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On Earth as It Is in Heaven - Firstfruits: Volume 1
On Earth as It Is in Heaven - Firstfruits: Volume 1
On Earth as It Is in Heaven - Firstfruits: Volume 1
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On Earth as It Is in Heaven - Firstfruits: Volume 1

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We meet Eagle Feather from the west coast of Turtle Island. She is a healer and medicine woman of an extinct tribe. Millennia later, she re-appears in the current technocratic system and has recently discovered her true purpose in life. From the books of Mel Bond, a faith practicing minister, she learns how to remove demons from her body and mind. A few encounters with demon spirits trying to enter her body during the night session convince her, that demons exist, and that the method to remove them, works.

We follow Eagle Feather through some challenges and how she grows into overcoming them. From a Mel Bond service meeting recording, Eagle Feather is inspired to bring Terry Cotter into the Earth realm to give her life. We learn about how and why Terry Cotter is being created and witness the ceremony where she receives her mandate of co-operating with Eagle Feather. Terry Cotter invisibly watches the recorded teaching presentations of current and former faith practitioners, while Eagle Feather gathers them on her electronic database, to find out whether they work for her.

Terry Cotter fulfills her initial mandate, involving supernatural powers, and a promising future for both heroines.
Release dateDec 13, 2022
On Earth as It Is in Heaven - Firstfruits: Volume 1

Eagle Feather

Born the eldest of four siblings in 1954, the author grew up in the country side, south of Hamburg, Germany. High school graduation in 1977, was followed by years of 'practical life experience' with random results. After immigration to Denmark, she began studying at the Copenhagen Business School (CBS) from where she graduated in 2001 with an authorized translator and interpreter degree of English for multiple purposes. From 1992-2001, while studying business language, she acquired eye opening spiritual knowledge from Norwegian Alf Tidemand Johannessen, a close friend, who passed away in 2001. The decades with little success, in 2009, finally lead her to the 'Philosophy of Success', as a mental tool to find her true purpose in life. In 2011, she completed both a training course based on the 'Philosophy of Success', and a course with Austrian Sepp Holzer, qualifying as a Wilderness Culture Practitioner and consultant. The author lives and works as a teacher in Copenhagen and continues her pursuit to fulfill her vision to live on her own piece of land. This book is the first tangible result of her pursuit to lead a more meaningful life and to help and inspire others.

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    On Earth as It Is in Heaven - Firstfruits - Eagle Feather

    © 2022 Eagle Feather. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse  12/13/2022

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-9264-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-9263-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-9265-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022900173

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    About the Author




    A New Beginning

    Part One

    Eagle Feather’s Breakthrough Endeavor

    Chapter 1     Eagle Feather – Pristine Times

    Chapter 2     Improving The Quality Of Life - Past Generations

    Chapter 3     Lance Comforter

    Chapter 4     The Third Heaven Type of Prosperity

    Part Two

    Chapter 5     In The Third Heaven Judgment Chambers

    Chapter 6     The Creation of Terry Cotter

    Chapter 7     The Protocol Of The Third Heaven Judgment Chambers

    Chapter 8     Time Of Orientation

    Part Three

    Chapter 9     Terry Cotter Divided The Aurora River – Dan Faithful Silenced An Adversary Channel

    Chapter 10   Terry Cotter & Eagle Feather – Power Of Intercession Prayer

    Chapter 11   Visiting The Glorious One

    Chapter 12   Victorious Times Ahead


    Born the eldest of four siblings in 1954, the author grew up in the countryside, south of Hamburg, Germany. High school graduation in 1977, was followed by years of ‘practical life experience’ with random results. After immigration to Denmark, she began studying at the Copenhagen Business School (CBS) from where she graduated in 2001 with an authorized translator and interpreter degree of English for multiple purposes. From 1992-2001, while studying business language, she acquired eye opening spiritual knowledge from a close Norwegian friend, who passed away shortly before her graduation.

    After decades with little victory, in 2009, she finally discovered the ‘Philosophy of Success’, as a mental tool to find her true purpose in life. In 2011, the author attended and accomplished two training courses to qualify for future goals. One was a training course, based on the ‘Philosophy of Success’ qualifying her a ‘Certified Life Mentor and Consultant’. Similarly victory oriented was a practitioner training with Austrian Sepp Holzer, qualifying her a ‘Certified Wilderness Culture Practitioner and Consultant’.

    The author lives and works as a teacher in Copenhagen and continuously pursues to tangibly manifest her vision of living on and of her own piece of land anywhere she is guided to settle . . .

    Eagle Feather’s Morning Song


    How great art thy works.

    How can I ever comprehend thy glorious holiness,

    when I see thee stretching out to me thy loving hands

    and feel thy gaze tenderly caressing my heart.


    Thou searcheth me and knowest me.

    All of my movements thou knowest.

