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Lunanity Love Life Cult Love Letter for Luna Book 24
Lunanity Love Life Cult Love Letter for Luna Book 24
Lunanity Love Life Cult Love Letter for Luna Book 24
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Lunanity Love Life Cult Love Letter for Luna Book 24

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Still 359 for the start of the book. A little explaining as way of introduction. A reminder for dedicated lunatics and greeting for those coming in late. Having read the other books already, I can guess why someone might want to take the last 12 books on their device on holiday.


Not telling. I also won’t say what I like where.

Day 360 is a lengthy entry with some exciting writing. Excited about a sighting of Little Loon. So we touch on a few topics. As any reader of the other books would know. Physics, philosophy, love, social observations and a few other insights about life and tips on how to use your brain to think a few thoughts. In the present we have Friday morning and time for breakfast. Some music to cover up the cello loop of the woman below.

361 Sounding a little like a teenager in love. All a little nutty. Like a proper fairytale. In the future it will be an old fable. Like the Qur’an or the Bible. People read it, well, maybe, but if they do, they will wonder, is this madness or is it true.

“Or true madness.”

It was the 1st of May and I went to church to see Little Loon do some satanic ritual. Most people don’t believe that ritual worship is satanic so just ignore that comment.

362 was a long rave, page after page of speculative outrage and bland expectation. Not too much story but boundless glory. And the narrator is nutty about the little girl. Love is madness; there is no doubt. It is better I stay in and never go out. Land in the mental ward. Locked in my room, pulling my cord. I can’t remember what it was about. I enjoy the trip of the words but when I leave it to come back to now, it seems so removed from that holy cow. Bitch.

Day 363 is a little gloomy. Much speculation as to what is. What is the narrator to do and when does the world start. Why was he born with a broken heart. Not true. The first few years were cool. Before he became conscious that he was the fool. The one that could see but not understand or know what would possibly be a useful thing to do. And why do people pretend to believe what they say they believe and that is not what we were on about. Just we gotta say something until we get our characters doing something besides just hanging around on a ship.

364 The narrator was on the fly on this day. The books are taking on some speed. A sailing through ideas and concepts and fun to read and maybe laugh. Maybe wonder about what one thinks about one thing or the other. And Barbaralba and Namor get to Barbaralba Town. Some ideas may make it to the novel. Most won’t. Just for Luna’s love letter. Help prepare her for life. Or anyone else that takes time to read the bitching and wisdom of the philosopher king.

365 should be a year by most calculations but we messed up somewhere. Likely didn’t write every day at the beginning. A gradual start until one has ones writing legs. Like a basketball player throwing hoops. The first month or two a few. The sky today again is blue. Sunny and hot. Not yet. We still have early morning. I am wondering if I go out for a walk. And if you read day 365 you will see why it was not mentioned.

“A big secret bum licking.”

366 is a word invention adventure. A look in a book about how to write poetry. We undertake a few lessons with perhaps a bit of flippancy. We discover some nice words and make a Carrollesque like poem. And Barbaralba has a fight, yes she takes it to the hilt. Some blood is spilt. And it is the first televised sporting event on planet Eden. As far as anyone knows.

So let us sacrifice a grapefruit to appease the gods of hunger.

366 The second one. We fix that somehow. Is more inspired improvising just for the reader’s pleasure. The writer may be suffering. Knowing that his muse is forbidden fruit and well out of reach. So is it with the mad artist scraping at the diamond surface with broken fingernails trying to get a chink for a look to the other side.

PublisherSteve Howard
Release dateDec 5, 2022
Lunanity Love Life Cult Love Letter for Luna Book 24

Steve Howard

Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 1960. Moved to London, Ontario, Canada in 1967. Started playing hockey and piano. Went to Sir Wilfred Laurier High School and played the trumpet. Studied Architectural Technology at Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Sciences. Started playing guitar and writing a little. On a trip to the mountains in 1982 with a friend I decided, or was awakened to the knowledge that I was going to pursue writing. Graduated 1984 and moved to Toronto. Moved to Saarbrücken, Germany in 1993. Have traveled many places in North, Middle and South America and Europe. Besides reading and writing also work on photography and music.

