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Lunanity Love Life Cult Love Letter for Luna Book 06
Lunanity Love Life Cult Love Letter for Luna Book 06
Lunanity Love Life Cult Love Letter for Luna Book 06
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Lunanity Love Life Cult Love Letter for Luna Book 06

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We start day 100 in book 6 with an ode to blueberries. In the back field long ago and now a thing on the island. And Sallandrah has arranged for a blueberry pie. For her lover.

The next day we have a map of the Seat of God. The area around it and some more information and some more questions. The wagons are prepared for leaving. A long road to the dark city.

Day 102 has our soldiers six days on the Mountain Road. A trail wide enough for the wagons and 3,000 soldiers. They take a day to relax at a mountain lake. Much eating and resting.

Day 104 report getting to the Seat of God, blasting a pile of stone from the wall to keep the dogs in before setting up camp and then building, cutting a trail down the other side of the plateau to a clean river. Both for water and hunting. Many soldiers took time to bathe and rest in the shade. The plateau was hot most of the day.

Day 105 has a pleasant surprise for those who have read Ali Sam Erapa. And two fire arrows are shot into the smoky dark city to alert the inhabitants that an army is outside the city. It is a small army but with superior weapons and a position of power.

The new discovery that comes with the visitor from far away is the long crack in the mountain beneath the Seat of God. The Seat of God is a large rock on a large rock that with a little imagination or desperation for meaning looks like a big throne. If God was a giant, he could sit there and watch over the holy city of killer dogs and pigs. As long as the smoke didn’t bother him. In the old stories God is always a man. We will get to that topic later. After the war.

Day 106 was a bit of a writing frenzy, finally. Much happening. They have to jump up out of their sleep to defend a black balloon attack that covers the side of the mountain in fire. A few come over the wall in a suicidal attempt at an attack. Dogs are lowered on a platform with ropes. They get blasted back to hell where they will be encouraged to stay. And with only less than 20 Lacuna soldiers brutally and quickly slaughtered. They accept the offer to give up the war and take the long march home. The first three wagons also accompany them on the trail.

The crack in the mountain is stuffed tight with dry wood and ready for wetting.

Day 107 is a long entry. The end of the war is finally written. All but the 18 soldiers that had been cut down in the short attempt, not counting those who died in the sea battle; there more had died. The last war also took the lives of the highest assumed authority. They had been blotted out. No one knows how many had lived in the dark palace. They all were buried. The priests, pigs and killer dogs. And there were chickens and goats and that was sad but that is how the end of the little world of dictator darkness ended.

Everyone else is on the trail back to Lacuna or Barbaralba City. Most still call it Barbaralba Town. In the novel we won’t call it a city.

The next day we run out of pages in book 6. The goddess has a birthday. The one we are writing to. We mostly wrote of the story and that is good for getting the story written. Book 7 is the beginning of peace time.

PublisherSteve Howard
Release dateDec 5, 2022
Lunanity Love Life Cult Love Letter for Luna Book 06

Steve Howard

Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 1960. Moved to London, Ontario, Canada in 1967. Started playing hockey and piano. Went to Sir Wilfred Laurier High School and played the trumpet. Studied Architectural Technology at Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Sciences. Started playing guitar and writing a little. On a trip to the mountains in 1982 with a friend I decided, or was awakened to the knowledge that I was going to pursue writing. Graduated 1984 and moved to Toronto. Moved to Saarbrücken, Germany in 1993. Have traveled many places in North, Middle and South America and Europe. Besides reading and writing also work on photography and music.

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    Lunanity Love Life Cult Love Letter for Luna Book 06 - Steve Howard


    Love Life Cult

    Love Letter for Luna

    Book 06

    Steve Howard 773U5


    Steve Howard 773U5 on Smashwords

    Second Genesis

    Copyright © 2022 by Steve Howard 773U5

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission by the copyright owner and the publisher of this book except in the case of quotations embodied in critical articles, essays and reviews.

    This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business establishments, events or locales are the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. The use or misuse of any trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

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    Table Of Content

    day 100 17.07.2020

    day 101 18.07.2020

    day 102 19.07.2020

    day 103 23.07.2020

    day 104 24.07.2020

    day 105 25.07.2020

    day 106 26.07.2020

    day 107 27.07.2020

    day 108 28.07.2020

    book 06


    The Old King, Luna, forgot that he loved blueberries. Wild blueberries are a most brilliant treat. We, our family, lived on Punch Bowl Drive for a year or more. We never stayed anywhere long. This is where we had our first cat, Alice. Chased me home pregnant. Behind our house was a hill of rocks and bushes. And so many blueberries. If we picked enough, mom would make a blueberry pie. And of course we could eat as many as we wanted when we picked them. They were wild. Free for the taking. Like blackberries. I bought some cultivated ones today. They are much bigger. Not bad. Much better than no blueberries. But you can be certain that if Erapa brought life to the planet, there would be wild blueberries wherever they could grow. That wasn’t everywhere. They often grew where pine and fur trees grew. Dark soil full of rot. Unless they were in a field. With nothing much at all to compete with.

    Cultivated blueberries were becoming a thing since people were reading Sallandrah’s book. The plants were still too young to produce many berries but Sallandrah had arranged to have enough for a pie. The Old King had forgotten that he liked to bake, kings and queens had the food prepared for them. Sallandrah never baked in her story or in her memory. So she found someone who could and did bake pies in a wood fire oven.



    A runner came back with the map. The news that the last runner had the map reached Barbaralba City three days before, thanks to wireless communication technology. Wagons were prepared and the botain were given extra food.

    The runner passed many soldiers when she got to the limits of Lacuna. Barbaralba did not want any surprise attacks. She did not expect any but caution was always wise in war. They had lost 21 ships and many soldiers because they had been too bold. And the soldiers reminded the runner that her participation and the participation of her brothers, cousins and aunts and uncles was most important for preparing a strategy.

    She passed soldiers on the New Hill Road who followed her at her long distance pace across the low land that made the island a peninsula and up New Port Road directly to the town hall where she was handed a cup of coconut milk with lime.

    She smiled. She like it that the Drave King paid attention to her. She handed him the leather carry bag with the map and took the drink.

    There were so many soldiers.

    Namor smiled and pulled the map out to look at it under the light of an oil lamp. He took it off the table and pinned it on the wall so more people could see it. Namor took a close look to read the details written. Then he moved away and sat down to let others have a close look.

    They cannot possibly feed all those people.

    It was noted that no one came in or out of the front gate in the three days they had watched. No one had been on the wall.

    Mushrooms and pig meat.

    A few people looked at Namor.

    We do not know how far they have dug into the mountain.

    Maybe there is another way in.

    The runners are looking but the city is in a mountain.

    The tents are not usually there. From the permanent inhabitants, there were none to be seen.

    At least as many as Sun Temple.

    After everyone had a close look at the map, Namor went for a closer inspection. It would take days to get

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