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Shayde Guardians Origins
Shayde Guardians Origins
Shayde Guardians Origins
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Shayde Guardians Origins

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The Shayde Guardians are here! Heroes that shine in the darkest shades of night! Sam the One-Armed Werewolf! Larson the Lightning Genius! Eviay the woman with Perfect Eyes! And Sarah the pure heart! Behold as the group forms to take on dark foes and grow into a team one by one! See them form the team in several short stories.
Sam's arm burned from the bite of the wolf. As he moves to eliminate the curse of the wolf he meets new allies and enemies. Will the heroes survive as they face a horde of werewolves, strange powers and the Strongest Wolf that ever lived!
Can the power of the moon defeat justice? The light of hope shines even brighter than the moon as the Shayde Guardians finally appear!

Release dateDec 3, 2022
Shayde Guardians Origins

Miguel Atkinson

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    Shayde Guardians Origins - Miguel Atkinson

    Shayde Guardians Origins

    Ebook First Edition.


    Miguel Atkinson

    Copyright © 2012 Miguel Atkinson

    All rights reserved.

    Published by: Miguel Atkinson at Smashwords

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people.

    The characters and events are fictitious. Any similarity to real people, places, or events in coincidental.

    Disclaimer: Contains violence, and fantasy images and creatures as well as some religious ideas.

    Table of Contents

    Story 1 The Strongest Wolf

    Story 2 Sam Origins

    Story 3 First Pack

    Story 4 Lightning Genius!

    Story 5 Wolf Hunters Unite

    Story 6 Extra Bits: Falling Alex

    Story 7 Extra Bits: Vanessa Dark

    Story 8 The Strongest Wolves Clash

    Story 9 Her Eyes!

    Story 10 Island of Love and Volcanoes

    Story 11 The Pure Hearted!

    Story 12 What’s in a name?

    Story 13 New Powers

    Story 14 The Horde Pack

    Story 15 Extra Bits Lovely Jasmine

    Story 16 Extra Bits Masked Runner

    Story 17 Crescent Moon

    Story 18 The Shadow Shark!

    Story 19 DARK SHAYDE

    Story 20 Violet Visions

    Extra Bits Larson’s File

    About and Preview image


    This collection contains some stories to entertain with action, supernatural, evolution, mythical creatures, and strange experiments. Contains some language and violence and strange experiments. Also has some religious topics and themes. For mature readers. The heroes known as the Shayde Guardians appear. Several shorts building their team and skills as they face darkness. Enjoy!

    The Strongest Wolf

    From an unknown time in the future.

    I may not be perfect! But I'm gonna let that be an excuse to let evil win! I'm gonna defeat you! Sam shouted with all his conviction.

    Now. Somewhere in the dirty and dark city where hope grew dim.

    Kain Kellen considered himself a tough guy since his days of boxing. But he was always too ruthless to be successful in sports like boxing or even martial arts. He nearly killed his last boxing opponent. So all he had left was the occasional brawl in the street. He loved the thrill of battle and satisfaction of victory. He walked looking for trouble.

    Nearby, a woman ran out into the alley, desperate to get away. The two men followed her out of the bar with a wicked smile. You think you can come here without MY MONEY! the tall man said in anger. The other man was shorter but had much bigger build with course skin and large muscles.

    I’m sorry! Please! It was a bad night! she begged as she knew it was going to be her life!

    Whack! You could hear his large hand smack her face down the alley way. His gold rings leaving marks on her flawless face. No one around cared. She had gone back to him one too many times. Hey! Kain called in curiosity as he heard the noise in passing.

    What the! the tall man said as they turned to look at the large man approaching them. I want to fight too! Kain smiled like a wild man. Kill this fucka! the tall man ordered.

    Kain leapt forward before they could move! He was like a wild beast who threw all his power forward! He broke the short man’s nose in an instant then moved in and gripped the short man by the shoulders! Kain smashed his head into the man’s bleeding face again and again before he could even react! The man slumped down motionless on the cold pavement.

