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Alex The Not So Great
Alex The Not So Great
Alex The Not So Great
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Alex The Not So Great

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About this ebook

In episode 80 of the Action! Series Thanksgiving weekend has arrived and Billy and Alexander are the only two regular guests not invited to the estate in Paradise, California.

As guests flock to the estate owned by the Nation’s Top Male Model, Mark Antonious Richfield, there is a noticeable gap left by the Lieutenant. Billy Sharpe’s mood is not good as he ‘suffers’ through a dinner with Alexander Richfield’s mother, stepfather, and half-brothers.

Meanwhile, wedding bells are ringing for Mark and Steve Miller, as well as another couple in their tight circle.

While dining on sumptuous meals and enjoying all the amenities the manor house has to offer, the guests share thoughts on Alexander and Billy’s absence.

Can father and son reunite? Or are Alex and his dad, Mark, destined to become another Milt Richfield/Mark Antonious lousy father/son relationship?

Come back to the boys from LA and Paradise for fun, laughter, tears, and hot sex!
All the Action! Series books can be read as stand-alone novels but are much more fun as a series!

PublisherGA Hauser
Release dateDec 15, 2022
Alex The Not So Great

GA Hauser

About the AuthorAuthor G.A. Hauser is from Fair Lawn, New Jersey, USA. She attended university at The Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC, and has a BA in Fine Art from William Paterson College in Wayne NJ where she graduated Cum Laude. As well as degrees in art, G.A. is a Graduate Gemologist from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). In 1994 G.A. graduated the Washington State Police academy as a Peace Officer for the Seattle Police Department in Washington where she worked on the patrol division. She was awarded Officer of the Month in February 2000 for her work with recovering stolen vehicles and fingerprint matches to auto-theft and bank robbery suspects. After working for the Seattle Police, G.A. moved to Hertfordshire, England where she began to write full length gay romance novels. Now a full-time writer, G.A. has penned over 200 novels and short stories. Breaking into independent film, G. A. was the executive producer for her first feature film, CAPITAL GAMES which included TV star Shane Keough in its cast. CAPITAL GAMES had its Film Festival Premiere at Philly's Qfest, and its television premiere on OutTV. G.A. is the director and executive producer for her second film NAKED DRAGON, which is an interracial gay police/FBI drama filmed in Los Angeles with the outstanding cinematographer, Pete Borosh. (also the Cinematographer for Capital Games)The cover photographs of G.A.'s novels have been selected from talented and prolific photographers such as Dennis Dean, Dan Skinner, Michael Stokes, Tuta Veloso, Hans Withoos, and CJC Photography, as well as graphic comic artist, Arlen Schumer. Her cover designs have featured actors Chris Salvatore, Jeffery Patrick Olson, Tom Wolfe, and models Brian James Bradley, Bryan Feiss, Jimmy Thomas, Andre Flagger, among many others.Her advertisements have been printed in Attitude Magazine, LA Frontier, and Gay Times.G. A. has won awards from All Romance eBooks for Best Author 2009, Best Novel 2008, Mile High, Best Author 2008, Best Novel 2007, Secrets and Misdemeanors, and Best Author 2007.G.A. was the guest speaker at the SLA conference in San Diego, in 2013, where she discussed women writing gay erotica and has attended numerous writers’ conventions across the country.

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    Book preview

    Alex The Not So Great - GA Hauser


    an Action! Series Book


    G. A. HAUSER

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © G.A. Hauser, 2022


    Book 80 of the Action! Series

    Copyright © G.A. Hauser, 2022

    ISBN Trade paperback: 979-8359-6410-2-9

    © The G.A. Hauser Collection

    This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business establishments, events or locales is coincidental.

    All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


    This book contains material that maybe offensive to some: graphic language, homosexual relations, adult situations. Please store your books carefully where they cannot be accessed by underage readers.

    First The G.A. Hauser Collection publication:

    December 2022


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    Chapter 1

    The nation’s Top Male Model, Mark Antonious Richfield, held a list in his hand and nudged his reading glasses higher on the bridge of his nose. He was hosting Thanksgiving weekend and wanted to make sure the guests were well taken care of.

    His manservant, Warren, stood next to him with his own list, lingering on the second floor near the grand mahogany staircase in the thirteen-bedroom manor house in Paradise, California.

    Jeff and Mickey… Mark pointed down the hallway, trying to get the right men in the right bedrooms. Joshua and Tanner…

    Warren ticked off the names with his pen as Mark said them.

    Mark read his own scribbled notes, I have Carl and Keith downstairs, but we have the master bedroom suite. Mark asked Warren, Do you think they’d be more comfortable in it?

    We used to put Steven’s family there.

    I don’t want Susan climbing the stairs any longer. Mark referred to Steve’s elderly mother. Steven Jay Miller was his first husband, who he had divorced, and was remarrying this weekend whilst their friends and family were here.

