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About this ebook

The true author of this book is my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. My loving and supportive wife, Onekia Brown has always supported me before walking with God and during my walk with God. Words can’t explain how much of a blessing she has been to me.
This book is a testimony of how God can use anyone, no matter where they are in life, to work in His Kingdom - let God use you!

PublisherJohn Brown
Release dateJan 6, 2023

John Brown

John Brown (1800-1859) was a staunch abolitionist who came to believe that violence and coercion was the only way to stop the scourge of slavery in the United States. Fiercely religious and believing himself to be the instrument of God sent to earth to personally abolish slavery, Brown led a life of activism and violent resistance, finally deciding that the best way to set off a slave liberation movement would be to capture the Federal armory at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, arm the slaves and then lead a violent rebellion that would sweep through the southern states. During the raid, in October of 1859, five men were killed and many more injured, but Brown and his forces did indeed take over the armory. Very few slaves joined his revolt, however, and the armory was soon retaken by the local militia and US Marines, the latter led by Robert E. Lee himself. Brown was tried immediately, found guilty and hanged in December of 1859, the first person to be executed for treason in the United States. John Brown delivered the following speech at the conclusion of his trial on November 2, 1859. He would be executed a month later and become a hero and martyr to the abolitionist cause.

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    Windfall - John Brown


    (wind symbolizes the Spirit of God)

    John Brown

    Copyright © 2022 John Brown

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    John Brown

    Published by Around the Loop Designs at Smashwords

    Copyright 2022 John Brown

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    To the true author of this book, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I also dedicate this to my loving and supportive wife, Onekia Brown, who has always supported me before walking with God and during my walk with God. Words can’t explain how much of a blessing she has been to me. She demonstrates genuine and unconditional love on a daily basis regardless of what season we are encountering.

    Also, my son, Ja’Quan Brown, who I love and make every effort to be an example for.

    I also dedicate this book to my sister, Sophia Brown, who has also supported my spirit-driven assignments.

    Cover Art

    The cover picture of this book was designed by my very own beloved son, Ja’Quan Brown. God has graced him with such an astonishing talent. Thank you son for your generous art contribution. Love, Dad!


    Chapter One – The Beginning and Ending of Life

    Chapter Two – I left my Garden of Eden

    Chapter Three – The Marriage Reconciliation

    Chapter Four –God placed employment back on the Table

    Chapter Five - Learning to Trust God as He guide

    Chapter Six - Seeking God and Pressed In

    Chapter Seven - The Calling of God and Preparation

    Chapter Eight - Employment back on the Table

    Chapter Nine - God’s Book Vision

    Chapter Ten - Message One See Beyond What You Are Facing

    Chapter Eleven - Message Two My testimony, From Saul to Paul

    Chapter Twelve - Messages Three Go Into Egypt

    Chapter Thirteen - Message Four Distraction of Fear

    Chapter Fourteen - Message Five Will You Come into the Ark

    Chapter Fifteen - Message Six Unforgiveness

    Chapter Sixteen - Message Seven Possess Your Land

    Chapter Seventeen - Message Eight Throw off your Cloak


    Chapter 1 – The Beginning and Ending of Life

    John 17:3 NIV

    On Sunday, August 1, 1982, at the tender age of 13 I surrendered my heart to God and happily accepted the Holy Spirit to dwell within me. I was a member of a Pentecostal denominational church, and in those days the church would have what you called Tarrying Services. In these services is where you would seek the Lord for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit by calling on the name of Jesus as you wait to be filled with the comforter and the sign of Tongues. My mother raised me and my three other siblings as a single mother for the most part of our lives. We were mostly raised in the projects, so I committed a lot of time and efforts in church, such as becoming a member of the choir. As a member of the church choir, I played the drum set in the music ministry. In doing so, this kept me away from bad and negative influences of my environment. You would be surprised on how I learned to play the drums. Well, I began by using silverware as drum sticks and plates, glasses, cups and furniture as the actual drums and cymbals. Eventually, I received the opportunity to get on the real drum set at church little by little. It was sort of embarrassing at first because I would jump off beat and make errors. Ultimately, I learned to stay on beat and maneuver different rudiments while playing. Playing the drums was a gift from God, as I got better and better by the help of the Holy Spirit. As I gained experience and time, I became very good on the drums. I received an anointing to play the instrument, even for a college choir while I was in high school. In 1983, my mother and father decided to reconcile and move us to Pontiac, Michigan. Most of my father’s family was up north, including my grandmother and grandfather on my father’s side. To make a long story short, their relationship did not work out as they thought.

    Therefore, my mother made a decision to take me and my siblings to Detroit, Michigan to start over. Unfortunately, we had no place to live so we ended up in a shelter for the homeless for approximately three or four months. There were many other kids

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