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Yoga, the way to realization
Yoga, the way to realization
Yoga, the way to realization
Ebook152 pages1 hour

Yoga, the way to realization

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"Out of thousand persons, one seeks me to know the truth behind the strange phenomenon of life. Out of a thousand such seekers, perhaps only one goes all the way to the end and knows me, the infinite". Lord Krishna. And you could be that person.

The ancient spiritual practice of Yoga promises that God exists and that finding God, having God-realization- through Self-realization, is possible. It is a science. The step-by-step method is revealed here.

Many reach the level of understanding about the Self, God. But that is not enough. You have to realize Him and till then the sufferings of life will not go. And for the realization, the way out is meditation, practiced scientifically.

All saints who have ever found God practiced some form of meditation to rediscover the real Self. No matter what your faith is, or what your belief is, this is the scientific highway to the infinite for anyone whosoever practices it.

Various paths of Spirituality have been explained with their strength and issues and then the best – the Royal path, has been covered in detail. Learn the fundamentals and techniques of the science of all science – Kriyayoga. It is a science, eternal, and precedes all religions.

You are born again and again for God's realization only. Here is an opportunity. Go for it, try it out.

Release dateDec 12, 2022
Yoga, the way to realization

sanjeev sareen

Sanjeev Sareen, is an Engineer, superannuated in 2018, after serving in five large Manufacturing Industries in India. He is into Spirituality and Practicing under a Realized master since 1995. His Book “Spirituality through Science” tries to reflect on the issues with the Traditional Practices in the name of Spirituality. He tries to convince the readers through various examples, to consider spirituality as the highest science and practice it accordingly. His whole emphasis is to inspire the readers for seeking God more and more through Practice and lifestyle management. His other Hindi Poetry e- book- ईशवर- कौन, कहाँ और क्यों. ( God- Who, Where and Why), has already hit Amazon's #1 Bestseller. In this book, He has tried to reflect Holistically on various life situations in a very simple way that the readers can relate with them easily. This book is available in paperback version also on Amazon Platform. His interests in the past had been sports (He was a National basketball player) and Human Psychology. His passion all the time had been Transforming Self and helping others. He is very analytical. His approach towards various life situations had been largely Spiritualistic. This has helped him evolve. He looks at life situations differently which helps him to relate with others in similar situations and help them further.

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    Book preview

    Yoga, the way to realization - sanjeev sareen

    Body Discipline: Mental Control: Meditation


    The Way to Realization

    Find God in One Lifetime. Learn the Science.

    Get Over the Sufferings of Life.


    Mahaavtar Baba ji


    Sanjeev Sareen


    As a token of my appreciation for taking the time to read my book, I am offering a free gift.

    Please download the first chapter from my book-Journey to God. The topic is Who am I?

    This question appears quite often in our lifetime but we turn away from them. There are many moments we are provoked to ask this. We feel since childhood, a vague nostalgia for more, a divine longing. In many ways, it is the central struggle of every human life.

    Sometimes we avoid discovering what we are. It is mainly because inquiring earnestly could mean the death of something we hold onto, like the idea we have of ourselves, the personality, ego, and all that comes with it.

    We need to know ourselves as we truly are.

    Please download the article here using the link given.





    The Need for Spirituality

    Special Features of The Human Body

    Recap of Part 1 of This Book Series

    Various Spiritual Paths

    Gyan Yog

    Bhakti Yog

    Karm Yog

    Dhyan Yog

    The Best Approach

    Kriya Yoga

    Basic Philosophy of Kriya Yoga

    What Kriya Yoga is Not?

    What Do We Do in Kriya Yoga Practice?

    Kriya Yoga for Whom?

    Why There is A Need to Do Kriya Yoga?

    What Happens in The Yoga State?

    Cautions in The Practice of Kriya Yoga

    Kriya Yoga Practice and Time


    The Origin of Kriya Yoga

    Ashtaang Yog

    Kriya Yoga and Bhagwat Geeta

    Kriya Yoga and Mahabharta

    Kriya Yoga - The Higher Science

    -  The Science of Evolving

    Head and Spine: The Highway to God

    The Science of Withdrawing the Life Current

    The Science of Recharging

    The Science of Longevity

    The Science of Controlling Breath

    The Science of Health

    The Science Behind Death

    The Science of Finding God

    The Science of Meditation




    Books by Sanjeev Sareen

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    Spiritually - There Are Four Types of People.

    Many are completely asleep spiritually. When you talk of God, they ignore or laugh at you.

    Some are a little awake; you talk to them, and they understand, but that is all. They do not want to make any effort to know God.

    Then the third type reads a lot of religious ideas in books and thinks they will know God, or they read a little and party and go to church or temple or perform their pujas. They do not want to go further; they are satisfied. But it is not the satisfaction of blind belief that can get you there. God reveals Himself only to those who make the effort to know.

