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Lost Words
Lost Words
Lost Words
Ebook240 pages2 hours

Lost Words

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"Lost Words" is a collection of poems, fragments, thoughts and short stories, divided into twenty-one different sections.

Release dateDec 25, 2022
Lost Words

Simone Malacrida

Simone Malacrida (1977) Ha lavorato nel settore della ricerca (ottica e nanotecnologie) e, in seguito, in quello industriale-impiantistico, in particolare nel Power, nell'Oil&Gas e nelle infrastrutture. E' interessato a problematiche finanziarie ed energetiche. Ha pubblicato un primo ciclo di 21 libri principali (10 divulgativi e didattici e 11 romanzi) + 91 manuali didattici derivati. Un secondo ciclo, sempre di 21 libri, è in corso di elaborazione e sviluppo.

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    Lost Words - Simone Malacrida

    Lost Words


    Lost Words is a collection of poems, fragments, thoughts and short stories, divided into twenty-one different sections.


    Simone Malacrida (1977)

    Engineer and writer, has worked on research, finance, energy policy and industrial plants.




















    XIX – TIME





    July 22nd

    Yesterday's thoughts are therefore forgotten: today new horizons and new destinations are already opening up, I looked up, I found the way in these events so close to me.

    A new cosmic cycle is about to begin, while the same is about to end: all in the name of the most absolute and placid continuity.

    Here is finally the desired destination!

    After such a day this vision gives me strength as if my only food were this compact and dark wall with evocative scents of the deepest vital origins.

    Night falls: welcome!

    See you tomorrow.

    Perhaps this hour has stopped.


    23 July

    The bow that cuts through the waves is more melancholy, and therefore much more welcome, than a quick transfer journey, too often worn out.

    I let myself be gently caressed by the warm summer rays as my mind wanders endlessly.


    July 24th

    How I would like to shout my return to the wind.

    I'm here! Nothing will be as before.

    The almost morning view, but still wrapped in the darkness of the night, has perhaps dampened my emotions, but when it's dawn... my God!

    Enough of the words!


    August 3rd

    Many times I stop to think how all situations, events and even ideas are linked to particular moments in our lives.

    So much can happen during a year, so much that everything seems so different and distant.

    Little can happen during a year, so little that in one night everything is so close and unchanged.

    Where is the truth between these two antitheses?


    August 17th

    Why can't I think and dream of the eternal?

    My senses dull when I try and I inevitably fall to the ground exhausted.

    A cry of pain rises from my mind and penetrates my limbs, a hellish screeching destroys my bones, dark clouds lurk in my heart.

    What drives me to do this, knowing full well the final result?

    Admiring new panoramas from here, I look for a summit to see beyond until I see the line of the horizon in which a bloody and tawny moon rises, oval and dark.

    Endless night, go on!


    September 1st

    What remains in the course of events of our actions, if no one keeps the memory of them?

    Like a solitary wanderer I wander the now dark streets, without any precise destination, in search of what I have lost forever.

    I wish I could answer the questions, but all is in vain.


    September 4th

    It is evident to my eyes the primacy that philosophy has assumed for a long time over my way of living and seeing events.

    Philosophy is the maximum expression of human thought and rationality: it far surpasses the entire literature and also poetry which, despite having the characteristics of sublimity and synthesis, does not reveal the logical scheme of the human mind being conceived for be appreciated in an instant without leaving anything to reason.


    September 9th

    It is still unknown to me why lyric poetry is able to touch so strongly the strings of the soul in just a handful of words: a single verse can enclose the meaning of life, can express the maximum rhythm and maximum musicality of thought written.

    What can give the human person more than a single, concise poem?


    September 13th

    What is hidden behind the veil that prevents us from deeply understanding the soul and thoughts of the people closest and dearest to us?

    So throughout the city, fearful, I wander through the darkness.


    1st October

    The deepest and most intimate secret of every human being is hidden in one's past, in one's choices, in one's path which made him such; looking at who and what is the one in front of you, you will find all the possible answers.


    October 24th

    I would like to see the end of the landmass without any superfluous human intervention.


