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I Vindicated Savak
I Vindicated Savak
I Vindicated Savak
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I Vindicated Savak

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Release dateDec 29, 2022
I Vindicated Savak

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    I Vindicated Savak - Dr. Rouzbeh Azarbarzin


    Why This Book?

    With our respectful token of appreciation to

    The Revolts of Abolghasem Khan

    How SAVAK was formed

    Why did this Assassination take place?

    SAVAK leaders

    Who axed the roots of the country’s security?

    Consequences of Iran’s one-party rule

    Who was the SAVAK pursuing and arresting?

    The Situation of Ofkat Start of 2500 Celebrations

    Bloody Clening Within The Gfk Organization

    Bloody Cleansing in the Organization of Mojahedine Khalgh

    Mortaza Samadie Labaf

    Javad Poursaidi

    Savak in the Persuit of Mojahed Terrorists


    A crime was committed by several people and organizations in the 1970s, by those who did not know that they were committing several crimes, against a nation, the Iranian people. A crime as horrendous as the one committed by the Gestapo during WWII.

    In the nineteenth century, several bright Iranian students were sent to Europe to be educated and return. They received their education and returned home with new ideas. That the feudal system had to go. In the meantime, an Englishman had discovered oil deposits in Iran and had signed an exclusive contract with the king for the exclusive rights to explore for oil in Iran. He ended up selling his rights to the British Government, and British Petrol, BP, was created.

    Because of the unreasonable demands of Naser-Edin-Shah, the signatory of the contract, the BP decided that he and his Qajar Dynasty must go. They chose the brightest and most effective Cossack commander, Reza Khat to go through the ranks, and become the new king of Iran, based on the Constitutional Monarchy, which was written and verified in 1906. The Shiite clerics (British servants) had their input in that Constitution. No bill could become law, without the approval of five top Shiite clerics.

    Reza Khan became king and rendered fantastic service to the superstitious and misguided nation. For centuries, Iranian people had been told that they do not know and cannot understand anything. If they have questions, they should ask their clerics. Somehow, Reza Shah failed to do what had to be done with the runagate clerics. The second world war started, and British Armen Forces were fueled by Iranian oil. General Von Paulus was at the gates of Stalingrad. Sir Winston Churchill knew that if Germany took Stalingrad, from there to Baku oil fields is one day’s march, and from Baku to Abadan two days' work. Should Germany get those oil fields, there will be no stopping to Germany

    In the meantime, Reza Shah understood that working with Germany was to Iran’s benefit. Germans were more reasonable and were more flexible. There were already thousands of Germans in Iran. Churchill concluded that Von Paulus must be stopped. He also understood that without America it cannot be done. Churchill went into action. Allied forces came to Iran, and Prime Minister Foroughi informed Reza Shah that he must leave the country. He signed his resignation and was exiled from the country.

    In the mid-twentieth century, because of many political problems in Iran, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi had his brilliant general Teymur Bakhtiyar create a semi-military police outfit to protect Iran against domestic and foreign enemies. It was called SAVAK for short, which stands for Organization for collecting Information and Protecting the Country. Throughout their existence, they did a fantastic job.

    When in the 1970s, the first Consortium Agreement for twenty0five years was nearing its expiration date, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi needed more money to finance his domestic advancement programs. He had already raised the price of crude oil through OPEC, and this time, he was going to do it on his own. He declared: I am not afraid of their blue eyes, and I am not going to sight the agreement. That did it. The consortium decided that he had to go.

    At the same time, the Soviet Union had become a problem source for the west and America. President Carter asked his adviser, Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, for a solution that would solve both of the problems, in the least costly way. Dr. Brzezinski advocated to use of the hordes of Islam to surround the Soviet Union, and the Shiites to topple the Shah.

    Shiite clerics who had the military organization established for them during the Safavid Dynasty to stop the Ottoman Empire from approaching the British jewel of colonies, India, felt that it was the most opportune time to get on top of the government. They used the tactics established by Omar Ben Khattab to congregate all the mal-content and rise against the Pahlavi king. Come and fight for our beloved Islam. If you die, we guarantee your entry into Islamic Paradise. If you win, Give the oil income to the clerics and take the rest for yourselves. It worked. Al odd and unlikely groups joined in the struggle to take their share of the plundered loot.

    They knew that they had only one obstacle that could stop them, the SAVAK. So, SAVAK had to be dismantled first. They used the international media to make a demon out of SAVAK. They portrayed SAVAK as the most dreaded enemy of mankind. They fabricated lies and fed them to Iranians and the nations of the world. It worked. Shiites killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people to make sure that no one can stop them.

