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The Siren's Surrender: Forced To Serve, #7
The Siren's Surrender: Forced To Serve, #7
The Siren's Surrender: Forced To Serve, #7
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The Siren's Surrender: Forced To Serve, #7

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She is for Jordon and he is for her. She just needs a way to convince him.


Does she love Jordon? Yes, but Sarinnea is not desperate to take a mate nor stupid enough to keep desiring a reluctant one. All Siren females think far more of themselves than that, and in case it's missed Jordon's notice, Sarinnea is a Siren matriarch to her core. 


She doesn't need a male to make her happy. She doesn't need help managing the business of her Siren house. Her ancestors led the revolt that brought Rylen the peace it now enjoys.


While it's true that she doesn't want to lose Jordon, the best thing for both of them probably would be for her to cut him loose. The process is more painful for her than for him, but it is still a task that she will do... as soon as she can bring herself to let Jordon go.

Release dateDec 20, 2022
The Siren's Surrender: Forced To Serve, #7

Donna McDonald

Donna McDonald published her first romance novel in March of 2011. Fifty plus novels later, she admits to living her own happily ever after as a full-time author. Her work spans several genres, such as contemporary romance, paranormal, and science fiction. Humor is the most common element in all her writing. Addicted to making readers laugh, she includes a good dose of romantic comedy in every book.

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    Book preview

    The Siren's Surrender - Donna McDonald

    Chapter One

    Gwen shook her head as she took in the sights below them. Every sight and sound seemed surreal. Many of the starships she’d served on had visited Rylen regularly. She’d never felt the need to seek the carnal pleasures she knew the planet of Sirens offered travelers.

    No, Gwen had always preferred her hedonistic pleasures to have a chance of being repeated, so she’d stuck to finding lovers on every ship. Well, she had until Zade had claimed her. Now she had her own personal Siren, which meant the choice to get off the ship wasn’t optional. They were both here to check out the planetary home of their future family.

    As they and their fellow travelers began debarking their transfer shuttle, the line stopped moving at the bottom, which left Zade and her waiting at the top of the boarding ramp. Normally, she would have been frustrated with the slow descent. Today she was amused by it.

    The ones who debarked first lingered at the bottom caught up in some unproductive chitchat with several nearly naked Siren females. While she waited, Gwen entertained herself by taking in the jungle-like atmosphere of the Rylen shuttle station, the soothing music playing throughout the entire building, and the sparkly sheen on everything she saw.

    Got to say I’m already impressed with your planet, Zade. If your Rylen shuttle stations look this amazing, what’s the rest of your planet look like?

    Dorian smiled at his mate. "The rest of the planet is far more beautiful. I can’t believe you never got off the Liberator when the ship visited."

    He lifted a hand in greeting to someone who called out a welcome as they slowly descended. He was wearing a shirt in Sarinnea’s house colors, which made him recognizable. At the bottom of the ramp, a line of Siren greeters chatted with those debarking. His mouth twitched when he caught his mate mildly glaring at their scarcity of clothing.

    Don’t Siren females ever wear clothes? she asked.

    Dorian tried not to laugh while answering. Their clothing choices express their intention of being of service to visitors. It is a Siren custom to greet visitors authentically, which on Rylen means they reveal themselves as the Creators made them.

    Well, if they’re offering sex as part of their welcome service, I’m sure they’ll have some takers. Seems like Siren and ugly don’t belong in the same sentence, Gwen said as she looked over the heads of the passengers in front of her. "The Liberator always docked at the space station on the other side of Rylen. I oversaw repairs while everyone else took their little hedonistic break from each other’s company."

    If you’re referring to the crew’s search for pleasurable recreational activities with the Siren greeters, I cannot deny or confirm their actions. When the ship visited Rylen, I visited my mother. I sometimes attended a family function with her, and then I quickly returned to the ship before everyone else got back.

    That’s right. You always returned early, Gwen said, instantly recalling the fact. You locked yourself in your meditation room and didn’t come out until we were underway. I probably burned out a few brain cells wondering what always prompted your sudden need for total seclusion. You even ordered in your meals.

