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Book 12. «The Transmutation Diary». Part 3
Book 12. «The Transmutation Diary». Part 3
Book 12. «The Transmutation Diary». Part 3
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Book 12. «The Transmutation Diary». Part 3

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From 7.07 to 19.08.1999 a group of Star-Born Consciousnesses under the leadership of Oris, implementing specific recommendations received from Albellic during Oris’s Contacts with Him (choice of place, modes of accommodation, stay and meals, exercises, themes and methods of work in Astral, etc.), was in Crimea, on the plateau Ai-Petri, to conduct general Meditations and joint work on the Subtle Plane with Jupiterians – Intermediaries of the First Order from the Pleiadeans side.
This diary was kept by Firoxanta and thoroughly edited by Oris before publication.
About what happened to them during this period, about transmutation, about the incredible events that happened on the Ethereal Plane, you will learn from this Diary.
Release dateJan 5, 2023
Book 12. «The Transmutation Diary». Part 3

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    Book 12. «The Transmutation Diary». Part 3 - Oris Oris

    Oris Oris

    Extraterrestrial Contacts

    The Transmutation Diary. Part 3

    Author: Oris Oris (Tsvelev Sergey Vasilievich)

    Translation sponsored by: Astiyraalls

    Design and layout: Astiyraalls


    6.00 – Meditation:

    "Today, the Meditation did not work out: despite all my attempts to enter the Meditation, everything was in vain. Immediately I started having cramps in my lower legs and left arm, which made it impossible to concentrate on the vibrations at all. There was no energy flowing from the participants either, at least not that I could feel.

    Everything was mixed somehow in an incomprehensible jumble: thoughts, images, feelings, flows of energy... Besides, as it turned out, I had played unfamiliar music for the first time – the organ, Bach, affected the lower centres, or, at best, Manipura... All in all, it was all one to one.

    It was only at the very end when I was almost resigned and just waiting for the music in the player to run out, that I managed for about 10-15 seconds to see a huge spherical-disc-shaped and very contrived with all sorts of outdoor structures spacecraft hovering directly above us, darting around the ground with its lilac and blue beams of searchlights.

    Well, perhaps they are the ones who have arranged it so that there are no prying eyes watching them. But that is my personal opinion...


    Lotus pose, looking without blinking, staring at one point.

    Standing facing the centre of the circle, left palms held in the centre, right palms on the person’s chest standing on the left. Strong exhalation with Love energy sent around the circle and recitation of the Lord’s Prayer...

    In pairs: right palm to each other’s collarbones, middle finger to the jugular, left hand to hand. Together inhale, exhale Our Father... with a sending of blue energy through the middle finger to the centre of Vishuddha.

    Cobra: lying on your stomach, palms together under your chest, heels pressed together, inhale – rise on your hands and arch as deeply as possible, rolling your eyes backwards.

    Liver: one lies on his stomach, while the other bends his knee on an exhalation and pulls his heel towards his buttock.

    After gymnastics:

    "As we lined up and held hands, nothing happened for a few seconds. Then, just above our heads, a vertically spinning rainbow ‘bagel’ appeared, slowly descending over our entire line, absorbed us, and we merged into its inner stream.

    Just beneath us unfolded a small, 5-6m in diameter, ‘fiery’ abyss in the form of a deep golden tunnel going down. "The bagel rushed with us into the tunnel, which looped many times and soon brought us to the same valley where we had recently been.

    Only now, apart from us, there were only a few large groups of people in white with Angels at the head. But in just a few seconds, all the valley slopes were already filled with numerous groups – hundreds of thousands of people standing silently looking down.

    The valley floor had disappeared, and the streams of energies spinning around the Earth were visible in its place. There were visible blue streams between the muddy brown layers – powerful and saturated. The Soul felt solemn and joyful with the awareness of its involvement in something very important and grandiose. My head became dizzy with these lofty feelings, and I crouched down on the ground...