    Right. Let’s keep Laura and Barry on the first floor so they can be near Chloe and Susan. Warren notated on his pad.

    Mark agreed, thinking Steve’s sister, her husband, Barry, and their teenage daughter Chloe, would be able to look after Susan if she needed assistance.

    Mark went back to his list. Joe and Jeremy?

    Perhaps they would like the master suite instead of Carl and Keith?

    Yes. Mark thought Joe Scarbino, the community police team cop and his actor husband, Jeremy Runner, would indeed enjoy the suite. After his mother Leslie, had sold the property to two Brits, they remodeled the home almost entirely, including the master suite. It was so large, they turned it into a self-contained space, with its own kitchen and sitting area. Since it was the farthest bedroom from the staircase and lower floor it made sense to have a small kitchenette inside it.

    All the bedrooms had bathrooms attached.

    When Mark purchased the home back, he added a garage annex with parking for four more cars. Above the spaces he created four additional bedrooms. It didn’t appear this year they were going to need them.

    Oh my. Mark pouted in exaggeration. I don’t think we’ll even fill all the bedrooms in the main house this Thanksgiving.

    Warren gazed at him from over his pen and pad.

    What? Mark took off his reading glasses to study his manservant’s look of concern. A friend he relied on for a decade. Warren? Say it.

    Billy and Alex.

    Mark winced.

    Warren held up his hand. You said to say it.

    As Mark thought about his eldest son, thirty-five-year-old Alexander Mark Richfield, and how he had betrayed him by sleeping with his young second husband, Stan Bergman, he battled with his hurt feelings.

    Alex and Stan had an affair while on the location of a Viking film they had shot together in Denmark.

    Subsequently, Mark had divorced Stan and was about to remarry his first husband, a man closer to his own age.

    And the reason Mark had divorced his first husband, Steven?


    His two young sons ran up the grand staircase to him.

    Steve didn’t want children. He did.

    Isaac ‘Zak’ Milton was the product of Mark and a surrogate. Zak looked just like him and his older brother, Alex, with long brown hair and bright green eyes. Jacob Bentley was the combination of him and his ex-fiancée Sharon Tice. The blue-eyed blond was a year younger than his nearly seven-year-old brother, and they were very close, Zak and Jake.

    Their baby sister, Lily Hayden, had been produced by Stan and the same surrogate, Becca McKenna, a close friend of Stan’s. Lily lived with her father and grandparents in New York’s Upper East Side.

    Mark just had a visit from Lily for his birthday, two weeks ago. He couldn’t keep her for Thanksgiving. She went back to her father after Mark flew out with her in his private jet.

    He did not see Stan on that long roundtrip flight. Stan’s father, Michael Bergman, met Mark at the airport.

    Mark shook his head. No.

    Warren nodded and then walked off.

    Mark pocketed his phone and the list and crouched down to his sons. What have you been up to?

    Isaac, with his long auburn brown hair, flipped it back and made a sad face at him.

    Jacob fell on Mark and hugged him, nearly nudging Mark to his bottom as he did.

    Why can’t Alex and Billy and Lady come? Isaac whined.

    Please don’t start that again. Mark stood back up and both of his sons began to complain and moan about it.

    They tugged on his hands, his shirt, his beltloops and wouldn’t let him walk down the stairs.


    I miss Billy!

    I miss Lady!

    Daddy! Why can’t they come?

    We can’t see Daddy Stan either?

    Mark plugged his ears and made a silly face at them to get them to stop. They quieted but still aimed sad pouts at him.

    Blake Hughes, the boys’ nanny and a former Los Angeles fireman looked up from the base of the stairs, standing in the marble foyer. I thought you two wanted to play outside?

    Mark asked them, What were you coming up here for?

    Our jackets and shoes. Jacob stormed off, stomping his stocking feet in a huff.

    Isaac stuck his tongue out at him and ran after his younger brother.

    Well! I never! Mark shook off the insult from his sons.

    Blake made his way up the stairs towards him.

    Mark admired the handsome mature man as he did. Blake stood one step below him. What are they up to?

    Begging me to allow Alex to come. You know I don’t mind Billy and the dog coming here. They are welcome.

    Blake sighed and continued to the boys’ shared room.

    Mark brooded as he entered his bedroom. He left his eyeglasses and the list of guests on the nightstand and muttered, What the bloody hell do they want from me? He cheated with my flippin’ husband!


    Steve tossed a baseball to Jack Larsen. Jack and his talent agent husband, Adam Lewis, lived here at the mansion. Steve wanted to teach the boys how to play baseball. Billy Sharpe used to train the boys in sports before he moved out.

    Since they were in elementary school, they were active and getting interested in outdoor team games.

