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Ebook63 pages49 minutes


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About this ebook

Petra schemes to arrange a match with Oya, the Sexy-B’s newest wrestler, a gorgeous African. But other wrestlers keep getting in the way and Petra is forced to sit back and watch. Both Oya’s wrestling and her after-fight hijinks make Petra’s lust burn hotter and hotter.

Finally blonde Petra and chocolate-skinned Oya face off across the mats. Petra has the upper hand until Oya employs Ngolo, an African martial art, to tie up the bout. For what happens next, you’ll have to read the story!

Release dateDec 8, 2022

Jason Pinaster

If you would like to be on my mailing list, sign up here: will receive prompt notification ofmy new publications and special offers.I have been writing fiction for several years but in 2015 I started to concentrate on erotica.My first series featured lawyer Christopher Carter. Carter doesn't have to abide by law society rules. A little fun, lots of sex, a little adventure, and Carter's special brand of justice.Then I moved on to Lusty Lee, a private investigator. My current dominatrix series, which is nearing the end of its cycle, features specific fetishes—some outlandish—serviced by Mistress Megan.Along the way, I have written individual stories featuring wrestling, food fetishism, tickling, sex games and BDSM. I have published one novella set in Hedonism II, the notorious Jamaican resort and am presently revising a second. My current novel features a sex robot.ExperienceCourt Clerk, 2000 to date in Ontario, CanadaWriting: since Grade 3 (1983)Skills and ExpertiseWritingEditingResearchEducationB.A. (English Lit.) 1992-1995, Augustana University CollegeDiploma in Court Procedure, 1996-1998, Everest College

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    Book preview

    Ngolo - Jason Pinaster

    Ngolo © 2022 Jason Pinaster

    Table of Contents

    Other Pinaster Stories


    Back Notes

    Copyright Notice

    Work of Fiction Notice

    Cover Credits: Many thanks to FightPulse


    Some of Jason Pinaster’s Other Erotic Wrestling Stories:


    Nitro Nancy

    Dodge Ball

    Motivating Larry

    Jobber Girl

    Grapevine Agony

    Belly Punched

    Lusting After Larry

    Time to Submit?

    Fi vs Riley


    Grapevine Squeeze

    Tickle Time


    Max Comes Back

    The Gambler

    Switching Eyes

    And for exclusive wrestling content, please follow me at


    The first time I met Oya was at her ‘Welcome to the Sexy-B’ party. Oya was a beautiful black woman and that night she had her long hair done up in dreadlocks which flowed down over her shoulders. Her burgundy faux-leather outfit clung to her breasts, belly, and hips, pleasantly accentuating her curves.

    I was wearing an evening gown cut tight around my waist. Its plunging neckline drew everyone’s attention to my burgeoning breasts, just as I’d intended. More importantly, it drew attention away from my short blonde hair which refused to behave, no matter what I did to it. I shrugged—even if it was my chaotic head of hair which first drew first eyes in my direction, my sparkling blue eyes, together with my luscious lips smiling in the middle of prominent cheeks and chin would cause those eyes to linger on me.

    Partway through the party, Sarah Boulton, the Sexy-B’s manager, drew Oya to her side. Please give our new wrestler a warm welcome, she said.

    There was general applause, punctuated with a cat call, and then the crowd quieted to allow Sarah to continue.

    "Oya wrestled in high school and currently trains at the African Martial Arts Center where she specializes in several wrestling styles: Senegalese, Sudanese and Nuba. She has a brown belt in Ngolo.

    And we are glad to have her add these skills to the Sexy-B community…

    I had previously heard Sarah give this part of the speech several times so I wandered out of the room and outside into the cool air in the hopes of meeting someone worth wrestling. Regrettably Vivian had already scooped up Ken. When I came back inside, Sarah’s speech was winding down, …everything at the Sexy-B is firing on all cylinders.

    That provoked general applause.

    She smiled. I can provide a longer and detailed report, if—

    Great speech, said someone. Then there were a smattering of comments: Short and sweet. Concise. More than enough.

    Are you sure? asked Sarah, pretending to be hurt.

    We’re sure, said someone, then everyone in unison, We’re sure.

    Then it’s time to eat, drink, and be merry.

    Eating was gourmet hors d'oeuvres, enough for a meal if I hadn’t been in training for my upcoming bout with Reese. Drinking was flutes filled with champagne. I tried to move towards Oya to chat her up with a view to arranging a fight, but Fred beat me to it. Nevertheless, I drifted over and stayed close enough to listen in.

    Welcome to the Sexy-B, he said.

    Thanks. Everyone’s being so kind to me. A sensuous lilt rumbled through Oya’s voice.

    I’ve booked a bout with you.

    Already? That was nice of you.

    Up close, I discovered that Oya’s artificial leather outfit was really two pieces. The upper portion hugged her like a second skin and went down to the top of her hips. Below her waist, the faux leather clung even tighter to her skin.

    I can’t wait to touch your skin, he said. The beast!

    Oya raised an eyebrow. Touching is a two-way street. She touched his arm, a few inches above his wrist.

    Then Sarah came up. You can’t keep our guest of honor all to yourself, Fred, she said.

    Oya blew him a kiss as she turned to let Sarah take her away. I caught sight of a cleft between Oya’s legs when she turned, as if she wasn’t wearing panties. The cleft between her buttocks was even more pronounced.

    When Oya vanished behind other partiers, I moved in to

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