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My Guardian Angel
My Guardian Angel
My Guardian Angel
Ebook32 pages26 minutes

My Guardian Angel

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About this ebook

You may not think it by looking at me, but I love a good thrill.


When I meet a man named Saint who can give that to me, I get weak in the knees, even if it's scary.


But that's not always a good thing…


…and on the same day that I met Saint, I also met a man named Mars who promised to be there for me.


I never thought I needed protecting, but Mars makes me want to be kept safe.


I wonder if he's everything he's declared himself to be…

Release dateJul 8, 2022
My Guardian Angel

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    My Guardian Angel - Cami Rosen


    At 5 PM sharp, I stormed into the Offbeat Bar, the only non-hipster bar in all of Celestia Falls, feeling like a complete and total mess. The fight I’d gotten into with a coworker earlier that afternoon still got me heated whenever I thought about it. He’d been a sexist pig, and I’d had enough. Not even my baggiest blouse and pants had been able to stop him from making gross comments about my body. Apparently, you could have a pancake ass and mosquito-bite chest, and still be too much of a woman to avoid being a target for workplace harassment.

    Not that HR was jumping to do anything about it.

    I slouched onto the nearest stool, pushed my frizzing brown hair into a bun, and ordered a stiff drink. It was only after the order arrived that I finally looked around.

    I’d chosen this bar for its quiet location, and because the guys at work preferred places in town that didn’t have a line of motorcycles in the parking lot. It was the kind of place I’d loved in college. Sitting there now, I wondered if my blouse and slacks were too upscale, making me a target of a different kind. Fortunately, none of the guys in riding gear paid me any attention. I reached for my drink, intending to sling it back and leave.

    Then I saw him: dark hair, leather jacket over a t-shirt and jeans, and a harsh, but handsome face with heavy eyes, but a gentle mouth that laughed when the bartender in front of him—a woman, no less, which startled me because so many dives I’d been to were run by men—made a joke that he laughed at. I pressed my legs together, already aroused. This was the kind of bad boy I used to be drawn another life, one that I’d promised myself, upon getting my latest job in tech, that I wouldn’t entertain anymore.

    That didn’t mean I couldn’t admire him from afar, though.

    I looked too long because soon, the man at the bar caught my eye and held it. When I didn’t look away, and gave

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