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Lawfully Secure
Lawfully Secure
Lawfully Secure
Ebook200 pages2 hours

Lawfully Secure

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

She thought she knew love. Until she met the man hired to protect her.

Paige Bancroft lives a charmed life—the daughter of a billionaire, beautiful and intelligent, about to marry the man of her dreams. Things are going according to plan, until her father unexpectedly summons her home and introduces her to Adam Wilder. He’s irritatingly polite and far too serious, and she hates herself for noticing how handsome he is. Worse, he’s the man her father has hired to protect her after a threat against their family.

After his years in the military, Adam Wilder never expected to work as a personal bodyguard for the heiress of the Croft athletics empire. Her sarcastic remarks and cold shoulder are easily overlooked, given the sudden inconvenience to her life, but when she’s open and real with him, he feels a connection with her that he’s never felt before.

The closer Paige’s wedding gets, the closer they get to each other, and the more Adam realizes he would do anything to keep her secure. Will he uncover who’s behind the threat before it’s too late?


The Lawkeepers is a multi-author series alternating between historical westerns and contemporary romances featuring law enforcement heroes that span multiple agencies and generations. All books are standalone.

Release dateDec 12, 2022
Lawfully Secure

Krista Noorman

Krista Noorman is the author of sweet romance, contemporary Christian romance, and young adult novels. She's a small-town Michigan girl, who is constantly inspired by books and movies, gets some of her best ideas while driving or walking in the woods, enjoys beautiful Instagram feeds, and loves a good peppermint mocha.Krista studied at Cornerstone University then turned to her love of photography and spent nearly a decade running her own wedding photography business, which was the inspiration for her novel Goodbye Magnolia. For most of her life, she scribbled away in journals while documenting her everyday life, but it wasn't until she took part in National Novel Writing Month, that she found her true calling and turned her pen to fiction. She's been dreaming up stories ever since.

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    Book preview

    Lawfully Secure - Krista Noorman



    Paige stared across the expansive cherrywood desk at Philip Bancroft, CEO of the Croft brand of athletic shoes and clothing. He stared back from behind dark-rimmed glasses, his forehead creasing with concern as he ran a hand over his neatly trimmed salt-and-pepper beard. Everyone in the world knew this man. The company had grown nearly as big as Nike over the past two decades. And while Philip was a well-known public figure, Paige simply knew him as Dad.

    She glanced around his home office with the morning light pouring in through the tall windows. Paige had always loved the light in this room. As a girl, she used to sneak in and sit in the chair by the window with a book while her father worked at his desk. Even though her room had a window seat perfect for reading, she preferred to be close to him. His work ethic, brilliant mind, and faith in God were all things she aspired to. She was Daddy’s little girl and always had been. She loved and admired him more than anyone on the planet. But today, she stood before him feeling nothing but annoyance.

    Is this really necessary? she asked, her brown eyes fixed on his.

    Absolutely, he replied. I will not risk your safety.

    Why now? Why this time? It’s not like you haven’t had threats before. She eyed him, waiting for him to fill in the blanks. There had to be more that he wasn’t telling her.

    It’s not up for discussion. He turned his attention back to his computer, and she knew the conversation was over, but still she tried.

    This wasn’t a discussion. I’m twenty-five years old, and I think I’ve done a pretty good job of taking care of myself so far. And as a grown woman, you don’t have the right to dictate my life.

    His eyes narrowed as he looked at her again and removed his glasses. She knew when he did that, he was serious, and it brought back the nervous feeling she’d get in her stomach when she tried back-talking him as a kid. But there was no discipline or reprimand, no disappointment on his face like in her teenage years. There were only deep worry lines forming around his eyes.

    Daddy, what is it?

    I need you to go along with this. For me. I can’t run this company and be there to watch out for you. This guy came highly recommended. Very professional and capable. Spotless record. Numerous accolades. A police officer. Former military. His name is Adam Wilder, and he’ll be here at the house in an hour to meet us, so I expect you to stick around.