    Steadfast at a distance, thou perceiveth

    what I thought.


    Everything, thought, word,

    all my attitudes thou perceive.

    My rest, the motives of my deeds,

    thou, Glorious One, writest them in your books."


    The power of thine hand is

    all around my coming and going.

    I fathom not thy wondrous greatness –

    it is beyond my comprehension.


    Everywhere, I meet thy

    eternal being. How can I merge with thy greatness?

    Even in my own abode, I meet thee.

    In the darkest realm, thou watcheth over me.


    Thou guidest me, roaming among celestial

    bodies, or living in the outskirts of creation.

    Through strange places - thou leadeth me safely.


    When the blanket of the obscure hideth

    me, thou brighteneth my space.

    Surely, thy brightness equals obscurity and light.

    Everything is open to thy gaze.


    Thou owned my guidelines

    and protected my growing into this world.

    Thou deservest greater words of praise

    than I might ever sing in awe

    about thy making of my vessel for thine deeds.

    Quivering as thy grandeur dawns on me.

    Thy loving kindness formed my substance

    hidden in the womb of the terrestrial core.


    Thou beheldest my components even

    before thy genius formed them.

    Thy records contained all details while they

    took form, even before they were manifest.


    Like gemstones hidden in my grateful heart,

    the facets of the images thou had about me

    reflect thine magnificent brightness

    and are greater, far beyond of what I can fathom.

    Thy grandeur keeps me breathless in

    and out of my night’s sleep.


    I can trust that thou avengest me in distress.

    Therefore, retreat from my sight,

    o allied ones of the adversary.

    Because they twist the truth of the Glorious One,

    and seek to shrink thy precious name.


    How can I not abhor those, who loathe thee?

    How can I not be distressed about the

    outlaw forces battling thee?

    On thine behalf, I war against them.

    Thy and my adversaries are one and the same.


    scrutinize the core of my being.

    Test my motives and find my hidden secrets.

    Convince thyself of my inner purity.

    Guide me along the path of righteousness forever.


    Destroy the works of the principalities of

    the air and of the powers of iniquity,

    Remove from this realm the father of lies and deceit

    and his works of deterioration,

    to give way for the Prince of Life."


    This narration is fiction. The elements presented are fiction and every resemblance of existing individuals or places are purely coincidental.

    The author wants to emphasize, that the general quality of this fictional narration, endeavors to highlight bright and essential traits of her characters.

    The initial factor motivating her, was to build spiritual role models through the characters, who are intended to inspire readers to generate their actions motivated by inner goodness.

    It is the author’s intent, that the readers gain their own genuine refinement of sensitivity, thinking the best of any situation and everybody involved in it.


    The author was motivated to write this narration by remembering ancient views about life and how one can step into the bright side of their life experience via the supernatural realm. In the light of the overwhelming opposite of good, her world was facing, the author considered it vital to create a hope inspiring narrative of an environment with components every reader wants to consider.

    Indeed, the narrative components introduced by the heroes seem supernatural. However, the intent is drawing the attention to an overlooked section of how the opponents of good are doing their best to keep this information out of the sight and awareness of an average individual.

    There are two sides of the same coin. The heroes in this narration are presenting some aspects of the bright side, rarely touched upon by other fictious narrations. Only if one was brought up to develop one’s own threads of thoughts with eternal life values, one is equipped to grasp, what the dissolving forces are up to.

    Like the author’s own generation, unfortunately, the majority among the currently youngest generation had been fed untruths and confusing doctrines, where the general terrestrial public was kept busy with other topics of the overwhelming number of untruths, half-truths and coping hypnotic technology through the many information channels of the technocratic system.

    This narration contains elements to guide one into useful truths of goodness in the natural terrestrial realm and to identify the sources available to practice a different lifestyle, protecting an attentive reader, once they recognize their own potential and possibilities in life – despite or because of the given information that can widen one’s horizon.

    The saying ‘Begin with what you have and make the best out of it’, carried the author through the writing process. The only tangible ‘things’ she had, was a combination of a laptop, books, imagery visuals and teachings of some authors and individuals, who convinced by that they lived, what they taught and their results.

    The experiences of the heroes, described in the narration, include, but are not limited to, the author’s own experiences with certain practices. The author hopes and intends to build a bridge between the conditions, created by the current technocratic system and a brighter option for generations to come and create their version of a world with a healthy natural environment with greater abilities, than most individuals have been taught they had, and with stronger qualities, to everywhere overcome the untruths.

    May the narration in this book edify every reader and increase their awareness and openness about a greater reality, beyond the terrestrial realm, which not yet too many individuals regard as the only or true reality.

    Once, a famous messenger said, that the strongest power was Love, because ultimately, it led to Victory. Let’s focus on, that power in Love. . . and on being victorious.