    They were right until somehow, they goofed. They went overboard. They started killing the feminists and females, who are the mothers-to-be of the nation. Without mothers, there will be no

    With our respectful token

    of appreciation to

    Military, law enforcement and Security Forces in the Imperial System, they sacrificed their lives, for the security of the homeland.

    Thanks for the sincere cooperation of the free patriots in informing to clarify the facts behind the leftist propaganda, the occupier national-religious and occupiers were hidden.

    Description of betrayal and crimes of the masses, national-religious, Mojahedin, Fadaiyan Khalgh, leftist groups, student opposition (Association, Federation, Confederatetion) abroad, and some SAVAK traitors in aid Informing the enemies of Iran and Iranians.

    If SAVAK acts against the destroyers of my homeland and our strongholds and torturers of today, the criminal system was the work of the Islamic Republic, while approving it, one by one I acquit the Savakis for their patriotism and security.

    If SAVAK’s action against the treacherous Tudei (communist) Party who wanted Iran for the Russians, I am proud of them.

    If the action of SAVAK was against the Mojahedin and the anti-people and leftist fedayeen who braged with their ideologies copied from Marx, Lenin, Mao, Che Guevara, etc. and those who wanted to kidnap Queen Farah and her son Reza, I became more aware of the need for SAVAK.

    I will publish this lengthy article when the sworn betrayers of Iran and the decedent of historic personalities like Haj[j ebn Yusef and trator turban wearers, together with Tude members and Mojahedin, all leftists, partcularly nationalist-religiuou fanatics are known by all who love Iran.

    From those who have not yet read this article yet, and by seeing the title of this article the very first things that crosses their mind are the negative propaganda that has been spread among them fer decades, they open up a barrage of proverbial artillery of prerecorded fire power, I have this question to ask: What is the duty and function of the security organization in various advanced countries in of the world? Do Americans curse and badmouth the CIA and its operatives? Do Israelites badmouth members of Musad? Do the Britons curse the Intelligence Service, or the MI6? Have ever asked yourselves when and by who did all the anti SAVAK propaganda start from?

    The criminal cleric, whose bloody resume speaks of nothing but his cannibalism (so to speak) and who established the Museum of Example, after forty-three years still claims to be oppressed. Those who badmouth SAVAK without exception, are in the group of traitors, plunderers, and demolishers of the country. Have you ever asked yourself why does the tribure of Queen Elizabeth II bad mouth the SAVAK?

    I am going to point to parts of BBC broadcast

    SAVAK is the mainainer of Shah and summoner of the oposition

    Ctuelty of SAVAK SAVAK is the upropoter of the Cheriks and the educated aristocracy

    SAVAK considers leftists are related to Soviet Russia

    Shahriyari is the SAVAK agent in Tude Party

    Battle of Siyahgel

    Rebelion against forgetfulness, support of artists of Samad Behrangi

    Takhti and his death, and unanswered question after forty years

    From Iran to Egypt, how did the revolution occur

    Calendar of the revolution

    Abraham in fire

    First-hand report on the exposure of Daneshian and Golserkhi

    The shameless turban-wearing clerics are on the first line of bad mouthers against SAVAK, the same guys who in the last four decades have executed thousands of Iranian youth just because of free-thinking, and opposition to regime that governs based on fourteen centuries old barbarian laws.

    Among those who lost their lives, there are people from the military, SAVAK, Royalists, to leftists like Mojaheds and Fadaiis, Tudeis and other leftist groups. There are also many killings among the other religious groups like Sunni Muslims, Bahaiis, and minorities like Nationalist-Muslims.

    During the previous regime, did SAVAK have any animosity with religious minorities, particularly with Bahaiis? Did SAVAK ever sexually assault young virgin girls before their execution? Did SAVAK ever hand pregnant women? Did SAVAK ever executed young burs and girls by firing squad? The bad mouthers of SAVAK are right, because SAVAK did not act according to the Islamic Juris Prudence.

    For forty-four years you have been an observer of the inhuman, regressive, ignorant and murderous deeds of this Islamic regime and the animal-like actions of their Intelligence services, and you still talk about SAVAK! The SAVAK that was saving Iran for you and your posterity? Those who wrote tons of material about the supposed monstrous acts committed by the SAVAK agents, why are they silent now? Do they know anything about the acts of regime’s Military intelligent service, the Pasdaran Armi and the Basiji and Palestinian killers?

    In the bloody behavior of Islamic Republic of Iran they tried tirelessly to affect changes in the way of thinking of their political and religious prisoners, and convert them into obedient citizens. They tried every trick in the books. They forced them to refer to their monsters as Brothers.

