered from down the hall, Back here.

    Typical of him to not be ready. That’s why I started meeting him here instead of having him pick me up. He notoriously always ran late, and this way I could still spend time with him instead of eyeing the clock waiting on him.

    As I walked to his room, I expected one of two things. If I was lucky, he’d be showered, but not completely ready to go yet. Mostly, I figured he’d still be on the damn gaming console wearing the same clothes he had on yesterday and smelling like it too. Nothing would’ve made me guess I’d find him lying flat on his back in his bed, fully naked with a hard on greeting me, but damn, I do love surprises.

    I stood in the doorway absolutely shocked for a minute. My mouth was on the floor. It was the first time Chad had ever done anything like this. He was always a ‘sex with the lights off’ kind of guy. Changes in sexual likes is a warning, but my mind wasn’t looking for signs of a cheater. It was sorely focused on his six inch woody staring back at me.

    Well, you just gonna stand there all night, or are you going to join me? he laughed.

    I bit my lower lip and bounded toward the bed.

    Chad held his hand up, and said, Wait. There is a dress code. You must be nude to join me. Strip.

    A grin spread across my face. I was loving this. I started to unfasten the sleeveless button up I was wearing when he stopped me again.

    No, no, no. I said strip, he emphasized. Then he reached over and pushed play on his phone that was connected to the speaker. Music started flowing out. 

    I chuckled and shook my head. It was a little out of my comfort zone, and Chad knew

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