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1. Earth civilization (human predecessor, boom! extinction, no backstory).

2. New Human Civilization (The main body of the book. (The end of the book reaches L5 level).

3. Medamos civilization (L4 level interstellar civilization, alien black in the civilization, to the back because of the civil war split, the final ending is unknown.)

4. Green light civilization (L2 level interstellar civilization, the product of an advanced civilization's experiment, using neutron star fragments to detonate the sun.)

5. Tiequi civilization (L4 interstellar civilization, suspected of wanting to grab neutron star fragments, dislike the white dwarf battlestar LLP silicon-based alliance ......)

6. Indigenous Lizard Civilization (low-level indigenous located on planet Nyx, just started using fire.)

7. Nexus Civilization (prehistoric civilization on Nexus, technological civilization, failed to pass the Great Filter.)

8. Digger civilization (Low-level civilization, civil war caused by energy crisis.)

9. Gaia Biosphere (A cloud of seaweed, high productivity, abducted by the new humans.)

10. Tucker civilization (Poor low-level civilization destroyed by supernova.)

11. Atlan civilization (Don't explain, the legend that there are only brothers in the universe.)

12. Sower Civilization (The first high-level civilization officially encountered by the New Humanity, level unknown.)

13. Mikoto Civilization (A low-level civilization due to its introverted energy. () New Humans train their soldiers here.

14. Huantai Civilization (L4 interstellar civilization, sends human technology, "dark matter deflector shield".)

15. Amoeba Civilization (A L5 interstellar civilization that seems to be the main civilization of the Lin Tai civilization.)

16. LLP Silicon-based Alliance (A participant in an interstellar experiment.)

17. Chibiyan Horn Civilization (Indigenous people in the ruined zone of Harodak, saved by the new humans.)

18. Hicks Civilization (L6? Advanced interstellar civilization, leaving only a trade market, going to an unknown destination)

19. Multi-sphere civilization (L3 interstellar civilization, trading activities with New Humans take place in the Hicks market.)

20. Bariba Civilization (L3 interstellar civilization, likes to gossip. (Encountered in Hicks Market.)

21. Hollow Bubble Civilization (Interstellar civilization, silicon-based civilization, encountered at Hicks Market.)

22. Poison Eye Civilization (Interstellar civilization, specializing in neuroscience.)

23. Edge civilization (L8? Interstellar civilization, stronger than the explosion, more like the protagonist of this article ......)

24. Blue Star Civilization (Yu Yifeng created this civilization.)

25. Crimson civilization (L5, a big red bird, pretending to run in front of the new humans.)

26. Antek Civilization (L3 interstellar civilization, sinker civilization, sending battle stars to new humans ......)

27. Geinsa civilization (Low-level civilization, because of the New Human's scientific experiments, this civilization has a lot of golden fingers.)

28. Karp civilization (Multi-world powerhouse, insightful too much truth, bored to jump to the edge of the black hole.)

Release dateDec 2, 2022

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    Book preview

    After-Tomorrow-Upper - Locke

    Chapter 1: The Destruction of the Earth

    The mysterious space, far away and silent, vast and deep, destruction and birth of this twin is always on.

    Supernova explosion, gamma ray burst, black hole engulfment, planetary collision, all kinds of astronomical phenomena, magnificent and magnificent, but magnified to the scale of the universe, is only a wave in the vast ocean, a gravel in the boundless desert ......

    A disaster, without warning, fell on the third planet of the solar system - the Earth.

    From the perspective of the Moon, a small sun-like ball of light can be observed appearing in the southern hemisphere of the Earth, about the location of Australia.

    This is an unprecedented super-explosion, similar to a nuclear bomb, but much more powerful than a nuclear bomb, the most powerful billion tons of nuclear weapons in human history Big Ivan compared to it, not even one ten thousandth!

    Its explosion diameter is more than 3,000 kilometers, larger than the entire Australia. In just a few seconds, the entire Pacific Ocean was completely evaporated, and the wave of air was extended into space at a speed of 5,000 kilometers per hour, forming a mushroom cloud 30,000 kilometers long!

    The diameter of the Earth is 12,700 km, and the final mushroom cloud is more than twice as long as the diameter of the Earth!

    It was a devastating disaster, and a quarter of the sphere was directly catapulted into destruction. The cause of the explosion is unknown, not a nuclear attack, nor an asteroid, mankind did not detect the slightest information about the danger beforehand, and even before reacting, the explosion has occurred abruptly.

    With the volume of the Earth, simply can not withstand this degree of super explosion. A small half of the planet turned straight into rock and gravel, forming part of a huge mushroom cloud. And the rest ...... began with a global volcanic eruption, followed within hours by a series of violent explosions deep within the Earth's core, a violent nuclear reaction. A huge chasm ripped open the entire crust of the earth, bursting out hot magma, like bright red blood!

    The silent universe, as if you can hear the last wail of the planet ...... Earth, destroyed!

    This is a spacecraft about 40 meters long, width, height of about 20 meters, a few hours before the explosion of the Earth took off, lucky to escape a disaster.

    It is named Atlantis, by more than 20 countries, spending hundreds of billions of dollars to make, is the world's most advanced spacecraft. It has a payload of 500 tons, and its mission is to deliver supplies and technical personnel to the Moon Base 1.

    There are more than 200 people in the ship, no, I should say 200 survivors: more than 20 special forces and more than 100 technicians.

    The first foot has just left the Earth, the second foot there was a tragic explosion, can only say that the most fortunate!

    But in the hearts of all, there is no sense of gratitude for having escaped, but rather feel shocked, bewildered, overwhelmed ...... Earth, the home of mankind, just like this destroyed? Seven billion humans, so extinct? Where should the rest of humanity go?

    Boundless fear, abyss-like despair haunted the entire cabin, many people could not bear the excessive mental pressure and collapse. In just three days, there were three suicides, twenty-two brawls, and even an arson accident ......

    At this moment, twenty-five special forces are surrounding Oliver Otis Howard. They are not very old, a little older or thirty, a little smaller only twenty-three or four, but the corner of the eye with the characteristic resilience and vicissitudes of men.