    Had the SAVAK called the Evin Prison a University? Has SAVAK ever called Gouhar Shad prison, where they executed thousands of independent thinkers and anti-regime activists, as the Center for Education?

    Can you compare Akhund Hasan Taeb to the cruelest monsters of all times among all of the nations? We read in Islamic literature that if all nations put all of their criminal minded people on one side or a scale, and Hajaj ebn Yusef on the other, The Islamic side will win. If Hajaj was alive today, and witnessed the criminal acts of the maimed-brain and maimed-

    iand seeing the name of its thousands of bad and they ask me: the role of security organizations in countries what is different world? Do Americans Curse CIA People? They will send it. Do Israelis speak ill of Mossad? Do parasites to intelligence service staff and their MI6 say insults? Does it yourself you asked, slander against SAVAK by which individuals and organizations in how many recent decades have passed? A criminal mullah who has a disgraceful record and his blood testifies to cannibalism, with the knowledge of the Museum of Lessons, still behind from forty-one years of cruelty, he looks oppressed. Those from Bad SAVAK they say, without exception, in the ranks of destroyers, looters and the homeland the sellers are standing. Have you ever wondered why the Queen’s Spokesman?

    Is Britain saying all this bad about SAVAK? To a corner of BBC activity London in opposition to SAVAK:

    SAVAK, the king’s bodyguard and mobilizer of the opposition the atrocities of the SAVAK and the ax of the guerrillas and the educated to the roots of the country from SAVAK: Left groups and their relationship with the Soviet Union Shahriari, a SAVAK spy in the Tudeh Party Battle of Siahkal rebellion against forgetfulness, artists’ narration of Samad Behrangi throne and his death, after forty years, unanswered question From Iran to Egypt, how did the revolution happen?

    Revolution Calendar

    Abraham in the fire

    A first-hand account of the revelation of scholars and Golsorkhi correct the bi azarm in next page.

    Dastar Band Azram, the occupier, was in the front line of slandering SAVAK. There are dozens of people talking about SAVAK in the last four decades, thousands of children of Iran just because of dissent and opposition the medieval system of Velayat-e-Faqih has been executed. Amid this soul losers of all kinds tend to be found. Azartshi and Savaki and the monarchy demand for Mujahid, Fada’i, Tudeh, and leftist forces. From Sunni and Baha’i and ethnic to national-religious minorities. Is in the imperial system, SAVAK did it have anything to do with religious minorities, especially the Baha’is? Is in the system did the SAVAK empire rape virgin girls? Do pregnant women execute? Do SAVAK bring young boys and girls to squads execute? The right is on the side of those who speak ill of SAVAK, because SAVAK did not have Islamic justice. Forty-one years watching the bloody system, reactionary and Islamic ignorance and crime with the brutal actions of agents you have been informed about it and you are still talking about SAVAK. Savaki who can want to keep Iran for you. Silence of those about SAVAK Masnavi Haftad Man wrote against forty-one years of cruel performance what are the intelligence agents of the regime and the Revolutionary Guards? On a bloody diet the Islamic Republic tried very hard to get the idea through psychological pressures logically and physically transform the prisoners and, according to them, repent of them build. In the torture chambers of the Islamic Republic, prisoners were forced has Muslim butchers and rapists to honor the honor of girls and women, brother did SAVAK call Evin Prison a university? Is SAVAK went to Gohar Dasht Prison, which is the massacre of thousands of anti-regime dissidents they were Arab caliphs, what did the training center mean? Do the opposite Mullah Hussein Tayeb, you can see the most angry and scary faces of different nations put? In Islamic books we read that if the entire world are criminals and put your animal in a scales and Muslims are the only pilgrims leave Ibn Yusuf, the scales will fall in favor of the Muslims. If today, the pilgrims were alive and the crimes of the incomplete leader and incomplete membership he saw the Islamic Republic, are you proud of your cruelty? If SAVAK he wanted everything for Iran and Iranians, the IRGC intelligence agents and those who are under the command of the president, everything for they want the criminal Seyyed Ali Khamenei to remain. Mercenaries who in its kind of Taliban effort, it has made Iran the forerunner of the demonic religion of Islam they took. Today, even the detainees themselves do not talk about pilgrims.

