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The Scientists: Rise of the Chemist
The Scientists: Rise of the Chemist
The Scientists: Rise of the Chemist
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The Scientists: Rise of the Chemist

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About this ebook

Delve into the world of spiritual powers that enables the control of science.
Three spiritual scientists go on a quest to enhance their powers by doing good deeds and to try and find a true philosopher who can guide their powers in the right direction.
But their efforts confront them with a group of evil scientists who use the spiritual energy in a different way

PublisherRauf Ali
Release dateJan 7, 2023
The Scientists: Rise of the Chemist

Rauf Ali

My name is Rauf Ali and I am a student of social sciences. I am currently working on my novels which are going to be a trilogy. In the side I make perfumes and learn about aromatherapy.

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    The Scientists - Rauf Ali

    The Scientists

    Rise of the chemist

    Rauf Ali

    Copyright © Rauf Ali

    All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any from or by any means, including photocopying, recording or any other electronic or mechanical means, without the prior permission of the author in written form. For permission requests or any other comments e-mail at

    First published

    December 2022

    This book is dedicated to my sister, my daughter and my wife.

    Chapter 1

    A thunderous sound was lost in the environment. It was an explosion. Hadid had made a vacuum hemi-sphere with a radius of two kilometers so that the sound of their training cannot be heard. Wali could see the smoke mushroom rise up. He held his hands apart at shoulder height and clapped them, there was another explosion, but this time smaller and quieter. 

    No, no! That was awful. You're better than that. What would you do in a fight? Hadid scolded his best friend. 

    Let me try acid. requested Wali. 

    Haven’t you practiced that enough already?

    That is my favorite!

    Wali held his hands together tightly, pressing his fingers hardly against the bones of the back his both hands. He slowly let them go and there were thousands of clear droplets in front of him falling like rain on the hot sands of the vast desert they were training in. The acid began to eat the sand and in a few seconds there was an impression on ground. 

    See how powerful this is., remarked Wali. 

    I like explosions better, they look more violent. Physics is better than Chemistry anyways. commented Haidid, let me demonstrate.

    He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, brought his hands up in the air and reopened his eyes. The sands in front of him started to revolve and soon there was a tornado. He brought his hands down toward his shoulders and quickly raised them again. Blue energy started to appear inside the tornado and it turned into a horrible lightning. 

    The sound of electricity pounded on Wali's ears. So what do think? asked Hadid. 

    Too slow!

    I can produce quick shocks if you want speed!

    Hadid pointed towards nearby shrubs and a stream of electrical energy flew from his hands and burned them. He did this two more times like he is punching a speed bag and two more shrubs got caught on fire. 

    Yea nice! exclaimed Wali. 

    Now I think we should combine our powers to produce a variety of powerful attacks. Suggested Hadid. 

    Lemme think... Yeah... This should work pretty well... Wali whispered something in Hadid's ears.

    Wali stretched his arms horizontally in front of him and opened his hands facing the ground, the sand beneath his hands started, moving slowly, its particles coming closer together, condensing. The color of the sand began to change, first it became black and then shining silver. 

    There you go. High grade stainless steel. 90% iron, said Wali.

    How deep is it? asked Hadid. 

    Not much. I made a little now to try our trick. I'll make more if you like it.

    Ok. Now I'll melt it.

    Hadid put his hands on the fresh steel and they became soft right away. He stood up, made a gesture as if he is telling the steel to get up. Droplets of molten steel came floating in the air. Now he brought his hands behind the droplets like he is ready to push them away. Balls of steel turned into pointy spikes. Hadid pushed them and they fired away in a straight line like bullets. 

    This is cool! remarked Hadid. 

    Definitely., said Wali. 

    We should have a target, so we can practice our aim.

    Yeah you're right, let’s put it 100m away.

    Wali moved his arms up slowly as if he is raising something. The sands in front of him were changing into wood as he was raising his arms. Now there was a big block of wood in front of him. He created a circle with his hands and the square block became a circle 6ft in diameter. Wali quickly moved his right hand around in circles to paint the target white and red. 