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    Lunanity Love Life Cult Love Letter for Luna Book 24 - Steve Howard


    Love Life Cult

    Love Letter for Luna

    Book 24

    Steve Howard 773U5


    Steve Howard 773U5 on Smashwords

    Second Genesis

    Copyright © 2022 by Steve Howard 773U5

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission by the copyright owner and the publisher of this book except in the case of quotations embodied in critical articles, essays and reviews.

    This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business establishments, events or locales are the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. The use or misuse of any trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

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    Table Of Content

    day 359 29.04.2021

    day 360 30.04.2021

    day 361 01.05.2021

    day 362 02.05.2021

    day 363 03.05.2021

    day 364 05.05.2021

    day 365 06.05.2021

    day 366 07.05.2021

    day 366 08.05.2021

    day 367 08.05.2021

    day 368 09.05.2021

    book 24


    Luna, My Love. Thirty minutes have passed and we start book 24. We will once again attempt a little clarity at the start for new readers or forgetful readers. Your narrator was raised to be Jesus Christ. Or something like it. So obviously, as any teenager would in the 70s, he said no. I like rock ‘n’ roll. Jazz and blues as well. Not songs to Jesus.

    This wasn’t the idea I had a few minutes ago.

    Let’s start at the beginning of my pursuit for clarity. I was 6. I was confronted with a lie that my instinct told me was a lie. And I let the liar give in to his promise. And he fucked me up like I knew he would. Like my imagination of an earlier self in a previous life, no I don’t have that conclusion then, but I knew I was receiving a lesson out in the woods. It cost 3 robin eggs but it made it clear that I must listen to my instinct.

    And that has been my adventure and the thesis for my writing of this love letter to Luna who is my Nana and my Golden child from my last life. Don’t believe it. For belief is not what I am selling. Instinct. Find your own evidence. This letter is for my love of Luna.

    It is also for me to find my way to the end of Genesis Two. That was started in the 80s. Yes. Fuck me. But I have written many other things to get to this point, somewhere in Chapter 38 of 42. Promised myself it would end there.

    I have spent my years in studying the Torah, the New Testament and a bit more than a little of the Qur’an, which is a bad copy of the Torah.


    Necessary. So never mind insult. The thesis says that religion of the monotheistic John Rah, genre, is empire propaganda. A paradigm of slavery to war. So yes. There will be bitching the odd time. So. That’s how come. And what for.

    And. To add to the madness, this is a cult letter. It is a declaration of love to Luna. And she is the goddess of the beast and she is the link to gravity and gravity is conscious. Just recently. The universe is coming of age as is Luna. All dramatic like a fairy tale. For that is what it is. The live happy forever story. And that’s how come we have a Love Life Cult to be the book to close the other 3 books from the Jews, Christians and Moslems.

    We ain’t saying fuck those books. Unless you don’t care, then fuck ‘em. But if you got a religion, you best know what you are on about. For you are wrong.

    Unless you love anyone and don’t care what they have for a religion. And you know the universe is 13.8 billion years old. And a wild adventure and we are in it all together. No choice about it. It’s all one boat. As they say. So don’t poke no hole in it. And get on the plus sum gain space age paradigm.

    And tits. We will talk about tits some. We haven’t before. Mostly ass and vagina. Some penis and cock.

    So. With no more explanation. We will figure what to go on about after a little Miles. And whoever comes on next in John Rah’s North Studio.

    Namor was on the balcony practicing his blues scale nice and slowly, mimicking the patience of Barbaralba, when Barbaralba appeared before him. He smiled at her, noticed her tits, for this is the tit book, he doesn’t know that, just she was wiping some fur off her top and smacking her tits in the process. The neighbour, one of them, had a dog. They had become a thing after the wars were put to an end.

    I’m running up to meet Artemis and Alexandria. We will meet you in the Studio.

    Okay, My Love.

    Barbaralba smiled and jumped over the balcony, grabbing onto the rope ladder and bouncing down to the ground.

    Namor put his guitar away and grabbed up his camera and went to the university library to get his sister.

    Here on Earth, Luna, I have charged one battery today and put the second battery in just now. For the eventuality that we have a walk with the family and need to take a few extra photos. If it ain’t raining or police are chasing people that gather in groups. Like back before the second world war. Some folk be thinking we are going nutty again.