    The tall man couldn’t believe his eyes! Was it even thirty seconds and his toughest guy went down on the ground?? He instantly pulled a knife out of fear. He stabbed Kain in the shoulder as Kain gripped his neck and squeezed!

    Kain’s nails dug into the man’s neck overpowering him in an instant. He couldn’t even pull his knife free to fight as his eyes bulged out like something from a newspaper strip. Kain smiled as the man choked and shook in his hands.

    It was over just as quickly as it started. The woman was still gasping and her heart racing. Sweat poured over her body as her heart was pounding from the danger. He could almost see the heat from her as she looked up to him in lust and glee that they were gone. Kain looked her curves over as his body was still hot from battle. You come with me tonight, Kain said as the woman got up and took their wallets. They didn’t need them after all. She didn’t argue as she smiled at taking all their rings too.

    He took her to his room close by. She was like a damn wild animal. He hadn’t expected anything like that from the way she was so timid before. He almost got tired himself from her violent motion. She was like a wave of the sea crashing into him and overwhelming him. She knew what she was doing.

    We got over three thousand here from them baby, she said as she pressed her chest to his. She smelled like cigarettes and whiskey.

    You keep it. Stuff like that doesn’t interest me, he said as he was done and looked up at the ceiling in satisfaction.

    Really? All of it? Thank you baby. And thank you for saving my life, she said in his ear.

    He laughed as he stood up and put his shirt on.

    I didn’t save your life! I figured I could use a distraction until the fight tomorrow. Let’s be honest. You are going to be in an alley like that again real soon aren’t you? How long before you find a new abuser? Someone who can keep you high? I’ll make it real simple for you. You go back to where you were and you’ll be dead in a week. You take that money and throw it in the trash. Go live a clean life down with the other women if you want to live. But you are just like me. A bad apple, aren’t you? he laughed.

    Fuck you. I’m not throwing away shit. You don’t know what will happen. I’ll take my chances, she said as she massaged his hard and muscular back. Her fingers traced the battle scars on his back. She wondered how many fights he had been in. He would be useful to her.

    You want to go again?? he said as she rubbed her fingers all over his back.

    One bad apple to another, she nodded and breathed into his ear. She could use a new man for awhile until she got settled with this money so she thought it good idea to stay on his good side.

    The next night was his fated battle. Some of the toughest were gathered for this street fight. There was even a prize of ten thousand. Some were professionals who got dropped for drugs. Some were nearly professionals who didn’t have management or connections to get big fights. Some were even veterans, trained to kill. Kain couldn’t wait! This was his dream night! A big street match with no rules.

    He wanted the thrill of battle and victory!

    It started just as brutal as he imagined! Blood everywhere as the first man went down in a spray from his face as it was cut open with bare knuckles. Kain was a wild man as he took down one fat man then another then a large wrestler with a striking elbow! He was fast and fierce. He had no fear in battle.

    I am the strongest! Kain screamed like a challenge to all around. All the men froze as they heard a monstrous deep laugh.

    A large werewolf had appeared behind Kain as they all froze in terror. Kain turned as he felt a strange dread in his neck. The wolf bit Kain with its massive jaws around Kain’s chest as it lifted him up in the air and spat him out across the field! Kain landed streaking blood across the pavement as his eyes widened.

    Suddenly a second dark werewolf appeared with large claws. The two beasts attacked each other as the men ran in fear leaving the fallen behind! Their claws slashing deep gashes as their fangs dug out pieces of flesh!

    Kain lay bleeding. Completely dazed. He didn’t know what was happening! A smile took his face as he enjoyed the chaos of the battle somehow. His eyes began to close against his will as he heard screams of men putting him to sleep like sweet music to his ears.