    Found an entry in one of the Diary notebooks today that Oris made for me, maybe two weeks ago:

    Elia will NEVER ascend – only Firoxanta! Decide at last who you ARE: either you are Elvira or you are Firoxanta!..

    My ‘conversation’ with Oris was a protracted one, and, likely, another Lesson was not handed to me... I remember Oris, maybe not on the same day, but to the same subject, writing with his finger on his palm: In all cases, always ask yourself: What would Firoxanta do here...?"

    And he also wrote: "Oris KNOWS both Vella and Tanya, and Elia and Firoxanta, so I choose the best of your pairings: Vella, Firoxanta, Anaaella, etc. Perhaps that is why I forgive you much of your imperfection, KNOWING TRULY what you ARE...

    Trigordiy kept laughing (in a kind manner, of course!) at the thick woollen socks, which Oris keeps on wearing even now, in this heat, to which he replied: When you grow up to my level, then you will understand. When the 8 or 9 chakras (causal and Buddhic bodies) are intensively developed, then the Consciousness in the physical body is kept, at least, in the middle, i.e. in 4-5 chakras: Anahata-Vishuddha, and rarely goes lower, which, of course, affects energy and blood exchange in the dense shell.

    I think that’s apparently why Oris’ feet seem to freeze even in the heat, that there is a concentration of energy in the upper chakras and a release of tension, a transmutation of the lower centres...

    Before lunch, Trigordiy again took Oris into the fold: Oris, who took part in the birth of humanity? You once let it slip that all of us, as Collective Consciousnesses of the Soul-Analogues, were also involved?

    Oris: It is a very complex and long question, and I have an entire book already written but not yet published, The Cosmic Evolution of Mankind. So I will answer briefly. Yes, we participated actively in the perfection of earthly humankind, but at one of the last stages of this work, when it was necessary to remove the collective consciousness of the Earth from an evolutionary peak or dead loop", figuratively speaking.

    This is exactly why we periodically inhabit the Planes and realities of the Earth because we have developed in our energy structures the vibrations of earthly Karma, which can be extinguished only when we have brought the Consciousnesses of people to a certain Cosmic level. Even today, with our fragmented Consciousnesses, we continue to abide and work spiritually at the levels of those historical, Atlantean epochs when humanity, having attained the highest level of development, has just begun its way into the abyss of darkness and degradation.

    Many aliens of the humanoid branch, such as us, the Pleiadians, the Siriusians, the Lyrics and others, appeared once upon a time on Earth, in the same time epoch. Some are also closely related to or have a common origin with other non-humanoid branches of Evolution. With a higher level of spirituality, the present visitors to Earth are here to correct some of the negative consequences left by their former progenitors.

    Like you and me, these Beings come here by permission of the Confederation of Planets in our Sector of the Galaxy, headed by the High Council, which is located in the constellation Andromeda – non-physical beings who exist in various forms of energy. Beings from the Swan constellation are also under the jurisdiction of the High Council, but they belong, together with others, to a different stream of Evolution.

    Many cosmic units and structures of the Commonwealth of civilisations which took part in the origin of humanity either do not exist at the moment or have withdrawn from this event, or, like you and me, continue to make great efforts in the development of humanity and have a great influence on the development of its Collective Consciousness.

    The history of the development of Mind on our planet is many millions of years old, but the Akashi Chronicles have information only about the last five and a half million years. All humans on Earth genetically came from one, the same Pra-race. But then, when people again split in great streams and the most diverse regions of the Earth were populated, changes in colour, appearance, and genes were discovered. People on Earth belong to other races, such as the stunted Pygmies and the giants of some African tribes.

    We, i.e. today’s humanity, emerged less than 300,000 years ago due to genetic experiments of the Sirius Essences, who created us by joining forces with some already advanced civilisations of the solar system.

    They first descended into the ocean and submerged underwater to make contact with dolphins on the same level of consciousness as them. From there, the Sirius Entities emerged in the form of half-fish-half-human. The Seven Entities merged on the Ethereal Plane with the seed of Life and created the Egg. After that, they formed the basic energy-information matrices to create the basic Spheres of Consciousness in Space-Time of our planet.

