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Leeara of the Light: A Tale of Darkness
Leeara of the Light: A Tale of Darkness
Leeara of the Light: A Tale of Darkness
Ebook132 pages2 hours

Leeara of the Light: A Tale of Darkness

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Leeara was a Fae of the Light whose kin were once the most powerful of their kind, the Creator kin. While Leeara would rather seek out the tantalizing creatures of the Dark, she cared little for the demands her people set on her. Until one day, when she returned from another adventure, she discovered her kin had been slaughtered. The spirits of her deceased kin demanded she go to her Dark Fae lovers and ask them to give her their power to aide her in seeking out the murderers. After searching for eons, Leeara was unable to learn who killed her people, and the search had made her numb and empty. Living in the human world, she saw them as nothing more than food and entertainment, until one night, her intended meal stole her heart.

Release dateDec 30, 2022
Leeara of the Light: A Tale of Darkness


Brigit-An is a multi-genre Canadian author, from erotica to adult science fiction and fantasy short stories, and fantasy novels.

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    Leeara of the Light - Brigit-An

    Leeara of the Light

    A tale of darkness

    By Brigit-An

    Cover by Y. Nikolova at Ammonia Book Covers

    Copyright warrencook@2022


    As soon as Leeara stepped into the elevator, she could feel the stares of her co-workers. She could smell their presence, feel their thoughts at the back of her mind. She couldn’t exactly read their minds; she didn’t have to. She knew her potential prey well enough, knew the scent of their desires and longings.

    Morning Lee, John greeted, one of the researcher physicists for White Energy.

    Leeara was the shortest one there, even compared to the woman. Her stature incurred a variety of responses that she could use to her advantage. She dressed meekly, despite her hair: bright red, tipped with black ends. She wore it one length just above her shoulders except for her shortened bangs. She even donned black rimmed glasses despite not needing a prescription, and always dressed humble business, though her skirt remained short enough to draw eyes when she passed. This effect was intentionally designed. For John, as for the other men, and for the women. They were all potential prey for one such as Leeara. She just had to wind them up enough to get their juices flowing so she could sip from them like a morning coffee. John, for example, was not handsome though smart, and not very good with the ladies. For men like him, her effect was to make them feel like they had a chance with her, building up their desires and letting them simmer. And she nurtured that with John when no one was looking, their little tantalizing secret. For Max, one of the leading scientists for White Energy, as with those like him who stood taller than John and held a managerial position, he was confident, thinking himself worthy of any woman. Her effect on him was that she was an easy conquest, sexy, yet portraying innocence, and yet kept getting away from him. She nurtured that, as well, flirting, acting coy, never quite falling into his hands. The carrot in front of the cart. It kept him coming, thinking he had her, yet never quite catching her. His pride demanded he conquer her. He was ready to peak any moment, his frustrations driven by desire and the need to be desired.

    Then there was Maggie. She wasn’t gay, and yet was drawn to Leeara because Lee made her laugh and made her feel pretty despite only barely being attractive. And Samantha, who was bi, and, with Leeara’s coaxing, thought Lee was also bi-sexual. They all wanted her for their own reasons. Leeara fed of them in small ways, sipping their nectar of desires. Lee had to be careful these days, not allowing herself to get too hungry, otherwise she could do serious damage to those she fed off properly. Like her old boss. Poor Steve. She had been so hungry lately . . .

    Everyone in the elevator gave off their offerings of desire, which to a human would be similar to a quick breakfast. She closed her eyes and smiled, absorbing their energy with a deep breath.

    All except the stranger in the corner. Ruggedly handsome, very fit, and holding a newspaper. He was perhaps in the late thirties, though his healthy nature made him seem rather ageless. The oddity about this man was that people his age usually received their news from their phones; a human invention Leeara rather enjoyed herself. The dating sites made hunting so much easier, and the technology of their world offered a smorgasbord of availabilities. She watched the stranger in the reflection of the silver elevator doors, he standing directly behind her. She could not smell sexual desire from him at all. He didn’t notice her. Unusual. When the elevator stopped to let another passenger on, she maneuvered herself away from the door and into the stranger, who did not appear to work in the office or labs. Being closer to him, she could sense him better. From him, she could smell fresh earth, trees, and clean air. The scent struck her unexpectedly, reminding her of a time long ago, of a home she nearly forgets these days. She glanced up at him, up and up as he had to be about six foot five. His wavy, sandy blonde hair hung over deep green eyes. Eyes lost in a darkness. Someone shuffled and bumped into her, as she then bumped into the stranger.

    Those eyes turned downward while she was still looking up at him. The Darkness in his eyes lit up in a way she had never seen anyone do before. He cast her a sad yet bright smile, while his eyes flashed a light of beauty and kindness that struck her numb. Then he looked up again, and the Darkness had returned like a shadow. There was some serious shit going on inside that man’s head. Then she noticed the bulge. The one wrapped in the newspaper tucked under his arm.

    The new arrival turned to Lee. Meeting the new boss today, Lee? Before she turned to see who spoke, she saw something in the stranger’s expression. A shift in shades of darkness. The man turned to the woman, the secretary of their ex-boss. Natalie.