    The crimes of even the most despicable intelligence agents of the clerical regime and the rulers of Sharia it is superior to the cruelty of the pilgrims. Intelligence agents of the hand-picked system the great criminals are Khomeini Vajan, who died in the last days of his miserable life issued a horrific order of genocide in the summer of 1967. Is Khamenei today, the criminal, as the Supreme Leader, did the same thing that Khomeini did he does not give? We still speak ill of the patriots of the security forces, but to Gilani the executioner who issued death sentences without even knowing the name of the prisoner He did, we have nothing to do. If SAVAK was looking for Assadollah Lajevardi yesterday, it was because this predatory and cannibalistic animal was the head of Iran’s prisons do not. If SAVAK was looking for Sadegh Khalkhali, it was because of this the crazy cat killer did not kill ten thousand people in Kurdistan Qarna village puts infants in the middle of a big fire ordered by him the predatory guards had made up their minds not to throw. SAVAK is looking for Hadi Ghaffari was a criminal, following Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the terrorist group’s liaison the Islamic Mutlaq and the Shahab monotheistic group are responsible for setting the cinema on fire and with points and government centers were in the time of the Shah. This is an imperfect leader and an imperfect member it was the Islamic Republic that ordered the fuel to be set on fire along with the cinema Rex Abadan gave to the criminal mullah Mousavi Tabrizi Ali Shariati was a great deceiver and deceiver who brainwashed the youth caused the death of tens of thousands of people and prescribed the school of martyrdom he willed to bury his dirty and non-Iranian body in Damascus, Syria leave it. Day and night, the criminal leaders of the clerical regime for the raw people our thoughts speak of the cruelty of SAVAK, Shabani and Tehrani, but none of them refer to all these executions and tortures in the Islamic Republic do not have. More than 2,000 people were killed last November, did Sheikh Hassan did Rouhani issue an order to follow up?

    Are there any criminals like Lajevardi, Ghaffari, Saeed Mortazavi, Mostafa Pour Mohammadi, Razini, Dori Najafabadi, Ebrahim Raisi, Hussein Tayeb, and .... wanted an account? By bilateral review of SAVAK Zaman Shah and government intelligence and the Revolutionary Guards and address how torture and its aftermath, our people have realized the facts and I hope so the black case of the lying and deceitful murderers of the Islamic Republic is more than open the past. As the facts become clear, you may agree with me, and you also acquit SAVAK. The work of the brutal mercenaries of the Islamic Republic in killing pregnant women and raping fourteen-year-old girls, out of nothing savaki nodded.

    My share of SAVAK and the patriotism lesson I learned from it I was in the third year of college and at that time I was breaking the glass of the bulletin board the honorary college was big enough!! In one of the demonstrations of Tehran University by the riot guard of the University of Tehran, based on West Side Street it was university, I was arrested. There were several of us who took us to Captain Behnam’s room they gave gifts. At the beginning, because I was the first person, a strong slap from I ate Ostovar Ghanbar Haj Molaei, who was protested by Captain Atai. I had seen so many police films that I knew the role of good police and bad police I was. That day, the lesson of patriotism was taught to me by that knowledgeable and humane officer today I am intoxicated by its fragrance. Captain Atai after checking the card my student asked me: I can ask the reason for your dissatisfaction I said: Captain, you mean you do not know, so much discrimination, so much difference class, so many shortages and inadequacies in work. He interrupted me and asked: Who do you think is the cause of all these things that you mentioned? Who and who are the causes of these failures that you mention? What someone must turn the wheels of the country as you ideally should. Mr. Doctor, in a few years you will oversee work, do not chant slogans, and act you are the builders of tomorrow’s country, I am sorry you are pure youth, you are the tool of a handful of patriots. Captain seeing my long silence, Atai said to Haj Molaei: "With Mr. Doctor, I have nothing to do, they can go. Suddenly a scary nightmare that when I was arrested by SAVAK, it was erased from my mind and to Captain Atai I said: Captain, never your words and your humane attitude I do not forget. I promise to ask for what is for Iran and Iranians and after 50 years, I keep my promise to Captain Atai I am standing. March 1335 solar year of the Intelligence and Security Organization of the country with the name abbreviation of SAVAK to maintain internal security and external information it was established by the order of the late Shah and for 22 years the pulse of internal security and possessed foreign information. SAVAK had eleven departments Among them, the Third General Directorate had more power and authority. Headquarters SAVAK was on Soltanabad Street. According to the late Shah, the purpose of forming SAVAK was to end its activities It was destructive at home and abroad against Iran. Good Shah of Iran found the greatest danger from the northern neighbor, Russia, and the party the KGB was a traitor to the Tudeh.

