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Cyber: Origin
Cyber: Origin
Cyber: Origin
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Cyber: Origin

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Six decades ago, aliens attacked Earth, sparking a medical and technological boom. A small portion of people began reporting about superpowers, while others reported about monsters, as humans became a global minority by 40 percent. In a desperate act to maintain order, the world's governments constructed two organizations: The Scrappers to fix a

Release dateFeb 15, 2023
Cyber: Origin

Benjamin H. Adams

Cyber: Origin is Benjamin H. Adams' first book, but it will not be his last.

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    Cyber - Benjamin H. Adams


    The Lost of a Friend


    he sky was darker than the woods. I was standing over Jim, my best friend’s close casket going in the ground. I turned to my friend’s mother and Father. Billy and Jenny walked up to them and, as I waited for my turn to give my condolences.

    I walked up to Mrs. Sabatone. She was in her leg chair under the shade of trees, fitting to match the atmosphere of this whole ordeal.

    I said with tears filling my eyes, jaw quenching, and said, I am sorry for your loss. I went to shake their hands, but they hugged him for a minute.

    Mrs. Sabatone said, I don’t see how a good God can give powers like these barbarians! Why do… they feel like…they have the right to?Mrs. Sabtone broke down. We huddle around her and comfort her in some way. As if anyone here would disagree. I was unsure of what to do, I placed my hand on her shoulder and bowed my head.

    I said without hesitation, If you need anything, call me. I turned towards my parents and walked to them. As I walked, I thought of what Mrs. Sabatone said. It was so accurate it hit me like a ton of bricks. If these barbarians don’t use their gifts to better humanity, then I will use mine to stop them. At this moment, I decided to help as many as I could. Stop this mess once and for all. I saw my friends except Becky heading to their parents’ cars. I could not see or find Becky

    Mom said, We are heading home.

    Then I calmly said, Yes, mam. As I walked to the car, I pondered what I could do legally to stop this unnecessary bloodshed. I thought of his sons and daughters who lost their parents trying to change the way things are. I knew if I were going to do anything, I would have to go and apply for the sheriff’s appearance ship. Then jump in the deep end. When I finally ended up near our car Luke, my brother dashed past him and jumped on the door. I remembered the back car door to a white Honda. I was so focused on how to handle my new dilemma. I did not feel like eating or socializing. Dad opened the driver’s door while Mom opened the passenger car door. Mom put on the radio, but it sounded like it was static on the way home. None barely spoke a word.

    When they got to the double-wide, they called home. Everyone went in to change their dress clothes afterwards, mom and Luke went to prepare dinner. Dad went to the living room and cut on the T.V. I walked to the front door and put his hand on it to close it.

    Dad asked, David, where are you going?

    I responded, The shed to work for a little bit.

    Dad said with a calming voice, Don’t stay out all night. I walked to the back of the property, where the shed is. I took off my necklace with my key and pointed it at the door.*click* The door slowly opens as a light cuts on to reveal robotic limbs, blueprints for various weapons, and tools. I walked into a desk with a stool. The shed door slowly closes. The desk was covered with blueprints mapping out their design for the robot. I looked down and picked up a pencil. I needed to know who, how and why. WHY would someone do this? I then dug a hole for a man or anyone to fit in. As I looked around, I rolled to a computer and scanned the armored gauntlet. I sent the blueprint to the 3D printer. The printer began printing as I stared at it, almost assuring myself that this would be out. I checked for the E.T.A. 3 hours till completion. I had time to kill, so I rolled to the other half of the shed to the side with modded drones.

    It will get there, and back it will work, I said while inspecting the drones. I reached for a welder’s mask mounted on the side of the wall. I then picked up a saw, picked and as it cut, the jet repulsors sparks flew around me. Eventually, all the drones were made, only the boosters remained. Did I use spare wings for a jetpack? Am I going to fly around? How else am I going to get around? The arms and hands would have me to steer. I looked at the 3D printer, and it said E.T.A till completion, four minutes. And though I could temporarily use my arms to guide, I might need to experiment later. I rolled my stool over to the scrap box. I reimaged through it till I found a following of titanium about four feet long and three wide. If I could fix this to be a chest plate, it would help me. As I carried it over to the desk, I picked up a hammer and started pounding the metal in place. *Bleep* I turned to the 3D printer and walked to it, and I pulled back the glass cover back and got it out before closing it. I then reached for the robot scraps. I honestly was looking for any robotic limbs. I am going to make them out of the trash for now. What can I use as a weapon? The shed door clicked and started to open.