    They have not rested for a long time, although the heart is exhausted, but the body is still straight.

    This is the top of the human special forces, but also the last special forces, it is they, after the crowd chaos quickly took over the ship, to maintain the last order.

    They went to the moon this time, originally to carry out training in low gravity, but accidentally escaped as a result.

    At this point, the captain Oliver cleared his throat and said in a low voice: These days, everyone has worked hard! Witnessing the destruction of the Earth, 7 billion compatriots lost their lives instantly, we all feel bad, so do I.

    I really hope this is just a dream. Unfortunately, it wasn't, the Earth really and truly exploded, and this is a fact that must be accepted ...... We are lucky that we survived by a fluke, and we are also unlucky that we lost the Earth and our loved ones forever.

    He paused and continued, But, no matter what, we still have to live ...... we are still alive, and as long as we live, we cannot give up hope!

    Now, Wade step forward and tell us about the status of the ship!

    Sitting next to Oliver, is the deputy captain of the force, named Wade Hampton, he is the oldest one in the force, a tall and thin, a very lean look.

    Wade went up and gave a salute and said solemnly, Captain, except for a few mental breakdowns, the majority of passengers are basically stable. We have also checked the passengers' belongings, most of the dangerous goods have been surrendered, and the crew is still relatively cooperative.

    The two dozen people around nodded in agreement, no one would have thought that after witnessing the destruction of the Earth, the actions of these senior intellectuals were so bad, not to mention the fights and brawls, some even attempted suicide, but under the strong maintenance of the special team members, the order inside the ship quickly settled down, no particularly big accidents occurred.

    Now three days after the explosion of the Earth, this phenomenon has been much better, humans are after all emotional creatures, emotions come and go quickly. Most people are afraid of death, even if the Earth is destroyed, they still want to live ......

    Oliver sighed and shook his head again, The Earth is destroyed, we all lost our loved ones. And you are all orphans, no special attachments, that's why you recover quickly. They are different, suddenly stimulated like this, it takes time to accept ......

    He paused and raised his pitch slightly, What I want to tell you now is that we, there is still hope for us to live! We are not the only humans alive! There are still 50,000 humans alive at Base 1 on the moon!

    Oliver pointed to the computer, pressed a few buttons, and a complex model of the moon appeared on the screen, with the moon base, the Atlantis ship and various flight paths drawn on it.

    Without hesitation, he said directly, Look, this is our destination - Lunar Base 1. We are about to enter the Moon's near-Earth orbit, and the ship will reverse the jet for deceleration, and I will turn off the magnetic system for safety reasons. So be prepared in advance.

    The ship makes extensive use of magnetic technology, and the clothes and shoes on the crew are made of magnetic material. This material will create a certain suction force with the floor, so the crew will not be in a weightless state in cosmic space.

    Although magnetism is always a little different from gravity, but it is always more convenient to have than not.

    Seeing the crew nodded, Oliver held out two heel fingers, There are two points to clarify: First, after turning off the magnetic system, the ship will be in a weightless state and everything will float up, you have to check if every passenger has been placed in place and make sure every passenger is buckled up.

    Second point. His expression got serious and he pointed his finger at a message on the screen, There is a rebellion inside the base, we need to be ready for lunar combat!

    Chapter 2: The Moon Base

    Mankind's longing for the moon has started since the time of the apes and monkeys.

    In the first primitive period, when humans had just developed intelligence and were curious and in awe of all natural signs, they held regular rituals, worshipped the moon for a long time, and prayed for the blessing of the moon god.

    By the Middle Ages, the moon remained a mysterious natural phenomenon. People could not understand how such a huge object could hang in the sky. They attributed it to the gods and many myths and legends revolved around the moon, which was believed to be the place where the gods lived.

    The first time people really understood the moon was during the Renaissance.

    The great scientist Galileo used a telescope to observe the moon and found that it was not composed of the legendary fifth element, but was similar to the Earth, full of rocks and sand. The moon's environment is much worse than the Earth, cratered craters, gray and black land, no trace of life ......

    Since then, people know that the moon, no jade buildings, but a lifeless dead land!

    However, people's exploration of the moon does not stop there. In the 20th century, science and technology ushered in a comprehensive and rapid development, space telescopes, artificial satellites, rockets, space shuttles and a number of means have emerged. Either for political or other reasons, several scientific and technological powers competed to develop the means to land on the moon, wanting to be the first to go to the moon.

    After a series of fights in the field of aviation, finally, in 1969, the American astronaut - Armstrong took the first step into the moon. It was a small step for an individual, but a big step for all mankind!

    However, behind the moon landing, it is not as simple as it seems ......

    Oliver organized his language and continued, The lunar base that was built at a huge cost was not, as the government advertised, purely for science either! It was supposed to be a top state secret, but now it doesn't matter, I'll tell you more about it.

    In his words, a huge secret was revealed ......

    In the 1990s, the U.S. government held a secret meeting with the heads of twenty powerful nations around the world. In the meeting, they made public a secret that had been kept for twenty years.

    In 1969, they discovered an alien spacecraft on Bailey Crater at the south pole of the moon!

    After the first successful lunar landing, the Americans followed up with a second lunar landing, aimed squarely at the alien ship. This moon landing was done secretly, done with extreme secrecy, without any media coverage and without any news coming out.

    In the meeting, the Americans described the ship as follows.

    It was so big that it was fifteen kilometers in diameter. Only a small part of it is exposed to the surface, the vast majority of it is buried in the earth. With our level of technology, there is no way to move it back to Earth.

    The interior of the ship is a honeycomb structure, but strangely enough, there is nothing inside, in the middle room, we found a metal box, the contents of which we named - Perfectin.

    Hearing the term Perfectin, all the team members changed their faces slightly, the group sometimes came across this term in some missions. However, Perfectin belongs to the high-level secret, is absolutely taboo existence, although the people are curious, but so many years of military career down, ultimately do not know what it is.

    Oliver also does not sell, continue to tell.

    Perfectin, a magical substance, the only thing left behind by the aliens in addition to the spaceship. With the level of human technology, it is impossible to detect its molecular form! Or rather, it is not at all by human perception, the substance composed of atoms.