    General Timur Bakhtiar, the first head of SAVAK

    March 1335 solar of the country’s intelligence and security organization with the name abbreviation of SAVAK to maintain internal security and external information it was established by the order of the late Shah and for 22 years the pulse of internal security and possessed foreign information. SAVAK had eleven departments among them, the Third General Directorate had more power and authority. Headquarters SAVAK was on Soltanabad Street.

    According to the late Shah, the purpose of forming SAVAK was to end its activities it was destructive at home and abroad against Iran. Good Shah of Iran found the greatest danger from the northern neighbor, Russia and the party listen to the KGB, the Tudeh Party was all over the place.

    SAVAK was established three years after Mossadegh’s sedition. Up front from SAVAK, the responsibility of establishing security in the country is the responsibility of the General Police it was a country. SAVAK was one of the subdivisions of the Prime Minister its head was appointed by the king. Duties of SAVAK, obtaining the necessary information for maintain national security, detect espionage, deal with those who break the law to confront those who called for violence with firearms, the perpetrators of military crimes and the perpetrators of the assassination were the king and the crown prince. Comparison SAVAK during the time of the late Shah with the intelligence organizations of our Islamic Republic it leads to an undeniable fact that SAVAK does everything he wanted for Iran and Iranians, while in the Republic of ignorance and madness and Islamic crime is merely the preservation of the position of leadership and the guardianship of the jurisprudent. In the age of the late Shah, if SAVAK members committed a crime, they would be among the officers they were considered judicial and tried according to the laws of military courts.

    At the Islamic Republic, the more the intelligence people dance, the more the more they commit crimes, the more they are encouraged and rewarded. After Khomeini’s sedition in June 1942, SAVAK provided specialized departments. At that time, 5300 officers in various categories worked for SAVAK they did. Maintaining security inside and outside Iran by SAVAK, to nothing.

    It was not a pleasant aspect of foreign colonial powers. In the year 1374 AD.

    Newsweek in a biased and irresponsible report on the presentation of the document and the document claimed that 3 million Iranians reported Chinese news for SAVAK, that is, something close to ten percent of the people of a country to work Chinese news they are busy in favor of SAVAK.

    Specifically, the third department of SAVAK in suppressing anti-monarchist elements

    They wanted to put Iran in the hands of the communists, a widespread activity had.

    The threat of communist influence led SAVAK to cooperate with the US CIA information field to cooperate. CIA, information about countries the Soviet Union provided Afghanistan and the Arab states to SAVAK, and SAVAK in exchange for information about the Tudeh Party, the Fada’i guerrillas and back to the Muslim homeland in the Arab terrorist camps they were trained to integrate Iran into the CIA. Abroad, Iranian Embassy in Geneva, headquarters, and headquarters SAVAK was an operation for Europe that monitored dissidents and conspirators was in charge. In 1975, four years before the sedition Khomeini, the Swiss government in a predetermined action, Ahmad Malek Mahdavi, the first secretary of the Iranian embassy, claiming to be a member of SAVAK he expelled his country. General Timur Bakhtiar, the first head of SAVAK in 1293 Khorshidi Dar.

    The Kurdish city was born. For reasons I will recount, agents 9 SAVAK killed him in Diyala, Iraq in 1349. His father

    Fath Ali Khan was one of the great khans of Bakhtiari tribe. Fath Ali Khan was a member of the National Assembly for two terms.

    Timur’s first wife Bakhtiar, Iran Bakhtiari, daughter of Sardar Zafar Bakhtiari and his second wife, Ghodrat she was one of the Qajar princes. Queen Soraya Esfandiari, wife of the late Shah and Dr. Shapur Bakhtiar, the last prime minister of the Pahlavi dynasty from his uncle they were born to Timur Bakhtiar.

    Timur Bakhtiar studied with his cousin Shapur Bakhtiar in Beirut and in one the French school was accompanied. After Lebanon, Timur Bakhtiar went to France, he studied at the military school of San Seir, with the rank of second lieutenant he left school and returned to Iran. In Iran, he was promoted to the rank of first lieutenant he was transferred to Zahedan and in 1321 solar with the rank of captain Tehran returned. Timur Bakhtiar in 1325 from the commanders of the cavalry regiment it was an attack that managed to take Azerbaijan out of the hands of the traitor Jafar Pishevari take out the deposit.

    Seyyed Jaffar Pishevari

    Timur Bakhtiar entered the Faculty of War in 1326 and completed the Davos period passed. In 1329, he had achieved the rank of colonel.

    Timur Bakhtiar in 1331, the revolt of Abolghasem Khan Bakhtiar in Isfahan suppressed.