    He awoke hours later. It was dark but morning was coming soon. There were dead bodies all around. No sign of the two werewolves. He felt the gash on his torso. It felt GOOD! He smiled to himself as he laughed. He got up and the blood had stopped. He walked faster and faster. The wound had closed by the time he got to his room. Hahahah! Kain laughed as he looked at himself in the mirror. Finally! I will become the strongest! Kain laughed.

    He knew it was only a matter of time now before he too could become a wolf! And he would be the STRONGEST WOLF! The hours ticked by for him as he was overcome with excitement.

    There was no doubt in his mind that this was his time! There was a knock on his door. He went over and opened it. It was the alluring woman again.

    I need a place for the night, she said to him still wet from the rain. Her dress clung to her shapely body as her long soft hair blew in the wind. Her dress revealing her ample curves to him. The woman he had saved had come back. Why waste her own money on a room after all she thought.

    How long until the full moon? Kain asked. She looked puzzled.

    Um, a couple days? she answered.

    You can stay until then. I’ll be leaving after that, Kain smiled as he took her in his arms. She could be a useful distraction to him after all. She had on perfume with the cigarette smell this time. He liked the mixture of scents now. She was just as wild as before. He gave her all she could take. Soon their time was up.

    Kain walked down the street on the night of the full moon. His thoughts excited and racing as he knew it was coming! Kain wandered deep into the woods as if by instinct. He didn’t even know how far he walked into the woods. He soon saw a man kneeling before a stone with names written on it like a grave perhaps. Kain approached him without hiding.

    It’s you! So I take it you lost your fight with that other wolf? Kain told him as if by instinct he could tell who it was. Even though it was a man and not a wolf. The man looked up at Kain as he remembered his wild smile.

    You are the one I bit. Heh, I forgot to finish you off. I’m the one dying now. He tore my insides, my heart is bleeding. I just wanted to see this, the sad wolf said as he breathed hard. Did he want to die as a man?

    What is this place? And what was your duel about? Kain said in curiosity.

    We wanted our names put upon the wolf’s stone. Several years ago, the strongest pack leaders in the northern continent gathered and only the strongest had their names carved here. It’s known only to wolves. We both failed. I saw that look in your eye. You want to be the strongest too? the dying wolf said.

    Yes! So all I have to do is kill those wolves to be known as the strongest? Kain said as he stepped over to the stone.

    This is just a grave in reverse, made while they are still alive. They all put their names there, a big target on their backs. There are plenty of other powerful wolves in the world. These are just the ones in our part of the world. I hope you can make it at least. Do me a favor, the sad dying wolf said as he looked at him seriously.

    What’s that? Kain said as his eyes memorized the names on the stone.

    You need practice when you change right? Finish me off. I don’t want to languish like this. I got one more change in me. You can learn something before I go, the sad wolf said.

    Hmph, if that’s what you want. I won’t show mercy, Kain said with a smile. Kain would honor such a request. A warrior wanting to die in battle was something he could understand. He would gladly make him his first fight as a wolf.

    Good, then I can rest easy dying as a wolf of battle, the sad wolf laughed as the full moon came up.

    They changed under the glowing moon. Their bodies began to transform into monstrous werewolves!

    The sad wolf turned violently with a large cut on its chest that wouldn’t close. Its heart too badly destroyed. Kain changed into a large muscular wolf on all fours. Kain didn’t like walking around like a dog. Kain forced himself up on two legs as his body changed to match his new standing wolf form.

    Impressive. Only skilled wolves can fight on two legs. Show me! the sad wolf roared as he slammed his massive body into the Standing Wolf Kain!

    Kain pushed back and stopped his charge as the Sad Wolf bit hard into his muscled arm spraying blood in the air!

    Kain lifted his opponent’s whole body up and smashed him into the rocks hard. They tore into each violently until Kain beat down with both fists over and over. Boom! Crack! Smashing the sad wolf to pulp on the hard stones as his fist smeared him all over the rocks! Kain roared as he tore the wolf’s body apart to ensure it was over. I am the Strongest! the Strongest Wolf Kain said as the night grew still. Even all the animals had fled this horrifying encounter.

