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Never the Same Again: The Transforming Power of Jesus in My Life
Never the Same Again: The Transforming Power of Jesus in My Life
Never the Same Again: The Transforming Power of Jesus in My Life
Ebook117 pages1 hour

Never the Same Again: The Transforming Power of Jesus in My Life

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Never the Same Again is written to inspire both Christians and non-Christians alike. The God of the Bible, who moved powerfully in the lives of people of old, both ordinary and notable, and who performed miracles, signs, and wonders is the same God of yesterday, today, and forever. He has not changed and He will never change. He still transforms lives, heals, delivers, blesses, uses, and moves powerfully in the lives of those who believe in Him and serve Him in Spirit and in truth. His children can testify to this.
Release dateJan 4, 2023
Never the Same Again: The Transforming Power of Jesus in My Life

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    Never the Same Again - Reverend Elizabeth Sade Williams

    Copyright © 2023 Reverend Elizabeth Sade Williams.

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

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    Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-8658-3 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 03/01/2023


    Never the Same Again

    The Transforming Power of Jesus in My Life

    Rev. Elizabeth Sade Williams




    1. Man Born of a Woman Is Full of Trouble

    2. Undiagnosed, Inexplicable Illnesses

    3. Too Good but True; a Real Turn-Around

    4. The Gift from Above

    5. Bus Journey Experience

    6. The Plea of a Confused Man: Lady, Please Tell Me Something.

    7. I Want to Commit Suicide, Talk to Me.

    8. Healing From HIV/AIDS/Hepatitis B and C

    9. Barren Women Blessed with Children

    10. Praying for Servants of God

    11. Praise and Worship the Lord

    12. Witch’s Power Blocked; Psalm 91 Fulfilled

    13. Midnight Visitation; the Awesome Presence of God

    14. Flames of Fire

    15. Dead Grandmother brought back to life in the name of Jesus

    16. The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

    17. A nine-year-old boy and his thirteen-Year-old sister receive the Holy Spirit on the Phone

    18. Go out into the World and preach the Gospel

    19. Jesus Is No More on the Cross, why are you still carrying it?

    20. I Prayed to God for this Boy—A Mother’s Joy

    21. The Power of Prayer: It Changes Situations

    22. Fill My Cup Lord

    23. A Muslim’s Confession; ‘’You Are Covered with the Glory of God’’

    24. Voice for the Voiceless

    25. It’s Rewarding

    26. You Can Have What You Say

    27. Take the Keys, the House is Yours

    28. Take the Keys, Open the Door, and Enter

    29. I Need the Holy Spirit, Please Pray for Me

    30. Holy Spirit Baptism at Work

    31. The Adulterous Pastor

    32. The Father’s Touch—Jesus Carried Me on His Shoulder, Then He Healed Me.

    33. My Calling into the Ministry; A Charge to Keep I Have

    34. ‘Jesus’ Promise Fulfilled

    35. Walking in the Spirit

    36. You Can Win a Soul a Day, really!

    37. The Vision Is for an Appointed Time

    38. Who Am I to Build a Church for the Lord?

    39. Eight Times Burgled: Burglars Exposed After Prayers

    40. The Confession of a Witch

    41. The Witch I Prayed with, you are not to pray for everyone

    42. God, Please Take Me Home: A Pastor’s Plea

    43. The Master is coming soon, Are you ready?


    My deepest appreciation to

    My husband Thomas- ever since we got married in 1985, you’ve always been there for me. Thank you for being my friend and making our marriage peaceful. I couldn’t have prayed for a better husband. I love you dearly.

    Our dearest sons Nathaniel and Dan- the help and support that you render whenever I need you is highly appreciated. Both of you are such a blessing. I love you loads.

    Our daughter Gladys- thank you for your helpful advice. The thought of you alone brings gladness and joy to our hearts; what a blessing you are to our family, the body of Christ, and to those who know you. I really love and appreciate you.

    Our beloved Amanda Honey Twum-Barima, thank you for your love and care, we love you dearly.

    The Church of Pentecost, where I was brought up, nurtured, and taught sound doctrine, and where I also served as deaconess for twenty-nine years, thank you.

    Rev Dr Daniel Chea, Principal, AMNOS Church Planting School and wife, Helen Chea, and the entire staff--for igniting in me the fire of witnessing and evangelism, I sincerely appreciate you.

    My parents in the Lord, Reverend Isaac Adewale, (called to glory) -thank you for availing yourself to be used by the Lord for me in my ordination.

    Reverend Mrs. Mary Adewale for your motherly love and prayers.

    My sister, Pastor Tutu Adisa- even though you are my big sister, you always put me ahead of you. Thank you for the role you play in my ministry.

    Sister Silvina Pope, and my niece- Rachel Olaoye, thanks for your encouragement to write this book. I love you both.

    The trustees and members of Jesus’ Return Evangelistic Ministry- thank you for your support, dedication and commitment.

    Most importantly, my deepest gratitude is to Jesus Christ, my Lord, my Saviour and Master, who has been my help in ages past. I cannot thank you well enough for all you have done for me and your people. To you Lord be glory, honour, and adoration. I will love and serve you forever, for the rest of my life.


    It is my pleasure to tell you about the miraculous signs and wonders that the Most High God has performed for me.

    ‘’How great are His signs,

    how mighty His wonders!

    His kingdom is an eternal kingdom;

    His dominion endures from generation to generation’’. (Daniel 4:2–3 NIV}

    But the people who know their God shall be strong and do great exploits. (Daniel 11:32 B)

    God loves to rule in the affairs of His children, to visit them as He did Adam and Eve in the beginning, to walk with them, lead, guide, and direct them just as I, a parent, would love to do with my children.

    He responds to those who seek Him daily with their whole hearts, by walking with them, blessing them, using them to bless others and transform lives, and do exploits.

    I have very often heard Christians saying, Where are the miracles of old? We don’t see them happen in churches nowadays. The truth is that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has not changed; the God of Joshua, who held up the moon and the sun for a whole day, is still alive. Joshua said, "O sun, stand still over Gibeon, O moon, over the valley of Ajalon, So the sun stood still and the moon stopped’’ (Joshua 10:12B-13A).

    The God who listened to Joshua, the God of Elijah, Elisha, and

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