    Hunter Rasmussen, Blake’s Butte County fire captain husband, exited the back of the house and jogged into the meadow where they were setting up the game.

    Steve held up his mitt and Jack threw the softball back.

    Adam left a bat near homebase and jogged into the field, holding out his mitt.

    Steve threw the ball to him. Is Blake coming? Steve asked Hunter.

    Yes! He’s helping the boys get their shoes and jackets on. Hunter picked up the bat and practiced a few swings.

    Steve caught the ball after they had passed it around and stood on a spot he’d selected for a pitcher’s mound. The landscapers had cut the dried meadow weeds and grass down so it could be used for volleyball and other sports.

    Jack and Adam headed to the outfield. It wasn’t a formal game. At least not until the guests arrived.

    The weather was so mild here in November, they could play sports all year round.

    He wore a T-shirt and jeans. Before he slow-pitched to Hunter, Steve took in the estate’s gorgeous scenery. The meadow stretched so far into their land it met the forest at the base of the hills of the Sierra Nevada Mountain range. A helistop was near where they were playing. He, Jack, and Mark commuted by helicopter to Sacramento’s downtown core, where their garment manufacturing firm was located.

    Beyond the helistop was the stable and paddock, housing seven equine pets. Three were ponies for the kids.

    The back of the huge manor house had a built-in pool, a patio, tennis, and basketball courts. The pool was covered for the winter, but the patio still had the chairs on it, and potted flowering plants. Since the weather was cooperating, he and Mark were going to remarry there, on the patio which would be transformed by fairy lights and flowers.

    Steve lobbed a pitch to Hunter and the big muscular fireman whacked it, making Jack jog backwards and then just watch it fly.

    Adam yelled, We need Lady to fetch it!

    She never fetches it! Jack trotted off to get the ball.

    Steve missed having Billy here. Fucking Alex.

    Steve was angry at Alexander for screwing up Billy’s living arrangements, but if Alex hadn’t had an affair with Stan? He wouldn’t be remarrying Mark this weekend. So… hmm. Do I hate him or love him?

    Jack tossed him the ball and Hunter was ready to belt another one out of the diamond.


    Lieutenant Jeff Chandler of the LAPD’s homicide division gazed out of a porthole of the Learjet flight from Los Angeles to Sacramento. Next to him was his LAPD robbery detective husband, Mickey Stanton. Mickey had his eyes closed and his head rested on the seat. Jeff looked down at the Sacramento River and iconic skyline as they circled for landing.

    With him in the private plane was Josh Elliot and Tanner Cameron, two former LA lifeguards that were both now making a living off the internet. Josh had a video channel where he interviewed celebrities in a bubble bath, and Tanner was an exercise guru with millions of subscribers keeping fit to his training videos.

    Hollywood stars Keith O’Leary and his husband Carl Bronson were seated across from them. Keith, the handsome blond, had a perfectly groomed beard and short hair for his weekly TV series Bucking the System. Carl Bronson, an award-winning actor, was now guest-hosting a late-night talk show for the regular host who had taken a few weeks off for the holidays.

    Another movie star was also taking the trip with them. Jeremy Runner and his husband Officer Joe Scarbino had joined them for the four-day weekend.

    Steve’s family, his mom, Susan, Steve’s sister Laura, and her husband Barry, and daughter Chloe, were also on the jet.

    But Jeff felt a vacuum in their guest list. Billy Sharpe and Alex.

    Ever since Alex had an affair with his dad’s second husband, Stan Bergman, Mark had written Alex- and Stan- off.

    Luckily for Alex, Billy Sharpe, the former Chief of Police of Santa Monica, and a current LAPD lieutenant working for the police academy, hadn’t written Alex off.

    He had tolerated the indiscretion.

    Jeff yawned and touched his seatbelt as the plane began its descent. The small craft did not soar to the heights of the huge passenger jets.

    Jeff recalled two weeks ago when he and Mickey met up with Billy and his older police and army friends to fish near a lake close to San Diego. Josh and Tanner had joined them. Jeff thought Alex shouldn’t have been invited to fish with them. He didn’t even try to dip a line in the lake. Alex ended up staying away from them, spending time alone, moping.

    Jeff glanced at Mickey as he tried to take a catnap before they landed. Mark’s chauffeur, Louis, was picking them up in a minivan and driving the hour north to Paradise.

    Thinking about Billy, Jeff took his phone out of his pocket but didn’t text him. Maybe it was rubbing it in the lieutenant’s face to contact him while on a private jet.

    After all, he and the guys were going to dine on Sierra’s sumptuous meals, soak in the hot tub, and swim in the indoor pool. They’d most likely play basketball, baseball, volleyball, run the meadow, sip costly cognac and bourbon, and have sex. A lot of sex.

    The copilot, Bobby Crawford announced, We’re cleared for landing. Please make sure your seatbelts are fastened.