    Soon Kain’s wolf wounds closed as the night was ending. He felt his body try to change back to normal. He howled. I won’t go back to that weak form! Not ever again! the Strongest Wolf shouted. He forced himself to maintain his wolf form with great effort. He smiled as the sun rose and he was still a wolf.

    Time to hunt down my competition, the Strongest Wolf laughed as he moved fast through the woods. He had names and a hunger to be the best! It was time he acted on his new dream!

    Days became months as the Strongest Wolf became stronger and killed his own. Those who were strong or foolish enough to challenge him were crushed one by one.

    He loved the hunt almost as much as victory!!! There were hunts all over the country as he went wild now. He traveled far from where he first started until he went into the woods seeking one name on his list that he had heard was near.

    Deep in the woods the group of six wolves had gathered under the giant oak tree. Their leader in a dark leather jacket stood solemnly. Tyger! Are you late again? the woman teased.

    I am the one who called the meeting. You were all early. You know better than to keep me waiting, Tyger said in his manly rough voice.

    So why are we here boss? the skinny man said as he was nervous. He didn’t like secret meetings in the woods.

    Someone’s been hunting werewolves but this ain’t no human. One of our own has been targeting packs. Killing the leaders. I know now he wants to be the strongest wolf, Tyger told them.

    Oh, so we are going to hunt this guy down before he comes after us? the other plump man said.

    No, you all know I was proud to have my name carved on the wolf stone. It would be shameful to ignore this challenge. I am here to ask you all to stay out of our battle no matter what. Merely bear witness to our duel, Tyger said seriously.

    You can’t be serious! the woman cried.

    I’m always serious about fighting. I don’t want no arguments here! Tyger demanded.

    He’s serious! Because the Wolf is already here isn’t he! You were planning this! the skinny man said as the Standing Wolf Kain came out of the trees.

    Well, I didn’t expect an invitation from you. This makes things easier, the Strongest Wolf said as he walked from the trees.

    The men parted and let the Standing Wolf Kain walk toward Tyger. I’ll show you my power boy! Tyger shouted as he changed! His body becoming a large wolf with dark brown fur and stripes. Tyger was nearly as tall as Kain and his body covered in battle scars. Tyger took a stand too as if they were men fighting!

    Kain was rocked as Tyger even struck first! The claw cutting across Kain’s face and threw him back across the grass.

    Kain swiped and threw a whole tree at Tyger in an instant!

    The wood shattered on his face and stunned him as Kain leapt in an instant and smashed his fists down on Tyger’s head. A flurry of massive swipes tore Tyger deep as he merely gripped Kain’s wrist and threw him back into the cliff’s face with a loud crack of the strong stone as Kain hit. Kain gasped for breath as he climbed up the cliff with his claws!

    Tyger raced after and leapt up the cliff wall after him. Kain reached the top first and lifted massive boulders and threw them down at Tyger like bullets. The massive striped wolf span in mid air as the boulder exploded on the ground below! Kain threw another and another. Tyger’s speed managed to keep him from being struck by the speeding bullets as he dodged his way to the top.

    Tyger’s men lost sight of him from below.

    All his men heard were blows like thunder as the two beasts struck their bodies together like battering rams. Soaking the ground in blood with every blow!

    What’s happening! the woman screamed as they heard roars and blows sounding. Fear filled them as they heard the horrible sounds of battle.

    Kain swept Tyger’s leg and hammered him hard with both fists! Kain kicked his body off the cliff and Tyger’s pack watched helplessly as his body fell hard. They couldn’t believe it! Tyger roared as he fell upon the large stone at the bottom of the cliff and lay still. Before they could say anything. Kain landed with full force on Tyger’s chest and even cracked the large stone in two! Kain plunged both his claws deep into his opponent’s chest as Tyger swiped back hard in vain! Kain ripped Tyger in two with a mighty effort! NOOOOOOOOOOO! his pack screamed heartbroken. But they did not interfere as ordered. The pieces of Tyger lay all around the broken stone. His gravestone now.

