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Unknown Origins
Unknown Origins
Unknown Origins
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Unknown Origins

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 Jagger Malik is a famous movie star known for his kindness and good-guy image. He allows his brother/agent to book him on a show to discover his roots, to climb the ratings, and gain a new audience he is told. Through DNA testing and a private investigator, the show aims to uncover his past truths as it has done for so many other famous faces before him. Since he already knows he is adopted, Jagger is convinced that not much else can shock him, but little does he know his origins' scintillating truth. Love, lust, and siblings lost will converge in this story fit for the tabloids, as he travels near and far to find the single truth that may change him forever.

PublisherAngelica Kate
Release dateDec 12, 2022
Unknown Origins

Angelica Kate

Angelica Kate writes contemporary romances with strong characters and inspiration to keep the readers coming back for more. She is a lifetime scribbler who has been journaling since an early age and finally parlayed that into more structured storytelling. Angelica loves strong female leads and the men that adore them, despite their scars and baggage. When not writing, she spends time on Florida's sunny shores near her home in Sarasota, FL, with her puppies Tesla and Harley Quinn, her daughters, and a host of kooky amazing friends. TWITTER: @AngelicaKate5 FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: Email Angelica directly: HAPPY READING AND CHASING HAPPINESS WHEREVER YOU CHOOSE TO FIND IT!!

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    Book preview

    Unknown Origins - Angelica Kate

    Unknown Origins

    Angelica Kate

    Published by Angelica Kate, 2022.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. December 12, 2022.

    Copyright © 2022 Angelica Kate.

    ISBN: 979-8215345023

    Written by Angelica Kate.

    Bombshells of Yesterday

    Angelica Kate


    Copyright © 2021 by Angela K. Naff; using the pen name of Angelica Kate

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15


    Chapter 1

    JAGGER FINISHED HIS run on the stationary piece of machinery in his gym. He flung a towel over his neck and took a deep swig of water. Glancing over, he saw that Jarrod was trying to catch his breath. It turned out the only way to silence his older brother and manager was to make him sweat. Jagger was the more fit of the two, and today, he had made that work for himself.

    You are a horrible brother, Jarrod said, finally gathering himself as he also gulped down nearly an entire sixteen ounces of refreshing water before speaking again. You know you need to help me decide which offer you want to accept. You are in the driver’s seat these days, and we can control spending, other casting options, and even the side projects you don’t want me to accept for you. But you need to talk to me.

    I know, Jagger said, rolling his eyes. Come on. I will make the smoothies, and you can bore me to death with your questions.

    You know I could get a job in finance someplace else and not have to take your lip all day, his brother grumbled at him. I do this out of love for you and a desire to see you succeed, he said with mock sincerity.

    And the six figures you get in commission.

    Well, there is that, Jarrod said as a sound at the door had them both turning.

    James, Jarrod said as the last of the trio of brothers walked into the room. I thought you had an early morning coffee date today.

    She stood me up, he lamented. I figured there was something suspicious when she didn’t want to get drinks after work. I mean, who decides on coffee at eight in the morning for a first date.

    Jagger wrinkled his note at his brother. I’m sorry, that should have been a sign. I think your batting average with the ladies is remaining a perfect – strikeout.

    Thanks, he lamented, turning about and heading for the kitchen as the other two followed close on his heels. I just want a nice girl that loves books, having intelligent conversations, and maybe doesn’t ask me to introduce her to my brother the first time we meet.

    Sorry, Jarrod said, slapping Jason on the back. I suffer from the same disorder. Being the older brothers to the biggest action star on the planet right now comes with a major downside on the lady's front.

    Hey, I can’t help it, Jagger said, shrugging. I have problems too, as you can guess. I never know if the women like me for me or for the parties and pocketbook they think comes along with being a movie star.

    I help with your books, Jarrod said. For someone mid-twenty, your pocketbook is doing mighty well, my brother.

    Thanks, but I just hate the shallow women you meet in this industry.

    Hey, Rachel, his assistant, shouted, walking in like she also belonged.

    Hey, Rachel, Jagger said. Can you help us out? The guys here feel that I’m hurting their dating chances as women just ask questions about me. You have, on the other hand, met many of the women trying to get to me – don’t you feel that most also just want a piece of me and don’t truly appreciate me for me?

    I’m sorry, didn’t realize I walked in on three grown men during that time of the month, Rachel complained. Do we need chocolate and some Kleenex so we can discuss our dating woes, or are we going to get to work today?

    Jagger reached for the woman and dragged her close with a hug. That is why I love you. You cut through all the BS and just tell me what you think. Jarrod was about to go through new contracts, and I’m assuming you have my daily schedule of to-do items?

    Yep, she turned to Jarrod. "Have you asked him yet?’

    Jagger immediately tensed. Asked me what?

    "I wanted to turn down Where Did I Come From – that series where the producers subject you to a DNA test, and then you go on some wild adventure to find your roots."

    I love that show, Jagger said absently, loading fruits and veggies into his blender. "Why would they be interested in me, though?’

    Duh, you’re adopted and don’t know your backstory – right? Rachel said.

    Jagger glanced at her. She had been with him three years now and seriously, half the time, said exactly what he was thinking. She was a straight shooter, never got a big head about her working for him, and was available to him for all the tasks he hated. She answered emails, arranged his schedule, and kept him on time and task seven days a week. The woman was a wonder, having graduated with a business degree just before applying for the job with him. That process had been grueling – again, so many had other agendas for wanting to work for him. He had a strong work ethic, though, and wasn’t messing around with his career.

    Now, the fact that, unfortunately, Rachel was also blonde, stunningly beautiful, and featured prominently in most of his raciest of dreams was a secret he would never tell. He did date to keep up appearances. The truth was that recently none of the women made him feel like they were with him because of him and not the pocketbook, fame, and possibilities he could hold for their career. Sure, Rachel did well financially because of how much she

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