    It is superficially liquid, somewhat like mercury, and can be absorbed by living things.

    In that international conference, the Americans described it this way: We did a lot of experiments, and oh, God, there's such a substance in the world! For example, the blossom, a plant that only blooms for two hours and has a very short life span, was treated with perfectin and the blooming time was magically extended ten times!

    Another example is rice, the most common annual herb, the life cycle of only one year. However, after treatment with Perfectin, it was still alive after twenty years!

    We found that Perfectin can substantially repair genetic defects, enhance cellular vitality, delay aging, so to speak - the legendary elixir of immortality!

    We did the same experiments on animals and got the same results, although, the success rate is extremely, extremely low ...... but it also means that it might be able to work on people!

    This is a news that makes dignitaries tremble. Think about it, if perfectin can work on people, then the whole world will change. Not considering the other benefits, a tenfold increase in life expectancy alone would be enough to make the whole world go crazy!

    Ten times, that's ten times the life span! You guys are young now, so you may not understand the implications ...... but, for older people, it's a heavy bomb! Oliver sighed.

    The Americans would have liked to have this achievement to themselves, but the technical level is too different, twenty years is so little progress, once the perfectin acts on the human body, it will trigger brain death in a short time. However, many of the older leaders could not wait any longer, and they wanted to pool the world's efforts to speed up the research progress.

    A huge plan was thus created, and the first step was to establish a lunar base. On the one hand, to study the first alien ship, on the other hand, or because the perfect element in the alien ship to play a greater activity!

    This is the origin of the moon base. Oliver looked at his comrades and said, Perfectin and the existence of the alien ship is the country's high-level secrets, but now that the Earth is destroyed, it does not matter ...... As for the progress of research, there may have been some results, but ... ... said, he sighed gently again.

    What alien spacecraft, perfect vegetation, although previously heard, but really revealed, like listening to the sky book, many people are dumbfounded, for a moment can not accept. But when you think about it, combined with all the strange details of the mission, it is indeed possible that the existence of the perfect element, explains a lot of past doubts.

    Vice captain Wade asked thoughtfully, So, the establishment of the moon base is because of this perfectin?

    Yes, the main reason is still Perfectin! Oliver clenched his fist, Think about it, without the lure of ten times the life span, can the dignitaries as well as the rich and powerful of all countries shell out huge amounts of money? What new energy, alien spacecraft, all belong to the appendages, are not the main thing, the main thing is the life expectancy ah! Without this substantial temptation, they may smash money in?

    30 years, 60 trillion dollars, arguably the largest investment in history! In order to live a long life, these people are really desperate! But now it seems that the establishment of the moon base is also the luck of mankind, otherwise, the vast universe, there is no longer a foothold for us humans ......

    In the early stages of construction is particularly difficult, no air, no supplies, no water, everything needs to be transported from Earth. The most critical thing is the lack of manpower! Who is willing to risk death to build? Not even with more money! So the countries coincidentally used the death row construction program, sending death row prisoners to the moon, and it's best to build successfully, it doesn't matter if you die.

    This is the base with life piled up ah.

    It took about ten years to have the initial prototype. The next slowly developed to the present, with a resident population of 50,000, just like the highest-end scientific base!

    Speaking here, Oliver's expression serious, Well, the story ends here, I just got a message from the moon, some restless death row inmates in the base, yesterday rebellion!

    They attacked the base's top brass and kidnapped a large number of hostages. Currently, the whole base is in a state of chaos.

    So our first task, is - to quell this rebellion!

    Hearing this, Wade immediately took a step forward while saluting and said, Promise to complete the mission!

    Then ...... is disbanded!

    Each person is the elite of the military, and there are no nagging words, each walking back to their positions in silence, digesting what they just heard and making their final preparations.

    Chapter 3 Landing

    Time passed, and after four days of sailing, the ship finally reached the final stage of landing.

    Back in the 1960s, the landing was the most difficult and the easiest stage for things to go wrong. At that time, the technical means were limited, and the take-off and landing of the spacecraft were all set at once, and no manual intervention was possible in the middle. A week long, 380,000 kilometers of travel, when to go where, when to change speed, must be accurate to the second, once the error is destroyed.

    Now in 2020, computer systems have developed rapidly, and space technology is much more advanced than before. "The Atlantis spacecraft is mainly unmanned, and the supercomputer in the main control room has written all kinds of equations to deal with a large number of unexpected situations.

    After circling the moon for 2 weeks and slowing down twice, the spacecraft finally arrived at the South Pole above Bailey Crater.

    This is the largest crater on the Moon, about 303 km in diameter. In mid-air, you can see with the naked eye a circular glass cover about 2 km in diameter and 1000 meters high, which is densely covered with solar electric panels and surrounded by a large number of mining machines and all kinds of machinery in the open space.

    This is the moon base! A miracle, a ninth miracle belonging to mankind!

    Dingdong, the spaceship will soon be landing on the moon, the process may have some bumps, please fasten your seat belts and hold the handrails. A gentle electronic tone sounded automatically, prompting everyone to prepare for the final moon landing.

    The entire barn cheered, and some even shed tears of excitement. Many people came to the moon for the first time, but seeing such a huge artificial complex gave birth to a warm feeling from the bottom of their hearts.

    People are a kind of creature that needs security very much, especially after the explosion of the Earth, the warm sunlight, free air, solid earth no longer exists, people lost their backing, and can only face the cold and silent universe alone, which brings a lot of pressure to people.

    The ship was destroyed, air leakage, mechanical failure and so on, as long as there is a small point of error, it will immediately lead to the death of the whole barn people, without the slightest chance.

    In such a situation, a sense of insecurity arises within a person, and it will gradually accumulate. When a person accumulates more pressure than he or she can bear, it is likely that he or she will completely explode out, either by mad destruction, or suicide, or becoming crazy and stupid, are possible.

    For this situation, the best solution is twofold: first, hope, so that people believe they can survive.

    Second, if there are enough people, it can also bring a sense of security, which is determined by the human herd mentality. When disaster strikes, more than 90% of people will run to the place where there are many people, even if the crowd is not necessarily safe, but the public will still choose this way, this is the human herd mentality.