    Because of her father's notoriety, their family had been no stranger to all variety of threats in the past. So why was this time different? Why did he insist on calling in a bodyguard to trail after her? She couldn’t imagine anything more humiliating.

    And I want you to move home, Dad added.

    Her mouth fell open, and her eyes nearly popped out of her head. You have got to be kidding me.

    Otherwise, he’ll have to stay with you at your place, and I don’t think your fiancé would appreciate that.

    That’s not happening.

    Was living here with us really so bad? A hint of a smile crossed his face.

    She smirked. Seriously, what’s going on, Dad?

    He gave her a weak smile. I’m taking care of my baby girl. Let me do that, all right? He looked at her expectantly.

    Paige let out a resigned sigh, giving in to his request, even though she didn’t want to. She knew it must be serious if he was going to these lengths.

    His shoulders relaxed, and he turned back to his work.

    She rotated on her heel and marched out of his office.

    See you in an hour, he called after her.

    Anyone who saw her walking down that hallway would’ve known she wasn’t happy by the scowl on her face. Having a stranger follow her around all day, every day was the last thing Paige wanted. She had a million little things to accomplish in the six weeks leading up to her wedding, and while she understood her father’s overprotective side, this seemed to be taking things to the extreme.



    Adam Wilder stood at the door to the Bancroft home in an affluent suburb of Memphis and nearly pinched himself. He was a huge fan of the Croft brand, and if it hadn’t been unprofessional, he would’ve shown up in Croft athletic clothing and shoes instead of a suit.

    This wasn’t exactly Adam’s day job, and the last thing he wanted was to follow a spoiled rich girl around all day instead of doing his regular job at the Memphis Police Department. But when his boss pulled him aside and said he was needed on a special detail for the Bancroft family, he had changed his tune.

    The door to the Bancroft’s home was opened by a pleasant middle-aged woman. Hello, Mr. Wilder. Come right in, won’t you?

    He followed her into the expansive foyer, taking in the high ceilings, the ornate chandelier, and a giant portrait of who he could only assume was the Bancroft family on the wall—a woman seated in an antique chair, a man standing behind her with his hand on her shoulder that he immediately recognized as Philip Bancroft, and a young girl beside him, her hand holding the woman’s. He thought she must be the principal—the young woman he was meant to protect, but she was just a kid in the photograph. He studied her—round dark eyes, cute button nose, bright smile that lit up her face. The resemblance between her and her father was strong.

    Right this way. The woman ushered him into a formal living room. Mr. Bancroft will be right with you.

    Thank you, Adam replied as he took a seat on the nearest chair.

    You’re welcome. I’m Mrs. Nash if you need anything.

    He nodded and gave her a polite smile.

    Adam took in the room while he waited. A wingback chair in warm, earthy tones faced him—twin to the chair he was seated in. The furniture was arranged to angle toward the fireplace in the corner. It was an inviting space, considering the more extravagant feeling of the other areas of the home he’d seen so far. The foyer alone could probably fit his entire apartment inside with room to spare.

    He was about to stand and take a look at the photographs along the fireplace mantel when a man and woman entered.

    Hello, Mr. Wilder. The man held out his hand, which Adam took and shook enthusiastically, feeling a little starstruck.

    It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Bancroft. He turned to the woman and held out his hand to her. Mrs. Bancroft.

    Oh, please call us Philip and Olivia, she said as she shook Adam’s hand.

    If you’d prefer, Adam replied.

    Thank you for meeting with us, Philip began. I’m sure you’ve already been informed of the situation after the recent break-in.

    I have. Yes.

    Paige is our only child, and we don’t want to take any chances with her safety right now. I don’t know what I would do if anything happened to her because of me and my business.

    That’s why I’m here, sir. He glanced toward the doorway they’d entered through. Will your daughter be joining us?

    Philip made eye contact with his wife. She was supposed to.

    I’ll have Mrs. Nash fetch her. Olivia excused herself from the room.

