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Paint your own rainbow
Paint your own rainbow
Paint your own rainbow
Ebook52 pages23 minutes

Paint your own rainbow

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About this ebook

Paint your own rainbow is the collection of stories about people fighting their fears day after day till destiny forced them to stand up and paint their own rainbow as it's important to embrace all the colours life offers including the colours of strength and courage.

Nothing is more beautiful than a woman who refuses to bow down to let someone else fix her crown, the love story that beats securely in her heart for it sacred to unveiled to the world, a warrior who fought his demons till last breath and many more.

Release dateDec 8, 2022
Paint your own rainbow

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    Book preview

    Paint your own rainbow - Shelly Dhanania


    The warrior who lost the battle.

    Pain —this four-letter word became my constant companion, someone who refuses to give up on me even when everyone seems to be drifting away.

    One fateful day, when I was in the clutches of my so called dear companion, feeling cold and dominated by its power, I got my hands on morphine injections and suddenly, the cold needle Injected the warm liquid in my veins, giving wings to fly high to the demon calling me his son, and promising the end of these sufferings with endless euphoria. The freedom from pain was short-lived as I had put my feet on the dreadful journey towards hell in the hope to run away from my constant mate, forgetting that it now has become the part of my existence, and my escape from it eventually leads me to fear, guilt, and humiliation that no one desires even in their distant nightmares.

    It seems there is no end to this constant craving, for it’s my body, not the soul that needs this saving.

    The magnitude of the tumble was something immeasurable.

    The once respected, admired member suddenly became the most abhorred one. The black sheep of the family, responsible for their miseries. Their eyes no

    longer reflect love, only the glint of suspicion one can see. This made me more of a zombie than a human.

    And, one day, when I was emotionally & spiritually bankrupt, I Decided, If it is going to Kill Me, Then, I Choose

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