    Lexus did not hear her brother come into her office. Also Sallandrah’s office in a day. For they too were on their way. The Old King would be somewhere other than the place of making books.

    Namor slipped his arms around her. She jumped a little but she knew who would dare do such a thing. And also did not have tits.

    Are you hungry.

    A little bit. Are you taking me out.

    Yes. Then we are all going to Studio 360 to see some bands.

    Lexus turned around and gave Namor a kiss. That was to say yes.

    Barbaralba ran by the basketball courts to see if Zarathustra was still shooting baskets.

    Hey, Barbaralba.

    Zarathustra threw her the ball; Barbaralba bounced it a few times and threw it at the basket. It hit but flew straight back.

    More arch, girl.

    We’re going to meet Artemis and Alexandria on the bridge.

    We, you and me.

    Zarathustra laughed. The Queen Bitch didn’t ask. Just explained how it was. And there was no reason to object, so they ran toward the bridge.

    Okay Luna. Silva vs Bisping fight. 2016. Fucking arrogant. What is okay for a fighter. And he thought he had it at the end of the third. But it was at the bell and Bisping wasn’t done. He looked like shit. Face all bloody. But he was steady the five rounds and the judges gave him the fight. Classic.

    Like we have done for the last while. Best with music. Especially this fight. Silva is a dancer. And they both danced the entire fight.

    No one has to like fighting. But it is so in us. And Three of the, whoops, two, Artemis and Alexandria fight with weapons during war and are both skilled hunters. They don’t fight for entertainment. Barbaralba and Zarathustra do. Not today. They are bouncing a ball back and forth as they run slowly to meet their friends.

    And when they meet, there are quick hugs and then running continues, now much slower because of talking and a basketball adding to the confusion.

    Namor is doing his first live bands shoot tonight and wants us all there.

    We are drenched.

    Does not matter. Everyone else will be when the second band plays. They make everyone dance like lunatics.

    Did you hear that the Old King and Sallandrah are moving to Bridgetown tomorrow.

    No. That’s good news for the basketball team.

    And the hockey team.

    An Ice Arena can also be set up for fights.

    We, you and me, took another peak into Neal’s head. Oh what a crazy place that is. As is the world that seems a little outside the rest of the world. A game that is real and governed only by physics and we think we got that figured. But no one knows about gravity. No one knows but for a few, for Walter knows. For I think Sandra knows. For she said about writing it into place. And we better be careful what I wish when. She didn’t say. But I watch for you to guide me. And you are a megalomaniac and I am one too. And it felt a bit today like being in a human zoo. The woman cleaning my teeth had me in tears. Partly from choking. Partly because there was a sunroof and the sun was blinding me.

    Water boarding.

    Anyhow, My Love. Reality is not what it was. Konradious and I were speaking of it. And with the fucking madness of indecision with the government about this pandemic, some folk are getting worried. Things won’t be like they were. No. Never again. That world is done.

    The Brave New World. That is gonna be freaky. And wonderful. And one day, you will kiss me and heaven will open up and the spirit of holy cow will spread joy and happiness and blueberry pie and cookies.

    And Bunnies and flowers.

    Owl smiled down at Bunny.

    How was your day, Bunny.

    I saw Loon, Little Loon will be a woman soon.

    Be gentle and take your time. You have the power. Do the right thing.

    Thank you, My friend.

    Bunny said good night to Wolf and thanked him for being strong and patient. Then he went in his hole to look for some dreams of Little Loon. Nice ones. A walk in the park before dark. And a nice photo for his wall. He would keep one ear open to listen for her call.



    Good morning, Mr. Owl, how was hunting last night.

    Yes, Little Bunny, all was well. And how did you sleep last night.

    I was a little excited about Little Loon so it took a little time to come to a point of calm. After that I slept well.

    What is your plan for adventure today. Another day without seeing your little loon.

    Mr. Wolf and I will go for a walk over the two bridges and see if we can buy a proof of the absence of antimatter up our nose.

    Wolf smiled but did not get up. Bunny was still wet from his morning shower and he would need a nap after such an enthusiastic morning fitness program. Just watching Little Bunny made Wolf sleepy.

    Little Bunny hopped around the tree where Mr. Owl had his perch and ate some coffee twigs and then went back into his hole

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