    Now that we have a moment alone. Philip glanced toward the doorway. Paige isn’t happy about having you here. And I haven’t exactly told her what happened at the office yet, so if you could keep that to yourself, I would appreciate it. I don’t want to freak her out any more than I already have.

    You can count on my complete discretion.

    Thank you, Wilder. Adam liked that he called him by his last name. It’s what he was called at work and by most of his friends, and he liked the thought of being in with the Bancroft family.

    May I ask about the security here at your home? Adam asked.

    We’ve got a state of the art security system, motion detectors, cameras along the perimeter of our property. It’s a little bit like Fort Knox in here, which is why we’ve asked Paige to stay with us for the time being. She’s got a place over on Mud Island, and I hate the thought of her living that far from us. She has a security system, but not like ours. Having her under our roof for now will give me peace of mind.

    That sounds like a good plan. I’d like to take a look at the security you have in place.

    Of course. I’ll show you myself.

    Olivia returned to the room, followed by a young woman.

    Adam immediately recognized her big brown eyes from the portrait. Only, she wasn’t a small girl any longer. He definitely hadn’t been expecting the brunette beauty who now stood before him. And she looked every bit as annoyed by his presence as her father said she would be.

    This is our daughter, Paige, Olivia declared.

    Hello, Paige. I’m Adam Wilder. He held his hand out to her and gave her a slight smile.

    Paige reluctantly shook his hand then crossed her arms over her chest. The light of the nearby lamp illuminated a large diamond sparkling from its place on her left ring finger. Adam wasn’t sure why the sight of it disappointed him.

    The phone rang in another room, and Mrs. Nash appeared, summoning Philip away to take the call. She remained in the doorway after Philip had gone. Mrs. Bancroft, the cook would like a word about this week’s dinner arrangements.

    Excuse me for a moment, will you?

    Adam nodded as Olivia followed Mrs. Nash out of the room.

    And then they were alone.

    Is it always this busy around here? Adam asked.

    Paige didn’t reply.

    Tell me a little about yourself, Miss Bancroft.

    Nah, I’m good. Her arms were still crossed.

    His brow furrowed.

    She let out a sigh. Look, you don’t have to do this. You have the job. You don’t have to make nice with me.

    I was just being polite.

    Don’t bother. Her annoyance was obvious in the way her eyebrows squeezed together and her lips pursed.

    It’s in the interest of your safety for us to get along. I need you to trust me or this won’t work.

    I don’t need to be looked after. I’m a grown woman. I carry pepper spray with me and always have my cell phone. I’ve taken self-defense classes before. I know how to take care of myself. So, let the record show that I disapprove of this whole thing.

    He chuckled at her legal speak. Are you a lawyer?

    She smirked in disapproval. No.

    Well, let the record show that I’m here to do a job, and that job is to make sure no harm comes to you. So you may not want me here, but I’m not leaving. You should get used to the idea of having me around.

    She rolled her eyes, then glanced over at the doorway before coming to sit on the chair across from him. Can you at least tell me what this is all about? My dad hasn’t exactly been very forthcoming about why I need a babysitter.

    He didn’t appreciate her babysitter comment, but he let it go. I’m sure he’ll tell you what you want to know.

    He won’t. I tried.

    He must have his reasons.

    But you know, don’t you?

    He didn’t respond. He couldn’t tell her someone had broken into the Croft offices last week after hours or that the man, who was nearly caught during a struggle with the security guard, left behind his jacket with a photograph of Paige in its pocket. Her father wasn’t ready for her to know, so he would keep it to himself, even though he didn’t agree with that decision.

    Her eyes remained fixed on his. You’re a cop. Of course you know.

    The most important thing for us to focus on right now is your safety. Protecting you is my top priority.

    She let out an exasperated breath as she stood and walked out of the room, mumbling things he couldn’t hear. It was probably best for her to get her frustrations all out now.

    Adam was now alone and suddenly on edge. He closed his eyes and prayed she wouldn’t fight him on this, that he’d be able to find a way for her to trust him.

    He opened his eyes and stood, taking the opportunity to move to the fireplace and check out the

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