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Exploring the Earliest Gospel: A Kids Bible Study on Jesus and His Good News
Exploring the Earliest Gospel: A Kids Bible Study on Jesus and His Good News
Exploring the Earliest Gospel: A Kids Bible Study on Jesus and His Good News
Ebook364 pages4 hours

Exploring the Earliest Gospel: A Kids Bible Study on Jesus and His Good News

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Helping kids fall in love with God and His Word as they study the Bible for themselves

Now more than ever, kids need to know and explore their Bibles.

Getting our kids engaged with Scripture early on is vital to their discipleship. In fact, research shows that Bible reading is the number one indicator for spiritual growth. Exploring the Earliest Gospel gives kids the chance and tools to know God through His Word.

In this kids’ Bible study, Rebecca McLaughlin and her young theologian daughters Miranda (12) and Eliza (10) guide your kids through the book of Mark. This adult-child collaboration will help your kids see themselves not just as passive recipients of teaching from grown-ups, but active participants who can engage with the Bible for themselves. At its heart, Exploring the Earliest Gospel is a study of a person: Jesus. Through sixty-six days of fun and fast-paced study, your kids will get to understand more of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. 

Mark’s Gospel was the first gospel to be written, and it’s based on the memories of Jesus’ disciple Peter. Since Peter was an act first, think later kind of guy, your kids will notice that Mark uses the word “immediately” a lot. This is an action-packed book! As your young disciples enter the stories that were written and meant for them, they will learn how to observe, interpret, and apply God’s Word to their lives.

If you’re looking for a theologically rich, accessible bible study that helps your kids know and fall in love with Jesus and paves the way to a lifelong love of God and the Bible, give them Exploring the Earliest Gospel.

Release dateJan 3, 2023
Exploring the Earliest Gospel: A Kids Bible Study on Jesus and His Good News

Rebecca McLaughlin

Rebecca McLaughlin (PhD, Cambridge University) is the author of Confronting Christianity, named Christianity Today’s 2020 Beautiful Orthodoxy Book of the Year. Her subsequent works include 10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity; The Secular Creed; and Jesus through the Eyes of Women.

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    Exploring the Earliest Gospel - Rebecca McLaughlin

    Praise for Exploring the Earliest Gospel

    I don’t know of anyone better than Rebecca McLaughlin to take a book of the Bible and make it fun and accessible for kids without compromising any of its complexity or depth. Rebecca and her two daughters highlight the historical context, the structure, and the big-picture message in a way that will compel you to love God’s Word, worship His Son, and join Him on His mission. Exploring the Earliest Gospel is a rich study that kids of all ages will benefit from—I highly recommend it!


    Coordinator of Women’s Initiatives, The Gospel Coalition

    Bible teacher and author of several Bible studies, including From Garden to Glory and In View of God’s Mercies

    Rebecca McLaughlin has given families a true treasure. With accessible, age appropriate questions along with fun facts, illustrations, and prayers, Rebecca leads kids into the gospel story of Jesus in Mark with beautiful practicality. Not only will young readers find the truths of the gospel set out for them, but they’ll be sharpened in how to study the Bible for themselves. That’s an incomparable gift in a truly beautiful package. Any family or Christian school should consider purchasing this resource a top priority for their kids.


    Lead Pastor of Eastside Community Church in Dallas, TX; coauthor of Family Discipleship; cohost of the Family Discipleship Podcast

    I’m a big fan of this project because it gives young minds an excellent opportunity for robust engagement with the Word of God. Exploring the Earliest Gospel is not only a great way for kids to explore the book of Mark—adults new to the Christian faith would also find this project to be an excellent primer. I was excited to learn something new about my favorite Bible character! Approaching this action-packed narrative as a play is genius, as is the inclusion of world history, fun facts, and relatable works like Harry Potter and Frozen 2. The authors anticipate things kids would want an explanation for (like the Aramaic phrases of Jesus’ first language), and each day ends with prayer prompts to guide children in responding to the truth they engaged with.