    Four days of cosmic voyage to the passengers brought enough mental pressure, but this pressure in the people see the moon base a moment to reduce a lot. This is because people see the hope.

    With a loud coaxing sound and a violent shudder, the ship finally landed on the moon!

    The crowd was suddenly noisy, many people got up from their seats and crowded to the door, anxious to be the first to get off the ship. They were in an eager mood to see more people, more of their kind.

    Silence! Quiet! All sit where you are! Oliver yelled, pushing a few people out, only to have a steady stream of people squeeze through.

    Oliver saw this, made a hand gesture, a tall, brawny man of one meter nine stood up. He was dark-skinned and muscular, and with a wave of his hand he pushed the crowd away and stood immediately after, blocking the entire door.

    Who are you to block the door? A young man with glasses shouted excitedly, he pushed and moved a few times and found that he could not push the big man at all.

    Outside is a vacuum environment, anxious to go out to seek death?

    The young man was furious, What about ...... spacesuits? What about the moon car? Not said that there is a moon rover? How are you guys serving!

    Most of the people sitting here are skilled workers, about to participate in the construction of the moon base, this part of the people have been carefully selected, the quality is generally high.

    But there is also a small group of tycoons and rich people who pay to come to the moon purely for tourism, that is, this part of the population is the least likely to accept the reality that the Earth exploded. From the dress of this young man, at a glance, it is the rich and the powerful, but now, everything is a passing cloud.

    The big man who blocked the door was named James OCHOA, a member of the Special Forces. He hated this kind of bossy rich generation, sneered and gave the young man a fierce glare.

    Moon rover? Oh, you guys don't think about it, you have less than two hundred people and you're in such a mess. How much better can the moon base be? Maybe the base is in rebellion, in massacre ......

    You nonsense! How is that possible? The young man shouted, his face starting to turn gloomy. According to reason, there really should be a moon rover to pick them up, but now the moon rover didn't come, which made him associate with the bad side.

    This base has a large number of death row inmates, don't you know that? Maybe that group of death row inmates are on an orgy of doom. James said slyly.

    The young man listened to completely frozen, froze for half a day before sitting down, his face pale horribly, I don't know whether it was because James's vicious look scared him, or because words like rebellion and massacre reminded him of something bad.

    He has completely do not know what to say, with his status, may know some of the regular people do not know the inside story, if the moon base really what went wrong ...... thinking about it, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

    Seeing the crowd getting more and more chaotic, Oliver spoke directly: Everyone, because of the chaos inside the base, we have to carry out some tasks, the time in a day to three days or so. In between, for safety, you have to stay inside the airship ......

    When these words were said, everyone clamored loudly, and the crowd began to realize that the moon base was not necessarily safe either ...... but this was the last hope! Where else could we go but here?

    Some people shouted to take them with them, and there were some women who cried. These soldiers are a bit overbearing in their actions, but most people still don't want them to go because their presence means safety and reliability.

    You just have to wait for a few days, there is enough food and water in the cabin ...... Oliver nagged for half a day and found that it didn't have any effect, finally he could only make a hard hand gesture, Execute plan b!

    Vice captain Wade nodded, followed by a white mist quietly spread from the bottom of the cabin, with some irritating smell. Not long after, someone began to cough, the noisy cabin slowly became silent, and numerous passengers fell east and west to the floor.

    Taking this opportunity, all the members put on their spacesuits, carry their weapons and equipment, and set foot on the moon's land.

    Here, except for Oliver and Wade two people, others have never been to the moon, so the lunar environment is still somewhat new. Now although it is daytime, but the sky is still black, only the ground reflects a layer of blinding white light, this is because there is no atmosphere.

    James jumped excitedly and jumped seven or eight meters, which is the height of two floors! As a result, he was unsteady on his feet and fell to the ground, but luckily, it didn't hurt.

    They stay inside, nothing will happen, right? A young man with a shaved flat head next to him asked in his headset.

    No problem, these hypnotic gas effective period is 24 hours, during which they will not wake up. Okay, we need to hurry up. Wade chuckled to himself again, Extraordinary times, extraordinary means, if put in the usual way, this will not only have administrative penalties, the lawsuit alone is enough for us to eat.

    The crowd laughed as if in bitterness.

    At that moment, Oliver made a hand gesture, signaling everyone to be quiet. He said out loud, The moon's gravity is only one-sixth that of the earth, which means you can jump higher and farther, but it doesn't mean you can go faster! Just like James did, he fell down when he wasn't careful, because he hadn't adapted to gravity yet.

    James listened and scratched his head awkwardly.

    Here except for me and Wade, everyone else has never been to the moon, can not immediately adapt to the gravity environment here. So ...... I ask everyone fighting to try to use firearms and not to fight in close quarters! Otherwise, if you miss and fall, you may lose your life!

    Oliver said seriously, I do not want to lose any of my comrades, do you understand?


    Good then, let's go!

    Chapter 4 Calvin

    As it turned out, what Oliver said was not false, many of the team members walked staggeringly, like an alcoholic. Some even jumped directly, like a kangaroo, jumping ten or so meters at a time, which in turn made it a little easier.

    The difference between walking on the Earth and the Moon is mainly caused by the difference in gravity between the two places. People have long lived in the larger gravity of the Earth, alternating walking power, speed, the transfer of the center of gravity have been accustomed to, while on the Moon, gravity and only one-sixth of the Earth, while the squat force of the foot is basically unchanged, resulting in the center of gravity in the two feet have to step when the change too hard, resulting in body shaking.

    This made Oliver's heart full of worry, the team in such a state, against the death row prisoners and rebels who have lived on the moon for years, it is too much of a disadvantage. He took the lead at the front of the team, so that if something unexpected happened, he could respond in time.

    Drip, drip! The communicator inside the helmet suddenly rang, and a middle-aged man's voice came out.

    Captain Oliver, have you reached the moon yet? This was the chief biologist of the moon base - Dr. Roman.

    Yes, we just arrived! How is the situation at the base? Oliver asked.