    Mufakhm and a grandson of Imam Qoli Khan Ilkhani and his mother Behjat Al-Saltanah, daughter of Abdullah Mirza Heshmat Al-Dawlah was the grandson of Abbas Mirza Qajar, one of the khans of the villages Kamra and Khomeini were considered Abolghasem Khan studied in Tehran for a few years, at the age of 14 at the age of one, he left for London to continue his education. He spent 5 years in the UK he studied electricity and electronics. He died in 1314 khorshidi in Tehran with Babi Azimeh Bakhtiar, daughter of Nasir Khan Sardar the war got married Abolghasem Khan Bakhtiari after Shahrivar 1320 solar by the government was appointed governor of Kashan. His orientation and service the arrival of the Germans caused him to leave the governorship of Kashan after six months dismissed and summoned to Tehran.

    In 1325, when the government mobilized the army for the sake of Azerbaijan, Abolghasem Khan with many Bakhtiaris in the suppression of the democratic sect and freedom of the Azerbaijan region participated. In the solar year 1330 when Dr. Mossadegh became prime minister, Abolghasem Khan Bakhtiar became prime minister he ended his isolation and was appointed governor of Kurdistan he was fired for 9 months on charges of having ties with the Russians. The first time in connection with the Germans and once again in connection with the Russians!

    The Revolts of Abolghasem Khan

    In 1321 and 1331, he started uprisings and riots in the Bakhtiari tribe attacked the Pahlavi government. There were two stages of the uprising that had different reasons and motives which include: restoring the lost power of the Bakhtiari tribe, loss his government positions, the destruction of the Pahlavi government for killing Bakhtiari Khans in 1313 and the seizure of their property.

    Some Bakhtiari officials were pro-British, but in World War II World War I and World War II, mostly young leaders, and readers, and most of them they turned to Germany because of their hatred of Britain. When Abolghasem Khan 1320 was dismissed from the governorship of Kashan along with several readers Mufakhm and a grandson Imam Qoli Khan Ilkhani and his mother Behjat Al-Saltanah, daughter of Abdullah Mirza Heshmat Al-Dawlah was the grandson of Abbas Mirza Qajar, one of the khans of the villages Kamra and Khomeini were considered Abolghasem Khan studied in Tehran for a few years, at the age of 14 at the age of one, he left for London to continue his education. He spent 5 years in the UK he studied electricity and electronics. He died in 1314 khorshidi in Tehran with Babi Azimeh Bakhtiar, daughter of Nasir Khan Sardar the war got married Abolghasem Khan Bakhtiari after Shahrivar 1320 solar by the government was appointed governor of Kashan. His orientation and service the arrival of the Germans caused him to leave the governorship of Kashan after six months.

    In 1325, when the government mobilized the army for the sake of Azerbaijan, Abolghasem Khan with many Bakhtiaris in the suppression of the democratic sect and freedom of the Azerbaijan region participated. In the solar year 1330 when Dr. Mossadegh became prime minister, Abolghasem Khan Bakhtiar became prime minister he ended his isolation and was appointed governor of Kurdistan he was fired for 9 months on charges of having ties with the Russians. The first time in connection with the Germans and once again in connection with the Russians!

    The revolts of Abolghasem Khan

    In 1321 and 1331, he started uprisings and riots in the Bakhtiari tribe attacked the Pahlavi government. There were two stages of the uprising that had different reasons and motives which include: restoring the lost power of the Bakhtiari tribe, loss his government positions, the destruction of the Pahlavi government for killing Bakhtiari Khans in 1313 and the seizure of their property.

    Some Bakhtiari officials were pro-British, but in World War II

    World War I and World War II, mostly young leaders, and readers, and many of them they turned to Germany because of their hatred of Britain. When Abolghasem Khan 1320 was dismissed from the governorship of Kashan along with several readers Kohgiluyeh secretly left and moved to Isfahan. After upon learning of Khan Bakhtiari’s departure, the government issued an arrest warrant for him     .

    Abolghasem Khan after seeing the situation to start the insurgency letter to readers and sheriffs wrote and asked them for help and their intentions informed on March 18, 1980, Aloni checkpoint was captured and the whole area was three the village was given to Abolghasem Khan. In Nowruz 1321, he was able to disarm the Lords garrison. With the spread of Colonel Shamsi’s revolt to a personal intermediary named Alizadeh, who had a friendship with Abolghasem Khan, it paved the way for General Zahedi to meet with Abu al-Qasim Khan. Meeting it was performed in Gerdbisheh in May 1321 and Abolghasem Khan gave up he revolted and went to Isfahan, instead representing the army in Bakhtiari, he returned to the Bakhtiari region. Taking the position, Abolghasem Khan renounced stubbornness with the Pahlavi dynasty.