    As Dad walked in he said, Dinner is ready. What about you?

    I smirked and said, Nice reference, just let me lock up.

    Dad looked confused. What reference?

    I laughed and got up with my key in hand and said, Nevermind so what is for dinner.

    Dad smiled and said, Spaghetti and hamburger meat. We both walked out as I looked back. I walked towards the house during sunset. Dad and I looked forward to the house. The sky was painted by the sunsetting a beautiful orange and pink. Clouds formed a spot-like manner only to be cut off by the trees’ luscious green.

    He turned to look at me and said, I honestly don’t know what you do in there.

    Well, I honestly didn’t know what to do today, but I said, I started a project that Jim and I talked about.

    Dad nodded and said, I understand. Just to make sure whatever it is you start, make sure you plan.

    I looked to see a calm, understanding man. All I could say was, Yes, Sir.

    As we walked up the stairs, I went to open the door. My hand gripped the door and turned it while I pushed it. Luke was seated in the dining room. Mom was in her apron with her brown hair up.put the pot of spaghetti on the table. My father and I came through the door to the living room painted a bright blue and white trim. The paint style flowing into the dining room was interrupted by an archway to the den and Luke’s room, a window, and a rectangular table.

    She said, Close the door bugs will get in. Dad shut the door. We both sat at our spots. Dad made plates as mom passed one to me then to Luke. Dad made his and then Mom’s plates.

    We all bowed our heads, and Dad then started to pray, Dear our heavenly Father hallowed be thy name. We come to you in a season of mourning. Please be with Mrs. Sabatone, who has lost their only child due to violence beyond his control. We know Jimmy is with You in your eternal kingdom. If you want us to do anything within our power to help, may you lead us to whatever it may be? May you put a hedge to protect us, our church, and our humble little town. May you bless the food my spectacular wife prepared. Slowly our heads rose. I looked around at my caring family and the mountain of noodles covered in a coat of sauce and meat. I picked up a fork to turn the noodles around my fork.

    Luke was the first to speak. Did you hear what the Charelston Super Defenders said? I honestly have watched any news since this happened.

    I then asked, What did they say about the attack?

    Luke went to speak, but, suddenly mom interrupted and said, No, not now. I suddenly became curious, and these are the professionals. If anyone could or should know anything, it would be them.

    I then asked, What did they say? Mom went to speak, but Dad put his hand over Mom’s hand.

    Luke then looked over at me and said, They said powerless civilians should not have been anywhere near there unless he was in on it. The warning went out two minutes prior.

    Suddenly I was filled with anger as if my eyes became flames. Before I could form a rational thought, I then shouted with a booming voice, What are they on! It was a gas station that blew up due to gang-on hero violence. It was a freak accident. I don’t care if forty percent have powers. This kind of slander is unacceptable! What idiotic moron said this?

    Dad shouted, Enough! I see what you are saying, David, but you can not bash the heroes, people who put their lives on the line for you and everyone on this planet.

    I said, I’m sorry, Dad and Mom. I did not mean any disrespect I then started eating slowly. Honestly, I knew what I had to do. I had to protect those who could not defend themselves from those people that do not have a cell of humanity. I would need to act. After we finished dinner, I got dressed for bed. I walked to the living room where Mom and Dad were

    I walked up to them and said, Good night, Mom and Dad. I love you.

    Dad and Mom, almost in unison, love you too.I then went to bed, but I could not sleep. The morning came as always. I got up at six o’clock in the morning. I went to my closet to search for my uniform. Whenever I found it, I then went to the bathroom for a shower. I got out ready and saw mom was fixing us breakfast. Luke was eating eggs already dressed. Mom already had mine at my spot.

    I said, Thank you, Mom. I sat down and shoved it in my mouth.

    Mom, in her favorite pink-hearted apron, looked at me and said, It is alright, just try and have a better day than yesterday. Dad was in his Deputy’s uniform in the living room. He looked at us and went to the kitchen. He fixed his coffee as he looked at his wife.

