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Grainger And The Bandits: Western
Grainger And The Bandits: Western
Grainger And The Bandits: Western
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Grainger And The Bandits: Western

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Grainger And The Bandits: Western

Western novel by Neal Chadwick



Gunfighter Grainger comes to the area.

A handful of gunslingers rob a bank in a small cattle town - and thus begins a trail of violence. Grainger hangs onto their scent. He takes the deputy star.

Release dateDec 29, 2022
Grainger And The Bandits: Western

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    Book preview

    Grainger And The Bandits - Neal Chadwick


    Grainger came to town.

    He steered his horse toward the saloon.

    He got out of the saddle in front of the saloon. A drink, something to eat, a bath and a pretty woman - that's how Grainger imagined the end of the day after the long ride he'd had.

    He tied the horse to the hitchrack after he dismounted.

    At the saloon door, three guys approached him.

    Just as Grainger was about to go in, these men wanted out.

    And they jostled him pretty badly.

    Watch it, cow driver, one of you said.

    Grainger was nearly staggered to the ground by the impact, but just managed to stay on his feet.

    You guys don't seem to have eyes in your head, Grainger said.

    Did you hear that? one of the guys asked. He's still trying to make a big splash.

    Another said, Cow driver, trnk your whiskey somewhere else, sure! This ain't your town.

    I drink my whiskey wherever I want, Grainger replied.

    Oh really?

    Oh really.

    I think the cow driver needs a lesson!

    Let him have it!

    One of the guys reached for the Colt.

    He was fast.

    But nowhere near as fast as Grainger.

    The reached for the low-buckled revolver at his hip with a lithe, almost cat-like elegance and yanked out the weapon.

    It took only the blink of an eye for Grainger to get the iron in his hand.

    Ready to fire.

    And the barrel pointed straight at his opponent's head before he even got the Colt halfway out of the holster.

    You'd better think it over, Grainger said. Otherwise, your journey here is over!

    Come on, leave the guy alone, Field, one of the others said. He's not worth it.

    The one addressed bared his teeth like an animal.

    We'll meet again someday! he hissed.

    Grainger nodded.

    That's true, he said. At some point...


    The guys pulled away, got on their horses and rode off with them. A cloud of dust soon enveloped them. Even before they reached the end of Main Street.

    Grainger watched them for a while.

    His eyes narrowed as he blinked against the sun.

    They won't come back, breathed a voice from behind. A female voice. A dark-haired woman with large breasts and an extremely low neckline pressed up against Grainger.

    I would hope so, Grainger said.

    She said, What do you say we make it nice, big man.

    That's a good idea, Grainger said after giving her shapely body a quick muster.

    I hope it's getting tight in your pants already!

    By all means, with this sight!

    Then come!

    Grainger decided to take the whiskey later.

    She pulled him along with her.

    They went up the spiral staircase that took them to the upper floor. Then they landed in one of the rooms. One grab and the dress slid to the floor. Underneath she was completely naked. Her breasts stretched out towards him. Their undulating movements completely captivated Grainger.

    I've seen how quickly you can go bare, she said. And then she laughed in an inimitable way. With a casual movement of her hand, she brushed my long, thick hair out of my face. Her breasts moved as she did so.

    Then she looked at him challengingly.

    What? Are you a little slower now?

    I'm always just as fast as I need to be, Grainger said.

    Well, I'm curious then.

    On what.

    To you.

    Like this?

    And on whether you can keep your promises.

    Grainger smiled enigmatically. Then he fingered a dollar from the pocket of his vest.

    He put it on the dresser.

    I don't have to keep promises, he explained.


    Grainger took the black-haired woman with the big breasts from behind. A wild ride after the ride that had brought him here. Her breasts swayed with every thrust.

    Admit it, it's been a long time since you've had a full woman like me! she said later, after he had poured himself into her.

    She grinned at him.

    At the same time, she stroked her hair out of her face, which had become somewhat disarranged during the wild ride they had now had together.

    Grainger grinned back.

    He said, Anyway, I have no reason to complain about you!

    Complain about me? she returned in mock indignation. Between here and Oklahoma, no man has ever complained about me."

    I'm sure you do.

    I wanted to warn you, by the way.


    Because of the guys you bumped into.

    Grainger raised his eyebrows. I didn't bump into them.

    They see it that way, though.

    Why did you want to warn me?

    "They're bad guys.

    I realize that, too.

    They don't forget anything.

    I can be vindictive, too.

    If I were you, I'd stay out of their way.

    I'll make an effort.

    They were here in this saloon before they clashed with you.


    And they talked.

    I suppose the whiskey loosened their tongues.

    That's exactly how it was.

    And I'm also assuming you've been listening to them and have your sweet ears wide open.

    It was impossible not to overhear what these guys were talking about.

    I understand.

    They're going to rob a bank. Around here, in the next town.

    And why are you telling me this?

    She shrugged her shoulders. I kind of thought you'd like to know. So you could stay out of their way.

    He looked at her.

    I'm not that kind of guy, he said.

    Somehow I was afraid of that.


    His gaze slid down her. Glided over the lush breasts, the exciting curves to the dark triangle between her thighs.

    Her gaze also slid lower.

    You're in lust with me again, she said. It was not a question, but a statement.

    Grainger grinned broadly.

    It's unmissable, isn't it?


    The next morning, Grainger rode on.

    At the end of Main Street, he turned around once more.

    That's when he saw the voluptuous black-haired woman at the upstairs window. She waved to him. The sheet that she had held in front of her naked body slipped to the side.

    Grainger waved back.

    He smiled briefly.

    Then he gave his horse the spurs and let it dash out into the distance.

    A cloud of dust trailed behind him that soon seemed to envelop the lone rider completely.


    Hands up! Nobody move!

    The three men were masked with scarves. One of them was holding a Winchester, the other two were waving their revolvers.

    The men had chosen a favorable time for their plan: Early in the morning, shortly after the bank opened. Then it could be assumed that only a few customers were waiting at the counter.

    Now there stood there - quite scared - two women and a man - and he was not even armed.

    A bag was held out to the somewhat older cashier.

    Pack all cash! came the short, curt order. Hurry up! The teller was so nervous that his bag fell to the floor first. One of the bank robbers cocked the hammer of his revolver and this sound caused the teller to be more careful.

    Carefully he packed the bills into the bag.


    Someone's coming!

    That's all we needed!

    The door opened. A man entered, but before he grasped the situation properly, he had received the butt of the Winchester on the back of his head and slumped to the floor, stunned.

    Man, we gotta go!

    Come on, dude! Hurry up with the bills!

    Let it go. There's enough in there!

    The bag with the money was snatched from the hands of the cashier.

    Then the three masked men - still with weapons ready to fire - stormed out the door.

    But there was no one to stand in their way. They swung onto their horses, which they had tied in front of the bank, and dashed off.


    When the three riders had ridden a few miles sharply, they slowed down. They had long since dropped their neckerchiefs.

    It wasn't particularly much this time, one of them said. His name was Sam Field, he had pitch-black hair, a thin mustache, and a complexion so dark you could almost mistake him for a half-breed.

    It's easy money for that! opined George Malcolm, a tall, almost lanky man whose hair was already a bit graying and whose gaunt face drew a bold profile.

    Believe me, I've had to work a lot harder for a lot less! Malcolm laughed hoarsely. All we had to do was walk in there and pick up the money. No one to get in the way, not even the hint of a Colt being laid on you far and wide! He spat out. "Surely

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