    November 3rd

    Sometimes it is strange to think that the famous demon of Socrates had never suggested to the great thinker the simplicity of the moment, rather than the more pompous know thyself.

    Also because, knowing that you don't know, it's better to grasp what comes rather than conjecture about being.

    How many there really are who have understood this exhortation, among all those who have read and meditated on it, it is not known: certainly few, given the results.


    11 November

    Many times I caress the wind as it stealthily brushes my skin, what strange sensations come out of my mind at that moment!

    Who knows how many other people you have touched, wind that takes everything away, but that brings everything back, wind that encloses in you the sound of a thousand voices, wind of distant flavors and smells.

    The whole soul is shaken at your passage, my body is as if transparent to you, who will ever be able to say where you originate from and where you will end?

    When then, during early spring or late autumn days like this, you bring a sense of change within you, you infuse all things with new hope. The clean wind of a late October evening when the sky is dominated by a bright moon is one of the most fascinating and bewitching shows that Nature can offer us.


    November 16th

    What does life hold for us moment by moment?

    How do we know what dark destiny pervades our existence, assuming that this dark destiny exists, assuming that it is dark, assuming that everything has to make sense; because this is what we want: to find meaning in what has been and what is happening.

    Too many questions gather on these arguments, there are few certainties in fact, we have few elements to understand.

    Memory, the past is certainly something more tangible, but what assures us that our interpretative key on the events that have occurred is the most likely (since no one possesses the truth in itself)?

    Even here too little for the hunger to know that a human being has: we must therefore conclude that the maximum given to us is to know a small part of the past, ignoring most of it, failing to seize the moment, making shaky forecasts for tomorrow?


    November 25th

    This is a time in which a wise mind must know how to await better future outcomes, not with the intention of falling asleep or giving in to the idleness and flattery of this system, but to prepare the action that will follow in a more appropriate way.

    Reflection, even forced in this period, will be quite useful when there is no time to reflect, when actions will be so dense and continuous that the being may appear at the mercy of events.


    December 2nd

    We fall from the bottom of animality to the sublime heights of ideas.

    Behind every corner there is the future, beyond every door it is hidden; a feeling of fear, and at the same time hopeful, pervades the one who dares to cross the threshold.


    December 10th

    While sweet and languid flames approach for a moment and, touching my hands, release their powerful and frivolous heat in an enveloping exhalation, I cannot help breathing intensely that intoxicating perfume, very similar to the smell of a day when , having incinerated the remains of what had to be forever erased the night before, we return to life for a new cause, however, still bearing in mind the acrid smoke of the past.

    The evocative power of fire is far dominated by the meaning of burning: it feeds on everything we make available to it, it releases new and hidden forces, on its ashes it is always easier to reconstruct as if they only contained the positive essence of what once existed.


    December 28th

    Majestic views stand out on the horizon of this afternoon: rise or sun of the new world! Grow new generations of different thoughts and actions!

    Where is that joie de vivre, that impetuous yes of those who promised and didn't keep, of those who didn't know how to create those ideal conditions for a new experience?

    No, it is no longer time to wait for the undecided, those who have not distanced themselves from this insipid and pusillanimous society: we are only waiting for a signal from someone who can definitively bring us back to the true meaning of life.

    The amazed multitude wonders what they are looking for: what if not the realization of their dreams, the effective confirmation of their too often dashed hopes.


    January 21st

    Waiting for a new thought.

    Faithful friend, walking alone on a strange path, what are you thinking now?

    What drives you to move your person step by step towards an unknown future?

    The current situation is so indecipherable that it is not even possible to predict the slightest thing, everything could still happen.

    The balance is such as to make each decision at the same time resolute towards a certain type of evolution, but also to nullify this resoluteness with a slight nod.

    In this state, similar to a primordial chaos, it is very easy to change course without realizing it and above all it is very difficult to maintain one's identity with one's convictions for as long as possible and even more difficult is the path that leads to the realization of these convictions .

    He searches for every slightest trace of perfection, above all by observing the details.


    February 16th

    Numerous hosts of chosen spirits have repeatedly faced

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