    The second revolt of Abolghasem Khan took place in the second half of 1331 and in the middle it ended on the first of 1332, which was the year of Abolghasem Khani among the Bakhtiaris Abolghasem Khan is famous in this revolt along with Bakhtiari gunmen confrontation with the forces of the Pahlavi government arose and in areas of Bakhtiari from including Koohrang, Bazaft, Dashtak, Ardel, and Mizdaj to gather forces pay and fights and fierce clashes with army forces had. Abolghasem Khan’s instrument This time, Mossadegh was weakened by the British was!! 0 But Abul Qasem Khan in his speeches in Bakhtiar his goal declare the glory of Bakhtiar and defend the rights of the people of Bakhtiar finally, with the division between the Bakhtiari Khans and the severe repression of the Pahlavi government the revolt failed and Abu al-Qasim Khan agreed to negotiate with the government took Abolghasem Khan Bakhtiar in 1332 by Timur Bakhtiar, son of a brother he himself was arrested and taken to Tehran, where the late Shah pardoned him. Khan Bakhtiar on September 6, 1963, at the age of 42. He died in Tehran and was buried in the courtyard of Shah Abdolazim.

    Six months after the uprising of 28 August and with Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh and after due to the inability of the head of the prosecutor Farhad Lashkar to become the military governor of Timur Bakhtiar was called from Kermanshah and promoted to the rank of brigadier general and was appointed under the command of the 2nd Armored Division, the center was appointed governor of Tehran.

    Timur Bakhtiar in 1333, the underground organization of the Tudeh Party in the army, discover the police and gendarmerie and the network of officers of the traitorous Tudeh Party severely repressed. Timur Bakhtiar was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the government Mossadegh, Dr. Hossein Fatemi, who was actively fighting the Pahlavi regime arrest.

    Dr. Seyyed Hosein Fatemi

    Fatemi and Dr. Ali Shayegan are prominent figures in the left wing of the Mossadegh government identify. He survived the assassination of Mohammad Mehdi Abdul Khodaei during his ministry, he received the highest national emblem known as the Homayoun Emblem he received the hand of the late king and ate the salt, breaking the saltshaker.

    Fatemi and Dr. Mossadegh

    Hossein Fatemi joined the traitorous Tudeh Party in July 1322 and the following year the Russians demanded oil from the north, a dispute between Fatemi and Tudeh party leaders and he was expelled from the Tudeh Party. Tudeh Party Newspapers he and his brother Seifpour were attacked for years. In the fall of 1323 Front Esteghlal Press was formed by Seyyed Zia-ud-Din Tabatabai with the aim of it was a struggle against the Tudeh Party and the Russians. Hossein Fatemi in the newspaper Bakhtiar today was the most severe attack on the Shah. It was Hussein Fatemi who was the base the first Iranian organizations destroyed ten national fronts. Newspaper Today, the pillars of the National Front are identified. At the suggestion of Hossein Fatemi on the 10th of Aban, 1328, the Iranian front was officially declared a national wind exists and the National Front Propaganda Commission in the hands of Hussein Fatemi, Muzaffar Baghaei, Abolhassan Haerizadeh, Abdolqader Azad, Hossein Maki and Abbas Khalili falls. With the efforts of the National Front, eight of its members to the 16th parliament was elected and Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh became the first representative of Tehran. Hussein Fatemi has strongly attacked the Prime Minister Razmara, which caused he is arrested, but released three days later.