    What makes my heart sing the most about this Bible study is how Rebecca, Miranda, and Eliza highlighted Jesus in a way kids can relate to—a Savior who was rejected, faced peer pressure, and became a Hero who grew a kingdom family we ALL can belong to. Bravo!


    Bridgebuilder and bestselling author whose children’s books include ColorFull, Crowned with Glory, and Brown Baby Jesus

    Bible reading is one of the most important aspects in the life of the believer. However, passing this on to young Christians can prove challenging, which is why I’m so thankful for Rebecca’s book Exploring the Earliest Gospel. This is an invaluable tool that can assist young believers in their understanding of God’s Word. The depth and accessibility are excellent!


    Author; Director of Resources for Reformed Youth Ministries; host of The Local Youth Worker podcast; father of five


    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

    All emphasis in Scripture has been added.

    Edited by Amanda Cleary Eastep

    Cover design: Spencer Fuller, Faceout Studios

    Interior design: Paul Nielsen, Faceout Studios

    Cover illustration of lion copyright © 2022 by augustos/Shutterstock (1778868572). All rights reserved.

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Names: McLaughlin, Rebecca, 1980- author.

    Title: Exploring the earliest gospel : a kids Bible study on Jesus and his good news / Rebecca McLaughlin ; with Miranda and Eliza McLaughlin.

    Description: 1st. | Chicago : Moody Publishers, [2023] | Includes bibliographical references and index. | Audience: Grades 4-6 | Summary: In this kids’ Bible study, Rebecca McLaughlin and her young daughters Miranda and Eliza guide your kids through the book of Mark. At its heart, this is a study of a person: Jesus. Through sixty-six days, your kids will gain more understanding of Jesus’ death, life, and resurrection-- Provided by publisher.

    Identifiers: LCCN 2022033254 | ISBN 9780802428936 | ISBN 9780802474643 (ebk)

    Subjects: LCSH: Bible. Mark--Textbooks. | Bible. Mark--Juvenile literature.

    Classification: LCC BS2586 .M35 2023 | DDC 226.3--dc23/eng/20220912

    LC record available at

    Printed by Versa Press in East Peoria, IL – December 2022

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    For Luke and Enna



    ACT ONE: Jesus Is God’s Promised King (Mark 1–2)

    Day 1: Jesus steps onto the stage

    Day 2: Jesus turns fishermen into fishers of men

    Day 3: Jesus shows His power to heal

    Day 4: Jesus shows His power to make clean

    Day 5: Jesus shows His power to forgive

    Day 6: Jesus is the doctor we need

    Day 7: Jesus is the husband we want

    Day 8: Jesus is the King and Lord

    ACT TWO: Jesus Starts His Kingdom Family (Mark 3–5)

    Day 9: Jesus is rejected by the religious leaders

    Day 10: Jesus calls the Twelve

    Day 11: Jesus’ family thinks He’s crazy

    Day 12: Jesus tells a story about God’s Word

    Day 13: Jesus tells three stories about God’s kingdom

    Day 14: Jesus shows His terrifying power over nature

    Day 15: Jesus shows His terrifying power over demons

    Day 16: Jesus heals two daughters

    ACT THREE: Jesus Grows His Kingdom Family (Mark 6–8:26)

    Day 17: Jesus is rejected by His hometown and sends the apostles

    Day 18: John the Baptist’s tragic end

    Day 19: Jesus feeds five thousand Jewish families

    Day 20: Jesus walks on water

    Day 21: Jesus teaches God’s law

    Day 22: Jesus shows both Jews and Gentiles are unclean

    Day 23: Jesus lets a Gentile woman join the family

    Day 24: Jesus heals a deaf man in a Gentile area

    Day 25: Jesus feeds four thousand families in a Gentile area

    Day 26: Jesus heals a blind man in two stages

    ACT FOUR: Jesus Turns God’s Kingdom Upside Down (Mark 8:27–10:52)

    Day 27: Peter gets that Jesus is God’s promised King

    Day 28: Jesus says He’s going to die and rise again

    Day 29: Jesus calls us to come and die

    Day 30: Jesus is revealed as God’s Son (again)!

