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Faerie Tithe
Faerie Tithe
Faerie Tithe
Ebook26 pages

Faerie Tithe

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Enthralled by her beauty, he loves his lady beyond all else...

Erceldoune lives with no memory of his past and no awareness of his lack. He lives in bliss because he lives in Faerie.

But one morning he awakens uneasy and chooses not to break his fast, leaving the peach nectar and almond cakes untouched. As his disquiet grows, he suppresses his discomfort and beats down his mistrust of his lady. Her goodness rivals her loveliness—she deserves all his faith.

But does she?

Unless Erceldoune embraces his doubts, he'll never reclaim his stolen memory, history, or self—losing his very soul.

Faerie Tithe pits Faerie's deathly perfection against mortality's lifegiving flaws. If you enjoy stories that draw you in, heroes you long to see prevail, and worlds so vivid you feel like you're there, you'll love J.M. Ney-Grimm's twist on Thomas the Rhymer.

Buy Faerie Tithe to pluck truth from trickery today!

Release dateDec 22, 2022
Faerie Tithe

J.M. Ney-Grimm

J.M. Ney-Grimm lives with her husband and children in Virginia, just east of the Blue Ridge Mountains. She's learning about permaculture gardening and debunking popular myths about food. The rest of the time she reads Robin McKinley, Diana Wynne Jones, and Lois McMaster Bujold, plays boardgames like Settlers of Catan, rears her twins, and writes stories set in her troll-infested North-lands. Look for her novels and novellas at your favorite bookstore—online or on Main Street.

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    Book preview

    Faerie Tithe - J.M. Ney-Grimm

    Faerie Tithe


    by J.M. Ney-Grimm

    FAERIE TITHE. Copyright © 2022 J.M. Ney-Grimm

    Cover design:

    James at

    Table of Contents

    Faerie Tithe

    Bonus Tidbits

    Author Bio

    More Titles by J.M. Ney-Grimm

    In tribute to

    L.M. Montgomery,

    author of The Story Girl

    (and many other wonderful—

    and more renowned—works)

    Faerie Tithe

    He awoke that morning knowing something was far wrong.

    There should have been no reason for the foreboding that weighed on him. A glad sun shone through his pavilion’s colonnade, setting the pale sheets of his silken couch ashimmer and casting long shadows across the crimson and aqua tiles of the mosaic floor. As always.

    Why did he feel perturbed and angry? He should feel content. He did feel content. He would feel content.

    And yet . . . hadn’t he felt this way before? At least once? Maybe he had, but he couldn’t bring it to mind. Was it a year ago? His lack of memory stroked a feather of disquiet within him afresh.

    The scent of peach nectar and almond cake drifted from a narrow stand holding the viands upon which he would break his fast. This, too, was as it

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