    A small rustling took place as the passengers woke from their stupors, stopped reading, or whatever they were doing, and sat up.

    Mickey touched his own seatbelt and then leaned against Jeff to see out of the porthole. He placed his warm hand on Jeff’s thigh and Jeff smiled and kissed his handsome hubby’s cheek.

    The door to the cockpit opened and Bobby took a quick look at everyone, smiled, and then rejoined Toby Smith, the second pilot, for the landing.

    Jeff held Mickey’s hand, interlacing his fingers with his as the small craft’s landing gear clicked into place, and they were ready to touch down on the runway.

    The plane bounced once, and then the jet thrusters kicked in and the speed was reduced quickly. The whole interior rumbled and then Josh held up both arms and whooped as if it were a rollercoaster.

    In reaction, the guests clapped, maybe thankful for Toby once more getting them on the ground in one piece.

    Jeff watched through the window as the jet taxied to a private plane area. He even spied Louis’ van parked near the elitist’s terminal, ready to load them and continue their journey to the estate.

    The plane came to a complete stop, and seatbelts were clicked open. Toby and Bobby emerged and opened the door and lowered the small stairstep. A smattering of clapping ensued. The two pilots laughed at the praise.

    As Mickey and the other men seated on the aisle stood first, Jeff heard Tanner say to Mickey, Isn’t it weird not to have Sharpe here?

    And Mickey replied, Yes. It is.

    Jeff tried not to hate Alex, but sometimes he still did.


    Billy held the leash of his white saluki-mix dog, Lady, as he ran on the street near his home in Bel Air with her. Alex couldn’t run because he had asthma, and Tadzio didn’t like to run. Tadzio Andressen-Nolf, a transgender woman from Sweden, had top, but not bottom surgery. Tadzio had been working with a long-running soap opera, but recently she had asked Adam to get her a role in a film.

    She had been hired for a movie role after auditioning several times and had begun filming. Then, Thanksgiving hit and she was off for a few days.

    She didn’t want to go to Paradise without Alex or Matt.

    Tadzio was married to Billy’s LAPD police officer nephew, Matt Nolf. Today was Thanksgiving dinner, but Billy still wasn’t sure where he preferred dining. They had invitations from Alex’s mother, Iris Lehman…maybe? And an invitation from Matt’s father, Dan Nolf.

    Meh. Dan warned them he and Eddy had two cats. Cats. How could he bring Lady there? And he didn’t like cats. They stunk.

    What Billy really wanted to do was hop a plane to Paradise.

    He and Lady made the loop on their long holiday or weekend run of ten miles. The weather was mild, in the 60s, and a cool wind helped keep him comfortable. It beat the heat of the summer. Here in California, they burned to a crisp every year. Fires, record heat, drought… fun times.

    Lady’s pink tongue hung from her pointy snout as her tail wagged and stood high. She loved the run. No doubt she missed the estate too. She used to play with the horses there, especially Bull. Bollward’s Tempest, a Percheron-mix, which Mark had bought for Stan, since Stan was a very tall man, well over six-feet, and built like a brick shithouse. Now? Steve? Steve was riding Bull? Are you kidding me?

    Anything to keep Mark happy.

    Billy missed the Top Model. Missed him a lot. He had stayed married to Alex, urging him back into therapy. Billy struggled with forgiveness. It was tough. Alex cheated on him while filming nearly every movie he made. Right? Found a costar or hot extra to fuck?

    The only reason he didn’t divorce Alex was because he too, had cheated. In the past. Yes. Hell, he was only human.

    Yes, he’d had an affair with Joe Scarbino when he was Joe’s lieutenant in SWAT. His teaching defensive tactics at the police academy had yielded some stunning young gay male lovers. No longer.

    He was in his mid-fifties and was already married to a man twenty years his junior. Billy knew when to say no. And no was going to be his answer if anyone wanted to play naughty in the future.

    And now? Alex used to have long, flowing brown hair. He chopped it off himself inside the rental cabin at Lake Cuyamaca. Yes. He had taken scissors to his gorgeous long locks and hacked them off at the shoulder.

    The following Tuesday, Alex had seen Mark’s stylist in Beverly Hills, Javier. So, now Alex and his dad had the same haircut.

    Billy slowed his sprint down as he ended the long run. He bypassed Steve’s mother and sister’s house, which was only a few blocks from his and Alex’s. Billy inspected the vacant home while he jogged by. He knew the family had flown north.

    Where he should be now. On a Learjet. With the gang.

    Fucking Alex.

    Billy stopped running when he came to his home. He and Lady slowed to a walk. Lady panted from the run, but Billy knew she loved it. Wearing gym-shorts and a tank top, since he was always warm and sweat profusely when he ran, Billy paused to look at his home.

    It was hard to believe he used

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