    Dad then walked to the table and sat down at his spot. He sipped his coffee, looked at us, and said, So you ready for school?

    Luke glanced at Dad and replied, Not quite. I got a Math Test.

    I looked at Dad and said, I have not seen my friends since Jim’s funeral. It would be great to see them.

    Dad smiled in some sort of way to assure us and said, I understand it was a shock for all of us just.

    Luke interrupted, just don’t get in it with Isaiah.

    Dad gave Luke a stern glance as he tilted his hat to uncover. His eyes continued where he was interrupted, yes, and past your science for once.

    He looked at the clock before continuing. We better hurry up before we are late. He then chugged the cup of steaming coffee and got up. Then went to the sink and put it in. Told mom and headed to the front door. I got up and stuck my plate in the sink. Luke jumped up and grabbed his books. I went to do the same. We both then met up and went to the front door. We headed down the stairs to the truck. Dad is in the driver’s seat, starting to drive forward, furiously blaming the horn confused Luke, and I continue walking down the stairs.

    The passenger window rolls down as Dad shouts, I did not set the clocks in the house.

    I tried to beat Luke to the shotgun. Luke flung the door open and got in. I popped the back door open and hopped in. Dad then drove so fast that the grass spouted dirt from underneath. We will arrive an hour late. As long as Isaiah does something, we will both regret it would be great. Dad pulled up to the church. Luke and I raced to the front door. I beat Luke this time and rang the bell. We waited as the secretary came and opened the door. She stood in the middle of the doorway, almost as if she was one herself. The expressionless is similar to a plank of wood only decorated with wrinkles with blue blood-lined eyes.

    A very raspy airy sounding voice rang out. Morning, boys, late are we?

    Luke said, Yes, Miss Margret Dad forgot to change the clock forwards . as her expressionless face grimaced with bitter rage. As that airy, raspy voice trying to shout rang out once more.

    "Get in here, now.’’ She then moved ever so slightly to allow us as she was watching us. We then entered the long hallway in front of her door before you got to the walkways for the classes. The tiles were a pale green, walls a blain off mute white to compliment the pure white ceiling. I walked towards Miss Marget’s office while Luke walked towards the walkways. Miss Marget looked at him before she tried to reprimand him with that airy voice.

    She managed, Hey, where are you off to without a tardy slip?

    Luke turned around and begrudgingly walked back to her office. Miss Marget then opened her door with a dead expressionless face. She went to her desk and picked up a pad written on it only for a minute, maybe two, and handed us both a tardy slip. We both went to the walkways. Luke went to race through the middle school and said, see you later

    I looked at him and smiled as I said, see you soon, bro. I walked down the hallway to the third door on the left of Mr. Hasemburg’s science class. I opened the door and saw my whole class Mr. Hasemburg standing in front of the whiteboard, scientific theories strung on the walls.

    He looked at me and said, You are Late? my classmates glanced at us before talking again and looked at him as I made my way to my seat. On my way,

    I said, Yes, sir, we forgot to set the clocks forward.

    Mr. Hasemburg said, Ah yes, so a neglectful mentality caused you to be late just like your friend Jim. Probably what got him killed. A hush flowed through the classroom. I did not sit my stuff down, but I saw Billy’s head turning redder than a stop sign. Jenny was dead eyeing the front. Ricky was nowhere that could be seen as usual. Suddenly, Jim’s voice rang through my head. My patients just hit zero.

    I turned around and snapped, No, sir! Not even a good twenty hours ago, I watched them put my best friend placed six feet under. Then, you mocked a boy who provided for his mother whenever he could day in and day out. Sure he needs … I stopped for a moment to grasp the situation. Am I going to start something, or is that the fear of talking? I glanced at Mr. Hasemburg’s face while looking over his glasses. That smug old gas bag stared at me. I knew Issaiah would give me a piece of his mind.

    I continued, I mean, he needed to manage time better, but neglectful is not a word that anyone would use to describe him! He was a true friend willing to stand right beside you no matter what. He did what he could to know why he was at that gas station to get a job to attend your class and to provide for his mother. And you can tell your son that too.