    Not optimistic, after the explosion of the Earth, some death row prisoners suddenly rioted en masse, they attacked the base's ruling officials, and now they are gathered together, not knowing what they are plotting. Dr. Roman said eagerly, his words somewhat confused, Many people were hijacked ...... Now I am hiding in an underground facility, which is still safe.

    Okay, do you know more?

    Their leader seems to be a death row inmate named Calvin, and the rebels total one or two hundred! I'm not sure about the rest ......

    Understood, you hide for a while longer, we'll be right over.

    Calvin! Hearing this name, Oliver's pupils shrank slightly, it was him?!

    Calvin, the cult leader of the Void Cult, is known as the most dangerous criminal. In 2015, the 10,000 self-immolation case that shocked the world was directed by Calvin. He calls himself the son of God and has been promoting the doomsday theory for a long time.

    In his speech, the earth is just a dumping ground, full of chaos and evil, sooner or later will be destroyed by God, only by his son of God to get a new life. 2015, Oliver led a team, and took a lot of trouble to arrest Calvin, but did not expect that this guy was sent to the moon! The man was sent to the moon!

    Oliver could not help but curse those corrupt officials in his heart. Not all death row prisoners can go to the moon, like Calvin kind of extremists certainly not. But he is very powerful and very rich, must be because of some insider to exempt him from the death penalty.

    You know, this is an extremely dangerous guy! In the process of capturing Calvin, there were seven or eight casualties, the biggest loss for the special squad. Unexpectedly, just because of this group of corrupt officials, everything was for nothing.

    Wade, we're in trouble, remember that Calvin, he's still alive and became the leader of the death row!

    Wade's face changed and he said through gritted teeth, He's not dead? Was sent to the moon? Those damned ...... should have known to take the punishment also have to shoot him directly!

    A group of players around also followed the curse up, some new players fumbled, but some veteran players still know.

    We can catch him once, we can catch him a second time. This time, never give him a chance! Oliver waved his grab and said viciously.

    After about half an hour of walking, the group finally arrived under that huge glass enclosure. Its highest point was more than a thousand meters, comparable to the tallest building on Earth. But this is only the tip of the iceberg, more buildings are hidden underground. After all, the moon has no atmosphere and is frequently attacked by asteroids, it would be safer to hide the buildings underground.

    The team continued walking around the glass enclosure for some time and came to an isolated iron gate at one end, Oliver entered a code that was 18 digits long and the gate opened with a bang. Let's go, guys, follow! He didn't wait, and scurried straight in.

    This is a small room of about ten square feet, looks like a warehouse, filled with all kinds of metal parts and other miscellaneous things. There is a door directly opposite, through which is the interior of the base.

    Seeing the team members one by one to follow, Oliver stopped and said solemnly again, Further in is the interior of the base, the round glass cover can effectively isolate most of the cosmic rays, the interior also has air suitable for breathing, now you can take off the spacesuit, light load.

    Those who have not yet adapted to the moon's gravity, tie some lead blocks to your body to increase the weight. Everyone be careful, I don't want to lose any of my brothers, got it?


    Oliver waited behind the door for some time in silence, taking a closer look at his surroundings. He was as calm and collected as he had been on previous missions, which was responsible for the lives of the entire team, and confirmed that it was safe before gently opening it and scurrying out gingerly.

    The entire base was quiet, there was no one in sight, probably all hiding, or perhaps captured by the rebels, a sense of depression enveloped the entire team.

    A few more steps forward, Oliver suddenly shrugged his nose, smelling a faint smell of blood, and turned back to find Wade nodding to him as well.

    This way! He immediately waved his hand, and the crowd was mindful of the situation, scattered to the surroundings, in a state of alert. After all, they are top special soldiers, changing the environment, military literacy will not be left behind.

    In that low house in front, there came a low wail and scream, listen carefully, you can distinguish that it is the sound of human. This made the group's gaze deeper, in previous missions, some terrorist bases, you can also occasionally hear this kind of sound ...... This is the most desperate human cries.

    Through the doorway, you can vaguely see the situation inside, which originally covered an area of more than 300 square feet a warehouse, but now it has become a haven for crime.

    A group of women like dumplings bundled together, clothing is still intact, probably not yet their turn ...... but there are some lying on the ground can be miserable, leather whips, blood, excrement and some unidentified white liquid mixed together, forming a ** and bloody place.

    A group of naked men in the white flesh galloping, tumbling, venting the desire accumulated over the years. Some people are still not cool enough to pick up a sharp knife, scraping out a bloodstain on the human body, hearing the screams of terror before laughing tyrannically.

    This is the most vicious side of human nature, even if the knowledgeable special team members also revealed the intention to kill.

    James, the most impulsive personality, was red in the face, veins sprouting from his neck, and clenched his fists to keep himself from losing control of his emotions.

    The young man with the small flat head in the team was a professional sniper and a master scout. His name is Solomon PATTON, the best eyes, observed for about a minute, finally confirmed the number of enemies, he made a few gestures towards the back, meaning: 93 people, the level of danger is low.

    Oliver saw that, also made a gesture toward the team, and then made a throat-slitting motion, meaning: Shoot without reservation!

    Chapter 5: Killing

    Kicking in doors was something James was best at. He was tall and fat, the heavyweight of the team, but he always felt light and weak on the moon, and the feeling of six or seven meters in one step was not as wonderful as one might think.

    In order to overcome the low gravity of the moon, he hung four hundred kilograms of lead strips all over his body, which now came in handy.

    Four hundred kilograms! It sounds a bit exaggerated, plus his whole body, there is close to half a ton of mass. But on the moon, it is similar to the weight of one hundred and seventy or eighty pounds on earth, it is nothing.

    James clenched his hands into fists, suddenly laughed and kicked the door, only to hear a loud bang, the door hissed horribly under the powerful force, he actually kicked the door over!

    The bald man closest to the door was squirming happily on top of the woman. For more than ten years, in this shitty place for more than ten years, the bald man feels that he is about to mold, finally caught this opportunity to revenge, as for the destruction of the earth, what the hell, I am not still alive?

    The woman beneath him was wailing miserably, and how wonderful the sound was, intoxicating him beyond measure.