    Day 31: Jesus meets a man who struggles to believe

    Day 32: Jesus turns everything upside down

    Day 33: Nothing is more important than entering God’s kingdom

    Day 34: Jesus defends marriage

    Day 35: Jesus welcomes children

    Day 36: Jesus warns us against riches

    Day 37: Jesus predicts His death a third time

    Day 38: Jesus came to serve and give His life

    Day 39: Jesus heals another blind man

    ACT FIVE: Jesus Enters Jerusalem as King (Mark 11–13)

    Day 40: Jesus rides into Jerusalem as King

    Day 41: Jesus acts like He owns the temple

    Day 42: Jesus says prayer can move mountains

    Day 43: The Jewish leaders question Jesus’ authority

    Day 44: Jesus tells a story against the religious leaders

    Day 45: Jesus shows God’s more important than Caesar

    Day 46: Jesus shows that God will raise the dead

    Day 47: Jesus calls us to love God first and others as ourselves

    Day 48: Jesus shows that the Messiah is greater than King David

    Day 49: Jesus judges powerful teachers and praises a poor widow

    Day 50: Jesus predicts the destruction of the temple

    Day 51: Jesus warns about the end of the world

    Day 52: Jesus tells His disciples to get ready!

    ACT SIX: Jesus Takes God’s Judgment and Beats Death! (Mark 14–16)

    Day 53: Jesus is anointed for His burial

    Day 54: Jesus predicts Judas’s betrayal

    Day 55: Jesus shows that He’s the sacrifice

    Day 56: Jesus predicts Peter’s denial

    Day 57: Jesus prays for a cup to be taken away

    Day 58: Judas betrays Jesus

    Day 59: Jesus is condemned by the religious leaders

    Day 60: Peter denies Jesus

    Day 61: Jesus is sent to be crucified while a criminal goes free

    Day 62: The Roman soldiers mock King Jesus

    Day 63: Jesus is crucified to save others

    Day 64: Jesus dies, the curtain tears, and the centurion speaks

    Day 65: Jesus is buried

    Day 66: Jesus comes back to life—it’s wonderful, terrifying news!

    Last Words




    Thank you for choosing to read this Moody Publishers title. It is our hope and prayer that this book will help you to know Jesus Christ more personally and love Him more deeply. The proceeds from your purchase help pay the tuition of students attending Moody Bible Institute. These students come from around the globe and graduate better equipped to impact our world for Christ.

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    Two months after the youngest member of our family was born, the oldest member of our family died. Granny Betty grew up in England during World War II, and when London was being bombed by German pilots every night, the children in London were sent away to live in the countryside. Granny Betty went to live with her aunt on a strange little island called the Isle of Man, where cats don’t have tails. You might be thinking this sounds made up. But it’s absolutely true!

    If you have grandparents or great-grandparents, I bet they’ve told you stories from when they were young. They won’t remember everything that happened years ago, but they’ll remember all the most important things—like the day they started at a new school and got bullied, or the day they got married, or the day their first child was born. They’ll also remember stories they were told, songs they learned, and things they memorized in high school.

    The Gospels in our Bibles, known as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, were written when the people who saw Jesus live and teach and die and rise again were getting old. Like grandparents passing stories on to their children and grandchildren, they wanted the stories about Jesus to be remembered after they died. But while most stories told by grandparents are precious because of the family connection, the stories told by the eyewitnesses of Jesus’ life mattered far beyond their local community. In fact, these stories about Jesus changed the world. So, how do we know they were remembered rightly?

    Unlike our Granny Betty’s stories

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