    Now, feel invited to dive into the depth of a past era, where Eagle Feather originated in a different culture, much closer to nature than the current generation of Pristine Ones. When Eagle Feather reappeared in the second half of the previous century, in many areas of the terrestrial realm, the natural territories had been drastically altered, wiped out or greatly corrupted, with which she had been so closely connected in a past era of enlightened fellowship with the Glorious One.


    Introducing Eagle Feather

    Eagle Feather felt an urge to recover a memory of an ancient time, when the Glorious One had told her that gradually, she would remember His purpose in her by finding it in her heart’s desire.

    Since her earliest memories, Eagle Feather always felt attracted by living things. She loved to communicate with life in nature and as a child she enjoyed working and digging in soil.

    For five decades in her adult life, she ignored this inner urge. Her dissatisfaction about her results grew, until she began discovering the teachings about the Principles of Victory, which is about the notion, that one can change one’s own life. This was supposed to be achievable by learning systematically to set life goals and the evidential possibility to see them being fulfilled by altering the paradigm, with which one grew up and cultivate new habitual thinking patterns followed by different, choices, decisions and actions.

    These new thinking habits or paradigms made it possible to leap out of one’s comfort zone to arrive in an apparently risky new position in all areas of life. Once, the new habitual thinking patterns finally had replaced the obsolete former framework of actions, new results were to be expected to take place.


    More than a decade prior to the turn of the millennium, Eagle Feather felt stuck in her framework and immigrated to a neighboring nation of her native country Lancetonia. Initially, she began her entry into the new culture and society by making a living when being employed as a cleaning assistant at a hotel.

    The new nation gave her some options of starting afresh with a clean slate, where she could determine, which details from her past to share in her new environment. With additional degrees of that of a bilingual state authorized translator and interpreter for multiple purposes prior to her training for an elementary school teacher, she already had acquired and kept the position of a school teacher at a private school for two years, when the Glorious One, one night brought a guide to her from a dimension, of which she had never heard. The information she was led to find by this guide, revived and reinforced her inner calling to nature and a natural lifestyle.

    Soon, Eagle Feather realized that the desire to live in nature was only the fuel and something else was necessary to help her make this dream a tangible truth. She wanted more than just a dream without results, keeping her in the same spot.

    Intensive research for ways to acquire hidden knowledge, bringing victory in life, finally led her to a category of information, for centuries mainly taught in closed circles of the merchant communities and the top of the secret power structure controlling all nations. From time to time, a mentor from the ranks of philanthropists would share this knowledge with a promising merchant aspirant, who would be introduced to this information under the name of ‘The Principles of Victory’.

    Soon, Eagle Feather found the Mirander – Temperance Academy, where these principles were taught by its founders Sheila Mirander and Rocky Temperance and enrolled in their extensive program. The practice training ended with a week on Turtle Island at a remote site in the mountains. There, Eagle Feather had the opportunity to build a model of her piece of land and designed the landscape to make it multiple useable for both, her wilderness culture business and build a turn-key concept, which could be launched as soon, as she had found associates, who wanted to join her.

    The Principles Of Victory

    Her newly acquired certificate in mediating the Principles of Victory and how to develop a victorious mind set and way of thinking, entitled her to mentoring others. She added this qualification to the list of attributes supporting the fulfillment of part of her purpose, to share this way of thinking and of learning how to set and achieve goals.

    Wilderness Culture Practitioner Certificate

    A Sense Of Purpose And Mandate.

    At the same time, as she attended the training course of the Principles of Victory, she also accomplished a Wilderness Culture Practitioner training certificate in the mountain ranges of the Eastern Empire. There, she made friends with Victoria Joy, one of the training students of her group, who was a citizen of the

    Eastern Empire. Originally, her new friend had run a service business, mainly providing products for the jet set of society. Inspired by the training course of the Principles of Victory, during her first tender endeavor of going into business – without too many connections and without a network into the business world, Eagle Feather didn’t understand, relate and connect with the business ideas of network marketing or all-terrestrial communication network related business involving apps and other technological gadgets. These were the only options, she found advertised at the time as a starting point from scratch.

    The Think Tank ‘Den’

    Instead, she decided to start with her own think tank to generate a do–able business idea to then execute it into place.

    With that intent, she surprisingly quickly found the perfecting ‘den’ for rent including an all–terrestrial communication network connection. This reduced her challenges such as additional expenses for it, since this was included and covered by her rent. She neither owned an imagery visual device, nor an audio device. The only equipment to use was a portable device provided for on her workplace. Therefore, she didn’t see any reason to cover any further expenses related to these non–existing devices in her household. The online connection via the ‘den’ relieved her from further bothering with providers or other entities of the technocratic system.

    In this ‘den’ all further plans were developed, connections created and the contents to the manuscript of this book conceived and written. The only thing, she initially had to give as an offer to the Glorious One, was this book, which would be her first fruit offering for the rest of her days. She decided that this book would be her first product invested in the Glorious One’s economy, for whom she would run this business as His steward in the terrestrial realm.