    Suddenly, there was a loud bang at the door, and the bald man shivered and a brain leaked out.

    Which pouncing boy? He just cursed out of his mouth, he pulled out a pistol and shot towards the door, but before he could pull the trigger, a rifle bullet pierced his skull.

    Oliver fired at a rate, without ceremony, and a battle broke out abruptly.

    The boss is dead! Several punks scrambled to grab their guns and fight back. But these mobs had no professional training and had only been given guns for a few days, how could they compare with professional soldiers?

    The two dozen or so rifles outside the door were firing wildly, and they didn't hold back in any way, what with all the surrender and pleas for mercy, it didn't matter.

    At first there was sporadic resistance, but as long as the head, will soon be attacked by fire. After only two minutes of work, it turned into a one-sided massacre, a few quick to react still want to escape, but how can people escape the bullets?

    We are the Third Brigade of the Earth Alliance, the First Special Forces! Oliver stepped into the doorway and yelled, Get on the wall, put your hands on your head, surrender your guns and don't kill! After killing a large part of the mob, they were finally scared out of their wits and raised their hands to face the wall, no longer daring to resist.

    The team's marksmanship was undoubtedly superb and did not injure a single innocent person. The woman lying on the ground froze for a while before she realized that someone had come to her rescue. It's safe, it's safe! Like waking up from a dream, suddenly they all lost their voices and cried out in pain. Many of them hugged the special team members tightly and never let go.

    They were so stimulated that they had a strong sense of insecurity, and only by holding on so tightly did they have a sense of being alive.

    Wade, you lead the men to keep an eye on these criminals!


    You, and a few of you, take these victims out.

    Aye, Captain!

    Oliver walked up to a woman, helped her get dressed, and asked, What's your name? Is there any family over here?

    The result was only a whimpering cry in response, and he found that the woman just kept crying and couldn't say a word.

    My side seems to be having a mental breakdown.

    My side too ......

    This is the instinctive reaction of people after great stimulation, some will have selective amnesia, some will have emotional breakdowns, some even go into direct shock, these are all possible, only time can soothe these wounds.

    Captain, there is a basement here! Someone called out.

    Oliver's heart moved, rushed over, he bang pulled open the iron door of the basement, a strong smell of blood. He frowned and cautiously peeked down.

    Waiting to see the scene inside, even the experienced Oliver also amazed: more than forty men were locked in prison, have been tortured beyond human form.

    The worst was a tall man, one of his eyes had been blinded, leaving only a black bloody hole, one of his ears had been cut off, his chest and stomach had a large amount of blood, only the non-stop heaving chest represented him - still alive.

    Mark, Mark! Wake up! This man he knew, was the captain of the moon security forces!

    Oliver immediately took out the bandages from the package, simply bandaged a few times, and took out a bottle of mineral water, pinched this man's throat and shook a few mouthfuls of water down. Immediately after, the man coughed a few times, hazily opened his eyes, one of his eyes lost in Oliver, for a long time before he had focus.

    Yu, Oliver? Mark was startled, and coughed violently a few more times, How did you get here? Oh ...... I see, you guys came here on the Atlantis, right, it's the only chance to survive, how are the people out there?

    The mob outside has been subdued, however, no Calvin was found. How did you guys end up in this situation? Oliver asked, how could a group of soldiers be captured when there were less than a hundred mobs out there with little combat power?

    Mark smiled miserably, his right eye had lost its light forever, and one of his ears had been cut off, the strong man couldn't help but tremble slightly in pain.

    It turned out that the death row organization rate led by Calvin took advantage of the Earth's explosion and the crowd's chaos, and organized and planned to poison the food, thus capturing the entire security forces in one fell swoop. They then imprisoned all the soldiers in this prison.

    We also settled down for too long before ......, Mark said chagrined, the ruling officers were all killed as well ......

    After Calvin held them here, the security forces in the base completely disappeared, human society began to chaos, especially the more than 1,000 death row inmates, they have been repressed for too long under the oppressive rule, the most evil side of human nature finally completely erupted. They opened smash-and-grab, kill and set fire to vent the tyrannical desires of their hearts.

    And a group of death row inmates happened to find the place where Mark and the others were being held, so they tortured them inhumanely ......

    So, Calvin just kept you guys in custody and didn't torture you? Oliver asked after thinking about it.

    Yes! Mark's teeth chattered a little, and he hated those mobs outside even more.

    Oliver released more than forty injured soldiers from the prison one by one, some of them were lightly injured and still had some fighting power. Captain Mark, is there still fighting ability? The captives outside will be yours first! He smoothly pulled out a pistol and shoved it into Mark's hand.

    Immediately after that, Oliver came out of the basement and ordered, First special forces all gather, lay out the task: five of you, 3 o'clock direction ...... five of you, 12 o'clock direction ...... and you, 9 o'clock direction ...... the rest, come with me! Mission objective: purge the mob.

    One hour later, gather in front of the central building! The chaotic world with a heavy code, sinking disease under the fierce medicine, at this time, even if more people are killed, can not care so much.

    Chapter 6 Break In

    An hour later, the crowd gathered in a small bungalow next to the central building, and the last team returned, not a single person missing, which made Oliver breathe a sigh of relief.

    Report to the captain, a total of 322 mobs who took advantage of the situation were killed, more than two hundred people were arrested, and more than three thousand hostages were rescued. After Wade finished counting the data, he came forward and reported.

    Well done! Oliver nodded his head.

    Now there was still one of the hardest bones left to chew, which was the criminal gang led by Calvin. To be honest, the combat power of the rest of the criminals was really pitifully low, that is, the civilian riot level. But the gang led by Calvin is different, they are organized and disciplined, should be treated as an enemy of the same level, and no amount of caution is too much.

    The rest of us are on alert and ready to take cover."

    The central building is the largest surface building in the moon base. It covers an area as big as thirty soccer fields, and the uppermost part of it even tops the circular glass cover.

    It could be said that the building was actually a pillar of the circular glass enclosure.

    Oliver walked at the front of the group, looking tense, his heart was really alert and alert. He is not a man in battle, surrounded by two dozen partners, behind them is related to the survival of tens of thousands of people, he can not be sloppy!