    Dorian leaned closer. My passions rose to the surface while we were here on Rylen. I locked myself away with purpose because I didn’t trust myself to be in your presence without making my genuine feelings known. No female on Rylen held any allure for me, but you were a walking temptation every moment you breathed. Avoiding you completely was all I could think to do to save us both.

    Gwen chuckled. Are you having that same problem now?

    Dorian smiled at his mate. Yes. Since we have mated, I am never long without that problem in your presence no matter where we are. It pleases me more than I can say to have you at my side this visit.

    Gwen grinned. It pleases me too. I can’t wait to see Sarinnea and Jordon. Have they worked things out yet?

    Dorian shook his head. Not from what my mother says. Jordon and his son continue to live in the caretaker’s house instead of with Sarinnea. The situation upsets her, but she seems reluctant to push Jordon into a more committed arrangement.

    I imagine Jordon’s hesitation is hard for her. Maybe we can set a good example. It might nudge Jordon in the right direction.

    Dorian chuckled. "Do you honestly think being exposed to our mating arrangement will inspire Sarinnea and Jordon to formalize their relationship?"

    Gwen lifted a shoulder. Why not? Our mating works. We’re a happy couple. She turned her smile up at her mate. And it’s been ages since I’ve had any urge to shoot you. I count that as a huge win for us.

    Used to her sarcasm, Dorian smiled as he ignored their fellow shuttle passengers discreetly laughing at Gwen’s remark. Soon the greeters would loop the perfumed flower rings over their heads, and they finally could head to a place where he could make her pay for her words.

    We’re on leave, Commander. Let’s wait until we’re back on the ship to fight, he suggested, not minding at all when his fierce mate laughed as she leaned into him to be hugged.

    Gwen pulled away from Zade’s light embrace, let one of the nearly naked Sirens put flowers over her head, and scanned the building in awe again as they walked to the far end of it. Your home planet has good energy. I think it’s going to be a great place to live. I’m looking forward to it.

    Dorian nodded as affection for his mate swelled in his chest. Gwen’s willingness to pass on a potential captain promotion to move to Rylen and have his children still amazed him. I look forward to starting our family, and I think of it often. The shock of your offer has yet to wear off.

    Gwen smiled and sighed. Two years, Zade. Just give me two more years.

    You can have all the time you like, Dorian said. He couldn’t help wondering if she regretted her promise. I’m in no hurry.

    Gwen shook her head. I am and I promise you I’ll be ready by then. Speaking of our future plans, when can we visit the cadet academy? I want to check that Jurek has settled in and I want to see about the status of our contracts. Maybe we can even look for a house while we’re here too.

    We can probably visit Jurek in the next day or so. As for your other suggestion, I was hoping we could live in the house I already own on Rylen, Dorian said with a smirk.

    Gwen turned to her Siren mate in surprise. "You own a house on Rylen? Why didn’t you tell me?"

    Dorian chuckled. When did you ask?

    Gwen rolled her eyes. I’m your mate. I shouldn’t have to ask. You should just tell me these kinds of things.

    How would I work the fact that I own a house on Rylen into our normal conversations on the ship?

    Gwen snorted. "Like—honey, when we visit Rylen, let’s go see the house I own. Oh, didn’t I tell you about my house?"

    Gwen smiled when Zade laughed at her grumbling. Both their heads turned toward the station’s door they were heading for as five large Greggor males entered. Four of them were dragging one reluctant and obviously drunk one through the door toward a departure shuttle. With a giant grunt, their inebriated hostage broke their hold on him and put them all down on the floor. When the last one standing threw a punch, the drunken one picked him up and threw him across the room.

    Amused by the Greggors beating each other up, Gwen chuckled at the drama. As much as I would enjoy watching a good fight, someone should probably stop that drunk guy before he hurts any innocent bystanders. Where’s shuttle station security?

    Dorian glanced around. I’m not sure. They should be here by now. Those five are not being quiet.

    The raging male rushed to a newly debarking shuttle and grabbed one of the nearly naked Siren greeters from the end of the greeter line. He lifted the squealing Siren high into the air and held her there.

    Filthy, lying, Siren. Die, you worthless female, he said, throwing the screaming Siren female like he had his companion.