    I dropped my stuff and sat at my desk. Mr. Hasemburg walked to his desk, and picked up a pen, and wrote on some paper. As he did this, I turned to look at Billy. His face painted a shocked expression. Whispers started to spawn all around the room. I could not say anything because I knew I had just dug myself a grave. I then turned to face the storm that was brewing. Mr. Hasemburg looked at me with blue lighting pouring out of his eyes. This cannot end well at all. Mr. Hasemburg walked back to the front of the whiteboard with a piece of paper in his hand.

    Mr. Hasemburg said, Now that the unprovoked juvenile excuse session is over. David, will you please go to Principle Asbel and take this with you. I grabbed my stuff, headed to the front, and went up to him. I could feel the entire room staring. I put my hand out to get it, but something seemed like he did not put it in my hand. His eyes filled with rage, and sparks flowed out.

    Mr. Hasemburg said with a booming voice, Are you not going to apologize for disturbing my eager-to-learn students? I put my hand next to my side.

    I turned to my class and my friends and said, I am sorry for losing my temper. I again put my hand out to accept my note to go to the office. Mr. Hasemburg slowly drops the pink piece of paper in my hand. I went to the door and opened it. I took a left. I started to make my way out to the principal’s office in the walkway. The long walk blurred, the lights were glaring down on me, my shadow staring at me almost disappointed. Why could I not talk calmly this time Mr. Hasemburg? I know Isaiah will be out for my head the second he hears about our little talk. I took a left, and at the end of a long walkway, a right each step; I wondered whether to try and make it up to him on Jim’s dream of bettering the community. I got to the door of the office, the secretary. I honestly can’t remember her name and nodded my head to go ahead. I knocked and heard her say to come in, walked into the office, and the principal was staring at me.

    Mrs. Asbel said, What brings you in here, David? I handed her the piece of paper. She looked at it and opened it with a puzzled look. Mrs. Asbel looked dead at me and crumpled up the paper lock eyes with me.

    Mrs. Asbel says, It is a Monday. Go to class. Keep your head down, Do not disturb his class. He is on the warpath. So just please get out before I put you in detention, and I will have to call your father.I went out of that office right as the bell rang out. I walked to the cafeteria because lunch was my next class. I made my way to the lunchroom, where I saw my friends at our usual spot. Where Bill and Jenny are already eating, Nicky is nowhere to be seen. Becky, lord knows she needs someone. I can not remember the last time she was not at school. I sat down with my lunch box next to Billy and looked at him. He had a buzzed head and brown eyes at the time. In comparison, Jenny had long blonde hair and blue hair.

    Billy said with an angered-filled voice, I know she did not punish you, right?

    I shook my head and said, No, she just threatened me as she used to, Jim.

    Jenny peered her head over and said, I got to know what happened. I was not there. The Hero Association is saying Jim did it himself.

    I looked at her and said, Jim wanted a new job right. The Gastion on the corner of the road in front of the park had a sign saying apply inside. Jim walked over shortly after the service when Molten Mutant busted out shooting flames, and a fire started. Jim got caught in the blast. The EMTs did not even cut on the siren.

    Billy said, Yeah, Hothead got it easy because Molten Mutant was the crook that burned the gas station.

    Jenny said with sarcasm pouring out of her mouth, Yeah, you can fight fire with fire. That will minimize destruction. our table of friends was letting everything set in, but one thing was clear on that day, nothing would ever be the same. We ate lunch for a little bit before.

    Jenny tried to start a conversation. That kid just has such an ego but thinks he is as powerful as The Global Guardian. I just don’t get why people use their powers for violence for no reason.

    I said, I understand what you’re saying, but some people don’t honestly care. They just do what they want to. Just look at Molten Mutant. He loves burning things sometimes for money, some of it just for fun.

    Billy looked up from his plate and said, Yeah, and speaking which. Isaiah is making his way towards us. I honestly thought he was joking, but a hand landed on my shoulder. I heard the lunchroom started to rise in volume and violence. I turned to see what it was. It was Isaiah with a storm brewing in his soul. Jet black hair raising due to him charging up. Before I could say a thing, he tased me with his power. I was on the ground shaking while screaming in pain.

    He said with a booming voice, You challenge me, You pathetic powerless idiot.