    The way to go, it was quite alarming, not the feeling of being targeted by snipers. He is a battle-hardened warrior, with an intuitive instinct for danger, that is, a strong sixth sense, which has been confirmed in countless battles in the past.

    Pushed forward and found that it was the door closed and could not be pushed in. This head gate using carbon steel material, a dozen centimeters thick, it is impossible to use brute force to directly smash open.

    Something is wrong, there is no patrol and no vigilantes. Oliver was a bit puzzled, not understanding what exactly Calvin's group wanted to do.

    What he did was quite suspicious. It was reasonable to say that the Earth was destroyed, there was no one to negotiate with, and who could they hold hostage?

    The whole base control? Oliver frowned, this is possible, after all, Calvin ...... is a mental patient ah!

    In 5 years ago on Earth, Calvin was a very successful entrepreneur, rich and powerful, and even had access to the secrets of Perfection! And at that time, the access to the secret of the perfect element, either a great nobleman, a great politician, or a top tycoon, it can be said that either rich or noble.

    But who would have thought that such a successful person, but somehow dry up the cult of the hook, so that people can not understand ...... finally arrested after the confirmation, Calvin is indeed suffering from mental illness.

    It is said that this mental illness is extremely well hidden and has a hidden tendency to self-destruct, but it is usually not visible. There are also gossips that Calvin's case was wrongly accused and was the result of several political forces crossing paths, with another hidden agenda.

    But no matter what, since they are now standing on hostile ground, they should be firmly eliminated.

    Oliver led another search and found several heads of glass windows, a vent, and two side doors. The vent was too small to fit an adult and was the first to veto, while breaking the glass windows would make a loud noise and easily disturb the enemy.

    In the end, Oliver still chose a side door.

    The entire team had been completely dispersed, they are incomparably careful, half a sound does not make, rifles are pointed at the side door in unison, if there is a sudden situation, immediately launched a stormy strike.

    Xiao Zhang! Oliver waved forward and made a hand gesture.

    This was a lean man just over five meters tall, usually relatively honest and did not talk much. His name is Zhang Jun, ordinary-looking, but a mechanical expert, proficient in all kinds of equipment, cars, aircraft, tanks and so on are not in the conversation, of course, also includes such a small thing as opening locks.

    Zhang Jun tiptoed up, pulled out a large pile of special equipment, slightly checked the door, pounding for about two minutes, the lock was open.

    In this a moment, Zhang Jun suddenly felt something wrong, he took a step backward, hands over his head, mouth shouted: Quick .......

    Boom, the words have not finished, the door actually exploded directly! Just an instant, the front of the Zhang Jun has been drowned in the explosion, and Oliver, who was closer, was also blown away, and fell out tens of meters. He felt the sky spinning, his ears rumbling, and his eyes were pitch black.

    No good, Calvin found us! In his daze, Oliver thought instinctively. He desperately tried to stand up, but found that his body was as if it had fallen apart, and he couldn't do anything about it. It was not paralysis, but a mild concussion that left him briefly incapacitated.

    The surrounding team members also reacted extremely quickly, bang bang bang shooting is firing, regardless of whether there is an enemy in the door, the first fire suppression.

    Stop, there is no one inside! After a long time, vice captain Wade said.

    This explosion ...... this familiar bridge ......Oliver felt back five years ago, his temples bursting. In the capture of Calvin five years ago, several brothers were sacrificed because they were caught in a trap, and now the same bridge has actually appeared again! Before we even met Calvin himself, we lost one person!

    Captain! How are you? Wade stepped forward and helped Oliver up.

    It's fine, a superficial injury, just taking off the strength. How's Zhang Jun?

    Only to see Zhang Jun lying on the ground, almost motionless, both arms were covered with blood. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and used both arms to protect his head at the moment of the explosion.

    James and Zhang Jun's relationship is the best, jumped in front of Zhang Jun and cried out in pain. This is the birth and death of many comrades ah, just like this lost?

    This is together laughing, playing together, together with the mission of the comrades ah, just like this ......

    James is the newest member of the team, the first time to experience the cruelty of war. He cried while helping Zhang Jun sort out his remains, and suddenly his face was so happy that he didn't know whether to cry or laugh. He wiped his face and immediately took out an injection and injected it into Zhang Jun's body, yelling, He's not dead, he's not dead!

    It turned out that Zhang Jun was also wearing a thick layer of lead blocks, at least one or two hundred kilograms. Blessed by the disaster, these lead blocks blocked a large amount of damage, and now he was only fainted from brain concussion and blood loss.

    A few of you, first carry him back to transfuse some blood. He's type b blood, make no mistake about it! Oliver barely managed to stand up, he found his nostrils were bleeding, and he quickly wiped them with his hands.

    Where do you need a few people, James picked him up with one hand, I'll go! One person is fine. Their team, everyone knows a little medical technology, this injury, not dead.

    Chapter 7: Provocation

    Solomon, the scout, went up and carefully examined the ruins on the ground. He found some metal fragments on the ground, picked them up, turned them over and pondered them, and said with a tone of certainty: It's not some high-tech product, it's a remote-controlled bomb! There is a monitoring device behind this head door, and the movement of opening the door was detected.

    This kind of bomb is usually remotely controlled by a special frequency signal, if we can crack this signal, we can stop the bomb from exploding, but ...... Solomon said with regret, because there are no professional hackers in the team, ah, this, has been the the shortcomings of the team.

    Damn it! Oliver clenched both fists, squeezed the entire palm of his hand is blue, or careless, or not cautious enough ah! Perhaps the mob had just been detected when they killed the mob.

    Although they are special team members, but also flesh and blood, bullets hit the body, will also bleed, will also die. In the past, they might have had to call for support, but now they have to move forward.

    Because, here is their last hope, the Earth has been destroyed, this only remaining moon base, is the only way to live!

    Although I don't know what Calvin's group is up to, but I don't think it's a good thing.

    In 2015, more than 10,000 followers of the Void Cult set themselves on fire, which was guided by Calvin. Afterwards, this crazy man claimed that they had only returned to God through self-purification, and called on the world to do the same ......

