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New Orleans Magic: New Orleans Magic, #1
New Orleans Magic: New Orleans Magic, #1
New Orleans Magic: New Orleans Magic, #1
Ebook162 pages2 hours

New Orleans Magic: New Orleans Magic, #1

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In the Big Easy you get…

…great food, live-music, and good times.


Will Jenna discover there's a sinister side to New Orleans?


She loves to rock. The stage, the lights, the fans, and her band, The Voodoo Dolls, get her amped up like nothing else in life. Jenna thinks it's magical, but is she ready to find out how truly right she is?


It was only a gimmick.

Something they did during the shows.

And it might have saved her life.


From the dark corners of The Crescent City, something is on the move. It's ancient and evil. When the sun goes down, a whole other world stirs. They start to hunt for candidates to turn. The tourists don't think it's myth, but the locals believe.


Can they be stopped?


You'll love this first book in this Urban Fantasy series, because the Vampires and Werewolves have a score to settle and the war is about to begin.


Get it now.

Release dateApr 27, 2017
New Orleans Magic: New Orleans Magic, #1

J.L. Hendricks

J.L. Hendricks is an independent author who enjoys many genres, as evidenced by her catalogue of available books. She is currently focused on Scifi and Urban Fantasy, but has also written Paranormal and Christmas books. Her latest series which comes out this month is a combination of litRPG and Military Scifi with a few space pirates for fun! Let her know what you think! She is very proud to have served in the US Army before she went to college. Early 2016 she decided to finally write, and finish a book, because of a few friends who encouraged her to do so. She hopes her stories entertain you and can bring a laugh on occasion. Actually, it was her roommate’s cat who talked her into staying at home to be her minion all day long! Pyper truly believes that J.L. is here to serve her alone.

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    Book preview

    New Orleans Magic - J.L. Hendricks

    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents

    Other Books by J.L. Hendricks


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Get Free Books

    Sneak Peek

    Chapter 1


    Other Books by J.L. Hendricks

    Worlds Revealed Series

    Book 0: Worlds Revealed (join my Newsletter to get this exclusive freebie)

    Book 1: Worlds Away

    Book 2: Worlds Collide

    Book 2.5: Worlds Explode

    Book 3: Worlds Entwined

    A Shifter Christmas Romance Series

    Book 0: Santa Meets Mrs. Claus

    Book 1: Miss Claus and the Secret Santa

    Book 2: Miss Claus under the Mistletoe

    Book 3: Miss Claus and the Christmas Wedding

    Book 4: Miss Claus and Her Polar Opposite

    The FBI Dragon Chronicles

    Book 1: A Ritual of Fire

    Book 2: A Ritual of Death

    Book 3: A Ritual of Conquest

    New Orleans Magic Series

    Book 1: New Orleans Magic

    Book 2: Hurricane of Magic

    Book 3: Council of Magic

    Chronicles of the Unwanted Princess – Published by LMBPN Publishing

    Book 1: The Portal of Chance

    Book 2: The Forbidden Portal

    Book 3: The Emerald Portal

    See these titles and more at



    I was almost out of breath. Oh my Buddha! Kat, why’s that vampire still chasing us?

    Kat and I were on the run from a vampire who wouldn’t leave us alone. It wasn’t like we tried to start any trouble. Trouble just sorta found us.

    Keep going, Indie! We’re almost back to Bourbon Street, Kat huffed as she ran around a corner with me following.

    We were running down a side alley. It was a shortcut back to civilization, or so we hoped. There were no lights on, and the area was covered in debris. It looked like someone had used this alley as their own personal dumpster. There were broken crates, open garbage bags, and beat-up furniture lining the pathway.

    The place smelled worse than any dumpster I could remember. I wasn’t sure if there were dirty diapers everywhere or if a group of people had used this alley as their own personal toilet. My nose itched from the acidic smell surrounding me.

    I had to jump over a pile of junk. Hopefully this would slow the guy down, but I doubted it. It had probably just slowed us down.