    He was strong. You should all be proud, the Strongest Wolf Kain laughed in satisfaction. They should be happy he praised him. He meant it.

    He said we couldn’t interfere. But you must know that we are going to avenge him now! the skinny man said as they all began to change. Fools. Five baby wolves stand no chance. He was only trying to spare you, the Standing Wolf laughed as he prepared to enjoy the after battle.

    It ended easily. A single swipe beheaded the skinny wolf as he took his time with them.

    Kain smiled as he stomped off afterward. The scratches in his body stung a bit as they healed as he walked. He loved the feeling. He felt alive. He had scratched one name off the wolf stone. Four left. But there were many packs to explore and fight for him still.

    Time passed as Kain traveled through the wilderness and mountains searching for the scents of his brethren. Months later as Kain hunted his own kind he had just finished off another pack leader. Then as he ran through the woods, he caught the smell of a human. He couldn’t even remember the last time he fed on a human. Better to eat now to regain his strength and seek the last name on the wolf’s stone. He had been called many things by the wolves. The Standing Wolf and Strongest Wolf were his favorites so far. He couldn’t wait to carve only his name in the Wolf’s stone then move to a new continent.

    He ran through the woods as a large werewolf but he was still good at being silent when he hunted. He tracked his human prey. He would play with it a bit and enjoy the kill. That way it wouldn’t be over too fast. The young man was running. Training for something. That was something Kain had respected in his human life. So he would give him a rough death as a memorable way to go. He should be thankful!

    The massive wolf was so fast that he surprised the runner as he bit into his right arm! Kain smiled as the man hit back with his free arm in vain. He was a fighter after all. Kain smiled as the man’s blood from his right arm sprayed out. Kain was completely lost in the feeling of the hunt. Maybe that’s why he didn’t see the large van coming as the rain fell. Kain was hit hard as he lost his wind and flew over the bridge’s rail. Kain plunged into the waters below in panic. Gasping for breath he swallowed only water! What the hell had just happened!!!

    Sam Origins

    It hurt. Worse than anything he had felt. The massive teeth entering into his right arm. Sam had been running everyday for exercise. Training for his future as an officer or perhaps a fireman. He wasn’t sure but he knew he needed to get much stronger. Not that he was out of shape but he could always get better.

    But now Sam lay on the hard pavement in a pool of his own blood. How? How had it come to this? He had such a bright future. It was gone. Like a dream upon waking. His life was shattered. He had made the run hundreds of times before.

    Minutes before.

    Sam was a peaceful man. Some might call him naive. He honestly believed people were good if they had a chance to learn the truth. He even believed that he could make a difference. That's why he was training. He wanted to enter the police academy although he had never used a gun or fit the profile of a tough guy. He believed the law was meant to help people but not at the cost of freedom. Or perhaps even a fireman? Something positive. He was still pondering it over but those kinds of rescue jobs appealed to him.

    He thought corruption was something easily changed with good work and showing an example. He never would have made it in that system. He was hopeful and perhaps that was what attracted the wolf that night. It was hungry to destroy such things.

    He ran down the long road. It came to a bridge by the woods with a river underneath. He began to cross, running on the side of the road. He thought of the many things he wanted to do.

    The weather began to change. He touched his short dark hair as he felt a drop of water. His leg muscles weren’t tired at all. He had trained them well. His toned arms touched his short dark hair as he felt a drop of water hit him. It was going to rain soon as the clouds covered the sky.

    Got to at least make it to the bridge before heading back, Sam said as he ran faster to try and get something done before the rain. He sprinted as a strong smell hit him as the rain started to fall. He started to cross the bridge. The smell was like copper or..? Sam stopped on the bridge breathing deep from his sprint. Blood? Sam thought about the smell as he sniffed his nose. He couldn’t figure it out. Why was the scent of blood all around here?