    Here is our target. said Wali. 

    Hadid grabbed Wali by his arms and they teleported 100m away. 

    Now supply me with metal, said Hadid can you melt it to? So that I just have to turn them into bullets and shoot?

    Yea, I think I can handle that much physics.

    Wali created molten steel and Hadid fired them away. Some of them missed the targets. And some hit it in good points. 

    Why don't you shape them into bullets too so that I can focus just on shooting. Like this I’ll increase my accuracy. suggested Hadid. 

    Oh no! So much work. Let’s try it. said Wali

    He created more steel bullets and telekineted them in front of Hadid. Hadid shot them with extreme force and they fired away. More hit the target this time. See that was better. said Hadid. He bended the light rays to magnify the view to have a look at the target. 

    10 hit on bulls eye. exclaimed Hadid

    That’s good for beginners. How many bullets did we fire anyways? asked Wali

    something like 100 I think said Hadid

    Now try shooting one bullet at a time. suggested Wali

    He made more bullets and made one a float in front of Hadid until he shot it. This went on for a time. And they got better and faster every trial. 

    Well that was a hell of training said Hadid tired from hours of practice

    I like shooting projectiles. I wish I could telekinate as powerfully as you. We should try different metals and different bullets with extra attributes like explosion and acid next time. lectured Wali

    That sounds fun, that’s when your chemistry will be fully used.

    Well not fully, but to a great extent, I really do not know the end of our powers. What were we like 3 years ago? And what can we become 3 years later?

    You make me wonder. I hope nothing bad happens. As there comes duty with power.

    And enemies too. Of course we'll have to put our powers to good use. Stop crime. Make this world a better place... We really need a biologist in our team

    I think I know one. Remember that girl from our school, which I told you about?


    I suspect she’s a biologist. A number of times I’ve seen her heal plants and animals. It could be her powers or some other thing. We should check her out.

    That would be good... Our team will be complete with a biologist in it

    Should we head home now?

    Yes. Enough training for today.

    Hadid held Wali's hands and closed his eyes, in a few seconds they teleported smoothly from the middle of Sahara desert to Wali's apartment in Karachi – the port city of Pakistan. 

    The sun's already set here. said Wali

    I should probably head back home Hadid said hurriedly Are you coming to see me off?

    Yea, let’s go.

    The boys came down off the four floor building using stairs, they did not want to attract attention towards their powers. 

    I'll get going now... said Hadid

    What’s that? said Wali, shocked. 

    It seemed like two men are robbing a civilian. Hadid and Wali slowly walked near them. Get everything out! one of the men said fiercely. 

    I don't have anything. said the victim, afraid and anxious. 

    You liar! said the other criminal giving a blow to the victims head with the butt of his hand gun. 

    Wali, what should we do?

    Wrap them in chains! whispered back Wali

    Wali created a length of iron chains with a quick flick of his right hand. Hadid telekineted them toward the criminals and bound both of their legs together. With force their bodies bounced with each other and they fell on the ground. Hadid telekineted their guns into his hands. The boys walked close to them. 

    Are you safe my friend? Wali said softly to the victim. No one could see anyone's face because of the dark as the electricity was turned off for the time being, but still Wali could feel the horror the man was in. 

    What are you guys! said one the criminals shocked and surprised. 

    We are just saviors of this man right here, for now. said Hadid cunningly. 

    Let us go and we will just walk away.

    Sure! But let the innocent leave safely first. Wali smirked at Hadid. You're free to go my friend. 

    Thanks a lot... I don't know what to say... said the victim

    You don't need to say anything, just walk home safely. said Hadid. 

    The man left. Wali sat down beside the struggling and moaning criminals. Made two bricks of iron and plated them with gold. Hadid chained their hands with a swish of his fingers. Wali placed the bars on their chests and Hadid tucked their weapons in their pants after unloading them. 

    Teleport them away in front of the police station Hadid! Wali said amusingly. 


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