    I hope I can make this jump. There is no way I could handle landing in that pile.

    Oomph! I barely made it over the debris, and my foot almost touched something brown and gooey. I shivered just thinking about what was beneath my feet.

    You are so cute, the vampire hissed in my ear. Do you really think you can outrun me?

    How did he get so close so fast?

    Aahhhhh! I screamed as he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me to a stop. Let me go! When the pack finds out what you’ve done, they’ll kill you! I spat in his face.

    Let. Her. Go! Kat yelled as she conked him over the head with a metal rod.

    The vampire let me go and swirled around to grab Kat. His hands were a blur as he yanked the metal rod out of her hand and sank his teeth into her neck.

    Aaahhhh! Kat screamed, and tried to push the bloodsucker away from her.

    The demon from hell pushed her away and spit her blood out. What are you? You taste like a mutt! He wiped his lips with his shirt sleeve and spit the rest out of his mouth.

    While he was busy, we continued running toward the safety of lights and crowds.

    Not so fast. He grabbed us by our collars and pulled us to him.

    Stop right now! I yelled. Let us go. We’re protected by the local pack. You know you can’t mess with us. It’s in your own laws! I continued to struggle, but to no avail.

    Where are your protectors? I don’t see any wolves trying to help you. He cackled and sniffed my neck. If you were under my protection, I wouldn’t let you out of my sight. Would you like to be mine? The vampire nuzzled my neck and licked right over an artery. Mmm, I would love to keep you in my arms at all times.

    Not even if my life depended on it! I tried to kick against his shin, and he just laughed into my ear.

    Dear, your life does depend on… The devil’s spawn was cut off before he could finish his sentence, and we were free.

    Kat and I both spun on our heels to see who had saved us. Ivan! Perfect timing, again. She smiled at the new guy.

    Who’s Ivan? I asked, and then it dawned on me. Oh! He’s your…friend. The one you told us about a few weeks ago? I covered my mouth and looked between Ivan and Kat.

    Yes, he’s a vampire. Don’t worry, Indie—we’re safe now. Ivan will take care of the trash. Kat flicked her hand toward the vampire, who was struggling against Ivan’s hold.

    Ivan’s eyes sparkled in the moonlight when he looked at Kat. When he looked at me, his smile showed his fangs, and I took a step back, shivers running down my spine. Are you sure I’m safe? I’m not the one with partial wolf-shifter blood.

    A few weeks ago we’d learned that Kat was descended from wolf shifters. We guessed that she was only a little bit wolf, since she couldn’t shift. Vampires hated the taste of shifter blood. Kat was lucky. Me…not so much. Full-on human blood bank right here, and I knew it. There wasn’t anything other than Ivan keeping me safe at the moment.

    All of Kat’s sisters are safe with me. I would never harm any of you. Ivan nodded to me. Blood relation or no.

    Kat and I weren’t related by blood, but we were sisters in every way that counted. Which is why she’s part shifter and I’m full human. Something that never bothered me until today. It just dawned on me that vampires won’t want to drink Kat’s blood, since she’s part shifter. It’s like a built in defense mechanism. I hadn’t cared about that difference until now.

    Now I wanted a built-in defense mechanism of my own.

    Okay. Thanks? I furrowed my brow and watched as Ivan continued to squeeze the neck of the vampire in his arms. He had one arm around the guy’s chest, and his right hand looked to be squeezing the enemy’s neck off.

    I get it, the vampire hissed. These girls are under your protection. I’ll leave them alone, Ivan. How was I to know you were protecting them when they don’t smell like you? He continued squirming and tried to get away.

    Nice try, Vasily. They already told you they were under the protection of the New Orleans pack. You should have left them alone as soon as they mentioned Rico’s crew. You know better. Ivan squeezed harder while Vasily continued to squirm.

    I promise I won’t ever touch them again. Now let me go. You shouldn’t even be in town. The queen has forbidden you to feed here. Vasily narrowed his eyes.