    Eagle Feather’s

    Breakthrough Endeavor

    Chapter 1

    Eagle Feather – Pristine Times

    Glorify the Glorious One, invite the Prince of Life to join

    you while edifying, inspiring, and motivating others to

    join forces and enjoy fellowship with the Glorious One

    Eagle Feather’s principle

    Before the invasion of newcomers flooded the ancient continent of Turtle Island, a nation of the noble early generations of Pristine Ones lived on the west coast of the continent. Millennia later, this area would be unrecognizable for the residents of that culture. But at the time, they lived happy and healthy lives in close co–operation with nature.

    Blessings From The Wise Elders

    In one of the settlements of the coastal region, one of the medicine women had decided to withdraw from the settlement to live at a decent distance from the many residents. She asked for an audience with the leader and the elders of the settlement to explain the reasons for her withdrawal. The Leader granted her an audience at dawn of the most beneficial day for changes in the community. At the appointed time, the medicine woman appeared in her most precious squaw gown to express her respect and gratitude for the audience. She carried a little package, wrapped in a piece of deer skin with beautifully embroidered colorful patterns of the community nation.

    Dignified, she entered the audience room and humbly knelt in front of the leader, for then, to bow in front of every elder present, who were sitting in a ring around a bon fire.

    Finally, she took the seat designated for the purpose of the individual who requested an audience. After a moment of silence, the leader raised his voice:

    Eagle Feather, you have asked for an audience in this gathering space. Speak, to let us know about your errand.

    Thank you for granting me the honor of stepping before your presence, most honored and wise leader. She began her response. The reason, why I asked for this audience, is my request for your blessing and continuous protection of your humble servant. For some time now, the Glorious One has spoken to my heart to have me take up residence outside the settlement in the caves of the purple hills, which still belong to the territory of our nation. For different purposes your humble servant will maintain a second residence – a clay tent – in the wavy landscape leading to the purple hills. There, members of the settlement can find me in case of need.

    The most dignified among the elders raised his voice: Eagle Feather, we know you as a well-educated and knowledgeable herb medicine healer. We appreciate your help and herbal supply and teaching how to use the herbs. Speak more about your motives for moving outside this settlement.

    "The main purpose is a request the Glorious One has placed in my heart about spending more time for the cultivation of a deeper fellowship with Him alone – and eventually greater wisdom, with which to help my fellow tribe members.

    Greater revelation about stronger medicine and seeing future events for our nation to prepare for, He promised me. This will help this settlement to withdraw on time from this area, when the wheel of time again spins around. It will look like we have become extinct, but we haven’t, we moved to safer areas and established the basis for the survival of our nation into the future, when others were wiped out."

    The leader and the elders nodded in consent and Eagle Feather walked to the leader to hand him the leather rapped package, she had brought as a gift. The leader took it and let it pass through the hands of every elder present. When they had all blessed it, it was returned to the leader.

    Dignified, he unwrapped the package. Inside were the most precious herbs bound together in small bouquets, enfolding an aromatic, pleasant array of scents. They were known as the most powerful of all healing herbs, they prolonged life and even helped maintained a cheerful atmosphere in the room, where they were placed.

    The leader called Eagle Feather to step in front of him and raised his voice: Receive your blessing from the residents of this settlement and our nation. Then, he sprinkled some sacred oil on her head, Then, she stepped in front of every of the elders, bowed her head and received their blessings, each breathing on her the smoke of some ‘blessing herbs’ glowing inside a hollow coconut shell.

    Peace be with you, Eagle Feather. We have spoken – Wop–la. The audience was over, and Eagle Feather left the tent to head for the Wise Elder Squaws.

    Blessings From The Wise Elder Squaws

    Then, Eagle Feather approached the sacred section of the wise eldest mother and her twenty-four elders, sisters in the spirit. They were the guards of the nation’s wisdom, balance, and strength. Their task was to preserve the nation’s pristine identity values, which contributed to the quality of future generations’ lives.

    Each spring, they revived the ancient connection with the Glorious One to maintain harmony and love between the residents of the pristine nation and the Glorious One, who had created the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom, and the elements through which His children’s lives were sustained.

    They connected with all peoples in the terrestrial realm to ensure continuous harmony in all nations, also those in other parts of the planet, such as the Empire of the Center, from the many tribe nations, inhabiting Bear Nation to the nations in the most western island of Albion, belonging to the Old Continent.

    All female elders supervised that the noble quality of their residents’ mindset was cultivated and insisted upon, that every individual constantly refined their heart – mind cooperation.

    Eagle Feather arrived at the gate of the sacred section and was let in. Visitors had to enter the little wooden tent to let go of their outside garment, pass through a purification section where their bodies would be rinsed with sacred ‘water’, which was saturated with herb and flower essences to heighten the vibratory level of the visitor. Certain sound frequencies during the rinsing procedure harmonized the mind–heart connection to bring it into a state compatible with the heart of the Glorious One.

