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Expert Home Selling Strategies: A Guide To Keeping More Money
Expert Home Selling Strategies: A Guide To Keeping More Money
Expert Home Selling Strategies: A Guide To Keeping More Money
Ebook135 pages1 hour

Expert Home Selling Strategies: A Guide To Keeping More Money

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To serve our clients with integrity and honesty, communicate efficiently and timely, and to protect their interest as much as we protect our own.

Many seller's have asked us, "where do we start when it comes to selling our home". This is a great question as you are

Release dateDec 6, 2022
Expert Home Selling Strategies: A Guide To Keeping More Money

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    Expert Home Selling Strategies - Max & Dr Alicia Claircius


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    A Guide To Keeping More Money


    Max & Dr Alicia Claircius

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    Published by Max & Dr. Alicia Claircius

    Copyright © Max & Dr. Alicia Claircius

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.


    While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the Author nor the Publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional.

    This publication is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. The Publisher wants to stress that the information contained herein may be subject to varying state and/or local laws or regulations.

    The reader of this publication assumes responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, including advertising and all other aspects of doing business in the United States or any other jurisdiction is the sole responsibility of the reader. The Author and publisher assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever on behalf of any reader of these materials.

    If your property is currently listed with a Realtor, please disregard this notice. It is not our intention to solicit the offerings of other brokers.

    EBOOK ISBN: 978-969-2792-67-7

    PAPERBACK ISBN: 978-969-2792-65-3

    Table Of Contents


    About The Authors

    Testimonials & Reviews For The Claircius Group

    CHAPTER 1 Introduction

    CHAPTER 2 80/20 Rule

    CHAPTER 3 From The Outside In

    CHAPTER 4 Important steps to Home Selling

    CHAPTER 5 Mistakes To Avoid

    CHAPTER 6 Learn from Your Neighbors mistakes

    CHAPTER 7 Think Of ROI Always

    CHAPTER 8 The Purpose Of Staging

    CHAPTER 9 Expert Marketing

    CHAPTER 10 Negotiate From Your Strengths

    CHAPTER 11 Dos and Don'ts of Negotiations

    CHAPTER 12 Make Leverage your Friend

    CHAPTER 13 The Major D's Of Real Estate

    CHAPTER 14 Finding Qualfied Buyers

    CHAPTER 15 Why you need an expert?

    Want To keep more money?



    hen we first ventured into the real estate industry years ago, we did so with the hopes of helping sellers like you avoid the headaches often associated with the home-selling process. In our years of experience, not only have we helped alleviate the stress of selling for numerous clients, but we’ve also accumulated years of knowledge to help them get more money for their homes in the least amount of time.

    We decided to share all of our expertise in one place with potential clients. And that’s why you’re receiving this book. We want to help you have the best possible home-selling experience. That means we want you to 1. Get the most money possible for your home, 2. Sell in the least amount of time, and 3. Avoid the headaches most commonly associated with the home-selling process.

    Think of this book as our gift to you. It contains insider advice on the home-selling process to help you achieve your ultimate real estate goals, including:

    Secret strategies to sell your home for more money

    Marketing techniques employed by top agents

    Advice on how to appeal to today’s buyers

    And much, much more

    If, after reading through it, you want to hire us to help you, we’d be more than happy to meet with you to discuss a specific plan to sell your home. Happy reading!

    Max & Dr. Alicia Claircius

    The Claircius Group International


    About The Authors

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    eople often ask us, how did you guys become such a power couple? The answer is always the same. We keep our heads down, mind our business, and keep pushing. We are avid believers of the Japanese kaizen principle of continuous development, especially self-development. It hasn’t always been that way.

    Max Claircius

    I was born in a small town called Gros-morne, about three hours outside the well-known City of Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. Life was simple. Simple in that most people wake up at whatever time they wish, walk down to the beach to bathe, play soccer all day long, and repeat the process again the next day. For the most part, this was the climax of their lives, and aspirations of something more were non-existent.

    However, I got lucky. We all need luck in our lives sometimes. I know there is no such thing as luck, but we call it that when we cannot see or understand the divine orchestrations at play in our daily lives. My three sisters and I were raised by our grandmother Marie. My father traveled to Nassau, Bahamas, early on in our lives, then to Fort Lauderdale, where my mother joined him soon after. Here is where the lucky part I mentioned earlier comes in, because our parents were in the United States, this alone gave us a spark of hope. Also, everyone in our town treated us differently because we were the children of what they called Diaspora.

    In the mind of the Haitian population, Diaspora is synonymous with wealth and Prestige, as opposed to its proper and original meaning, people displaced from their homeland. That we were children of Diaspora, this self-belief began to build, fueled by the belief of the people around us.

    I knew that we were different. I had no idea what different meant, but I knew, and everyone knew we were different. Let’s call that luck for now. Just because we were children of Diaspora and lady luck shining over us, that did not stop life from happening to us. At 7, I begin to be sexually molested by two of my female cousins. I didn’t realize it was sexual abuse until I was introduced to counseling. However, that abuse set the stage for a confused young man who later mistook sex for love, a little boy who felt alone because no mother or father was there to protect him. Though it was this very fact that they were away in the United States that forever changed his life. A catch-22, but those are the facts. Had my parents been there to protect me and not had the title Diaspora attached to them, I most likely would not be here writing this right now. That’s where we transition from luck to the divine orchestration.

    Despite the trauma, we had a beautiful life in Haiti. We had the biggest house on our block that would shame many homes here in the US. Our parents always sent truckloads of food items, clothing, and toys. We lived a simple life in the most luxurious way possible only because my parents were Diasporas. The news paints the Beautiful island of Hispaniola as one of the world's poorest countries, while Haiti is one of the wealthiest countries based on its natural resources. I love my country, and I love my people. I am forever proud of the small Island that defeated the Great French Army and became the first African country to win its independence. At the tender age of 8, my sisters and I also became Diasporas. Both my parents, after they departed from Haiti and even before leaving Haiti, have always been active with the Salvation Army, and after their departure, even more so. If I am where I am today, I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to the Salvation Army. My parents were pursuing to become Salvation Army officers; another way of saying pastors.

    The Salvation Army is structured in a para-military fashion with the officer pastors as the Army of God. The assistance of the Salvation Army, where our immigration to the United States is concerned, was integral, as the Salvation Army is recognized worldwide for its ministry. We arrived in the United States as full citizens on day one. For those in the know, gaining citizenship in the US for countless immigrants could be gruesome and exhausting. Again, we were lucky to be blessed with the right mother and father.

    I often sit and think had I been born to one of my mother’s sisters or brothers or one of my father’s sisters, I would not be here today. Who can explain this incredible invisible hand guiding such things? I remember the night we arrived at JFK, a parade of Salvation Army officers with bags full of toys in hand was there to meet us and escort us to our home.

    We arrived in the dead of Winter in New York City, one of the most exciting and coldest cities. I remember being in Awe of the tall buildings, the overwhelming lights, the fast-lane traffic. We were most certainly not in Gros-Morne anymore. Though we moved to New York for a better life, it was better in terms of a beautiful home, great schools, and countless experiences with the Salvation Army. Our home life was nothing short of toxic. My Father was an aggressive person. He never learned the skill of communication, at least with us at home. Whatever was going on in his life, he took it out

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