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Sad Bitch to Bad Bitch
Sad Bitch to Bad Bitch
Sad Bitch to Bad Bitch
Ebook156 pages2 hours

Sad Bitch to Bad Bitch

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About this ebook

After mustering up the courage to give your heart to someone on a silver platter, they viciously tear your heart to pieces. You’ve now found yourself confused, trying to heal, lonely, and wondering if true love really exists. Although the road to healing can be challenging, you can still conquer it all!

If you’ve been looking for some guidance to help you move on from your past relationship, embrace the lessons you learned, and finally transition into the untouchable woman you are, then sis, this is your sign! There are no coincidences in the universe. You stumbled upon this for a reason. Let me hold your hand and help you pave the road to healing through this book!

Of course, love is a beautiful thing, but it does you no good when you’re always willing to give it to everybody but yourself! This informative and fun book is going to show you how to experience true love for yourself, stop obsessing over your loser ex, and start obsessing over the goddess within!

Inside this captivating book, you’ll discover:

Three compelling tools that will allow you to detox yourself from your relationship.

A contingency plan that will help you move on, no matter how many times you’re tempted to relapse.

Hidden psychological forces that control our behaviors in relationships.

13 steps to creating an empowering belief and setting yourself up for a successful transition into your new chapter.

How to create the ultimate relationship vision that will help you attract the partner of your dreams and meet all your needs!

How to build a thriving relationship with yourself and finally embrace the power of self-love, even if you’ve struggled before.

Imagine being able to finally give yourself the gentle and satisfactory love you’ve always craved. No more obsessing over a failed relationship or a partner who made you feel like you’re unlovable or like you’ll never be able to make it work. You might’ve lost a partner, but you’re about to find yourself.

Sis, are you ready to level up with the sweetest revenge? Then read Sad Bitch to Bad Bitch now!

Release dateFeb 22, 2023
Sad Bitch to Bad Bitch

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    Book preview

    Sad Bitch to Bad Bitch - July Bay

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: Sober Up, Sis!

    Time to Detox!

    Tool One: Sign the Contract

    Tool Two: Out of Sight, Out of Mind!

    Tool three: Say Goodbye to the Love Story

    Chapter 2: Digging Deeper

    What is an Attachment Style?

    The Four Adult Attachment Styles

    Avoidant Attachment


    How They Usually Handle Breakups

    If Your Ex Is Avoidant

    Anxious Attachment


    How They Usually Handle Breakups

    If Your Ex Is Anxious:

    Fearful-Avoidant Attachment


    How They Usually Handle Breakups

    If Your Ex Is Fearful

    Secure Attachment


    How They Usually Handle a Breakup

    Meeting Your Needs





    Emotional Regulation

    Reparenting Tools for Your Attachment Style

    Avoidant Attachment

    Anxious Attachment

    Fearful-Avoidant Attachment

    Chapter 3: Progress Not Perfection

    Road One: Self-Distraction Aka Self-Destruction

    Road Two: Rumination

    Road Three: Feel and Heal

    Navigating Through Heavy Emotions

    Chapter 4: Contingency Plan

    Tool One: Analysis

    Tool Two: Refresher

    Tool Three: The Success Cycle

    13 Steps to Creating an Empowering Belief

    Step 1: Identify Your Limiting Belief

    Step 2: Prioritize

    Step 3: Choose one

    Step 4: Get Leverage

    Step 5: Get More Leverage

    Step 6: Draw a Table

    Step 7: Draw the Legs of the Table

    Step 8: Put These Evidences on the Legs of the Table

    Step 9: Create a New Empowering Belief

    Step 10: Reinforce this Belief

    Step 11: Create New Evidence

    Step 12: Determine Your Course Forward

    Step 13: Intertwine Your Emotions

    Chapter 5: All You Need is Self-Love

    The Trio



    Relationship with Yourself

    Dating 101

    Take Yourself Out!

    Regular Check-ins

    Appreciate & Compliment

    Notice Your Inner Critic

    Chapter 6: Setting a Standard

    Your Emotional Home

    The Two Emotional States

    Recreating Your Emotional Home

    Step 1: Uncover Your Current Emotional Home

    Step 2: Determine Your Favorite Flavors of Suffering

    Step 3: Decide Two New Emotions

    Step 4: Commit to Living in a Beautiful State

    Perception Is Projection

    Thought Awareness

    Chapter 7: The Ultimate Relationship

    Creating a Vision

    Your Relationship

    Your Ideal Partner


    Creating an Endless Spark

    The Six Human Needs


    Typical person with a core need for certainty:


    Typical person with a core need for uncertainty/variety:


    Typical person with a core need for significance:


    Typical person with a core need for love/connection:


    Typical person with a core need for growth:


    Typical person with a core need for contribution:


    Chapter 1: Sober Up, Sis!


    Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.

    — M. Kathleen Casey

    Kasey was the kind of girl who lit up every room she walked in, she had a heart of gold, a smile that was recognizable from miles away, and a laughter contagious enough to make chronically serious people giggle. Everyone knew her as the vibrant social butterfly. From the moment she walked into uni, she’d be giving out high-fives and exchanging greetings with every person she passed by.

    Apart from being the metaphorical cheerleader, she was driven, committed, and extremely goal-oriented. She was an honors student studying Marketing at an Ivy League University. Despite having a huge social circle, she always had her priorities straight–she never missed her deadlines, always scored well in her exams, and was loved by her teachers. People around her were in awe of how she managed to keep up with her social life without letting it affect her grades.

    Kasey was in her senior year, all set to graduate soon. Everything in her life was going exactly how she had planned it to–until it wasn’t. For the first time in her life, she made the rookie mistake of hanging out with the wrong crowd. Her new friends made her feel more alive than ever before; they were carefree, nonchalant and always ready to party. They were everything she had never been!

    At first she was thrilled, she had never experienced that type of excitement in her life before; she felt like she was on top of the world. However, with time what started as a fun activity turned into an addiction. She started ditching her classes, lost interest in her studies, stopped being the social butterfly she was known as, and started smiling less often. What once made her feel alive started making her feel suffocated, hollow, and completely dependent.

    Kasey knew she needed to quit and sober up, but that’s the thing about addiction–quitting always comes with a cost. When she finally decided to quit, everything became worse, as though her addiction came back with vengeance. Her mind was flooded with intrusive and obsessive thoughts, she missed feeling the same high in her day-to-day life, she just wanted things to go back to normal.

    In her hope to relive the high that the drug gave her, she held her phone with shaky hands and opened the chat she swore she never would. After typing and deleting the words Hey are u up? 20 times, she finally gave in and sent him the text. Her eyes were fixated on the screen, as she mentally beat herself up for sending the message.

    After what felt like an eternity to her,loosely translated to two minutes in real time, she saw the thought bubbles pop up and closed her eyes. Crap! Crap! He’s replying! Why did I have to text him? What’s wrong with me?, she thought as her heartbeat skyrocketed, anticipating his response. When she finally opened her eyes, the thought bubbles had disappeared and her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. She knew this would happen, but she took the risk anyway. She felt like someone just stabbed her heart with a million knives. She wanted to curl into a ball and roll far away.

    Her best friend Jena’s voice snapped her back into reality as she heard the words, Kasey! Let’s go, the Uber’s here. She was so caught up in her whirlpool of thoughts that she couldn’t move. Jena grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out of bed, Did you not hear me? The Uber’s here we need to leave. As they got into the car, Jena finally noticed the lifelessness of her face.

    Okay, you look like you just saw a ghost, what’s with the miserable face? What’s going on with you? said Jena. Without missing a beat, Kasey pulled her phone tighter to her body and replied, Nothing! And just like that, the secret of her relapse was out in the open. Jena knew what her best friend had done by the look on her face–she was furious. OMG, YOU DID NOT! screamed Jena as she snatched Kasey’s phone out of her hands and saw the text she had sent.

    Kasey looked ashamed as Jena yelled, You told me I was in charge of making sure you never text Justin, so let me do my bloody job! Kasey was ready to listen to the lecture her best friend was about to give her, but then she heard the ping of the notification sound go off on her phone. They exchanged looks–as the screen lit up, they both knew who it was. Kasey launched for the phone as Jena tried to fight her off in vain.

    Kasey managed to get the phone out of Jena’s hand as she smacked it so hard that her phone fell under the driver’s seat. They immediately dove towards the phone, almost as though their survival depended on it. The Uber driver slammed the breaks and said, You girls need to act right or get out! No more fighting in my car. Embarrassed, Jena sat up in her seat and apologized to him for the inconvenience. Kasey felt triumphant as she finally grabbed her phone and sat up. Jena looked over at her and asked, Fine, you won, but at what cost? What are you doing with your life, K?

    Kasey blocked out her voice and unlocked her phone. She opened the long-awaited reply which read yea… where you at? Her heart

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