    That was when it appeared more quickly than a cheetah!

    The beast roared like a thunderclap as it burst forward from the trees. It ran over to Sam in an instant! Sam barely had time to raise his right arm in defense as it bit down with massive jaws!

    It hurt. Worse than anything Sam had felt before!

    Sam screamed as the huge jaws sunk into his right arm!!! His left arm striking the beast’s head in vain! The black furred werewolf was taller than a man but stood like one!!! It shook its head as Sam screamed. He was being tossed around and toyed with in its jaws. Blood burst from Sam’s arm as he was shaken violently in its jaws! The rain poured and it seemed Sam would die right there!

    Booom! The delivery truck took the beast by surprise and Sam fell free as the creature was thrown off the bridge into the rapids!!! The man behind the wheel hadn't meant to save him! He was just in shock at the sight of such a beast and rammed it!

    The man got off the van and ran to Sam's side. Sam ached and moaned in pain, his blood pouring. My goodness! Are you okay man? the driver said as he knelt over him. Sam could see him now. He was a priest. Help me up, Sam asked simply through pained expression.

    Come on. I've got you, the priest said. He helped Sam up into the passenger side. We've got to get you to a hospital, the priest said as he got in the van. They drove down the road in shock. Seeing such a beast up close seemed unreal. It was a sight they could not forget.

    Later after a visit to the hospital. The doctors closed the wound and let Sam go simple as that. No one would have believed the story anyway. They said it was just a wild animal attack. Sam went downtown to thank the man who saved his life and talk to him some more about the incident. No one else would believe what happened anyway.

    Sam sat in the small chapel with his arm bandaged. He knew that it was no ordinary beast that bit him. The stories say he shall be cursed to become like it. What could he do? He came to thank the driver John for saving his life but perhaps he should not have survived if he had to be a wolf. The priest John came in and sat beside him already knowing what must be on his mind.

    What is the best path in this situation? Sam said thoughtfully.

    I can't say. Pray on it. There is every answer, John said simply.

    I can't be like that beast though. I need you to finish it father John. I can't allow myself to take a life like that, Sam said as he looked urgently into the man’s eyes.

    You can't ask me that, John said as he shook his head.

    There is no one else I can ask. You are the only one who saw the beast and believes me. Anyone else will question my sanity. I can't do those things, Sam said in disgust at being some beast.

    I must think. You can stay here as long as you wish, John said as he walked off in contemplation.

    Father John couldn't take a life but neither could he let Sam be damned as a creature of the night if he could help him. How could a man be expected to deal with such a burden? Should he turn him over to the church's other divisions? The more ruthless ones he had heard of? Perhaps a Hidden Crusader?

    He was plagued by confusion. He had not been a priest for long and he anguished. How could his first test be so impossible? And yet, was it not his task to ensure Sam's life ends properly? Better to die as a man than a beast.

    Father John walked into the chapel in quiet contemplation. I promise. I promise I'll fight it with all my heart, Sam said as he knelt.

    Father John looked upon himself in shame. This is no beast! He is a man afflicted he thought.

    Sam sat beside John. I cannot do as you ask Sam. Rather, it is easy to see if we look. You should not kill nor should you kill yourself. You must have faith. I believe you can be saved no matter what the affliction. That is what I believe, father John said.

    Saved from this? Am I worthy of such a thing? Sam said.

    All we can do is believe. None of us are worthy. We cannot judge each other, father John said.

    Thank you. I need to think on all this, Sam said in serious thought.

    I understand but follow the Word not me or anyone else. That is the best advice I can give you, father John said.

    Sam stood in the chapel yard and looked up at the stars. His trouble on his mind. The dark woman appeared in a black cloak and violet gloves like a spook. She stood just outside the chapels grounds. Hey, Sam, right? I heard what happened on that road. You've got a problem, don't you? she said simply.