    Ivan looked at Kat and tightened his hold on Vasily. When Vasily began to scream, Ivan ripped his head off. Blood squirted on my face, and I’ll admit, I freaked out a bit.

    Ahhh! Kat, he ripped the guy’s head off! How? What? I pawed at the blood on my face as I jumped around trying to get the feeling of a dead vampire off my skin. I wasn’t normally so squeamish, but come on. Blood on my face? And from a vampire, no less. What else was I supposed to do? Calmly pull out a handkerchief and wipe my face off? It wasn’t like this was something we did all the time. We were brand new to the supernatural underbelly of New Orleans.

    Kat pulled me to her and held me tight. Shh, you’ll be fine. Just keep it down. We don’t need any more paranormal creatures showing up tonight.

    How can you be so calm? Some vampire just bit your neck, and then another one comes to save us and rips the first vamp’s head off, covering me in blood! How can I be calm? I couldn’t breathe. My chest was tight, and it was difficult to get air into my lungs.

    Breathe. I need you to take a deep breath and release it, Indie. Can you do that for me? Kat rubbed my back as I tried to inhale and exhale.

    A-alright. I sucked in air a few times. Things started to clear up. My breathing went back to normal, and I wiped the blood off my cheeks with the back of my right hand.

    Are you alright now? Kat pulled away and looked me in the eyes.

    Yes, I think so. How can you be so calm? I shook my head.

    Because this isn’t my first time going through this, remember? A situation very similar to this is how I first met Ivan. I watched as he destroyed another vampire who tried to suck my blood. Kat pursed her lips and looked to Ivan.

    Kat, you should take your sister and get back to the shop. It won’t be safe out tonight. The coven is searching for some humans who know too much. I don’t know all the particulars, but someone discovered their lair, or something to that effect. Ivan wiped his hands on the dead vampire’s shirt.

    That would be us, Kat said.

    What? Why would you go looking for the vampires? You know better than anyone how dangerous they are, and what they do to humans who discover them. Ivan walked up to Kat and wrapped her in his arms.

    She’d told us they were just friends, but that wasn’t the hug of someone who’s just a friend. There was a lot more going on than she was admitting.

    Why, Kat? Why? Ivan whispered in her ear. Too bad I was close enough to hear and see as he kissed her cheek.

    Kat turned her head and kissed him back.

    I cleared my throat. Little sister standing right here, guys. How awkward!

    Kat chuckled and backed away from Ivan. Sorry, Indie. It’s just been a while since I’ve seen Ivan.

    Why, Kat? The pack can’t protect you from the entire coven. Ivan put his hand on Kat’s cheek and rubbed his thumb across her lips.

    Because they took Acadia, one of our closest friends. We’re going to get her back. Kat took his hand off her face and took another step back.

    When? Ivan asked.

    About a month ago. We’ve been looking for her for the past two weeks. When we discovered it was vampires who took her, I went looking for you. Where have you been? Kat furrowed her brow and took my hand, pulling me to her side.

    I left the city for a while. It’s too painful to…to be here alone. Ivan looked down at his bloodstained hands. He wiped them again on Vasily’s shirt, but he couldn’t get all the blood off.

    Oh. I’m sorry… I didn’t realize. Kat looked to me and sighed. I need to get Indie back to the shop and tell Rico and his pack what we learned tonight. Rico is heading up the investigation into Acadia’s disappearance. Is there anything you can do to help us?

    Vasily was right—I’m not welcome in town anymore. Although, I do still have a couple friends left. I’ll see what I can find. Is your number the same? Ivan sighed and looked at Kat. He raised his eyebrows, waiting for her to answer him.

    Yes. I know I said I was going to change it after the last time I saw you, but I couldn’t. Kat sighed and squeezed my hand.

    Um, Ivan. Do you want to come back to our place and help explain things to Rico? I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do here. It was obvious they were into each

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