    The fourth class of people cannot be satisfied with reading a book about God or listening to a sermon or feeling a little devotion. They make efforts to find Him.

    If you are reading this, you are probably in this category.

    Remember, if you merely look at the road and never actually travel it, you will not reach your goal. Merely reading the lessons or thinking about self-realization will not take you there. The principles and techniques you learn must be put into practice.

    Paths in spirituality involve three steps.

    Understanding the subject. This involves reading, watching, listening, etc.

    Reflecting and reasoning on the understanding gained thus. This involves meditating on the contents so that it becomes your own.

    Realizing and experiencing the truth understood in the steps above. This involves deep meditation done scientifically.

    While the first two steps were covered in the first book- ‘Journey to God: a spiritual roadmap to find God within’, the focus of this very book is more on the third step.

    Various approaches, with their strengths and challenges, are explained here. Even the advanced philosophies and scientific techniques- within limitations, are covered sufficiently in detail.

    These details are quite sacred to be casually revealed, for a reason, and thus not commonly available. The practice of advanced techniques promises to give ultimate realization in one lifetime, which otherwise entails a span of one million years of life. 

    The ‘what’ and ‘why’ part of knowledge on spirituality was covered in the first book. This very book, in continuation, is dwelling on the ‘how’ part of it: the science part- along with some fundamental techniques and practices.

    Just for reference, the topics covered in the previous book were:

    Who am I?

    Is there a God and Who is He?

    Who created God?

    Who created the whole universe and why?

    What is my relationship with God?

    Why don’t we see God?

    What is the truth?

    The journey from I to God.

    Reading various scriptures and meditating under a master past 27 years, gives me sufficient insight to reflect on the subject in a very responsible way. I humbly owe it all to the masters. Admittedly, I am although evolving, but still in the learning phase.

    Sharing my learning so far, with all sincerity, basically to help and inspire the seekers of the truth.


    So many say they want God, but how very few reach Him! In the Bhagavad Gita, the lord sorrowed, Out of thousand persons, one seeks me to know the truth behind the strange phenomenon of life. Out of a thousand such seekers, perhaps only one goes all the way to the end and knows me, the infinite.

    And you could be that person. It is of little significance whether you have started your quest early or late in life. It is not always the first initiates on the journey who get to the infinite, for often the last become the first.

    There is a difference between Knowing and Being here. Although it takes a lot of effort to even know, it is good progress that way. But it is of not much use till the realization is achieved, which requires different efforts. The purpose of this book is to help with that.

    There are various kinds of seekers. Some lead by curiosity. They go from place to place seeking fresh excitement and newness. Which is more like spiritual window shopping. Their intellect may be inspired but that is all. They follow a variety of teachings, stick to none, and make no effort to assimilate the ideas. This seeming thirst for knowledge is an indication, more often than not, that what such persons are actually satisfied with are theories. Real seekers test and compare until they find applicable truths, then they practice until those truths become a part of their own realization.

    In one of his well-known parables, Jesus says that two factors are vitally important for the real seeker of truth: the seed and the ground. A seed will not grow on a stone. Nor will good soil grow a tree unless there is a seed. One must have the proper teachings, that is the seed. And the soil is the mentality of the disciple. If you have the right mentality and are a serious seeker, the seed will surely germinate. Give it an honest try, for your own sake.

    The practice of learning is more important. Spiritual teachings can be understood by reading them over and over again, meditating on them, and then applying them in everyday life. Meditation carries more weight for sure.

    You will be able to realize Him if you can demonstrate how serious and willing you are to persevere and devote time to Him for realizing your own higher nature.

    The Need for Spirituality

    There Are Two Conditions in Life.

    One condition is a conscious journey toward God, by increasing devotion. The other is by compulsion.

    If we don’t do it consciously, we do it unwillingly through suffering. For example, when against our wishes, we have a headache, fever, etc. These are nothing but compulsory attention of our mind on this body- the basic practice.

    In the conscious journey, simply put, we put attention to the body and accept all varieties of changes in it. We will know more about that in the following chapters.

    We all are made in the image of God and yet many people will be found saying, I am not yet ready yet for spirituality which is the greatest untruth one can speak because the soul is like a round peg that will not fit into a square hole of delusion.

    There is some Ultimate level of reality beyond this world of suffering which is otherwise endless. To escape from it, you must reach that reality.

    If there is suffering and unhappiness in this life, believe me, it will be there more or less in every life we will live, and it was also there in the lives we have lived. It is all for a reason which is, to learn and it is governed by the law of karma.  

    Without scientifically analyzing human life, many so-called ‘practical’ people put all their trust

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