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Okimas: Stories and poems of enlightened hens
Okimas: Stories and poems of enlightened hens
Okimas: Stories and poems of enlightened hens
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Okimas: Stories and poems of enlightened hens

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Stories and poems of enlightened hens


Stories for all ages to enjoy as fable or meta-narrative, ancient truths to uncover in simple tales and poems to make you cry.


The hens in Chukeriland begin to question their preconceived ideas and treatment by human beings.



PublisherB.S. Ban
Release dateDec 14, 2022
Okimas: Stories and poems of enlightened hens

B.S. Ban

Born in Himalaya in 1989, B.S.Ban has a wide knowledge of ancient scriptures, Sanskrit and other languages. With the popularisation of Yoga and Meditation in the West he has a passion to reveal the essence of Eastern teachings from their original source. A lover of nature he may be found in deep philosophical dialogue with birds and trees in the rainforest, but he is always home early to take the hens out for their afternoon adventures.

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    Okimas - B.S. Ban


    First published 2022 by B.S Ban

    Produced by Independent Ink

    The moral right of the author to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted.

    All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the Australian Copyright Act 1968, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. All enquiries should be made to the author.

    Cover design by Independent Ink

    Cover and Internal Illustrations by Helga Jolley

    Internal design by Independent Ink

    Typeset in 13/18 pt Adobe Garamond Pro by Post Pre-press Group, Brisbane

    ISBN 978-0-6456749-0-3 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-0-6456749-1-0 (epub)

    To our Mothers

    ‘Love the whole world as a mother loves her only child.’


    ‘Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains


    Anatole France


    Through these simple stories and poems about the chooks, the author would like to convey the essence of eastern teachings. Unless we have love and compassion in our hearts the mere verbal expression means nothing. Wholeness implies the harmony between body, mind and emotion. To love one thing means to love everything; love neither divides nor judges. The author understands that the chooks are one of the most neglected and less loved domesticated creatures. They too exist and anything that exists must go through the same process of life. They too long for a fully fledged life. They too feel the pain as we do, and want to be loved and cared for.

    Meditation is the very essence of understanding this truth!



    Two Friends

    A sunny winter morning.


    How should the hens meditate?

    Lord Okimas

    Bertha’s Dream

    Poems of life and death

    Emily Rose


    Irene, my Queen

    Ode to a sick hen


    Leave those hens alone

    My hen has died

    Lessons from the Taoist hen Mrs. Zhuang Zhou

    A philosopher hen

    Irene, little hen.

    Two Friends

    Fed up with political inequality, two members of the opposition party, Mrs. Bertha Beatrice and Irene the Little Flower, gave up their political careers and tried their luck in business. It was only a few months ago that a great guru from a far away country had visited their small nation which was called The Chukuriland and given a speech in Parliament about the importance of yoga and meditation. Ever since then, the youth of the country had been showing great interest. Bertha Beatrice, perhaps the most cunning and smartest hen in all of the country, saw the opportunity to start a business. She spoke with her best friend Irene the Little Flower and together they opened a shop called The Yoga Mattress Shop. They wrote a signboard with big bold letters and put it at the entrance of the village and in market places.

    The signboard read thus:

    great quality yoga mattresses

    including the gloves and elastic trousers.

    buy one and get one free.

    The youth of the nation, always looking for comfort in everything, swarmed the shop and all stock went within a few hours. Bertha and Irene the Little Flower, excited by their success, employed hens from all over the country and opened a big factory that produced different shapes, sizes and colours of clothes and mattresses for yoga and meditation. Within a few months Bertha and Irene became two of the richest people in the village.

    It is said that when God created living creatures, he gave ‘Greed’ as a present, and told them that it is the most precious thing he had ever invented and given to them. Every living creature on Planet Earth carries this most precious gift of God in their hearts. Bertha and her friend Irene had been carrying this gift ever since they opened their eyes to the world around them. Unfortunately, greed has no limit! It is like the waters of the ocean. When they saw their great success in the mattress and clothing business, they wanted more.

    One morning sitting outside their shop they thought about expansion.

    ‘What if we open a yoga and meditation school as well and teach all the interested youth of the nation? They will buy our clothes and learn from us. All the money will come to our pockets.’

    ‘But we don’t know anything about yoga and meditation. We haven’t done any of that ourselves’ said Irene.

    ‘Ah! You silly thing! Why should you be worrying about that? Haven’t you heard that Rome was built in a day? I am too smart for that sort of thing. I can learn that in few hours!’ said Bertha with a smile. ‘But we must find the resource books and I have heard a great yogi lives somewhere near the border. We will go there and ask him to initiate us.’

    That day they closed the shop and went into all the available bookshops in the village looking for the best sourcebook on yoga. Within an hour they

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