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Lunanity Love Life Cult Love Letter for Luna Book 09
Lunanity Love Life Cult Love Letter for Luna Book 09
Lunanity Love Life Cult Love Letter for Luna Book 09
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Lunanity Love Life Cult Love Letter for Luna Book 09

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We start with day 129 and The Old Man and Simon arrive in Camp Namor. The surprise city like Barbaralba City was. Simon will establish his business. The Old Man makes his first soup outside of the village and he explains to very old friends that he knows Sallandrah’s story is true. At least true enough to be mostly real.

Next couple days are many day, some stage fights and Beddi, Simon’s girlfriend, not sure but I think she stays in Camp Namor for the duration. She likes it. And Three Rivers. She is a shoemaker. And Radio Paradise has more Tool. What is silly for I have the songs on all of my devices. But this mix is often on at night.

Day 132 has a little holiday, life is mostly holiday on Eden, like here on Earth, now that we have what game theorists call plus sum gain. All new. Four of the super heroes go up river, a little one. For time out. Fantasy.

133 has a big surprise for Namor. They get back from their little vacation and Zarathustra and Narnok are waiting at the dock to inform him that one of the fighters is injured and Namor must fight. This is in Three Rivers. He not only makes a respectable show, he outlasts his opponent and drops him. The crowd loves the Drave King. Then they return down river to Camp Namor. And they will soon, the protocol team, continue down river.

We skip through to just before Gadavida. Namor has many fights. He loses some. Not to worry. He is in it just for fun. And it is time to kill a shark. A long time it was away from the ocean.

Next entry does get us to the dock of Gadavida. On this day in real history is: see an angel. Like the man told me while many were around but none did see him, only angels can see angels. There is a hyper real to the creatures and it makes everything worth the effort. Most people think of winged mythological creatures when they hear the word. Or a sexy girl. Or Jinn. It is something real. Love direct from the source. The emergence of the Ubermensch.

Day 136. We are in Gadavida. Namor has a fight. He has many fights. And we get a little information about the ship. It may be expanded on in the novel.

Day 137 Namor and Barbaralba are relaxing and talking about biology and is there a populated continent on the other side of the planet. If so, do we need to kill them all.

“No. That wasn’t it.”

Next day, Namor gets a bit of philosophy going. The most of it has to do with is there meaning. If not, so what. There is opportunity for the new masters of life. They can make and protect paradise. In the name of our ancestors and our possible descendants, we must see to survival and fun. A pursuit of heaven. Our birthright.

Day 140 was mostly for a pointless, many direction ramble. A fun bunch of stories woven together. And the date is wrong. By six days. It gets fixed later and it is not so important unless you go to someone’s birthday party.

142 is a bit of battle with a very short bit of a story that helps explain the universe. And if you ain’t caught it by now, it is what is going on here. We are in a universe. That is a wild adventure and there is shit we absolutely must do. As in we may think we have freewill but only those who don’t know what they want have freewill. Better said, free from will. Willless tumbleweeds taking up space and messing shit up.

Day 143 is a bit of local reporting and some speculating. The protocol team is on one of the metal islands. Just for a look. I think they are going to go north on account I am typing in book 31 now and went with my cousin into town and also trying an upload thing on google. That and I had two balls of ice cream. So let us try one more.

Next day. And no, they are in Gadavida. Planning trips. They wanna map some of the planet. And something else. I better stop for today.

Day 145 we talk of things that are happening and we do some speculating and we have one very pretty answer from Namor to a question about why he likes fighting. And it c

PublisherSteve Howard
Release dateDec 5, 2022
Lunanity Love Life Cult Love Letter for Luna Book 09

Steve Howard

Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 1960. Moved to London, Ontario, Canada in 1967. Started playing hockey and piano. Went to Sir Wilfred Laurier High School and played the trumpet. Studied Architectural Technology at Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Sciences. Started playing guitar and writing a little. On a trip to the mountains in 1982 with a friend I decided, or was awakened to the knowledge that I was going to pursue writing. Graduated 1984 and moved to Toronto. Moved to Saarbrücken, Germany in 1993. Have traveled many places in North, Middle and South America and Europe. Besides reading and writing also work on photography and music.

