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Parenting Edition: Part 1: A Relationship Divine, #3
Parenting Edition: Part 1: A Relationship Divine, #3
Parenting Edition: Part 1: A Relationship Divine, #3
Ebook164 pages1 hour

Parenting Edition: Part 1: A Relationship Divine, #3

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About this ebook

Are you tired of struggling with your parenting? Do you know how to save yourself from potential disasters or mediocre relationships with your children?
Dr. Bill Koerner had enough with hearing about parenting relationships that had stalled or failed, so he did something about it. As it was revealed to him through his newfound relationship with Christ along with the Biblical principles of scripture, he gave thanks by writing about his experiences and spiritual growth, and created a reference guide for seekers of successful parenting relationships.
Dr. Koerner is a practicing Licensed Specialist in School Psychology, holds a Masters degree in Applied Psychology and a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology. He currently resides and works in the Dallas/Ft Worth area and is the proud father of an 8 year old daughter. Another book written by Dr. Koerner, released at the same time as this text is entitled A Relationship Divine: Discovering and Loving the One Chosen for You, which follows a similar template as the Parenting edition, and addresses building and maintaining exceptional relationships, as well as learning how to rule out potential failures

PublisherBill Koerner
Release dateDec 29, 2022
Parenting Edition: Part 1: A Relationship Divine, #3

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    Book preview

    Parenting Edition - Bill Koerner


    Zoe Grace, my little Sweet-Pea, I hope you will read this someday and understand what your dad was writing about, and that you apply His words to your life, and to your relationships. You are my earthly shining star. I love you with all my heart.

    I thank my twin brother, Bob, and my sisters, Cindy, Mitzi, and Cathy. I would also like to thank all the rest of my family for their inspiration and love. You have all taught me about commitment and support for family.

    To my friends Chris, Jason, Jeff, Mitch, Sam, Nils, Pete, Chad, John and Trey, thanks for being my accountability. God put you in my life for a reason, and I hope that you feel the same way as well.

    To the many other individuals who impacted my life, you inspired me more than you will ever know. It goes to show that God can take any person and any situation and use it for the wellbeing of others.


    This book is dedicated in loving memory to my parents,

    Bill and Betty Koerner.



    Introduction A Relationship Divine: Parent Edition  

    (Part 1)     

    1.  Knowledge, Wisdom, and Obedience

    2. Communication

    3. God Has Everything to do With Your Relationships    

    4. Things God Loves in Relationships (Relationship Imperatives)

    5. Things God Hates in Relationships (Relationship Killers)

    (Part 2)

    6.  Relationship Indicators

    7. Questions You Have to Ask Your Kids

    8. Parent Do’s and Parent Never Do’s

    9. More Food for Thought

    10. Summation

    Subject Index



    a relationship divine: parentING edition

    This text was created because I have seen many relationships falter, whether it was because of poor communication, infidelity, personality differences, stagnation, and the like. This book is meant to be an instrument for parents who need guidance to develop and maintain well-grounded, prosperous relationships with their children.

    There is a plan set up especially for you and your family. This plan was created for you before you were born.

    I have written this book to guide you through the scriptures. Finally, you will become the parents you were meant to be.

    This book is specifically designed for current or future parents. Anyone can acquire spiritual and practical information for your relationships. It is my prayer that you will reference this book often because God works in unique ways. His scripture and this book will provide you with solid guidance in your life. I believe this book will benefit you at times when you may need it most and when you least expect it.

    This text is written so that you are not bogged down with information. Each topic is brief, but do not let its brevity fool you, the information you need is there with very little fluff. There may be places in this text that may seem strongly worded, my intention here is not offend you, but to convict you to be honest and hold yourselves accountable for your actions. People are constantly bombarded with guilty feelings for the things that they do to themselves and others, and so often they could have been avoided.

    Sin is part of our nature, and God knows that, what He requires of you is to learn from those mistakes by seeking forgiveness, asking for guidance and wisdom in the future, and to apply your new God given resolution the next time you are placed in that situation. By doing this you relieve your guilt, and glorify Him by seeking and applying His guidance, comfort, and leadership to your parenting problems.

    If you feel guilty about something, it may be the Holy Spirit working in you. Many times guilt is self-inflicted. We feel guilt when we do things we know are wrong, so it fits that guilt arrives when we are not following His guidance. We can also feel guilt when we make decisions without Him, and things don’t work out the way we intend. Part of this book resides in the fact that if you have God to lead your life, instead of you, you will have peace in your choices. It is part of His checks and balances for us; it helps us stay on His path. The real challenge comes from how we deal with our guilt-do we learn, or do we fall-again and again?

    So, this book represents a journey into those things that are imperative to your search and discovery being a great parent now, and in the future.

    If the Lord is not yet your guide, I encourage you to take this journey. I promise you will not be disappointed. The information you will find in this text is useful, practical, and purposeful, not because I am a great writer, but because I listened to my heart, which is filled with a love for God. The truth is that He also loves you and wants you to experience the joy of knowing Him and applying His precepts for making the best choices you can make in your life and your relationships-His choices.

    How A Relationship Divine is Organized

    The first section of this book speaks of knowledge, wisdom, and obedience; without them, your foundation is weak. These are fundamental to your lives, as well as your parenting relationships.

    The second section is titled Communication; this ability to apply the skills that He has provided for you is an essential part of how you deal with your relationships, and how effective you will be at resolving parenting issues.

    The third section deals with the simple fact that God has everything to do with you, so He has everything to do with your relationships.

    The fourth section called Things God Loves in Relationships (Relationship Imperatives), illustrates those things that He requires of you to demonstrate in your parenting. These are the things that allow you to show Him and your children that you are doing what is righteous.

    The fifth section is titled Things God Hates in Relationships (Relationship Killers) and it describes those things that cause parenting relationships in your lives to falter as they do not come from God. Discussed in this section are reasons why these things are wrong and what you can do to make them right.

    (Part 2)

    Section six reveals the relationship indicators or those things that act as important signs as to how you should react to situations as a parent. There are red, yellow and green flags that you can process in order to prevent disasters as you pursue potential in and with the ones you love.

    Section seven investigates those questions you have to know about your children, as well as being prepared to answer questions from them. Answers to these burning questions can be the difference between heartache and bliss.

    Section eight focuses upon parental do’s and don’ts. It looks at those things you should always do and never do in your relationship with your kids.

    Section nine contains items of significant importance that do not fall into a specific category. Read them as topics to reflect on throughout the day and answer the questions as you did earlier in the text.

    How to Read A Relationship Divine

    This book is set up so that you can take the time to reflect on the topic for the day and begin to apply it to you as a person and then subsequently to you as a parent. I have set up a specific way for you to utilize each lesson to its maximum potential by emphasizing scripture, gathering information related to what scripture is telling you and directing you back to scripture before you ask yourself a few questions for application.

    Complete the topic reading, and if applicable, answer the questions given to you and challenge yourself to answer them honestly. Focus on what you are reading, the information is compacted into a small amount of space but can have significant meaning in your life, so please, do not take it lightly.

    Read and come back to the topic scripture. Why so much emphasis on scripture?  It’s simple! God is perfect and so are His words for you. I can’t think of a better resource than the perfect Word of your creator to show you how to live your life.

    Read the questions for the topic. Be honest with yourself. You are wasting your time if you are holding everyone accountable—except yourself. Even if you think that the day’s topic doesn’t really apply to you, it probably does in some way, or it will at some future time. No matter how close you think you are to the Lord, you

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