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Declare Your Power
Declare Your Power
Declare Your Power
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Declare Your Power

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I don't know if you know this or not, but you possess immense power inside of you - power given to you by God. It's time for you to use this power to effect positive changes in your life and the lives of those around you. This incredible power is only unlocked faith in God, and through your understanding of His prom

Release dateMay 6, 2022
Declare Your Power

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    Declare Your Power - Renita Kirkman


    DO YOU OFTEN FIND YOURSELF IN A DAZE, SAYING, I know there has got to be more to life than what I’m living?

    Do you find yourself living life or just simply existing?

    Does the enemy try to silence your voice when you try to reach to the depths of your soul to find strength?

    Arise and shine for your light has come! Together we will decree and declare that you will live life and live it more abundantly. It’s time to open your mouth! Your words have great power, more than you could ever imagine. Proverbs 18:21 says, The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. The things we declare will manifest themselves in one of two ways: either to our prosperity or to our failure. If we declare good and godly things that are aligned with His will for our life, we will see to fruition the fulfillment of our ultimate potential in Him. If we declare worldly and selfish things in our lives, we will reap the harvest of those as well.

    I came from having nothing to having everything because God taught me how to talk. Before I could talk, he taught me like a child. I used a board, pictures, words, and markers. I pasted pictures and words on a board of what I desired my life to be like. As I grew in the Lord, my boards got more detailed, and I began to read the Word of God more and become more engaged with His promises. The Word of God says to draw near to Him, and He will draw near to you (James 4:8). I began to watch my words and decree scriptures out loud along with prayer and worship. It matters what you listen to and what you allow to penetrate your spirit. In Matthew 6:21, Jesus says, For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. What Jesus is teaching us here is that what we choose to invest our time and energy in will have a big impact on our lives. It works in both positive and negative ways. For example, if you devote your time and energy to worldly pursuits like the accumulation of wealth and put your faith on the back burner, you’ll begin to live a life separated from the abundant life that’s available through faith in Christ. But if you prioritize the spiritual disciplines of Bible reading, prayer, and fellowship in your life, your relationship with God will bloom! To use a phrase we all know, you’ll reap what you sow! That’s why it’s essential that we sow seeds of righteousness and faith in our lives.

    Your mind must be renewed daily because where your mind is your head will follow. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth will speak. What’s on the inside will come out. If the word of God is in your heart it will flow out of your mouth. If your heart is filled with negativity, hatred, jealousy, etc., it likewise will come out.

    Word curses are real! If you say you’re broke, you will be broke. The word of God says He has never seen the righteous forsaken nor His seed begging for bread. He pours blessings upon our lives daily, and He has given us the power to obtain wealth! The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want! Why do we contradict the word of God? As we build a relationship with God and speak His word, He will then trust us. We will then see the manifestation of His spoken word. His words speak volumes. His word is sharp and alive.

    Many today believe that the Bible is merely an old and outdated book with nothing to offer the modern world. This couldn’t be further from the truth! The Bible is abundant in wisdom for each and every new generation of believers! This current mindset is merely a deception of the enemy. In fact, the world needs God’s Word more than ever!

    The Bible contains the truth of God, us, and the world we live in, all within its pages. Through it, God speaks love, identity, and purpose into our lives. As we spend time in His Word daily, we grow closer and closer in relationship with Him. Through that relationship, He shares His power with us. The Bible is our gateway to fully embracing and walking in our role as children of God!

    He has called us to be a light to a world of darkness and a messenger of His Word. The Words we speak into the world have a lasting impact that we could never even know. That’s precisely why God has equipped us with His Holy Spirit and called us to spread the Good News of the Gospel all over the earth. We must declare His love and truth not only in our own lives, but to the people we encounter daily.

    God has put this profound calling on our lives and He fills us with everything we need to see it through to fruition. God has created you as a unique individual with something special to offer the world, all for the glory and building up of His eternal Kingdom. He places dreams within our hearts so that we can walk in the purpose He has prepared and equipped us for.

    Why are we afraid to pursue our dreams when God has not given us a spirit of fear? You must speak this word over your life daily! He tells us several times in the Bible to be not afraid! But are we actually listening to Him?

    I decided to let go of a spirit of fear and embrace the spirit of power that God offered me. I began to see the hand of God move in me and my family’s life. I began to look at myself in the mirror and say, I am the head and not the tail. I am the lender and not the borrower. I began to sow seeds where the word was rich, and my spiritual life began to grow in such abundance. As I grew spiritually, spiritual warfare grew more intense. That gave me even more reason to open my mouth to let the enemy know that I am more than a conqueror and that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. The weapons of my warfare are not carnal but mighty for pulling down strongholds. Was it easy? No. Is it easy now? No. In fact, I wanted to give up, but the Word of God lets me know to press toward the mark of the high call in Christ Jesus.

    Accepting Christ into our hearts and walking through the Christian life doesn’t mean that we are going to have it easy. Even Christ Himself suffered! But what we are promised is something even greater than comfort and safety in this life. We are promised eternity by Jesus’ side in God’s everlasting Kingdom. What could be better than that?

    The vision of this glorious Kingdom is shown to us in Revelation 21:1-5: Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I

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