    Beside her, Zade dropped his bag, swore in Siren, and moved swiftly. He barely caught the greeter and his running momentum took them both to the floor. The traumatized Siren greeter instantly dissolved into tears as she clung to him. Gwen knew Sirens never cried, which was a testament to the amount of trouble the drunken Greggor was causing the poor female.

    Gwen set down her travel bag next to where Zade had dropped his before he’d run to help. Too bad her weapons were all back on the ship. All she had with her were a couple old Earth weapons she’d brought to give to Jurek as a gift. To her, this meant she had to handle this the hard way until Rylen security showed their Siren asses up.

    In the background, she could hear Zade working to calm the sobbing greeter. She needed to prevent the stupid drunkard from snatching up another one. She couldn’t move nearly as fast as Zade, but she had other things going for her.

    Hey, she yelled loudly to get the drunken Greggor’s attention. What’s your freaking problem?

    The Greggor growled. If you value your life, whore of Earth, you will keep your distance from me.

    Gwen grunted. Whore? Dude, that’s not even original. My own crew has called me far worse. You need to handle your liquor better, she added.

    Her answer back was another long growl.

    Deciding an ass kicking was the only thing the drunken idiot was going to respond to, Gwen lifted a leg and kneed the Greggor’s nuts, stepping back as he bent over. A shove on the back of his head completed his downward motion.

    When he was on the floor with his hands cupping his throbbing man parts, Gwen grabbed his hair and jerked his gaze back to face her angry one. "Don’t make me get rough. Get your drunk ass on your departure shuttle and get the Helios out of here before Siren security locks you up."

    When he only looked at her in an alcoholic daze, Gwen sternly repeated the order in Greggor—one of the several languages she was fluent in. In reply to hearing the words in his own language, the Greggor grabbed her lower legs to jerk her off-balance. Gwen flipped sideways, breaking his grip with little effort, but the idiot growled again and took a swing at her that she had to dodge. Now he’d officially pissed her off.

    And here I was hoping we could do this the easy way, she said with resignation.

    A spinning boot kick to his massive chest sent the Greggor flying backwards to hit the floor hard. She calmly walked over to him as he rose to his knees. Feeling testy, she kicked him between his legs a second time before using her fist to punch him between his eyes. Her blow finally knocked him unconscious, as she knew it would. She’d gotten Siren strength from Zade as a mating gift, and her Khalsa training had taught her how to make the best use of it.

    The drunken Greggor fell backward moments before his five friends finally limped over to glare down at him. Seeing their comrade was unconscious, they turned and stared at Gwen in shock. Four limping Sirens came running up behind the limping Greggors. They all looked like hell too.

    Gwen rolled her eyes at all the wounded males. How had the drunk Greggor taken out four Sirens too? The drunken Greggor hadn’t been that tough.

    Zade walked over and looked down at the Greggor. What was his problem?

    Gwen shrugged as she glared down at the male. Hell, if I know. The idiot wouldn’t listen to reason, so I had to knock him out.

    One of the Siren guards pointed at the male on the floor. "You bested this Greggor warrior?"

    Gwen’s mouth twisted. The Greggor was inebriated. It wasn’t all that much of a fight.

    Her questioner shook his head before turning to the Greggor’s companions. Take him and go. You four may return, but he is not welcome until he makes full reparations for his actions. Until then, we will strike his name from the welcome logs.

    The other Greggors didn’t argue their comrade’s banishment from Rylen. Instead, they left with only two of them dragging him by his arms up into their shuttle. The other two limped behind with eyes downcast.

    Gwen looked at her handsome mate, who had a strange look in his eyes. Nice catch, by the way. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you move so fast.

    I’m feeling sorry now that I left you handle the worst part. I hope this hasn’t put you off visiting my planet.

    Gwen chuckled and shook her head as she hooked her arm through her mate’s. I will not let some drunken idiot affect my good mood. Let’s go see your mother.

    Dorian nodded as they headed back to collect their bags. It was difficult to ignore the chastising he’d seen in the eyes of the Siren security guards. Siren males considered females too valuable to risk themselves fighting, as Gwen had just done. He said nothing to her, though, because his mate would never understand how her helping resolve the dangerous situation with the drunk Greggor could be a poor reflection on him.