    After a satisfactory purification procedure, Eagle Feather was led to the innermost section of the complex. She entered the spacious tent and stepped into its center where she fell on her face to honor the Glorious One, residing in the twenty-four elder sisters and their leading elder. A sound sign signaled that she was to rise on her feet to communicate about her errand.

    She addressed the elder leader first and handed her a handmade gift wrapped in a piece of deer leather beautifully decorated with embroidered sacred patterns of precious pearls and radiating with colorfully glimmering stones. The gift was a hand sized figure of an eagle in front of a large eagle’s feather cut out by Eagle Feather in one piece of an emerald stone. It was decorated with twenty-four gemstones, each of which represented the best and noblest qualities of the character traits of Pristine Ones, which the female elders treasured the most and guarded for the descendants of the settlement.

    Eagle Feather stepped back to the center, silently waiting. The elder leader then nodded and handed the gift to the elder sister to her right to let her bless it and then let it be passed to all the elder sisters to have it blessed by each one of them, until it had been returned to the elder leader.

    Every sister nodded after their silent blessing. Then, the elder leader raised her voice and spoke.

    "Dear honorable Eagle Feather, we have received your precious gift and it has been accepted in oneness. We thank you for this sign of your appreciation of our culture and endeavor to maintain as close a connection as possible to the Glorious One and the mandate He gave us to maintain the design of this pristine garden in terrestrial realm as it is in the Third Heaven.

    Speak about what brings you to us at this time."

    Most noble and honored elder sisters! Eagle Feather began, "You have taught me what I know about the plant and animal kingdom in this garden counterpart of the Glorious One’s pristine garden in the Third Heaven.

    The main reason for approaching you this day is a request the Glorious One has placed in my heart about spending more time for the cultivation and refinement of a deeper fellowship with Him alone.

    He promised me greater revelation about stronger medicine and seeing future events, for which to prepare our nation. This will help this settlement to withdraw on time from this area when the wheel of time again spins around. It will look like we have become extinct, but we haven’t, we moved to a future sanctuary area under the umbrella of the Glorious One.

    The elder leader and all sisters had to grasp the fuller meaning. This kind of requests was a rare thing. Then, the elder of the sisters called Eagle Feather to step in front of her and raised her voice: Receive your blessing from the sisters of the sacred section of this settlement and our nation.

    Then, she pulled out a very sacred medium sized container with white mono–atomic gold powder and opened its lid. An elder sister handed her a flat travel container into which she poured three years supply of the powder. The container was closely sealed with a water and weatherproof lid.

    Finally, she waved Eagle Feather to step in front of her. Receive our blessings, dear Eagle Feather. she said. Eagle Feather passed by every elder sister and was given the individual blessings with a portion of each their strengths and qualities. After a full round along the circle, Eagle Feather again stood in front of the elder sisters’ leader.

    Be blessed and receive this as our gift of support to your further fellowshipping with the Glorious One. Peace be with you, Eagle Feather. We have spoken. Whop – la.

    This final audience with the elder sisters was over, and Eagle Feather departed from the sacred section of the settlement.

    During the following weeks from the beginning of spring until the time close to summer, Eagle Feather spent time with sensing the right power spot for her ‘clay tent’. She kept walking and swirling around to measure the right place in every respect, because it was also about having a kind of herb garden, with beds for different plants. Eagle Feather wanted it to fit into the landscape looking like natural space to avoid strangers from finding and disturbing her residence.

    When everything had been established with even an Artesian well, Eagle Feather proceeded to her next project in the purple hills. She was determined to have everything completed by arrival of the cold season.

    The purple hills consisted of some rare purple colored sandstone. Some of them looked almost like caves, which had inspired Eagle Feather to select this location, in the first place. She brought with her some sharp-edged hand sized hard stones and found out, that she could scrap out material from the sandstone the shape she felt suitable.

    Some of the deeper hollowed cave like hills seemed suitable for her winter residence purpose. She cut the sandstone into rooms of a fitting size and depth that would keep her protected from winter storms, water, snow and cold. The level was above risky flooding level, and walls of different length would keep cold air in the front area of her intended new residence. Deeper in the hand cut cave, she would insert a door, a leather curtain, and some furs on the floor behind the door threshold to avoid cold air breathing into her warmest room. Later, she would carve out rooms underneath the most visible part of her abode with light sources received from her friend, the Glorious One.

    When the two residences were established outside the settlement, she managed to harvest sufficient herbs and dry plenty of vegetables and other food for the cold season.

    Eagle Feather lived there for a long time and earned a widespread reputation as a healer, because those, who sought her help got healed every time. Many visitors brought her supplies as well and received advice for victory in all areas of their lives.