    The silvery-blue Flame of the Seed of Life was then immersed in the Amenti Halls, where the preparation for cross-fertilisation was carried out. Simultaneously this procedure was also carried out on one of the planets of the Sirius-B star system. "The Halls of Amenti, Brother Makkearland informed me, are located beneath the Egyptian pyramids at a depth of over 2.5 km.

    The first beings synthesised settled in late Lemuria and then, when the Pole Shift and the great shift in Collective Consciousness occurred simultaneously, in early Atlantis. Some even mingled with Earth beings, and their descendants became Earth people. Those who did not wish to mingle with the humans, who looked somewhat different from the cosmic beings, created advanced technology here. They designed and built many marvellous machines and devices and created comfort and amenities. In his Epistles, this has also been communicated to me in detail by our Brother Makkearland his Epistles, you have read them all, so I will not repeat them.

    Later, a new wave of Pleiadians (some of us among them) arrived, who, having incarnated into synthesised Siriusian shell bodies, also mingled with humans, helped the humanity of Earth gain power over their wealth and create new technology. The Atlanteans raised their sciences to the point where they could travel by air and underwater until this civilisation was also destroyed by the war that broke out on the surface of the Earth.

    But you and I, as I said, arrived here at what I call the curtain call when the Representatives of both Rings had already worked here long enough and thoroughly. Each of them carried out work on Earth strictly within the limits of their programme: some of them built the body of desires for future humans, while others grafted the germ of Mind onto the greater part of the ablest individuals, taking responsibility for the higher part of the body of desires and the rudimentary Mind, and also laying within them the quality of individuality without which an individual, independent being would not be able to evolve.

    The first humanoid life-form was divided into several species, which evolved intensively into other separate classifications and species. In particular, the ape, in its many varieties, also emerged. However, the basic, genetic lineage of the ape was originally human, that is, terrestrial. In addition, mutational varieties were also found among the original human beings themselves, which formed several human races at this early stage of development.

    Subsequently, a large number of ‘humanoid’ animal species that were not involved in the experiment and were not grafted with the rudiments of Reason have completely disappeared from the Earth, and those of their representatives that have survived (apes) have very little in common with our genotypical ‘great apes’, like the recently appeared and similar to them Bigfoot – ‘snowmen’, who still have a role to play in the Evolution of humanity.

    Therefore I repeat (for those who are particularly ignorant): primitive man, not to speak of modern man, did not descend from the apes, but the apes descended from primitive man, being a by-product of the ancient, original evolution of man.

    The goal and objectives laid down, in the beginning, satisfied all the experiment organisers. Subsequently, however, the participants revealed fundamental differences in achieving the goal and how many pressing issues were addressed.

    The Dark Ring had planned to create a superpowered super civilisation based on humanity to control everything in the cosmos. By their design, it was to be a kind of vanguard of Dark Forces, whose members could instantly reincarnate into any form of matter and would have unprecedented cosmic adaptability to any environmental conditions.

    The participants of the Light Ring believed that the resources of humanity in the form of Energy and Information during the stage of its development in the cocoon stage and even at the planetary stage, should remain within the Earth’s Noosphere and not be used for the needs of the civilisations participating in the experiment, as was required by the Dark Ring which constantly experienced energy crises due to the imbalance of Energy in its structures.

    The fact is that the human biomass proved to be a remarkably good and by all parameters suitable source of bioenergy for the civilisations of the Dark Ring, and they were not only not interested in the spiritual development of man, but on the contrary, it would have prevented the further expansion of the source of bioenergy resources because of the reduction of the crude-emotional manifestations of the human psyche.

    But the Forces of Light insisted that the percentage of ‘grown’ and spiritually developed immortal substances of humanity voluntarily performing some functions outside the Earth and in other Systems should not exceed one-thousandth of the total number of incarnated Spirits. This process must proceed naturally by the gradual infusion of the best and most spiritually developed part of humanity into the active Life of the Cosmos.