    Dorian worried only that word of Gwen’s fight would too quickly spread beyond the station—not that he could keep that from happening. Sarinnea would not be bothered by anyone’s assumptions about Gwen or their mating, but the rest of his family? He was going to have to explain the way they would view the situation to prepare her. His cousin, Halor, would not think twice about informing Gwen that females of Sarinnea’s house could not go around fighting on Rylen.

    He didn’t really like his oldest male cousin, but may the Creators forbid that Halor suffer the drunken Greggor’s fate because the idiot dared to make Gwen Shenu Jet angry.

    Chapter Two


    Jordon stopped brushing the animal under his hands and lifted his head. I’m in the stall grooming Gil. What is it, Lekan?

    Sarinnea stopped by and asked me to remind you that her beloved son will arrive shortly. She said that there would be a dinner and welcome party hosted by the entire family this evening.

    It was nice of her to extend the offer, but I’m not sure we qualify as part of Sarinnea’s family, Jordon replied as he went back to brushing.

    Hating when an adult refused to make eye contact while speaking to him, Lekan moved into the animal stall to get his biological sire’s attention. The resemblance between them was unmistakable, which was why his rightful place was at the older Norblade male’s side. And Lekan had been happy to leave his home planet to be here.

    He enjoyed living on the cheerful planet of Rylen with the Sirens much better than on his dreary home planet of Norblade. It was a fortunate circumstance for him that a Norblade male of his age was mandated to spend his last years before adulthood with his father. Luckily, he liked Jordon well enough to consider him that, even though he’d only met him a year ago.

    The only negative thing about his current life circumstance was that the reticent, too quiet male who’d sired him had yet to emotionally embrace their family connection as much as Lekan had hoped would come to pass. His father was a caring male, but not very passionate. It was very noticeable on a planet comprising the most passionate species in existence.

    Sarinnea said if you protested the invitation that I was to remind you that you owed Gwen Jet a life debt. Lekan stopped and waited for a reply. When none was given, he plunged on. Tell me about Gwen Jet, Father. Is she the Peace Alliance Commander who saved you when you were abducted?

    Yes, Jordon admitted. Commander Jet saved me. She saved Sarinnea as well. I’ve met no female fiercer. She is nothing like the females you are used to meeting here on Rylen, Lekan.

    Lekan found that a puzzling comment. But isn’t Sarinnea just as fierce?

    Jordon briefly paused in his brushing and then resumed. Sirens are a matriarchal species where females are prized for their wise and compassionate ruling. They teach male Sirens to protect them. The males are definitely fierce, but I would not use that descriptor for their females. To be protected by the males in her life is Sarinnea’s birthright. She leads one of the most ancient ruling houses on Rylen.

    Knowing well that his father shared Sarinnea’s bed when invited to do so, Lekan didn’t understand why his father otherwise ignored her as much as a male could avoid a female. He also wondered why a beautiful Siren like Sarinnea didn’t move on to one of the many other interested males who sought her out daily. Since he never saw the Siren in any other male’s arms, Lekan decided it was proof her loyalty was to his stoic father.

    So, this Commander Gwen Jet, does she serve on the same Alliance spaceship as Dorian Eli’oh Zade?

    Jordon nodded as he answered. Yes. Gwen is Dorian’s life mate. Her father is a Thelorian, but my understanding is her mother raised Gwen on Earth. Since you’ve primarily interacted with mostly Norblade people and the Sirens of Rylen, I should probably warn you that Gwen being an Earthling definitely shows in her character.

    Do you think I act like someone born on Norblade?

    Jordon lifted an eyebrow. You certainly don’t act like a Siren.

    True, Lekan admitted as he bowed his head in agreement. I suppose I asked because I find it interesting that Dorian mated an Earth female, and more interesting that she is a commander of a starship. That is not what Sirens normally do. Norblade males choose Norblade females for mates, but I have no leanings in that direction. I confess I find all unusual pairings interesting.

    Interesting is the proper word and also accurate, Jordon said with a

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