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Real Men Love Curls: Curvy Ever After, #2
Real Men Love Curls: Curvy Ever After, #2
Real Men Love Curls: Curvy Ever After, #2
Ebook65 pages1 hour

Real Men Love Curls: Curvy Ever After, #2

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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For me, Chloe is the one. The one I've always wanted. The one I can never have. The one I'm secretly in love with. 

Why can't I have her? Because she's my best friend's little sister. Oh, and he's my boss and he's practically the only family I have. So, yeah, she is permanently in a no-fly zone. 

Until one fateful weekend when I find out that Chloe is a virgin and that she'll do anything to lose her v-card. There's no way I'm letting her pick up some random, not when I am more than ready to do the job myself. 

But once I cross the line into that no-fly zone, will I ever make it back? Will I even want to?



Yeah, sure Jake is the one … The one most likely to mess up my plans to lose my v-card—the damn cockblocker!

Okay, so he's hot. Like, the hottest guy I know. But he's also my brother's best friend. The grumpy guard dog standing between me and a little bit of personal freedom. 

That is until my brother goes out of town and I make plans to take matters into my own hands. That's when Jake does the last thing I ever expected: He offers to punch my v-card himself.

I know he's just trying to keep me from making a mistake he assumes I'll regret. He doesn't realize that he's a mistake I'll never regret!

PublisherKat Baxter
Release dateOct 3, 2021
Real Men Love Curls: Curvy Ever After, #2

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    Book preview

    Real Men Love Curls - Kat Baxter

    Chapter 1


    I don’t bother knocking before going into my brother’s office. But he’s not the one bent over behind Sebastian’s desk. Instead, I find my brother’s best friend, Jake. His faded jeans are molded to his perfect ass and thick thighs. My mouth goes dry, but I shake myself out of that nonsense.

    Have I always been a little hot for Jake? Sure, I’d have to be blind to not appreciate all there is to see in that big, muscular, sexy-sexy man. Is he smart AF and completely dedicated to his work? Yes. Are those both qualities I admire? Yes, again.

    But there are some things no amount of muscles, tatts, and bad-ass competence can overcome. In Jake’s case, that insurmountable obstacle is his complete and total indifference to me.

    Not that I even care.


    I barely notice.

    I mean, why would I notice?

    OHMYGOD, enough Chloe.

    What are you doing here? I snap. Because I can’t just be sweet to him. He brings out the snark in me in a way no one else ever has.

    He stands, those broad shoulders making that black t-shirt of his work to keep all his muscles contained. And then he turns to face me. Tatted, pierced, bearded and scowling. He looks like the quintessential bad boy. That tiny ring piercing in his nose and the one on his eyebrow are a constant source of fascination for me. As is his full mouth, partially hidden by that blonde beard of his.

    Damn, he’s sexy. I hate that my body instantly responds to him. He can’t stand me. He’s Seb’s best friend and business partner. He would be off limits even if he could tolerate me. Which, as always, he seems barely capable.

    His jaw clenches and his frown deepens.

    I meet his steely-blue eyes. I think I could actually get pregnant just by looking at him long enough.

    I could ask you the same thing, Curls.

    Gah, that nickname! I’ve never been able to decide if I hate it or love it. He’s the only one who’s ever called me that.

    Where’s Seb? I ask.

    He’ll be here when he gets here.

    Super. I walk further into the office, make my way to the couch beneath one of the windows. I flop myself down, then inwardly wince because seriously, could I at least pretend that I know how to be sexy? No, no, I cannot. Because I don’t know the first thing about being sexy. I’ll wait.

    Jake lifts one shoulder, then turns back to resume whatever he was doing on the credenza behind Seb’s desk.

    I try a little to not stare at his ass. Who am I kidding? I haven’t tried at all. I shouldn’t look at his ass. I at least know that much, but damn it’s hard not to gawk. It’s just so perfect. Rounded in the best possible way. I chew at the inside of my lip.

    I really need to solve this problem of mine. If I could do that, then I know whatever warped attraction I feel towards Jake would disappear. Frankly, this is all Seb’s fault. If he didn’t scare off every guy who comes within two feet of me, then I wouldn’t be the oldest virgin in town.

    Okay, that’s probably an exaggeration considering I’m only twenty-three. Still, I personally don’t know anyone else my age who still has their V-card. Granted, I haven’t exactly talked to anyone about my membership in that club either so maybe there are a lot of us. It’s not like we have a support group or anything. Though, maybe I should start one. I could see if we could reserve a meeting room at the public library and we could have monthly get-togethers to lament the fact that our nether regions have never felt the touch of another human.

    This is probably the real reason I’m still a virgin. Because I just referred to my lady bits as nether regions. I am a hot mess.

    I glance down at the red shirt that V’s deep enough that I’m showing some quality cleavage. Jake didn’t even look. He barely looks at my face let alone anywhere else on my body.

    Chloe, I’m glad you’re here, my brother says as he walks into the room.

    That makes one of you, I mutter.

    Jake shoots me a glare. "I made a

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