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The Inward Embrace of Grace: the Inner Dynamics of Grace from a New Covenant Perspective
The Inward Embrace of Grace: the Inner Dynamics of Grace from a New Covenant Perspective
The Inward Embrace of Grace: the Inner Dynamics of Grace from a New Covenant Perspective
Ebook110 pages5 hours

The Inward Embrace of Grace: the Inner Dynamics of Grace from a New Covenant Perspective

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We are so much more than sinners saved by grace, but rather saints indwelt by grace. We should not forget where we came from but never confuse that with who we are and where we are going (1 John 3:1).

Reading The Inward Embrace of Grace provided insight and an answer to "why I experienced decades of failed attempts of trying to re

Release dateFeb 13, 2023
The Inward Embrace of Grace: the Inner Dynamics of Grace from a New Covenant Perspective

John Stolwyk

John has four years of biblical studies in both the Old and New Testament, including Greek and Hebrew. He holds a degree from Davis Bible College in Johnson City, New York, and an engineering degree (cum laude) from Broome Community College. Along with his forty-five years of self-study, John has proven his insatiable desire for the truth of God's Word. John also teaches on a regular basis at Power Based Living in Southlake, Texas, and on

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    The Inward Embrace of Grace - John Stolwyk

    The Inward Embrace of Grace

    The Inner Dynamics of Grace from a New Covenant Perspective
    John Stolwyk


    This book is dedicated to my lovely wife, Brenda, whose company I have enjoyed for over twenty-five years and from whom I have learned so much, and for her encouragement to pen down the thoughts in this book.


    To my wife, Brenda, for painting Majesty that is on the front cover.

    To my good friend and brother, Mike Nelson, who has been both an encouragement and help in editing, advising, and critiquing this writing. With both Him and Brenda keeping after me to get the manuscript published.

    For all the men at power based living in Southlake, Texas, who I have been privileged to grow and walk with throughout the years giving me the opportunity to teach, discuss and develop many of the things written herein.

    For Wayne Whitaker, in all legal advice and contractual matters.

    For Ralf Kittenbacher, helping me digitize Brenda’s art for the front cover.

    Also, Dorothy Snyder, for her continual encouragement at our Eminent Grace Home Meetings, along with all the attendees whom I have seen grow in the grace of our Lord through the power of the Gospel.

    To all my teachers throughout the years, too many to name, but you are here with me.

    Last but not least, to my biological and spiritual brother, Theodore (God’s gift), who was God’s instrument to bring me into the kingdom of God, where I have found a life beyond measure and boundaries, and who is always there as a solid rock of practical and spiritual advice in the things of God.

    Table of Contents

    Foreword Nelson




    Chapter One: The Gospel of Grace and Its Effect

    Chapter Two: The Old Covenant Superseded by the New Covenant

    Chapter Three: Love and the Gospel of Grace

    Chapter Four: Getting a Grasp of What Sin Is from God’s Perspective

    Chapter Five: Understanding Faith as It Relates to Belief and Grace

    Chapter Six: Understanding New Testament Repentance

    Chapter Seven: Walking in the Power of His Obedience as Our Own

    Chapter Eight: Understanding the Law’s Purpose, Limitations, and Fulfilment

    Chapter Nine: Understanding Forgiveness in the Light of the New Covenant

    Chapter Ten: Understanding the Imputation of Sin

    Chapter Eleven: The Free Gift of Righteousness

    Chapter Twelve: Walking Free from the Penalty, Power, and Presence of Sin

    Chapter Thirteen: Understanding the Will of God in Its Simplicity

    Chapter Fourteen: A Faith-Based Sanctification versus a Works-Based Sanctification

    Chapter Fifteen: Starting with the View of the End in Mind

    Chapter Sixteen: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of the Lord

    Conclusion and Some Closing Remarks


    By Mike Nelson

    John’s newly written book is a masterpiece. He takes the message of the pure Gospel and puts these truths he has learned over the years down on paper in an easy-to-understand presentation of the greatest revelation one could imagine. Amazingly he includes a plethora of scriptures to nail down each and every truth he writes pertaining to this revelation.

    I met John in 2010 at a Bible study group. We became friends almost instantly and fed off of each other as we gathered often and fellowshipped around our newly discovered revelation of the pure Gospel, not mixed with law. It’s now been twelve years of communing with God with the understanding of what the finished work of the cross and who we are in Jesus Christ means. John conveys this awesome revelation every time he speaks. The Bible says, To him who has, more will be given. What this book will do for all who read it is just that; more revelation of this great truth will be added to what you have already received.

    This book is a hard-hitting, truth-telling ride that I believe will bring freedom to everyone who reads it. I could not put it down until I had read it all. Yet, in all this carefully assembled message, it is small enough to enjoy over and over and over. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free! That is exactly what this book brings to the table.


    It is when we hear the true shepherd’s voice that faith and hope start to arise in our hearts and that His true freedom comes to light through the Gospel. It is out of many years of self-struggle, confusion, and frustration that the true Gospel started to emerge in my life. After years of self-study, Bible school, and ministry, I still did not seem to be any closer to where I wanted to be. There were times I thought there was no hope out of my conundrum of failure and pride, but yet that still, small voice kept calling me higher. What I was searching for was my true identity and value in God’s eyes and not in the opinions of others. I have come to find that there is no amount of self-effort and human sincerity that can produce what only God can and has freely given to us in Christ. It is out of this flesh and blood experience that this book was born. The work you are about to read will challenge you on a guaranteed path that grows brighter and brighter as Christ emerges as your only life.


    Have you ever asked yourself why the Christian life seems to be so complicated and hard to achieve? When on the contrary, Jesus said it should be simple enough that a child can understand it. Paul warns us that no one should lead us away from the simplicity that is in Christ (2 Corinthians 11:3). Yet, there are scores of to-do books that leave us emptier and more confused than when we started reading them. This is mainly because these books are aimed at you laboring by applying methods to change yourself. This is not one of those books. Relax; Jesus wants you to come, rest and learn from Him. He is the one that is going to exact change from the inside out by His indwelling presence.

    Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.

    Matthew 11:28–30 (MSG)


    I have heard people asking for and suggesting a short book that they can hand out to those who are inquiring about this New Gospel. The intention of this book is to put the New Testament Gospel in a short, concise format that can be handed out for that purpose. It is by no means exhaustive. I wanted to touch on the key points and paradigms that the Gospel is challenging at this present hour. This is only a precursor to those who are interested in understanding more of the New Testament from a grace perspective.

    The Gospel is the deepest thing I have ever encountered. Do not let its simplicity offend you, for it is the deepest river you can ever find yourself swimming in. It is my hope this book will help you on the road to having your hunger and thirst truly satisfied while your heart is ever-expanding in the greatness of His Love. It was a real challenge to keep it concise for this purpose. I sincerely hope this book enriches you and enhances your journey into the Unlimited God of Grace. Manifesting in us the life of freedom that He has secured for us.

    For convenient reading, I have noted some of the key scriptures that state my point in the body of the text. If you read this with an open Bible, you can further explore or research these scriptures. These are all in the KJV unless otherwise stated.


    John Stolwyk

    Grace is not plan B to fix something but plan A to experience Someone.

    Chapter One

    The Gospel of Grace and Its Effect

    The Gospel is meant to be simple good news that is to affect every area of our lives. Gospel means good news, so when we hear bad news, we are definitely not hearing the Gospel. Paul clearly defines the Gospel for us as the good news of the Death, Burial, Resurrection, and Appearance of Christ (1 Corinthians

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