    I locked eyes with him and forced myself to reply, Ahh, that hurt. No, I am just a kid who does not want his friend’s name to be drug through the mud. The second I got that out of my mouth, he picked me up with one hand by my neck. And his lightning flashed in his eyes before he opened his. I saw his friend George who was as big as a wall towering over him and just as tough as one behind him. He was fixing to tase me again. Jenny jumped off the seat and ran for the door.

    Isaiah took his free hand, and Billy grabbed a fork and rushed at Isaiah. Isaiah whipped his head around and dropped me before aiming his finger as if it was a gun. I grabbed my shoulder, pouring blood from the new burn. I took a moment to think. I glared up at Isaiah, charging up his finger while pointing it dead at Billy. I reared up my foot and kicked him in the shin. Isaiah pointed the charged finger at my head. I closed my eyes for a second to breathe what I thought was my final breath. Then that would have been a pretty short story. I felt something grab my hand and yank me. I opened my eyes to see who it was. I saw my friend Ricky. I looked to see where I was before he grabbed me. I was under the table. Ricky put his finger over his mouth, making a shushing noise. Isaiah let out a blood-curdling scream. Billy was stabbing Isaiah’s hand.

    Suddenly a familiar voice blared. Stop right now. Isaiah handled his hand, dripping blood. Billy was gaining his focus. I crawled out from under the table, barely able to stand. Ricky was gone. I honestly don’t blame him for getting out of dodge. Jenny was next to Mrs. Asbel. Mrs. Asbel had the expression of stone-cold rage.

    She looked around the lunchroom once before she locked eyes with us.

    Mrs. Asbel said in a calm, almost unnerving determiner, You four my office immediately.

    Billy walked, still grabbing the fork for dear life. I took my hand off my shoulder and calmly took the blood-covered fork out of his hand. I walked, then he followed me. Isaiah let out a chuckle before following. Mrs. Asbel walked us all into her office and none of us said a word. I knew something would have happened if I had opened my mouth. I honestly should have stopped when I had the chance. Mrs. Asbel opened her office door and ushered us in. She went to her desk and sat in her seat.

    Mrs. Asbel asked, Well, why did you all start turning my lunchroom into a warzone? I mean, seriously, I just sent you to lunch. You end up with a burn.

    She looks at me before continuing. Now, all four of you have the week off. Due to you all being suspended. Now go to the nurse’s office before I get the police involved, but I will contact all of your parents . I did not know what to say. Isaiah walked into the office. I just walked to the nurse’s office. I walked into the nurse’s office and sat on the waiting chairs While Isaiah walked with a bloody hand. Bill sat right next to me. I looked at him.

    He looked at me and said, Hey Dave.

    I answered, Hey, Billy.

    Billy asked, Do you think that could have ended any better?

    I stopped for a moment to think before saying, Well, no, I got another burn, but you and Jenny helped. Yes, but I am glad it is over.

    Bill smirked before saying, Okay, bud, I will be upfront near the sign-out area. Isaiah walked out with the nurse. The nurse was in a blue uniform.

    She locked eyes with us before saying. Okay, you come in. I sat down on patience’s bed and took off my shirt. The nurse went to the cabinet and grabbed bandages and ointment. She handed an opened container to me, so I plopped a handful of it on the spot left by Isaiah. A sharp pain shot threw out my entire body. She handed me bandages then began to walk off.

    She turned around and asked, You know how to put those on right.

    I quietly nodded before wrapping around the shoulder and my torso. I eventually got up and put my shirt on. I headed on my way to the front to wait for my parents. I just pray to God Dad is not still on patrol. The pace was going slow as molasses grinding to a halt when Isaiah and George stood in the door to the front office.

    Isaiah looked with a twisted look at me and said, I am going to be a hero by not being afraid to do what others are afraid to do. Unlike you, who is still too scared to take his father’s pistol and make it easier on everyone by ending it. George grinned and began to laugh before pointing. They both walked past me. Isaiah shocked my other side. George rammed his shoulder into mine. I walked to the front desk to wait for my parents to pick me up. Today was not the worst day I’ve had in a while. I waited for what seemed like an entirety. As I sat still, the time drug on, Jenny came by with my stuff and handed it to me.

    She smiled and said, Hey, here you go. Bill done left?

    I nodded before saying, Yeah, his Dad lives only five minutes away. That or he was on patrol.

    Jenny said, " Yeah, sorry, I got

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