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The Magical Pregnancy That Shook The Town of Dedelasota
The Magical Pregnancy That Shook The Town of Dedelasota
The Magical Pregnancy That Shook The Town of Dedelasota
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The Magical Pregnancy That Shook The Town of Dedelasota

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Magical pregnancy is a dramatic novel about Didelphys pregnancy. That is a woman with two wombs that got pregnant by two men and carried their two babies with one pregnancy.  The pregnancy causes astute religious people to limit the God they describe as the God of possibility; it made the philosophers confess "Women are species no one can fully comprehend their nature" For the lay people they say "Wonders would never end" Is a must-read novel.

PublisherG N. Davis
Release dateDec 12, 2022
The Magical Pregnancy That Shook The Town of Dedelasota

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    The Magical Pregnancy That Shook The Town of Dedelasota - G N. Davis


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    I remain forever grateful to the Heavens for these wonderful insights.

    My special thanks go to my sweetheart-Irene The Queen, and my angel, Rotabil Davis for Their unconditional love.

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    The Prologue

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    Ruth Danielle found herself battling a pregnancy she thought she didn’t ask for. Her lamentations go beyond the silent voice of her heart. Her childhood friend, Akosua Exmirandar, reminded her to thank the gods because they had honored her wish in record time. I wanted my own child, but this is not the pregnancy I wanted. Ruth quickly responded. A wish that is so strong and genuine is called a noble wish. It causes thunder to strike in the dwellings of the gods; to have their peace, a telepathy conference call is held, and the wish is given,  a gift of free will. Akosua schooled Ruth. For a brief moment, Ruth believed the gods were punishing her for taking her mother's love for granted until her death. She said to her friend, You are not a religious person, yet you talk and behave as if you always have meetings with the gods. Are you a witch? Witches deal with evil spirits. Evil spirits are not gods; they are fallen angels. I may not associate with religious institutions, but that does not make me an enemy of the divine, Akosua responded. I don’t want any arguments; I think I just have to be careful about what I wish for, Ruth said. And more importantly, the timing. Yes, don’t make wishes you are not ready for, Akosua added.

    Ruth Daniell wants to have her own baby, but two men who were great friends are fighting over the pregnancy. She does not want to betray the man who has done a lot for her, but would she go against her heart? We will get to know that in the courtroom. When the media got wind of her case, they filled the courtroom to the brim. What they have in mind, and what they have already reported to the public, is totally different from what they witnessed in the courtroom. Her story became the talk of households and white-collar institutions. How can one pregnancy belong to two men? The lawyer thought it was impossible, but the doctors proved him wrong. For religious fanatics, it is nonsense because a woman can only get pregnant for one man. But from afar, they heard the echo: Are you not limiting the very God you refer to as a being of all possibility? tight and enjoy this hot drama novel.

    Chapter One

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    Alice Meet Franko

    One day, I hope to live in a modest and adequate home where love is the only currency cherished and valued by my own children, who value sacrifice over vanity, who know how to say thank you not only with their mouths but with their souls and spirits, and with a husband who can see from afar a woman's vulnerability, hope, wonderful dreams, and higher calling, to partner in building a new home of laughter, peace, and progress. 

    Alice Michaela breathes and survives for the reasons stated above. She came from a humble home where love and the bond of supporting one another had made huge their little resources; and buried deep into the sinking sand their lack of the most basic necessities. Her dream makes it very difficult for men who come across her to win her hard-soft heart. As Alice approached the age of 30, her mother, who was certain she would have very intelligent and lovely ground children from Alice because Alice was more intelligent and lovely to be with than the rest of her children, confronted Alice about her hesitation in settling down with a man and starting having babies. Alice calmed her mother down and made her understand that the very core of family greatness, fame, joy, and happiness, starts with the person one chooses as a partner, so she has just been careful.

    But you are growing, and if care is not given the first priority in your busy life, by the time you will notice, you will have hit your menopause, Alice's mum voiced out with a worried tone.

    It is not me; the guys that come into my life, many of them are lousy, talk too much, and are unintelligent. Many of them, too, who look a bit nice and are a little bit intelligent above average, have materialistic opulence and try to treat you as if you are a commodity in the market they can purchase and own. For most of the ones who looked very mature, the moment they came close and I tried to give them a little psychological air in my personal space, the next thing was that they wanted to break my purity cord. Why can’t men just be disciplined? Alice responded with a frustrated voice.

    Alice Mum became philosophical and said, What I don’t know is a perfect man in a skirt, but what I know for sure is that there is no perfect man in trousers.

    But my dad is a very disciplined, responsible, and lovely man. Why aren't any of the men in my life like him? Alice quickly responded.

    "Oooh! I see, you got it all wrong. Your dad fell under one of the categories of men you described. We just worked on ourselves, and as you grow, you see your dad as a perfect man. He was not the same man you see now when we got married. Said Alice Mum.

    Are you saying my father is a bad man, and you took a chance on him?, and if Dad finds out, can you defend yourself? Alice asked with a disappointed tone.

    I didn’t say your dad is not a good man; I am saying he was not a perfect man as you see him now when we got married, said Alice's mother.

    But I did not say I wanted a perfect man. All I am asking for is an intelligent man who is disciplined and lovely. Is it unreasonable to expect those who want to sleep with you to satisfy their insatiable sexual lust, or those who treat you like a commodity on a shelf, to respect you? Alice asked

    No, it is not too much to ask; I pray to God that, in no time, He will bring that Mr. Right...

    As Alice's mother was saying this, her husband, Alice's father, walked in and asked what they were talking about, and quickly, Alice's mother answered, We are having girl’s talks.

    After the encounter that evening, in her sober reflection on her bed, Alice realized the reality of her mother’s worry. Yes, she is maturing and has reached the age of 30. This realization causes her to resolve in her heart to be flexible and lower her standards for the kind of man she wants as a husband. But unlucky for her, and as if the elements of nature have conspired against her, all the men that come into her life are married men. But that is what most single women face when they pass the 30-year mark. And because of this, no man won Alice's heart till she was 40 years old.

    Alice was 40 years old when her sister Priscilla called her to pick up her child from school. When Alice was driving home with Isabella, her niece, she was being naughty, and Alice spanked her. Isabella was enraged and decided to flee, but before she reached the zebra crossing, one man grabbed her, and when Alice arrived, the man said, Your daughter is very beautiful, but Isabella quickly responded, She is not my mother. and that really hurt Alice deeply. She exchanged pleasantries with the man, and they went their separate ways.

    In the evening, Alice was in her room when she heard a violent knock on her door, and as she was approaching it, the door was opened. What kind of sister are you, Why did you beat my angel? Do you know how to carry a pregnancy? Do you know how to give birth? Never in your miserable, lonely life, use your finger on my angel again. Alice was greeted by these harsh words from her sister, Priscilla.

    I didn’t beat Isabella; I just corrected her. Please, I am sorry, and don’t let’s fight over this; remember, she is my daughter too, Alice responded calmly.

    She is not your daughter; if she were your daughter, you would not have molested her. Go and learn how to give birth first, and experience how painful it is, before you can come and tell me that Isabella is your daughter too," Pricilla

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