    You know about that? Sam said. He didn't remember anyone else but he supposed anyone could've driven by and seen the attack.

    Yeah, you were bitten, right? I want to help you, she said. He didn't know how she could help him? Help me? What do you mean? Sam said.

    You need to understand what's happening to you or you are lost. We might be able to cure you if we research what's going on? she said. Something about this woman made Sam uneasy. Understand it? What good will that do? It's bad. I know that. What kind of research are you talking about anyway? Sam said.

    There are alot of books on the subject. It might be possible to stop the transformation and feeding with certain knowledge, she said. Why wouldn't she just spit it out? What knowledge?

    What kind of books and knowledge? Sam said.

    Magic, fight the supernatural with it, she said.

    Sam made a disgusted face of anger. The occult? Darkness? Is that what you mean? Sam said.

    Yes, it can help you. You have to understand. Don't you want answers? she said.

    I have a book! It's right here! Take your witchcraft elsewhere! You need to leave right now, he said as he held up a bible.

    You fool!! I tried to save you! You think He will save you! she spat.

    I'd rather be dead than willingly go to the darkness for answers!!! Get out! Sam said.

    She ran off. John came out to talk to Sam. Were you talking to someone Sam? John said. Huh, this crazy woman. She tried to get me to research darkness. Strange, Sam said.

    That is strange. I didn't see anyone. Well, at least she is gone. Although, it may not be too late for her if she only knew the truth, John said.

    Sorry, father John. I should have had you talk to her. But she wouldn't even set foot in this place. Weird, Sam said.

    Perhaps not. Have you come to a decision yet? father John said.

    Perhaps. If I can survive this, there must be a reason? I still don't know. It's almost time now. There's nothing I can do but pray for guidance, Sam said.

    I shall pray for you. You are welcome to stay longer, father John said.

    Thanks, but I've got to go into town and get something to eat. I have a bit of a hunger, Sam said as he walked off.

    A hunger? Father John thought as he saw Sam leave off into the night.

    Sam walked along the road in a daze. How many hours did he walk? He lost track. He wasn’t paying attention as he crossed the large street lost in thought. His mind was racing back and forth. Would he lock himself up? He was suddenly thrown clear of an oncoming truck as he nearly got ran over! Sam got up in the grass. Was he so distracted?

    The man before him looked surprised. Are you telling me you couldn't see that giant truck? the man asked him.

    Thanks. I must've been day-dreaming. Who are you? Sam said simply.

    I'm a friend. Name's Jacks. Like the game. So, you are the one. You got bit, eh? Jacks said simply.

    How does everyone know that? Sam said.

    It's obvious with that big bandage on your arm. But you haven't turned yet. It's going to be a big shock for you. I can help you out with that. There are a few ways to make it better, Jacks said.

    Huh? Like what? Sam said suspiciously.

    Oh, hey! I've got something for you! Let's go. I want to show you how to cope, Jacks said as he led the way.

    Wait! What are you talking about? Sam said as he stepped after slowly. They went further and further from the road. It’s not like he had any other ideas right now.

    They entered a large green clearing with tall trees all around it. Aren't you worried at all about it? Jacks said as he stopped.

    Yeah, a little. How do you know about it? Sam said wary.

    Jack showed an old scar on his stomach. I was just like you. That's why I follow in the wake and try to help who I can. I follow the hunting grounds as best I can and you were just lucky I found you, Jacks said.

    Really? You too? Sam said in surprise.

    When the moon rises, you'll change and go wild. You'll destroy anything in your path. It'll be better if you don't go wild and make a mess, Jacks said.

    Phew, that's a relief. So, you're saying there's a way to stop the change naturally? Sam said.

    Jacks looked up at the cloudy sky.

    Looks like rain tonight, perfect. The change can't be stopped once it begins, that is absolute. But I have something to keep you from making a mess, Jacks said.

    What is it? Sam said urgently.

    Jacks moved by the bushes. A gift. On me. Now, you won't have to hunt,

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