    These and other great differences made it difficult for the two opposite structures to participate in the cosmic scale initiated with humanity. This was the reason for the different and often opposing influences on the developing human being on each participant in the experiment. Looking ahead, it should be said that the information fields (astral-mental Planes and levels) existing around the Earth have nothing to do with either of the Rings because energetically, they were built up and filled with information exclusively by the earthlings.

    To speed up considerably the process of ‘humanization’, representatives of the Super Ring created the first humans – so-called Adam and Eve in the Bible – by changing the genetic code of male and female cells before their fusion. At this stage of human evolution, the Higher Moon Pitris or Moon Gods began to spiritualise the most advanced and adapted physical Forms of the animal kingdom, grown by their brethren.

    Through the efforts of the Higher Entities, the germ of Mind was stimulated in animal man. The Triune Spirit of the Lunar Gods (Pitri) descended in the process of Involution from the Cosmic Mental plane, the Ray of the Divine Mind illuminated the area of the hitherto dormant Consciousness, and the embryonic Mind of the animal was ‘impregnated’ with the Mind of the Supreme Being.

    At the same time, all the bodies of the spiritualised animals of the Lunar Gods were genetically modified into an upright position during the same period. The inferior quadrupedal man, consisting of the not quite dense ether-protein and celestial bodies with the embryonic Mind, was thus co-ordinated and stimulated, becoming quite a suitable, though not ideal, an abode for self-conscious Triune Spirits (reflections of the spiritual Will, Wisdom-Intuition and the Supreme Mind).

    The result of this ‘infiltration’ was the formation of an embryonic ‘abiding body’ – i.e. the mental body of a human being – in ‘humanoids’. Thus the individualization of the Higher Lunar Triune Spirits, their Involution into form, took place, and these Spirits, encapsulated in mental bodies, formed numerous streams of fragmented Consciousnesses – human Souls. The meeting of these two streams in the focusing Mind can be taken as the point in Time when the personality now called the human being was born".

    After the dream, Vooul and Trigordiy began to beg Oris to write, at least briefly, about what happened to our great-grandparents next. Oris sat down, and after a while, we could learn something new about the history of humanity.

    "The transition from the first transformation required a succession of countless generations. The embryonic cell which emerged from the parent first developed into a bisexual being, then it began to develop into a real egg, which began to give birth gradually and almost imperceptibly in its evolutionary development first to beings in which one sex only slightly prevailed over the other and, finally, to certain personalities – men and women.

    Before the separation of the sexes, as I have already written to you, the Consciousness of the primitive people was turned inwards – they spiritually comprehended the Physical World. When their eyes were opened, and the Consciousness of the first humans turned to the facts of the Physical World, the conditions of their existence changed. The reproduction of men was now guided not by Solar Angels but by men themselves who were unaware of the true, evolutionary meaning of the processor of the Powers actively taking part in it.

    In speaking of the first human beings, it should not be forgotten that they are far from being beings similar to us since they differ incomparably from us in their developmental level and physiological structure. What we would perceive as pain and suffering were not so for primitive humans, who had a much more brutal and imperfect nervous system and were less sensitive to external stimuli of the physical body.

    Do not also forget that our forebears’ form did not possess the density of our bodies but was still very flexible and malleable, so also the birth of primitive women cannot even be compared to the painful experience of modern women. In labour"...

    Vella: "So all this was caused by exactly what is meant by ‘sinning’?

    Oris: "The question of human beings ‘fall into sin’ has to be considered in at least two aspects. The first is that, as a result of some genetic manipulations performed by Creator beings from the Sirius region on certain intelligent natives of the Earth, masses of very aggressive and completely fearless human warriors were generated, ostensibly for protection against savage tribes and the arrival to the Earth of unwanted space ‘visitors’.

    Soon, these numerous warrior tribes reached the point where they began to pose a serious threat to the security of the highly advanced humans who had incarnated from Sirius and who had by then already raised the level of development of the Atlantic civilisation to a very high technical level. To take measures

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