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Heart Wars 2
Heart Wars 2
Heart Wars 2
Ebook43 pages38 minutes

Heart Wars 2

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*****  A deeply personal story told brilliantly!


Benedict and Jeanette discover they have a feeling for each other and are both confused about it. Jeanette seeks advice from a good old Mrs, Manny, who helps her understand that feelings for Benedict are real. Benedict looks for a sign of approval from God and gets it through his late wife. At the park, they confess their love to each other and start dating. But hard luck falls on Benedict's business and Jeanette hears the kids accuse of her causing misfortune in the family one day.


Would Benedict be able to come to terms with his feeling for Jeanette?


Would the kids accept that Jeanette has come to stay their lives permanently?


Would Jeanette be able to cope with the kids and Benedict?


Enjoy this story of the two adults who are trying to understand their feeling for each oher.

Release dateSep 24, 2021
Heart Wars 2

Kwan Chak Tang

Kwan Chak Tang lives in the Netherland. Before he started writing book stories., had graduated with a secondary school degree in a mechanic in MBO Amersfoort. He had always dreamed of how to develop children well with his book story.

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    Book preview

    Heart Wars 2 - Kwan Chak Tang



    Their faces were so close she could feel his breath on her face. He had an earthy, woody scent. She inhaled deeply, closing her eyes. Currents were coursing through her being. She licked her lips, drawing closer. The loud knock on the door jarred them to reality. Jeanette stood there looking everywhere but at him. Wanting to move but not moving. The knock had frozen them. She couldn't understand why her whole body wanted this man so much. Her cheeks were flaming red, the color of the roses in Mrs. Manny's garden. Benedict, too stood there, staring at her. His feelings for this woman confused him. They were so close to kissing each other. He could already imagine what those plump pink lips would taste like. He couldn't believe he was having thoughts like this just a few weeks after his wife's death. I'll go get the door Jeanette broke the silence between them that was heavy with unfulfilled desires. When Jeanette opened the door, it was the mailman who stood there. He was a short stocky man. He had tufts of white hair coming out of his ear and nostrils. And could easily pass for a Sprite. Mail, The mailman said, handing it over to her. Benedict went over and signed for it. Their bodies touching in that narrow doorway made Jeanette very self-conscious. She wondered if the mailman had noticed it. This thick tension between them. Benedict said something about going off to his workshop to work on something and disappeared. Jeanette was left alone in the living room. She slumped on one of the soft cushiony chairs. She suddenly felt tired. She let her long slender fingers caress the hand-embroidered chair covers. She knew Benedict had made up the silly excuse to get away from her. She let her thoughts dwell on the fact that they almost kissed. What was going on with her? She couldn't remember the last time she longed for a man this way. She picked up the book he had been reading and turned the yellowed pages. Each page seemed to tell its own story. It was obvious it was thumbed often. She tried to read it, but her mind soon wandered from the book back to Benedict.


    Benedict sat in his workshop. He fiddled with a shoe sole. Not doing anything with it but just holding it. He made an excuse to get away from Jeanette. She made his mind reel. He couldn't believe he had drawn her to himself for an actual kiss. He rubbed his hand repeatedly around his head. He needed to be careful around her. What if the kids had seen them. Then they would have some explaining to do. He didn't even want to think about Chelsea. He felt guilty. When the kids got back from Mrs. Manny's house. She prepared dinner for them. Lilian helped her in the kitchen. She realized Lilian knew her way around the kitchen very well. Jeanette thought it was commendable for a girl her age. Where's daddy? Lilian asked. She was a sharp girl who noticed the tiniest details. "I think he's in

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