    Now there are only 50,000 people left in the human race, and can no longer afford any more internal destruction; the population is too small to support a civilization.

    Oliver is not a man afraid of death, he is even more resigned to the fact that the last remaining human beings are destroyed by a psychopath.

    The black corridor was like a door to hell. The entire team had only a few rifles in their hands, plus a few grenades, no high-tech equipment. It is possible that a mine at the foot of the whole army will be wiped out ...... but even if it is a mountain of fire and knife, we must go on without rebellion!

    Oliver was about to be the first to rush through the door, but was pulled by Solomon, Captain, look at that! There is something!

    It was a glass bottle, which lay silently on the rubble, with a piece of paper inside.

    Oliver waved his hand, signaling everyone to stay away. In case there are button bombs or something like that, he fired a shot from a distance, bang, accurately burst the bottle, a white note floated out. The white note floated out.

    He didn't pick it up, but used his shoe to set it right, and took a good look at it, only to see that it said.

    "Oliver, I'm Calvin, I can't believe it, it's only been five years since we met again! Want to catch me again, come on, I'm waiting for you at the top of the central building.

    Do not try to enter from other places, the window on the 44th floor is open, with your skills should not be difficult to climb up. Remember, do not bring others!"

    Oliver looked up, and sure enough, there was a window open at a height of nearly two hundred meters.

    What does this letter mean, is it simply a provocation, or ......

    Captain, can not go! Wade said eagerly.

    No way, can't let the brothers die for nothing. Oliver but shook his head, He let me go alone, it is always impossible to directly shoot me. I'm going to explore the reality, there may be a chance! You guys look around to see if there are any more raid points, be careful.

    I'll go with you. I've been trained on the moon before ...... Wade insisted.

    Oliver interrupted him directly, No need! You lead the team down there, I'll just go up there, that's an order!

    Wade immediately stood up straight, his feet buckled, and said inexorably, Yes!

    Oliver's tone slowed down, We'll use the headset to contact. If I'm not down in an hour and the headset is disconnected, then you guys ...... retreat first!

    Hearing this, the crowd all unanimously saluted, and did not reply, witnessed Oliver climb the tall building, but the tears in his eyes could not help but gush out. This is respectable and admirable captain, ah, will be left to their own danger, will be safe for others, because of this, Oliver, although young, but let the unruly special operations team members are unusually convinced.

    If on Earth, climbing tall buildings unarmed is very difficult and dangerous. But in the moon is slightly easier, weight reduced by five-sixths, also on the Earth's level of 20 to 30 pounds, can be described as light as a swallow.

    Oliver jumped upward, jumping to a height of two stories. He grabbed a protrusion six meters high, and with a muscle power of his arm, he lifted himself three or four meters higher.

    He was like a monkey, traveling like an instinct, and it seemed that he had perfectly adapted to the gravity here.

    In a short time, he had arrived at the window on the 44th floor and dodged in.

    Oliver rubbed his head, which still had a slight aftershock from the concussion, but recovered quickly and was largely out of the way.

    He settled down and found that this was actually a surveillance room, where all the surveillance in the building could be seen. These monitors covered almost every corner, and on one of the most central screens, there was a sectional view of the central building with a large number of red dots drawn on it, one of which was the place where the explosion had just occurred.

    What is this? A map of the location of the remote bomb?

    Oliver was a bit puzzled and studied it briefly, if a red dot represented a bomb, then these bombs basically covered all the locations where one could enter the building. In other words, from which place to burst in, are going to be bombed!

    Why put it here for me to see? What does Calvin mean? The doubts in his mind grew, and he hurriedly glanced at the other screens, and was shocked when he didn't look: more than 20,000 ordinary people were crowded in a lobby, and a blonde woman was speaking about something at the forefront.

    What are they doing? A lecture? Brainwashing, or ...... classes?

    Oliver felt more and more confused by the fact that Calvin was holding these hostages for the purpose of giving lessons?

    Subconsciously, he compared the bomb profile, just instantly, his heart jumped to his throat, the lobby was laid out more than fifty red dots!

    In other words, these people are covered with bombs nearby!

    He clenched his fist, although his heart was abnormally angry, but his mind suddenly sobered up, these were all laid out by Calvin to show him, the reason is not clear for the time being, can not disbelieve, but also can not believe all.

    Calvin, I know you can see me! Why did you do that! Oliver yelled.

    What do you want?

    Do you want to kill all of humanity?

    Suddenly, a low male voice came over the nearby radio, Captain Oliver! It's been a long time.

    The captain of the First Special Forces ......

    And the first Perfectin reformer ......

    The first - superhuman!

    Chapter 8: Superhumans

    Not a wide stairwell, Oliver unfolded full speed, moving like a ghost, climbing, jumping, walking sharply, only to see him three or five steps and do one step, a jump as high as a floor. Powerful physical qualities, extremely high adaptability to the environment, completely beyond the normal human flexibility, can be said to be super human is not too much!

    In fact, he still hid one thing from his team members: the perfect vegetation long ago had a successful case, that is, their captain ......Oliver!

    This is a long story, and it is not that he deliberately concealed it, but his superiors asked him to keep it strictly confidential.

    In twenty years ago, after the initial prototype of the lunar base, the human government could not wait to carry out the relevant experiments.

    Perfectin is a non-renewable substance, although the quantity is large, but still limited, so it is impossible to waste on a large scale on animals, so the first experimental objects are - human fertilized eggs!

    Because fertilized eggs are genetically identical to humans, but not really human, they are used for experiments to reduce some moral and ethical risks. Many scientists still have professional ethics, and there is little willingness to do real human experimentation.

    Animal cells are much more complex than plant cells, especially humans, the only intelligent creature on earth, with 46 chromosomes, more than 39,000 genes, the mechanism of action of the perfectin is also more complex. With the technical means of human beings, there is no way to glimpse the mystery of it, only through the method of large-scale experiments to figure out, research.

    In the first experiment, governments screened about 100,000 fertilized eggs from the human gene pool. Unfortunately, for various reasons, the first experiments all failed. The lunar base

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