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The Weak Man
The Weak Man
The Weak Man
Ebook73 pages44 minutes

The Weak Man

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About this ebook

Behind the fine words of the 2030 Agenda lies a plan, a dictatorial plan that will gradually eliminate your rights and freedoms. In this book, I tell the truth about everything that has happened with the pandemic and what will happen in a short time. Soon you will have nothing but you will not be happy either, you will be their slave, without leisure, without being able to relate to others, without money, without car, without anything. The gender ideology is also well explained here, it is their most important weapon to impose their globalist communist agenda.

If you want to stop all this, this book is for you.

PublisherSamuel Blanco
Release dateJan 5, 2023
The Weak Man

J.D. Nüremberg

Soy un investigador independiente, estudioso de la geopolítica, lector y cinéfilo. Viajo muchísimo por todo el mundo y observo como cambia todo impulsado por fuerzas aparentemente invisibles. Es hora de despertar y saber que es lo que está pasando realmente. En mis libros trato de explicarlo.

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    The Weak Man - J.D. Nüremberg

    The purpose of this book.

    This is a book to wake up, to stop seeing everything pretty and realize that you are being deceived. I don't think that what you are going to read is very pessimistic or exaggerated, because society is evolving in this way, it is becoming softer, more civilized and people are becoming more and more frightened by the most insignificant things. Now everything is offensive and you have to be very careful with what you say, because you will be frowned upon by the rest. Society evolves in this way, or rather, it is made to evolve in this way by those who rule, those who direct everything in the shadows, those who from power without being voted for, direct the world, because the politicians you vote for from all ideological spectrums, apply what their mentors, their masters, send them. There is no democracy in the world. With this reading I hope you wake up and investigate if it is not true everything I put here, if I am right we are well fucked.

    That's where the title the weak man comes from, this is the man they have planned to create and they are succeeding wonderfully. Because they think very well thought out that only the strong masculine man can get us out of this overwhelming situation.

    Everything that is happening is not by chance, it has been thought out and implemented by the elites. The awakened man and woman, not the weak and submissive man and woman, are the ones who have to get us out of this world dictatorship that is looming over us. The illuminati have a plan of enslavement of the population, a plan copied from the Chinese, an evil plan, that if we do not oppose with determination, will end the world we have in a few years. Here I will tell you how they are going to implement it, the terrifying consequences of its implementation and the black future that awaits us.

    The weak and ignorant man, the coward who does not want to see the truth and to which more than 90% of the population belongs, has already given the go-ahead to their plan. It is we, that 10% of rebels, who must help the rest to see the monstrosity to which we are heading.

    They want to exterminate us, we are surplus population, they take us forced or coerced to slavery and death.

    We are no longer Vikings or medieval crusaders, not even hardened tough guys, nor do we work in the fields, now there are only weak men and women, whitish office workers who wear their masks even when they are not forced to wear them, we are frightened and unmanly men who swallow all their lies and nod to any measure they take to restrict, even more, our dwindling freedoms.

    If this weak man would wake up and become strong and oppositional, if he had the balls to oppose with his vote, with his demonstration, with his opinion, with his transfer of information, we would become stronger and they would not be able to enslave us.

    The weak man must become strong, your life and survival is at stake.

    About women and gays.

    Iwant to clarify that although I criticize women very harshly here, I am not referring to all women in general but only to a small minority, the radical feminists.

    Women seem to me many of them super good, they give affection to children and husbands or boyfriends, they are funny and nice, many are charming, lately I see them quite good and innocent, this

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