    Lee smiled at the aged woman. Yes. I haven’t even heard who it is yet. Have you met him?

    The woman beamed. My, yes. She clutched the cross pendant at her neck. He’s quite something. And his partner. They are both . . . products of God’s blessed hand, I must say.

    Lee couldn’t help laughing. The old bible thumper was devout to her god, thinking He created all beauty. If she only knew. The fact that the woman was so enamored by these mystery men was a testament in itself considering how reserved she was normally.

    New bosses? the stranger asked Natalie. The woman looked up past Lee’s shoulder. Oh, Mr. Archer. I . . . I guess you haven’t heard. I . . . uh . . . yes Steve passed away a few weeks ago. I’m surprised you didn’t know.

    Mr. Archer’s shoulders dropped, his eyes turned downward, and his hand loosened on his bundled newspaper. Natalie had her fingers to her mouth, silently studying him with heart-felt concern. The doors to the elevator opened at the top floor. When everyone exited, Mr. Archer trailed behind. Natalie led Lee to the from desk of her new boss’s office. Leeara watched from the corner of her eye as Mr. Archer sat on a waiting room chair, deflated.

    As Natalie set her coffee down and turned the computers on to begin her day, Leeara waited to be announced and let into the office. While she waited, some urge possessed her to ask, Natalie? Who is that guy? She nodded toward Mr. Archer, still sitting in the chair clutching the swollen newspaper.

    Natalie, not usually one to gossip, leaned toward Lee and whispered, Rhynn Archer, blessed child. His wife was Sue Archer. Remember her?

    Leeara had known too many names to bother recalling them, having lived longer than one could expect to be rational. Then it clicked, however, as it was a bit of a scandal a year ago. She was his wife?

    Natalie nodded. Rhynn has been searching for answer to her disappearance ever since the incident. He spoke to Steve directly a couple times, asking about her. He’s been hiring private detectives and hounding Steve. He thinks Steve knew something that he wasn’t telling the press or the police. This whole time he has been looking for answers. It had been a top-secret experiment, after all. And with the affair . . .

    Lee was taken aback. She had been Steve’s personal assistant for three years. She had known about the experiment occurring, though not the details. It wasn’t within her job scope to know exactly what they had been working on. The affair, however, was new. How had Lee not known? She asked Natalie the very same question.

    Oh, dear. Well, you see . . . I believe Steve and Sue . . . well, he wouldn’t want you to know since you and Steve were also, well, close. It was also a very hush-hush operation. When she didn’t return with the crew, he wouldn’t say more than that there had been an accident. The same story he kept telling Mr. Archer. If I were a curious woman, I’d be asking what happened, too.

    That was a polite way of saying it, though Lee and Steve were just fucking. They weren’t close. She had been feeding off him. In fact, she was responsible for taking his life. Accidently. She took more than he was able to give, her hunger having been more unsatiable than usual. Steve had also been slowly losing his potency. She should have found a new reliable main course sooner. And now all she had was her coworkers as snack food to keep her going, which wouldn’t last long. A matter to be dealt with later. Just not too much later. Did Mr. Archer have an appointment to see Steve today? This business with Mr. Archer had been going on without Lee’s, Mr. White’s personal assistant, knowledge. Steve obviously hadn’t wanted her to know about Rhynn Archer and his inquiries into Sue.

    Natalie’s eyes narrowed. Not that I’m aware of. I don’t know why he’s here.

    Natalie’s phone rang. She smiled at the screen like a love-struck teenager. Yes, Mr. Scott, right away. She let out a foolish giggle. Oh, okay. I’ll send her in. She hung up and beamed at Leeara. He said I can call him by his first name, she blushed. He’ll see you now, Lee.

    Lee smiled back. Thank you, Natalie. Lee left the woman in her forbidden fantasy and entered the office through the grand double doors.

    Once inside, she stopped short. This Weston fellow had his back to the door as he peered out the large window. However, his scent filled the room. A touch musky mixed with some expensive cologne and more than a dash of Fae. The man had thick black hair, cut as any professional, but he was a monster of a man, heavy with muscle and broad of shoulder. Leeara smiled as the new boss turned his seat around to offer his own bright smile, pure white teeth contrasting against his dark skin. Weston stood and stepped away from the desk. She ran up to him. Weston? My Weston? she exclaimed as she jumped into his outstretched arms. He towered over her, seven feet at least. He lifted her into the air by her waist like a child.

    Lee heard the door lock behind her. She twisted her head back around to find another man, this one also familiar. He suddenly shifted into smoke and drifted toward her. The other man materialized behind her. She reached out and touched his face, caressing fondly. Hunter? You’re both here? What’s going on? Not that I’m not glad to see you. She turned back to Weston, cocking her head. Mysterious. She grabbed Weston by the cheeks and shook his head. Always up to something. Now let me down, please.

    Weston kept his grip on her. While Hunter circled them, Weston grinned up at his hostage. "My, what have you been up to? Daughter of Light, queen, priestess and god. I knew you were in this world, but we expected you to be dormant. You’re overdue, aren’t you?"

    Lee narrowed her eyes at the beast of a man, her tiny body held like a fragile thing. She gave Weston a half smile, half snarl bearing her little fangs. "My dear, Weston. You have

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