    As time went by, Eagle Feather saw the Glorious One reveal increasingly more facets of His glory, which was very pleasant and exiting for her. From time to time, however, His presence seemed to fade from her awareness. This caused her to feel sad and sometimes abandoned, when He seemed to withdraw too lengthy from her abode, which impacted her wellbeing.

    The Sacred Chamber

    For some reason, Eagle Feather began perceiving a desire to create a certain sacred space in which to fellowship with the Glorious One. She decided to create a model of what she imagined would serve the sacred purpose of fellowshipping with her most appreciated friend. At completion of the model, she invited the Glorious One to visit her and let her know, whether He approved it to be used for her intended purpose.

    The Glorious One, of course knew, what she had prepared. Daughter, she heard his voice speak to her. Why do you call me? Dear Glorious One, I need your approval before I proceed with creating a space for you and me, in which to fellowship together. A sacred space kept holy and pure as long as I live here. Please, let me know, whether you approve the model for the sacred space. Here it is. Eagle Feather handed Him the model, which was carved in one piece of sandstone like her abode in the purple hills.

    Daughter, I thank you for this precious idea. One moment, please. Eagle Feather saw the model fade into the swirling space around the glowing core form of the Glorious One, which she had discerned during their conversation.

    After a short while, the model manifested with a few changes. The inner empty space of the model had got added to it a kind of a golden disc shaped platform with an edge around it to contain the fiery communication column of the Glorious One. This platform was positioned in the north of the space, opposite to the opening. The interior walls of the simple model had become covered with a layer of finest transparent spiritual gold and a golden area on the disc of exchange of first fruit and gifts of gratitude.

    Finally, Eagle Feather discovered two golden round patches on each side of the entrance on the inside of the chamber. She touched the patches and her face expressed surprise when she experienced what her fingers felt. Though, the patches appeared to be gold and metal in their looks, they felt soft and cozy to touch – slightly resembling the softest mole fur. The entrance to the chamber was protected by a vertical energy field, humming like a bumblebee on a warm summer day.

    Do you like the changes I suggest in your model? she heard Him inquire.

    I am speechless. What a marvelous finish you have given my humble model, Eagle Feather replied. Would you mind explaining to me a few details and their full meaning?

    It is my pleasure to share this information with you, my precious child. The sound of His voice had softened, compared to other occasions when He dealt with eternal judgment of the outlaw ministering spirits, who did everything in their power to make the destruction of His beloved and precious creation their little enjoyable reality.

    "Daughter, this is the meaning of what has been added to your model. This disc shaped platform is to serve as the resting spot for My communication column, with which to translate into My dimension, the first fruit you bring before Me and even bring you before My throne. This golden area on the disc of exchange of first fruit and gifts of gratitude will be pulsating in your full-size version of the real sacred space.

    The two golden round patches on each side of the entrance are multi-functional devices for you to raise the vibratory level of your body vessel to finally reach the point of growth, where I may indwell you to live fully fledged with and through you, what you feel during the race you run, while increasing My Kingdom Culture Territory.

    The golden cover on all walls as well as on floor and ceiling will make the space impenetrable for both outlaw ministering spirits and terrestrial uninvited intruders. Consider it also your space, into which to retreat in times of unfathomable changes.

    As I did with this model, I shall add to your created full-size space the elements I placed in your model."

    Within the subsequent weeks, Eagle Feather carved out the secret, sacred space. When the shape was completed, she polished the interior surfaces inside with linseed oil and then invited the Glorious One to bless the space and give it the finishing touch according to the design on the model.

    O, beloved Glorious One, come and bless this space especially made for you and me. She called, while singing and praising Him and the greatness of His unfathomable creation.

    Gently, the response emerged in the space around her. She heard his deep voice softly speaking and yet, it was awe inspiring beyond description, as it seemed to fill the depth of the cosmos.

    Finally, the voice said, "It is time to inaugurate and sanctify this sacred chamber, which is for you, to prepare you for your later purpose, which will be executed far ahead in the depth of time, beginning in a different culture. Only remember this: You are my beloved daughter, and I shall help you grow until we reconnect. During that time, I shall help you remember your beginnings and send you helpers to assist you in your assignment."

    O, Glorious One, what will my assignment be about?

    "Daughter, this needs to be revealed to you in due time. For now, let us say, it is for your protection, that the plan, which I have with your assignment, is sealed to protect it from prying eyes of the adversary forces, who are doing their best to interfere with my plans.

    The adversary forces are partially invisible to the natural terrestrial realm. For inexperienced members of my creation, they are tricky to discern.

    They can be recognized by the energy field around them, because often, when they appear in front of individuals, who have opened their minds to this type of experiences, they are radiating fear or uneasy sensations of forced compulsion. Mainly, their frequencies are untrue and the opposite of My joy."

