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The Odalisque
The Odalisque
The Odalisque
Ebook19 pages17 minutes

The Odalisque

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About this ebook

[Fantasy Erotica ¦ Catgirl ¦ Dragon ¦ Hypnosis] Peach is a catfolk spy that uses her wiles and her job as a famous belly dancer to get close to her targets. But when she targets the dragon Obsidian, she finds his aura too powerful to resist.

Release dateDec 14, 2022
The Odalisque


I'm a fan of fantasy that has been writing erotica of his characters for years, but has finally decided to share with the world at the behest of friends and fans.My pen-name is taken from one of my favourite characters to write stories for, a dragon named Obsidian that really gets around.While I don't lock myself to a single niche, most of my work is fantasy themed as I really enjoy the freedom it gives me.The kinks I tend to include the most in my stories are:- Teratophilia/ Xenophilia (AKA intimate encounters with sapient creatures/ monsters and humans)- Trance or mild hypnosis, usually more to make a character confront their desires than full-blown mind control- Partners with a substantial size difference- BDSM and Dominance/ submission elements- Humanoid or anthropomorphic characters with animal featuresI will always do my best to mark them clearly in anything I release to make sure no one stumbles unto something that might upset them.And please, if you like my work, follow me on social media or message me here and let me know, I adore getting feedback.Here are all the places you can find me: you so much!

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    Book preview

    The Odalisque - Obsidian

    The Odalisque

    By Obsidian

    Copyright 2022 Obsidian

    Smashwords Edition

    Thank you so much for purchasing this short story, I sincerely hope you like it.

    While I try my best to clean up the text and avoid any typos or errors, sometimes they do sneak through, as I’m basically a one-person team. If you spot any mistakes, please let me know, so I may correct them for the future.

    Furthermore, if any you find any of the content offensive and believe I’m missing some warning tags from it, please notify me, so I can fix that as soon as possible.


    Author's note: All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

    As jobs go, this was one of the most interesting ones that Peach got, it's not every day that they ask you to spy on a dragon.

    It was fair game though, the setup was the same as with many noblemen, put up a performance, charm the attendees, and then snoop around when everyone is hungover from the party or, if the target is handsome, maybe get something via pillow talk.

    Not that she was planning on banging a dragon, mind you, though apparently, they could change shape. 

    She carefully looked at herself in the mirror of her changing room, making sure her jewellery

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