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    Book preview

    Lunanity Love Life Cult Love Letter for Luna Book 09 - Steve Howard


    Love Life Cult

    Love Letter for Luna

    Book 09

    Steve Howard 773U5


    Steve Howard 773U5 on Smashwords

    Second Genesis

    Copyright © 2022 by Steve Howard 773U5

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission by the copyright owner and the publisher of this book except in the case of quotations embodied in critical articles, essays and reviews.

    This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business establishments, events or locales are the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. The use or misuse of any trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

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    Table Of Content

    day 129 05.09.2020

    day 130 06.09.2020

    day 131 07.09.2020

    day 132 08.09.2020

    day 133 16.09.2020

    day 134 17.09.2020

    day 135 18.09.2020

    day 136 19.09.2020

    day 137 20.09.2020

    day 138 21.09.2020

    day 139 22.09.2020

    day 140 23.09.2020

    day 141 24.09.2020

    day 142 03.10.2020

    day 143 04.10.2020

    day 144 05.10.2020

    day 145 06.10.2020

    day 146 07.10.2020

    day 147 08.10.2020

    day 148 09.10.2020

    book 09


    Now for those who are not Luna, if she allows this to be published. She is a wise woman and any who find her insufferable simply don’t like angel types.

    This ain’t easy to make clear so it sounds real because it is. It is a thing we could see if we knew to look. And that’s some of what I try to do with my photos and my writing.

    And you are mostly to blame for my continued attitude. So we gonna keep on writing to see if I can explain that when we take from the tree of knowledge and the tree of life we become the gods. And the gods want to be and they see that possibility in people like you who manage to sit in the lap of the gods.

    Anyhow. I wish you would play me a song on the piano. A piano concerto with orchestra. Anyhow, we were in the middle of Chapter 33 when book 8 ended.

    For those who haven’t read the first 8 books, what the fuck.

    News reached Camp Namor that the awaited guests were nearing the city. Alexandria and Lexus ran down the trail to meet their friends.

    Simon was walking ahead of the caravan with his friends and partners. Lexus greeted them quickly but left Alexandria with Simon to find the Old Man. She found him talking to people of Barbancor. He saw Lexus coming at him.

    My angel.

    Lexus gave the Old Man a hug and took his arm to monopolize his attention.

    You are so beautiful, Old Man. The sea voyage has had a wonderful effect.

    The Old Man was used to compliments from Lexus. She was always a delight. Like Luna. Most days.

    It was all very exciting and fresh. I had no idea how vast the world is.

    And beautiful.

    That it is.

    Lexus told the Old Man about Three Rivers and that his other friends were on the trail back to Camp Namor. She told him of the progress with the Old City.

    How is their brew.

    Lexus laughed.

    It will be much better very soon, I am certain.

    Lexus took the Old Man and his supplies to his new dwelling and soup kitchen.

    This is the town hall river deck and this is your kitchen café. We had it built a bit like your village kitchen mostly because we wanted it so. If you want something different, just say. Or do. You can have more space if you want it but most of your regular customers will be here. There is also sleeping quarters but you can sleep somewhere else. We can build.

    The Old Man gave Lexus a squeeze.

    It is all brilliant, my angel.

    When you are done crying, we have a pre welcome party. We will have another in a few days when everyone is here. Are you hungry.

    Lexus took the Old Man over the bridge to the sawmill yard before going back over the bridge.

    Why did she do that.

    Fuck if I know. I thought the party might be there but it was at Simon’s new shop and workplace. He might rather know about the saw mill on account he uses wood.

    We fix it later if we care to tell such a pointless detail. Unless we make a map. Over the bridge was more for things requiring more space and things like a mill that could have some water power and other things but we get to the party.

    Alexandria was explaining the same things to Simon. You need more space or this or that. Simon smiled at the sign on his new shop. He laughed when he noticed how close a tree branch hung under his deck roof.

    I love it.

    Simon looked at his friends. They were counting themselves in.

    Lexus introduced them to the Old Man. How old was hard to know. No one looked old before they were several hundred years old. They nodded and said hello and food and drink and several local residences had a little party.

    Alexandria caught up with the Old Man after some food and drink.

    You are the child queen, Alexandria.

    Alexandria laughed.

    "If the story is true, I am the daughter of Billy and

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