    What do you need me to do, to properly inaugurate and sanctify this sacred chamber? Begin dancing, singing, joyfully worshipping Me in front of the entrance to connect with the highest frequency accessible on this terrestrial realm. Do you remember, which quality is associated to this highest frequency?

    Yes, I do. Isn’t it the frequency of Your love?

    Rightly spoken, beloved daughter. You focus on My love and your tiny frequency level will raise to the level of connecting with My love, where we can meet.

    Eagle Feather began to praise, sing and dance joyfully until she felt a signal to stop. Opening her eyes, she asked: What now, Glorious One?

    Go to the entrance of the chamber.

    As she reached the entrance, she heard the humming of the vertical force field and stopped. Now, what do you need me to do?

    Nothing, just stretch up both your arms and praise Me again.

    As she followed this instruction, a column of golden smoke lowered from above and enwrapped her full body length from the fingertips to under the soles of her feet. Then, the substance seemed to be absorbed by her body. Finally, only a golden layer of soft light covered the shape of her figure. At that moment, sounds of the vibratory frequency of the vertical force field at the entrance of the chamber and that of her own vibratory frequency began to sound harmoniously and she was softly let into her chamber of transformation.

    What followed next was beyond description, as Eagle Feather was permitted the privilege of both stepping in front of the throne of the Glorious One and of being permitted to see a glimpse of the assignment waiting for her.

    At her return, she remembered the words from the space of eternity: "Daughter, you are precious and dear to me. You will remember more details gradually, before you begin the next and greater assignment, I have for you. You will know, because in your heart, I have laid a desire to live in nature and to join forces with my hosts during a time of battling the adversary army of invisible outlaw spirits. You will learn how to discern and overcome them. I’ll provide the armor and others to support you for the battles you and my hosts are going to win.

    However, for now, as the remainder of your present task and assignment, you are going to continue helping your tribe and maintaining the healing frequency you have been sent to yield, in order to keep your people in the strongest possible state of health."

    One day, she addressed the Glorious One, her most appreciated companion, and asked why she experienced Him fading from her awareness.

    Daughter, HE said. "I am not really withdrawing from your awareness. Whenever you occasionally seem not to discern my presence, I am challenging and training you in the discipline of seeing a wider spectrum of what I am, beyond and deeper than what you grew up with. The first step to learn seeing beyond what your eyes show you, is the obedience to listen and the will to go beyond the comfort zone of your current life experience.

    When you see me ‘fade from your awareness’, I don’t fade from my perspective. I raise a little bit the speed of my vibratory rate, which dissolves the appearance of my presence in the vibratory rate of this natural realm. This means, that I apparently have left your field of awareness and would appear in a dimension with the speed of the vibratory rate to which I have raised My vibratory rate. Since your shape is tightly fixed to your inner being, your challenges consist of growing beyond with what you and most of your fellow creatures are bound to live, when you are unaware of what is possible for you and me jointly co–operating in unison."

    How, then, can we co–operate in unison intentionally? Eagle Feather inquired.

    Well, this is your greatest challenge to handle on your level of existence. the Glorious One answered.

    I have another question too. Eagle Feather responded. Why did you create us in the first place – or do you disapprove me asking this question?

    "Daughter, you may ask me any question, because you ask from a pure heart. To answer your question about the reason, why I created all my Pristine Ones in the first place, is my desire to enjoy all of you as my family. Since I am a spirit and reside outside this terrestrial dimension, I do not experience the terrestrial dimension without you inviting me into your lives and hearts. The prerequisite to make it a genuine and mutually satisfactory experience, you need to invite Me willingly and obediently, motivated by your love for Me.

    There is, however, an adversary, impacting other areas of this realm, where the hearts of members of other nations have become corrupted and who have been blinded by the adversary impacting their thinking.

    The misleading ideas came from listening to this invisible adversary. The ideas lead to decisions with results, I never would permit to happen, if they were my ideas. The results are intended to be manifested by this corrupted thinking.

    The most devastating consequence from listening to and carrying out the ideas of this adversary, is the destruction of the natural environment. I grieve about, how much is has been turned into an inhabitable desolate landscape, where no living food can grow, and no interaction and exchange of ideas can take place any longer between this group of my created beings and Me.

    You don’t need to know more about the location of that unfortunate group – for it is far enough away from your space of life here, to keep you safe from that corruption.

    However, I want to help you prepare for the unthinkable event of removing my creation of Pristine Ones altogether from this still beautiful realm."

    I listen with awe my beloved Glorious One. Eagle Feather responded. Please, tell me, what is your purpose for me in this scenario?

    "Daughter, you are very precious to my heart – for I have a heart too. Therefore, I entrust you with a mandate reaching into the future beyond your current presence here and with an assignment for the rest of your presence in this current scenario with you, living outside your community, supporting them all by teaching them, how to remember my way of leading a sacred life in righteousness.