    On 12 May 1330, Mossadegh introduced his cabinet members Hussein Fatemi was elected political and parliamentary deputy. On 25 Bahman 1330, Hossein Fatemi by Abd Khodaei who from the terrorists of the Fadaiyan-e-Islam organization were assassinated, but they survived in 1331, with the resignation of Hossein Nawab from the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hossein Fatemi takes his place. One of the Fatimid tasks is to close the embassy Britain was a spy. On the night of August 15, 1953, officers, and soldier’s patriot with the uprising against Mossadegh, Hossein Fatemi arrested and ordered dismissal Mossadegh is issued. Mossadegh was also arrested by the Royal Guard and Nasiri caused the Shah to leave the country. The same night, Hossein Fatemi was released and with his sharp pen demands the removal of the Shah and the Pahlavi dynasty. In the morning of the 28th of August 1943, the office of Bakhtar newspaper is occupied today. Secret Fatimid and his hiding period last until March 27, 1963. the most he spends his hiding time in the house of Dr. Mohseni, a pharmacist. Hossein Fatemi was executed on November 10, 1963. Mullah Seyed Reza Zanjani Talash many do to prevent the execution of Fatimids and even mullahs Boroujerdi also asks for help and Boroujerdi tells him: The British hate Fatemi, the Shah is weak and something I cannot do it!!) The religious standards of the struggles of Nawab Safavid and Fadaiyan Islam by Khosrow Shahi (with the coming to power of mullahs, Dr. Fatemi he became dear and in Tehran a street and a square were named after him. In Kermanshah Farah Street was renamed after him and in Sari Peyvandi Street was renamed after him, they gave. Shiro Khorshid Hospital in Ardabil during the time of Reza Shah Bozorg it was established and was called Fatemi, and in Ahvaz there was a street in Amaniyeh they named him after Fatemi. It was only in Isfahan that naming a street named after him was associated with protests by Basijis and Ansar Hezbollah, and his name removed and replaced it with Bahonar’s name. Bakhtiar launched a large-scale campaign against the traitorous Tudeh Party, 24 people the leaders arrested it. He also called Khalil Tahmasebi the killer of Razmara he was executed with the support of Dr. Mossadegh and Akhund Kashani. Following Timur Bakhtiar traveled to the United States in February 1960 and met with John F. Kennedy, the deceitful policy of the Americans who always carry the dagger to the heart they brought a friend and caused him to be sprayed against Timur Bakhtiar.

    The Americans informed the king that your agent was here to expand terrible corruption has spoken in the ruling regime of Iran!!!!! Bakhtiar from the Shah’s inability to lead Iran has been said!! This caused the Shah forced one of the most pious and patriotic Iranian officers to resign and Timur Bakhtiar from the position of chairman in March 1980 SAVAK should be removed. Bakhtiar was now a critic of the regime. The doctor Ali Amini asks the Shah to imprison Bakhtiar, who opposes the Shah encountered. Ali Amini also deports Timur Bakhtiar from Iran. Bakhtiar first went to Switzerland and Geneva and made his struggle against the Shah public slowly He is not only with Ruhollah Khomeini in Iraq, but also with Radmanesh, the secretary general the Tudeh Party is also meeting. Bakhtiar enters Lebanon with weapons and equipment nezami causes him to be arrested and kept in prison for 9 months.

    The Shah’s government tried to bring Bakhtiar back to the country despite support of Jamal Abdel Nasser and General de Gaulle were without result. By official invitation General Saleh Mehdi Amash by the then President of Iraq Hassan Al-Bakr, Timur Bakhtiar goes to Iraq. In 1348, the case of Timur Bakhtiar referred to the Supreme Court No. 1 for military treason is. Bakhtiar was sentenced to death and on August 7, 1970, operational agents SAVAK shot him in a hunting ground in Diyala, Iraq, and Bakhtiar left he was taken to the hospital after being injured and died on August 16, 1970.

    Timur Bakhtiar was a brave and Iran-friendly officer, he was forgiving and above extraordinary hands and heart. He was a rational man and if he was unloved, he was not loyal to the king, and he loved his country. May his soul be happy.

    Shameless propaganda of the regime of ignorance, madness, and Islamic crime against SAVAK the presence of foreign guests and the oppression of the criminal leader of the regime and the ruthless clergyman Seyyed Ali Khamenei, whose hand is stained by tens of thousands of Iranians.

    When intellectuals turned their backs on the homeland, such as Jalal al-Ahmad the event that led to the death of a famous person in Iran is considered by SAVAK they did not think about the end of how, because of their propaganda, Iran it is lost and once again occupied by the children of Hajjaj Ibn Yusuf.

    Khomeini goes to Feyziyeh

    The fact that our intellectuals’ view is Khomeini’s arrest by SAVAK they ate raw food. In September 1347, Samad Behrangi, the author of the book Little Black Fish he had won the Royal Prize while swimming in the Aras River and again Jalal Al-Ahmad attributes it to SAVAK.

    Samad Behrangi

    Samad Behrangi was born on July 23, 1318, in Charandab neighborhood of Tabriz story writer. According to Abbas Milani, who has written in recent years is based on the lies of intellectuals against SAVAK and the late Shah, Samad Little Black Fish Book the Role of the Organization’s Informal Statement the terrorist was the devotees of the Iranian people. His father was a seasonal worker who went to the Caucasus he left and never returned to his family. Samad in October 1334 to the boys’ elementary school of Tabriz went and the teacher of Mamqan villages, Ghazi Jahan, Gugan, Akhi Jahan and Azar became the city.

    He objected to the textbooks of Iran at

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