    Now, my main reason for creating you and everything else around you to sustain your life forever, was My desire to have company. One aspect was, that I love speaking creation into existence. At first, it was only an image of what I spoke into manifestation. As I altered my intention, defining how I wanted the image of My creation to be made solid and firm, was the next step. I increasingly solidified what I saw and then caused it to manifest by speaking it into existence in a specific realm, known to you as the terrestrial realm.

    Remember, I wanted to experience My creation from within. The closest I got to entering the creation I had caused to manifest, was by creating beings looking and being like me. Potentially and ultimately in practice, they had to be able to understand me and grant me so much space within their hearts and minds, that it would enable Me to express through them, what they needed to know about themselves and Me. I am spirit. My creation is embedded in a slow vibratory rate of the natural realm. If my members of Pristine Ones were supposed to fulfill my desire for a fellowship, worthy of my sustenance and support, I had to invent the dimension of time in this natural realm. Rest assured, though, that I didn’t invent the time measurement devices used to chop your days into fractions in the technocratic system, forced upon and stressing out most members of the current generation of Pristine Ones. I invented the aspect of time in the regularly, annually recurring seasons in the great natural space, where the pristine generations of Pristine Ones first lived in close fellowship with Me. It was perfect and they would have gradually grown into understanding from our conversations what my wider plan was for them. I wanted them to multiply, gain experiences in many natural and spiritual–naturally linked disciplines to ultimately expand their kingdom beyond this natural realm. I share further details at another moment in time.

    Everything worked fine for a while, to begin with. However, certain events in my Third Heaven, coming from among my closest ministering spirits, caused a change in the course of my original plans for Pristine Ones and creation.

    You know, I want to give you wisdom, knowledge, and some spiritual powerful words for the later generations by which to overcome the adversary forces, who have the one goal of removing life from MY creation, before they are going to be eliminated. However, they are NOT going to vanish completely, they are going to spend eternity in the only spaces there are, without any of My qualities, goodness, and love.

    From the time of their entrance in this dimension until their last day in the terrestrial realm, the adversary forces always did and continue doing what they can to convince the Pristine Ones, that I am outdated.

    Through their mouth pipe agents from among the Pristine Ones and their communication devices they filled the air with signals received by millions of communication devices in homes. These signals were then turned into sounds or images with contents designed to hypnotize and accept untruths or half truths about Me and that My principles to a harmonious lifestyle were unnecessary to achieve what one desires.

    When you, Eagle Feather, are being relocated at a different time on a different continent, you are going to see, how far the adversary has brought the all-terrestrial Pristine Ones towards the point of disaster and for some the point of no return to good.

    Those Pristine Ones, who bought into the untruths of the adversary, they first would discover that they no longer lived a glorious lifestyle with close fellowshipping, like you do. The ultimate place of no return is called hell.

    It is a place where the adversary forces end up, together with their Pristine Ones prey. They shall spend eternity in that place, which means they stay there forever."

    The voice paused to then pronounce every word in a very special tone and in a dignifying way, causing those words to be remembered for ever.

    "Hell Is The Pristine Ones’ Voluntary Separation From The Glorious One.

    I created every Pristine One with the freedom to choose. If they choose different from My ways, they were not punished for it. However, the adversary forces would take advantage of them. When Pristine Ones chose to opt out of My connection with them, there was no more protection against anything opposite the good, every Pristine One was blessed to receive, as long as they were fellowshipping with Me."

    Hereby, therefore, I entrust you now with a life sustaining and world changing assignment, based on the love for Me in your heart, with obedient, willing co–operation and unison between you and Me in all your motives, thoughts, words and actions. As long as you manage to remain in this strong and close fellowship with Me – all the time – I shall completely keep you safe, alive, and perfect healthy.

    This doesn’t mean, you will live a boring lifestyle. Quite to the contrary. The adversary forces must be expected to attack anytime, anywhere, and constantly. Your secret lies in your close fellowship connection with Me, which makes you a threat to the adversary forces, who remain incapacitated to even touch you. I shall teach you how to deal with them.

    Now, I ask you. Are you willing to give it your best endeavor to help Me?"

    Eagle Feather paused a moment after which to confirm firmly: O, Glorious One, I shall gladly help you with this – at my best ability.

    Daughter, I thank you. Your reward will be beyond your wildest imagination.

    Eagle Feather discerned a movement in the space between her and the transparent fiery shape, the closest the Glorious One could enable a member of the current generation of Pristine Ones to perceive Him visible and tangible. She could feel the warm glow of his love, discern the radiance, blinding to her natural eyes, and experience the heaviness of His radiant glory, which no member of the current generation of Pristine Ones was able to withstand.

    Glorious One, Eagle Feather began inquiring. Of what tasks consists my assignment?

    Watch what you see manifest. was the brief answer.

    The space in front of her continued to quiver until it

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